I mean, he's been advocating for BLM's goals as much as any of the other candidates, even more after the netroots thing. And his actual policies and record are better for the movement than anybody running. The whole thing just seems so bizarre. I mean, if it were just about keeping pressure up to make sure a candidate actually follows through once in office, it still wouldn't make sense to focus on Sanders since he's not going to be the nominee.I don't think they're saying he's a racist, but that he's just ignoring their issues. Pretty sure the only reason they aren't pulling this shit on Clinton is that she has actual campaign security and Sanders doesn't.
I don't get it either. Only thing I can think of is that Bernie talks about economic injustice and the huge income divide a lot. I think BLM folks would like him to address the social injustice first, even though it's on his resume. It's really hard to understand the dynamic.I mean, he's been advocating for BLM's goals as much as any of the other candidates, even more after the netroots thing. And his actual policies and record are better for the movement than anybody running. The whole thing just seems so bizarre. I mean, if it were just about keeping pressure up to make sure a candidate actually follows through once in office, it still wouldn't make sense to focus on Sanders since he's not going to be the nominee.
The security thing makes sense, if protesters are trying to get to all of the candidates and Bernie is just the one with the least security. It's just unfortunate because there are some pretty significant grievances that can and should be levied at Clinton (and O'Malley) on this topic. Instead she comes out smelling like roses and Sanders is painted as unsympathetic to issues facing black people.
I have been reading Free Republic and it's very interesting to see many users starting to use the GOPe etymology when it pertains to the GOP attacking Trump. Anyone knows what it means?
edit: I think I just figured it out. The small e might mean 'elite'.
GOP establishment?
Fucking Bernie Sanders threads. I told myself I'd stop posting in them, and then I did, and so I'm rewarded with this idiocy.
I'm convinced Breitbart is parody. It seems like the majority of commenters support Trump and massively downvote the dissenters. Even the articles themselves usually have a more positive spin of his antics. One commenter said that Erick Erickson was a RINO. Literally the first I've ever heard someone call him that of all people.
150,000? Holy shit!![]()
15,0000 in Seattle.
The problem is that journalists, political operatives, and talking heads are treating Trump's campaign like every other campaign, when it very clearly isn't. Normally when a high level adviser leaves a campaign in this manner it does mean it's "seriously damaged from within." The problem is Trump isn't running a normal campaign. They can't just take the events surrounding his campaign and fit them into the same stories they'd write about every other campaign, and no one has realized that yet. It's why FOX tried to end him the way they did, normally that would sink someone but for all we know they just made him even more powerful.
In the future people will study this campaign, just like they did Reagan's use of TV, and future journalists, political operatives, and talking heads will be better prepared to deal with something like this. Right now everyone is dealing with something they don't entirely understand and they just aren't adapting fast enough.
I think, and god help us, that the only person who really understands what is going on right now is Trump himself. No one else has a clue.
150,000? Holy shit!
A couple of days old, but still worth posting.
WaPo: As campaign heats up, Republican candidates are rushing to the right
According to the stats in this piece, 65% of Republicans support abortion in cases of rape. Seventy-five percent of the general population supports it.
Hillary is going to crucify these fuckers in the general election over this stuff.
Oh, and the video of Rubio in this story is fucking amazing:
Are they not aware that video exists? How the hell are they going to move back to the middle come the general?
Oh, and the video of Rubio in this story is fucking amazing:
Do you want to really have a government in the decision of deciding what a human life is and whats not a human life?" Rubio finally asked.
Rubio isn't sold on scientists regarding climate, but is sold on "science" saying life begins at conception (which I'm guessing like 2% of scientists in that field would agree with).
Are they not aware that video exists? How the hell are they going to move back to the middle come the general?
This is incredibly wrong. The moment a sperm meets the egg, life begins. Scientists are united on that. The question in this case is more, "When do scientists say HUMAN life begins?"
The one bad thing I see here: Cruz is insane, and he's going to get Carson's and Fiorina's numbers when they collapse.
How is he still the frontrunner after those comments?
Ted Cruz jumped up 10 percentage points and Bush and Walker are now less than 8%? I'd like to see how this survey was taken.
How is he still the frontrunner after those comments?
This is incredibly wrong. The moment a sperm meets the egg, life begins. Scientists are united on that. The question in this case is more, "When do scientists say HUMAN life begins.
Did you see Jeb fumble his way through the debate?
In a way this is heartening news. If even 8% had intention of voting for Jeb I would despair.
Ugh, I had this exact conversation with someone on facebook the other day. They were under the impression that if they could get me to say an embryo is technically "human" it was some great victory for them. As if using semantics to label something "human" means anything.
Poodlestrike said:Because Trump has tapped into a demographic nobody was really paying attention to until now: the pure, mindless rage demographic. The people who are just so angry at "the system," that they stop giving a fuck about anything else. These people don't really care who gets hurt in the process, they just want to tear down the existing dynamics, often for very stupid reasons. It's why he's picking up nominal support from both sides of the aisle, in the "if I can't get Sanders I might just vote Trump" sort of way. His policy positions (such as they are) don't matter nearly as much as his blind, unthinking responses. He's angry (or he acts that way), and that's where his support is coming from.
That's why Trump keeps on picking up points despite claiming that all Mexican immigrants are criminals sent here by their government, it's why him making snide remarks about Megyn Kelly's period didn't hurt him: his base doesn't give a fuck. This is the end game of the Republican fear & outrage machine, and it's glorious to watch.
Ugh, I had this exact conversation with someone on facebook the other day. They were under the impression that if they could get me to say an embryo is technically "human" it was some great victory for them. As if using semantics to label something "human" means anything.
If I wasn't sure that Hilary would win I'd be despairing for the world right now. Any of these people would make the world a worse place as President, Trump, Cruz, and Carson especially.
And I haven't seen the full debate, but I thought Kasich did well? How is he not there?
If I wasn't sure that Hilary would win I'd be despairing for the world right now. Any of these people would make the world a worse place as President, Trump, Cruz, and Carson especially.
And I haven't seen the full debate, but I thought Kasich did well? How is he not there?
That poll seems too bizarre for me to believe.
I need more info on it.
Your personal feelings on the matter still don't negate the fact that what I said is scientifically correct.