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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Newsome? I'll always be thankful for his push on the marriage issue. But beyond that, I have no real feeling for or against.


Meanwhile, Dick Morris (aka, "YummyToes McGee") is weighing-in on the whole debate issue..
Dick Morris: Fox Bias 'Rivaled Stephanopoulos'

In its debate coverage, FoxNews’ recent desire to be accepted into the fraternity of leftist-leaning journalists was on full display. Having built its audience by being fair to conservatives, its anchors now seek to pivot to the left in order to satisfy their professional peers.

It is very revelatory that CNN praised Fox News for its handling of the debate.

Fox News couldn’t care less what the audience or the Republican candidates thought of them. It was trying to make it in the journalistic cocktail circuit. That’s why they pummeled Trump with such personal attacks and treated all of the other candidates like enemies.

Megyn Kelly was especially partisan, her bias showing through her questioning of Trump. You can bet she’ll never be as tough on Hillary as she was on the Donald last night and certainly won’t be asking her personal questions.

Fox News showed an arrogant contempt for its audience in its leftist bias and was, in effect, telling them that they have no other place to go.

FreeRepublic seems to have no shortage of these "Trump was screwed!" topics.

Meanwhile, here's Newsmax's front page stories..

And Breitbart has plenty of articles as well. Thousands of comments, with the community pretty damn divided over Trump and his treatment.

I spend waaaay too much time reading conservative news sites. Easily more time there than on any left-leaning sites, including PoliGAF. This is something quite unusual. Dare I say, this is quite possibly more entertaining than the Obergefell reactions..

And I don't know how this ends.

Mike M

Nick N
In its debate coverage, FoxNews’ recent desire to be accepted into the fraternity of leftist-leaning journalists was on full display. Having built its audience by being fair to conservatives, its anchors now seek to pivot to the left in order to satisfy their professional peers.

The fuck?


The fuck?

I KNOW! Amazing!

Then, along comes Lindsey Graham..
Graham says Trump is inflicting permanent damage on GOP, urges party leaders to stop ‘tiptoeing’

Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) said Saturday that fellow presidential candidate Donald Trump's derogatory commentary has begun inflicting permanent and possibly fatal damage to the Republican Party brand and urged GOP leaders to stop "tiptoeing" around the billionaire businessman and to confront him directly and unequivocally.

In an interview with The Washington Post, Graham said Trump's personal attacks on Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after she questioned him in Thursday night's primary debate were "an affront to all women" and undermine the Republican Party's urgent mission to appeal to more women voters.

“I think we’ve crossed that Rubicon, where his behavior becomes about us, not just him," Graham said. "I hope the party leadership will push hard. I hope that those seeking the nomination to be the standard bearer will unequivocally reject this. People gave Mr. Trump a pass on the [debate] stage. I understand that to a point, but we’ve crossed a line here that can’t be ignored. There can be no more tiptoeing around this.”

Yes, Lindsey, I agree completely: the party leadership needs to confront him and make his life very, very difficult ASAP. Do it! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha...!

supplemental image of Senator Graham in distress over this issue, courtesy of FR:
Newsome? I'll always be thankful for his push on the marriage issue. But beyond that, I have no real feeling for or against.


Meanwhile, Dick Morris (aka, "YummyToes McGee") is weighing-in on the whole debate issue..

FreeRepublic seems to have no shortage of these "Trump was screwed!" topics.

Meanwhile, here's Newsmax's front page stories..

And Breitbart has plenty of articles as well. Thousands of comments, with the community pretty damn divided over Trump and his treatment.

I spend waaaay too much time reading conservative news sites. Easily more time there than on any left-leaning sites, including PoliGAF. This is something quite unusual. Dare I say, this is quite possibly more entertaining than the Obergefell reactions..

And I don't know how this ends.
I think this is it. Either the tea party base holds resilient behind Trump and he makes it in as the nominee, or he's so pissed off that he runs as a third party candidate. Either way he will be in the general election.

Hillary's going to laugh her way to the White House.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, Erick Erickson is against Donald Trump now cause of his misogynistic comments? LOL.

But this is a pretty weird rift we got here between the base.

On the pro-Trump side you got:

- Rush Limbaugh
- Breitbart
- Free Republic

And on the Anti-Trump side you got:

- Fox News
- Erick Erickson

I have yet to see any Republican go against the word of Rush Limbaugh, so it'll be interesting if this rift keeps up.
Wait, Erick Erickson is against Donald Trump now cause of his misogynistic comments? LOL.

But this is a pretty weird rift we got here between the base.

On the pro-Trump side you got:

- Rush Limbaugh
- Breitbart
- Free Republic

And on the Anti-Trump side you got:

- Fox News
- Erick Erickson

I have yet to see any Republican go against the word of Rush Limbaugh, so it'll be interesting if this rift keeps up.

Is Trump going to escalate the civil war in the GOP??


Trump Camp in Crisis. Its all over surely he will implode now. Bush thinks he should not alienate 53% of the vote.

Renee Plummer, an influential Republican activist in New Hampshire who has not yet endorsed a candidate, called the comment “terrible.”
“He needs to get out,” she said.
“His is a campaign in crisis. He needs credible defenders,” said Bruce Haynes, a South Carolina Republican strategist and the president of Purple Strategies. “But he has not invested in organization and relationships. The result is he’ll have to crawl out of the hole he’s digging alone. And the hole is getting mighty deep.”
While a number of GOP candidates, gathered this weekend at Erickson’s RedState summit, were quick to condemn Trump’s remarks, those vying for the anti-establishment, anti-immigration hardliners who have propelled Trump’s run continued to handle him gingerly, refraining from making comments that could alienate that base down the road.

Asked if he was concerned about whether tension between Trump and the popular news host and her conservative network could hurt the billionaire with GOP primary voters, Lewandowski he is not aware of such a narrative. “I think the narrative was Donald Trump was the clear frontrunner and winner in the first debate,” he said, pointing to a unscientific Drudge Report reader poll that showed Trump winning Thursday’s debate by a wide margin.
The turmoil within the campaign and the widespread condemnation of Trump’s comments may matter little to his supporters, many of whom admire him above all else as an iconoclast. “I don’t see him going away, to be quite honest,” said Bill Hood, a conservative activist and Huckabee supporter at the RedState conference. “No matter what he says, they’ll defend him.”
In a break from the campaign’s typically unpierceable bravado, Lewandowski declined to speculate about what the first post-debate scientific polling might reveal. “I don’t know, man. I’m not a prognosticator,” he said.



Someone in the other thread brought up a good point.

Wouldn't be surprised if the GOP establishment threaten to blacklist any political operatives working on Trump's campaign.

along with the pro-trump and anti-trump camps, things will get very toxic if Trump continues to dominate. If Trump keeps this up and IF he survives into the primary, the establishment will just say "screw the risk, take him down at all cost". Jeb will probably be the hit guy. If Trump finds out he won't care at that point and go third party regardless of his performances in the primary. The guy seems very vengeful and I could see him polling a third party run between him, Bush and Clinton down the road in secret.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Why does he even need political operatives? To build an organization in Iowa? Like that's what he wants. Pssshaw.


I hope CNN flips the script and the first question asked turns out to be:

Mythical CNN Anchor Wolf Blitzerton 2000 said:
This question goes to all of the candidates on stage tonight. Can you all pledge that if Donald Trump is nominated as the next nominee of the Republican Party, you will give him your endorsement and complete support?


Roger Stone: I wasn't fired, I quit

The choice quote here that gives me endless hope:

“He is losing his grip on reality,” Stone said. “He has these yes-men around him. And now he’s living in a parallel world."

Hopefully his sense of pride and all of these sycophants combined with how blatantly the GOP establishment is attacking him spurs Trump to continue the fight beyond a failed nomination into a third party candidacy.

Protesters who claimed affiliation with the BlackLivesMatter movement stormed the stage during a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in Seattle on Saturday, taking over the microphone.

Moments after Sanders took the stage at Westlake Park, two women and one man climbed the stage and confronted Sanders, demanding a chance to speak.

After several moments of confusion and confrontation, an event organizer took the microphone and said the protesters would be allowed to speak before Sanders.

One protester, who identified herself as Marissa Johnson, began by saying, “I was going to tell Bernie how racist this city is — with all of its progressives — but you’ve already done that for me. Thank you.”

“Bernie says that he’s all about the people and about grassroots. The biggest grassroots movement in this country right now is Black Lives Matter,” she added.

Johnson requested four-and-a-half minutes of silence from the crowd, to honor the four-and-a-half hours Michael Brown allegedly laid dead in the street after being killed in Ferguson, Mo., last year.

Some in the crowd jeered the protesters and yelled “get off the stage,” but others replied “let her talk.”

Don't think that was a good thing to do to Bernie.


Roger Stone: I wasn't fired, I quit

The choice quote here that gives me endless hope:

“He is losing his grip on reality,” Stone said. “He has these yes-men around him. And now he’s living in a parallel world."

Hopefully his sense of pride and all of these sycophants combined with how blatantly the GOP establishment is attacking him spurs Trump to continue the fight beyond a failed nomination into a third party candidacy.

I'll also settle for a lovely consolation prize:
Trump refuses to endorse the nominee, deeming him a "loser." Then, a chunk of his supporters are so embitttered that they hold steadfast in their resolve to sit at home on Election Day. Shave a percent or two off from their candidate in the general, and he's toast. Shave that same percent or two off from the conservative side of turnout, and more House races suddenly come into play.


I have yet to see any Republican go against the word of Rush Limbaugh, so it'll be interesting if this rift keeps up.
What? Did you already forget how anti-McCain he was in the 2008 primary and anti-Romney he was in the 2012 primary?

Both times the candidate he railed against the hardest won the republican primary.


I'll also settle for a lovely consolation prize:
Trump refuses to endorse the nominee, deeming him a "loser." Then, a chunk of his supporters are so embitttered that they hold steadfast in their resolve to sit at home on Election Day. Shave a percent or two off from their candidate in the general, and he's toast. Shave that same percent or two off from the conservative side of turnout, and more House races suddenly come into play.

Ooh, this would be marvelous as well... and with the legitimacy of propaganda arm of the Republican party called into question (in the most ironic and unexpected manner), it will be difficult to reign in the most ardent Trump and tea party supporters.


I have yet to see any Republican go against the word of Rush Limbaugh, so it'll be interesting if this rift keeps up.

It's been fun reading the blog commentariats the last couple of days. Red State obviously hates Trump, Ace of Spades is mystified, Hot Air seems to loves him, Freep is Freep.

also, lol at this Red State comment

RedState has always been a "family values" kind of site. Always.
Nobody curses openly here, and you will get banned for being a crass idiot most of the time. It is entirely appropriate that the RSGathering has the same values.
If Mr. Trump wants a more free-wheeling forum, he should contact a group of libertarians.
After what Fiorina did to HP, if she is anywhere close to the GOP Ticket Dems are golden

Anyway, I think Trump might have come out fine if he hadn't made the Kelly comment to CNN. Not sure when we are going to get the next set of Polls but Trump is going to be hurt bad I think.


After what Fiorina did to HP, if she is anywhere close to the GOP Ticket Dems are golden

Anyway, I think Trump might have come out fine if he hadn't made the Kelly comment to CNN. Not sure when we are going to get the next set of Polls but Trump is going to be hurt bad I think.

Hardly, if anything it will solidify his support.


After what Fiorina did to HP, if she is anywhere close to the GOP Ticket Dems are golden

Anyway, I think Trump might have come out fine if he hadn't made the Kelly comment to CNN. Not sure when we are going to get the next set of Polls but Trump is going to be hurt bad I think.

I mean after the McCain comments I thought he was done for too - and that was far more clear cut against him than this situation. Veterans are also highly idolized by base Republicans, and women are... not so much. Yet he made it through that controversy entirely unscathed. With the clear hypocrisy of Fox News trying to invoke "political correctness" against a fellow Republican and Erick Erickson of all people complaining about misogyny, I can't see this being very damaging to his tea party appeal.

If Trump is to be vanquished in the primary, I don't think it will be this way.


I'll also settle for a lovely consolation prize:
Trump refuses to endorse the nominee, deeming him a "loser." Then, a chunk of his supporters are so embitttered that they hold steadfast in their resolve to sit at home on Election Day. Shave a percent or two off from their candidate in the general, and he's toast. Shave that same percent or two off from the conservative side of turnout, and more House races suddenly come into play.

Would a Trump independent candidacy affect down ballot races? I imagine supporters of trump would still vote for their house and senate members. For arguments sake the poll 45-30-20 happens nationally.

Hillary wins OH 47-28-25. What is the likely result of Portman and Strickland?
Would a lot of Trump voters otherwise stay home if he was not on the ballot or mostly disaffected Republicans unwilling to vote for Bush but will vote for Trump and their senate/house nominee?


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
What? Did you already forget how anti-McCain he was in the 2008 primary and anti-Romney he was in the 2012 primary?

Both times the candidate he railed against the hardest won the republican primary.

Well, they won, yes, but I meant that no Republican came out and said Rush was wrong to attack McCain/Romney.

I mean after the McCain comments I thought he was done for too - and that was far more clear cut against him than this situation. Veterans are also highly idolized by base Republicans, and women are... not so much. Yet he made it through that controversy entirely unscathed. With the clear hypocrisy of Fox News trying to invoke "political correctness" against a fellow Republican and Erick Erickson of all people complaining about misogyny, I can't see this being very damaging to his tea party appeal.

If Trump is to be vanquished in the primary, I don't think it will be this way.

I never thought his comments against McCain were going to faze him in the least. The base has always hated McCain for occasionally being actually sane. His service in the army doesn't mean dick to these people. A "true" conservative who's never served a day in his life in the military in the vein of Sean Hannity is infinitely more patriotic and worthy of respect that an actual soldier who happens to be a RINO like McCain.
Would a Trump independent candidacy affect down ballot races? I imagine supporters of trump would still vote for their house and senate members. For arguments sake the poll 45-30-20 happens nationally.

Hillary wins OH 47-28-25. What is the likely result of Portman and Strickland?
Would a lot of Trump voters otherwise stay home if he was not on the ballot or mostly disaffected Republicans unwilling to vote for Bush but will vote for Trump and their senate/house nominee?
Interestingly having Trump on the ballot could boost downballot turnout, but if Democrats can hang Trump around their opponents' necks than they could cancel it out.

In any case, the grand prize is still the presidency. If Hillary won but Democrats only made modest gains in Congress (or even lost seats!), the big story the next day would still be that Hillary won.


Would a Trump independent candidacy affect down ballot races? I imagine supporters of trump would still vote for their house and senate members. For arguments sake the poll 45-30-20 happens nationally.

Hillary wins OH 47-28-25. What is the likely result of Portman and Strickland?
Would a lot of Trump voters otherwise stay home if he was not on the ballot or mostly disaffected Republicans unwilling to vote for Bush but will vote for Trump and their senate/house nominee?

I'm not really sure how he'd affect Congressional races. My hunch is that he'd maybe help downticket Republicans, but his voters seem really unpredictable. There could be chunks of them who are seeking to lash-out at the GOP for past grievances.. for all we know, they could leave their ballots blank!

I'd love more polling on this type of scenario (more info is always welcome), but at the same time, I don't want too much polling reinforcing to Trump and his folks that he's a hopeless general election cause.

There's already severe bitterness towards what Jeb Bush supposedly represents about the Republican Party. The GOP has won remarkable midterm victories two times in a row - victories that the Tea Party takes huge credit for - and they have very little to show for it in the way of rolling back liberal achievements, so they're spitting fire bullets at this point. If Bush's nomination win is seen as tainted or unfair, Trump not being on the ballot could exacerbate their resentments & inclinations to stay home.

All we need is a few percent. Even 1 or 2 would be of immense help.


Trump voters are, above all, brash misogynistic racists. When the time comes, they'll fall in line and vote for whomever it takes to keep Hillary out of the White House. The main effect of his clown show will be to push more independents and moderate conservatives away from the GOP entirely, ensuring a resounding Democratic victory in 2016.
Also going off of poll numbers it's not as of Trump would exclusively pull from Bush (or whoever). Clinton's support drops in three way races too.
It's clear as a day that establishment wants to neutralize Trump. Fox is out to destroy him. RedState which focuses on getting electable candidates on stage ditched him. RNC tried and failed to persuade Walker and Bush to agree to stand against Trump. Reince Priebus is most likely shitting bricks this very moment. But I'm not sure what will stop Trump at this point. His supporters already admit that he may say some dumb things, but they support him because he's the only one mad right now just like they are (about Mexicans and democrats). To me it looks like teaparty finally found it's savior.


It's clear as a day that establishment wants to neutralize Trump. Fox is out to destroy him. RedState which focuses on getting electable candidates on stage ditched him. RNC tried and failed to persuade Walker and Bush to agree to stand against Trump. Reince Priebus is most likely shitting bricks this very moment. But I'm not sure what will stop Trump at this point. His supporters already admit that he may say some dumb things, but they support him because he's the only one mad right now just like they are (about Mexicans and democrats). To me it looks like teaparty finally found it's savior.

Just saw a tweet announcing that Priebus has cancelled his appearance on Face the Nation this morning.
(I'm guessing that he wants to figure out what he's willing to say about all of this when he's asked. His current predicament, at least as far as politics in the modern era is concerned, is with very little precedent.)
After what Fiorina did to HP, if she is anywhere close to the GOP Ticket Dems are golden

Anyway, I think Trump might have come out fine if he hadn't made the Kelly comment to CNN. Not sure when we are going to get the next set of Polls but Trump is going to be hurt bad I think.

Well shit, if you predict his downfall every week since he became a candidate you'll be right eventually. Unless he wins it all.
Just saw a tweet announcing that Priebus has cancelled his appearance on Face the Nation this morning.
(I'm guessing that he wants to figure out what he's willing to say about all of this when he's asked. His current predicament, at least as far as politics in the modern era is concerned, is with very little precedent.)

Reince skipped because the host will try to make him account for Trump's remarks and whether the GOP platform will still support such a candidate. Only way out of predicament is to skip the show lol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
The annoying thing about all this is figuring out who the hell is the "establishment" and who's not. I never would have guessed Erickson would be part of that group given his constant complains of RINOs and wanting to shut down the government over PP. Same with Fox.
The annoying thing about all this is figuring out who the hell is the "establishment" and who's not. I never would have guessed Erickson would be part of that group given his constant complains of RINOs and wanting to shut down the government over PP. Same with Fox.

How is Fox not establishment? It's not like they're a youtube channel.

Redstate was also swallowed up by the RNC as part of their blogosphere presence a long time ago.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
How is Fox not establishment? It's not like they're a youtube channel.

Redstate was also swallowed up by the RNC as part of their blogosphere presence a long time ago.

Fox is one of the main organizations responsible for constantly pushing Republicans to be further Right.
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