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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Meanwhile, in the thread about BLM crashing a Sanders rally:


Yeah, probably going to avoid that one.
Hardly, if anything it will solidify his support.

I mean after the McCain comments I thought he was done for too - and that was far more clear cut against him than this situation. Veterans are also highly idolized by base Republicans, and women are... not so much. Yet he made it through that controversy entirely unscathed. With the clear hypocrisy of Fox News trying to invoke "political correctness" against a fellow Republican and Erick Erickson of all people complaining about misogyny, I can't see this being very damaging to his tea party appeal.

If Trump is to be vanquished in the primary, I don't think it will be this way.

Conservatives dislike/hate McCain.

Kelly is loved by the general conservative public. Plus, the media coverage that was helping Trump will be almost all negative now.



I did go in and debate as well as Pigeon but unfortunately I got these responses:

Word on the street is she has ex-Blackwater running security for her.

Here's a DailyKOS description of what happened:

The focusing on Bernie has made BLM look weak - going after Sanders because he's tried to keep his campaign as open and as accessible as possible, while not a quip at other candidates' events - and the words being spoken at the Sanders rally soars into hyperbole (coming from me, I know, a hoot, but still) that makes it impossible to have an honest discourse. It's put the candidate who would do the best for BLM's goals into a lose-lose situation. Either get extra security and cut them off, looking like a racist pseudo-progressive, or keep letting them dominate and shut down events before they can even start, not even letting him speak and talking down to him like this is getting ridiculous. Scanning Twitter there were progressives of all races expressing frustration about this, and now the meme going around is they were bought out by Hillary/Soros.

At the end of the day shit like this is just going to get Hillary elected, or worse yet, get whoever winds up the Republican nominee elected - which would only make things even worse for black Americans. Sanders is the best thing we've got going and Hillary has one of the most racist records a Democratic candidate in recent history has under her belt. It's foolish to think she'd do anything BLM demands while taking kickbacks from the prison-industrial complex.

I have no Idea why Bernie supporters get so upset about this.

their candidate is losing right now with that demographic and BADLY.

And the candidate getting millions from the industrial prison lobby has that demographic in her pocket with a couple of KK selfies. The black vote going to Hillary is the equivalent of poor white people voting republican. Both are voting against their self interest.

It's clear as a day that establishment wants to neutralize Trump. Fox is out to destroy him. RedState which focuses on getting electable candidates on stage ditched him. RNC tried and failed to persuade Walker and Bush to agree to stand against Trump. Reince Priebus is most likely shitting bricks this very moment. But I'm not sure what will stop Trump at this point. His supporters already admit that he may say some dumb things, but they support him because he's the only one mad right now just like they are (about Mexicans and democrats). To me it looks like teaparty finally found it's savior.
The establishment going nuclear on Trump is inevitable.

Yes, it could absolutely backfire, but they're not going to just sit on their hands as Trump hijacks this entire process. You can only keep your mouth shut and humor someone like Trump for so long before the knives come out.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
LOL at Fiorina getting a huge bump from that debate. She's a trainwreck.

The PPP tweet has me thinking Trump's likable/not likeable numbers both rose. My guess is he's absolutely solidifying a much larger base of voters than the GOP wants, and it's going to be amazing when he runs third party because his poll numbers are concrete.


Fiorina isn't going anywhere. People are going nuts over her performance at the kiddos debate but she has got nothing else. If the eventual Republican nominee wants to pick a woman for VP, they will have better options than Fiorina who has zero experience beyond ruining HP. I think the GOP is just desperate to have more diversity and will prop up anyone who fits the bill


It is kinda interesting, I don't think I really ever was (or at least felt) in a minority on a major political issue on this site, but now I kinda feel that I am since I would rather have Hilary as president than Bernie. It is a rather odd feeling.
Fucking Bernie Sanders threads. I told myself I'd stop posting in them, and then I did, and so I'm rewarded with this idiocy.

The issue Bernie is facing is that for his entire political career, he has represented a state with virtually no black people.

Yes, Bernie has an admirable history of supporting civil rights and is absolutely not racist. As a president I do think he'd make civil rights a priority.

But he has no experience campaigning on these sorts of issues because Vermont is 95% white and 1% black. He cares about black people, yes, but he's never had to campaign to get their support.

that argument is rubbish

it's not Vermont's fault that is wasn't a former slave State and it's not Vermont's fault that it doesn't have a big city where many soutehern black decided to move to during industrialisation.

Vermont is like one the most Canada-like States in the entire USA in terms of liberalism.

Sanders is born in New York City and studied in Chicago FYI

Why the fuck do you think I'm blaming Vermont for something?

All I'm saying is that it's an undeniable fact that Vermont is monolithically white. Therefore, Vermont politicians like Sanders aren't going to have much experience campaigning for the black vote. Sure, they know black people and, in Sanders' case, absolutely care about black people. But they don't know how to campaign for black support.

the guy was born in New York City and graduated in Chicago. Two multicultural cities.

Saying that he doesn't have experience with blacks because Vermont has no blacks is ridiculous considering his city of birth and city of graduation

You're being incredibly obtuse.

I'm not saying he has no experience with black people. I'm saying he has no experience campaigning for black support in an election.

He is an ubber-lefty liberal born in New York City for crying out loud, what more "experience" do you need?

Who has been living in Vermont since the 60s and whose entire electoral career has been in Vermont.

You really don't see any distinction whatsoever between having personal life experience with a group of people and having to campaign to get said group's support in an election? It's profoundly different. Within the context of an election Bernie has never had to reach out to black people. It's really not hard to understand why he'd be struggling, and I'm not even blaming him for struggling. It's understandable.

Vermont is a nice place to live and visit, they have awesome ice cream.

if you had the choice to live in Vermont or some rust belt Midwest state, that is no choice at all. Vermont wins



Fucking Bernie Sanders threads. I told myself I'd stop posting in them, and then I did, and so I'm rewarded with this idiocy.

You, Pigeon and I could always try a different tactic to get our point across with them. The problem is idk what that entails. We have tried everything through polls, graphs, analyst etc.
You, Pigeon and I could always try a different tactic to get our point across with them. The problem is idk what that entails. We have tried everything through polls, graphs, analyst etc.

Probably not worth it. These folks are so blindly devoted and so viciously defensive that it's pointless.


Probably not worth it. These folks are so blindly devoted and so viciously defensive that it's pointless.

I'm going to be very interested in seeing what's said in response if/when Bernie comes out and says, "Please vote for Hillary [in the general], for the good of the country. There's too much at stake, and she can do good for progressivism."


You, Pigeon and I could always try a different tactic to get our point across with them. The problem is idk what that entails. We have tried everything through polls, graphs, analyst etc.

So I am not the only one who thinks that his protectionist policies and willingness to get into a trade war with China is insane and economically disastrous? That his 15 dollar minimum wage proposal is just economically stupid? I mean, sure, it would be fine and great for most urban areas, but it would absolutely destroy rural america and poor cities. Better to go with a moderate minimum wage hike and increase transfer payments. That would do a much better job of helping the poor.

I would probably support Bernie if I actually thought he understood basic economics because I agree with him on basically every issue, but god damn, protectionism? Are you nuts?
Probably not worth it. These folks are so blindly devoted and so viciously defensive that it's pointless.

Well you kinda kept posting to a guy who kept repeating himself. No point in continuing. Looks like he was trying to get you mad.

Sometimes when people starts to not comment on your points and tries to go to a different topic, I find it is best is to make them get back on the original point and be assertive about it. I see a lot of people just let people get away with that.
Well you kinda kept posting to a guy who kept repeating himself. No point in continuing. Looks like he was trying to get you mad.

Sometimes when people starts to not comment on your points and tries to go to a different topic, I find it is best is to make them get back on the original point and be assertive about it. I see a lot of people just let people get away with that.

Well, the problem is that's virtually every person who will engage you in a Sanders thread.

Which is why I told myself not to go into them.

gutter trash is one of the most obnoxious, pig headed posters on the forum. Don't get into any argument with him.

Didn't have much personal experience with him, so I wasn't aware. Lesson learned.



Reince skipped because the host will try to make him account for Trump's remarks and whether the GOP platform will still support such a candidate. Only way out of predicament is to skip the show lol

Yep. He'll have to answer eventually....there is no escaping.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I see the prediction of the Sanders campaign and followers being exactly like the Ron Paul campaign and followers has held.


Probably not worth it. These folks are so blindly devoted and so viciously defensive that it's pointless.

I'm going to be very interested in seeing what's said in response if/when Bernie comes out and says, "Please vote for Hillary [in the general], for the good of the country. There's too much at stake, and she can do good for progressivism."

I did not realize the devotion to him was so bad among his supporters. I get that redditt and Dailykos is gun hoe about him but here? Many of them are so like minded its hard trying to reason with any of them.

Everything I argue is turned around and thrown at me with an attack on Hillary. The only thing Hillary has done between her last campaign and now is SOS and speaking fees. This anger among her money and banking ties seems to come out of nowhere. I don't understand it. She had all these ties last campaign. Its nothing new yet the far left for Bernie is raising it from the rooftops as if her 08 campaign did not exist.


I love idealism but I also love strategy. We need a Democrat in the White House period. Hillary is running for Universal Healthcare, single-payer. That coupled with Bill's advisers on foreign policy and the economy + liberal judges picks (both Federal and Supreme) should be enough for any democrat to unite under one banner when the time comes. Her wall street stigma, her robot stigma, her "bought by x" stigma or her "weak" stigma.... whether you agree with all of them, disagree with all of them or partially agree with some WILL not in any way supersede the pros. There is no perfect candidate. Support Bernie in the primary all you want. He definitely has some ideas the left can fall in love with but if he loses, he loses.
It's hard to believe the claim in the article that Trump's campaign is now "seriously damaged from within" when he clearly wasn't listening to this guy or anyone else anyway.

It's not like anyone would have said to him, "Hey, be sure to drop an insult on McCain for being a POW when you go on stage."

People are still trying to apply normal campaign rules to this clusterfuck.


No Scrubs
It's hard to believe the claim in the article that Trump's campaign is now "seriously damaged from within" when he clearly wasn't listening to this guy or anyone else anyway.

It's not like anyone would have said to him, "Hey, be sure to drop an insult on McCain for being a POW when you go on stage."

The problem is that journalists, political operatives, and talking heads are treating Trump's campaign like every other campaign, when it very clearly isn't. Normally when a high level adviser leaves a campaign in this manner it does mean it's "seriously damaged from within." The problem is Trump isn't running a normal campaign. They can't just take the events surrounding his campaign and fit them into the same stories they'd write about every other campaign, and no one has realized that yet. It's why FOX tried to end him the way they did, normally that would sink someone but for all we know they just made him even more powerful.

In the future people will study this campaign, just like they did Reagan's use of TV, and future journalists, political operatives, and talking heads will be better prepared to deal with something like this. Right now everyone is dealing with something they don't entirely understand and they just aren't adapting fast enough.

I think, and god help us, that the only person who really understands what is going on right now is Trump himself. No one else has a clue.


I see the prediction of the Sanders campaign and followers being exactly like the Ron Paul campaign and followers has held.
Nah, i think a lot of us Bernie supporters just stopped going into those threads because we got tired of the condescending remarks from Hillary supporters and kept getting lumped together with the crazies that do exist. It wouldn't surprise me if the only ones posting in those threads now are the legit crazies and the Hillary stans who get a kick out of feeling superior to them.

Although I'm still kinda confused about why BLM has decided to go full steam with this "Sanders is a racist" thing and has completely ignored Clinton, despite her record being a lot worse on those issues.


No Scrubs
Nah, i think a lot of us Bernie supporters just stopped going into those threads because we got tired of the condescending remarks from Hillary supporters and kept getting lumped together with the crazies that do exist. It wouldn't surprise me if the only ones posting in those threads now are the legit crazies and the Hillary stans who get a kick out of feeling superior to them.

Although I'm still kinda confused about why BLM has decided to go full steam with this "Sanders is a racist" thing and has completely ignored Clinton, despite her record being a lot worse on those issues.

I don't think they're saying he's a racist, but that he's just ignoring their issues. Pretty sure the only reason they aren't pulling this shit on Clinton is that she has actual campaign security and Sanders doesn't.
So I am not the only one who thinks that his protectionist policies and willingness to get into a trade war with China is insane and economically disastrous? That his 15 dollar minimum wage proposal is just economically stupid? I mean, sure, it would be fine and great for most urban areas, but it would absolutely destroy rural america and poor cities. Better to go with a moderate minimum wage hike and increase transfer payments. That would do a much better job of helping the poor.

I would probably support Bernie if I actually thought he understood basic economics because I agree with him on basically every issue, but god damn, protectionism? Are you nuts?

Yeah, Sanders has nice social policy stuff, but his "stop immigration and trade" nonsense pushes into the not electable tier for me.


Trying to apply traditional political/campaign logic to Trump is foolish. Trump has repeatedly defied normal political logic. His McCain comments and his numerous racist and sexists remarks should have sunk him if normal political logic worked on him. So far, it don't.


So I am not the only one who thinks that his protectionist policies and willingness to get into a trade war with China is insane and economically disastrous? That his 15 dollar minimum wage proposal is just economically stupid? I mean, sure, it would be fine and great for most urban areas, but it would absolutely destroy rural america and poor cities. Better to go with a moderate minimum wage hike and increase transfer payments. That would do a much better job of helping the poor.

I would probably support Bernie if I actually thought he understood basic economics because I agree with him on basically every issue, but god damn, protectionism? Are you nuts?

His policies are good on paper but in reality they are a far cry from being realistic in actually safely being implemented without consequence. $15 minimum wage is fantastic but with drawbacks.

Hillary's positions offers a more moderate pill to swallow over his and I fully believe she will be successful at selling it. October is going to be fun.


Nah, i think a lot of us Bernie supporters just stopped going into those threads because we got tired of the condescending remarks from Hillary supporters and kept getting lumped together with the crazies that do exist. It wouldn't surprise me if the only ones posting in those threads now are the legit crazies and the Hillary stans who get a kick out of feeling superior to them.

Although I'm still kinda confused about why BLM has decided to go full steam with this "Sanders is a racist" thing and has completely ignored Clinton, despite her record being a lot worse on those issues.

hey I try and be nice lol.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't think they're saying he's a racist, but that he's just ignoring their issues. Pretty sure the only reason they aren't pulling this shit on Clinton is that she has actual campaign security and Sanders doesn't.

I doubt O'Malley has campaign security either, but it might not be that impactful stage a protest in a room with a couple hundred elderly people as the audience.
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