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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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He is still the most likely person to be the VP candidate on the ticket. What he says will matter come fall 2016 if that comes to pass.

What he said was akin level. He said that a women should die so a baby can be born even if that baby was literally only conceived from rape.

"I personally and deeply believe that all human life is worthy of the protection of our laws. I do. And I believe that irrespective of the conditions by which that life was conceived or anything else," Rubio said Sunday on Meet The Press. "I personally believe you do not correct one tragedy with a second tragedy," he said Friday on CNN.

In his Meet The Press interview, Rubio sympathized with a possible abortion exception for the mother's life, but wondered if it was necessary. "Well, of all the exceptions that people talk about, certainly protecting the life of the mother is the one that I think holds the highest validity," he said. "And there's a debate about today, given modern medicine, whether there is any condition that only abortion could save a mother's life in a viable pregnancy."
And that last sentence is infuriating. What is with the GOP to make up fake science to justify their social policies?


No, there's a huge difference.

Huge huge difference. Those candidates still have a "master" they have to appease to a certain degree. Trump love him or hate him is 100% in control of his own destiny. He has no superPAC, donors, or constitutes he has to appease.

I just don't see the difference between a billionaire candidate who's in it for his own selfish interests vs a candidate who's in it for some other billionaire's selfish interests. At the end of the day, it's still the almighty dollar perverting the political process in a slightly more direct way. It's just cutting out the middle man. If Trump's popularity and appeal was based on anything other than his net worth than you'd have a point.
"And there's a debate about today, given modern medicine, whether there is any condition that only abortion could save a mother's life in a viable pregnancy."

My god, I'm pretty sure if a doctor is recommending an abortion in this scenario, it's the last option on the table. And yet, Marco Rubio would still like to find a way to make that illegal.

I can't take any of these guys seriously.
My god, I'm pretty sure if a doctor is recommending an abortion in this scenario, it's the last option on the table. And yet, Marco Rubio would still like to find a way to make that illegal.

I can't take any of these guys seriously.

Well it seems GAF-Poster mightynine is not as well informed on the debates in modern medicine as Marco "I'm not a scientist" Rubio is!


Professional Schmuck
I just don't see the difference between a billionaire candidate who's in it for his own selfish interests vs a candidate who's in it for some other billionaire's selfish interests. At the end of the day, it's still the almighty dollar perverting the political process in a slightly more direct way. It's just cutting out the middle man. If Trump's popularity and appeal was based on anything other than his net worth than you'd have a point.

I think you're missing the point that the already-rich don't need to be bought.


I just don't see the difference between a billionaire candidate who's in it for his own selfish interests vs a candidate who's in it for some other billionaire's selfish interests. At the end of the day, it's still the almighty dollar perverting the political process in a slightly more direct way. It's just cutting out the middle man. If Trump's popularity and appeal was based on anything other than his net worth than you'd have a point.

I think the idea is that Trump is unlikely to be after the presidency in order to enrich himself. Like, his main aim isn't going to be cutting taxes for the rich just because he benefits from that. It's silly to run for president to try to do that - surely you're better off not expending all that effort. Politics-as-personal-enrichment makes some sense for people who aren't already very rich, but I think probably most politicians also get a lot out of having power. The idea is that a problem a lot of them face is that in order to hold on to their positions they need funding, and this requires that they do what donors want - it makes sense for donors to condition support on how useful the politician is to them. If you don't need outside funding you're a lot freer to act according to your other reasons and incentives. Presidents in particular would seem to have a lot of reason to want to basically do a good job, since they're known and remembered more widely than other politicians and because continuing to exercise power after being president depends on people liking you.

I really do doubt that Trump is in this for money. Running for president may be a good financial decision on his part, depending on what comes next, but I think he's probably pretty genuine when he says that he's here because he thinks he can do a better job than these losers. It's more about stroking his ego than it is about getting more money, I'd guess.
released by the antiabortion activist group the Center for Medical Progress (CMP)

gonna have to do better than that IMO.

So you won't accept the question unless it doesn't include qualifying statements that every pro-choice politicians is going to use? It has to be framed as the GOP wants it?


So you won't accept the question unless it doesn't include qualifying statements that every pro-choice politicians is going to use? It has to be framed as the GOP wants it?

That's just what the article says. The poll was on behalf of PP but I can't get the Hart Research page to load to see if it was a push poll.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
released by the antiabortion activist group the Center for Medical Progress (CMP)

gonna have to do better than that IMO.

So you won't accept the question unless it doesn't include qualifying statements that every pro-choice politicians is going to use? It has to be framed as the GOP wants it?

Not sure what you guys are talking about. The poll wasn't by the activist group and the question didn't seem to be worded that way. That wording seemed to be from the author of the article.



1. @realDonaldTrump may soon make the pledge after all. A top Trump advisor tells me he is seriously considering ruling out an independent run

2. The @GOP is not without leverage: if Trump refuses to pledge support for the eventual nominee, he could be left out of future debates.

3. Front runner @realDonaldTrump may take that pledge (no 3rd party run) after all. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/donald-trump-taking-pledge-run-party/story?id=32987615 … cc @BretBaier @Reince

4. For now the threat stands - @realDonaldTrump tells me he has no imminent plans to rule out 3rd party run, but he may do so "at some point"

5. "We have a great relationship w/ the RNC," @realDonaldTrump told me. "Reince Priebus could not be nicer." But 3rd party threat remains

Have my doubts on Trump's true intentions. I want him to run third party so bad.


Boxing out the frontrunner from debate would be incredibly shitty and transparent even for the GOP establishment. It'll enraged Trump supporters and make it even more likely they'll stay home in November.

Muscling Trump out of debates would only encourage a revolt with GOP voters who already feel disenfranchised by the party.
What sucks is that if the GOP wins against Trump, there is no more crazy train this election. I guess what I'm saying is that all our luls are in the Trump basket. We don't have quite the colorful bench of 2012.
Remember how the NYT wrote an article about the GOP being nicer on abortion? And not trying to repeate past mistakes?

Thanks PP videos!


They are idiotic of picking up this fight

Well . . . it is still close to a 50/50 issue. And it is certainly a winner for their primary season but this could come back and haunt them during the general.

But as I mentioned elsewhere, the social conservatives just don't have much else to talk about anymore so abortion is back.

Also, the strong mid-term wins & gerrymandering-fu are probably giving them a false sense of strength on this issue.

But did they really forget 'legitimate rape', 'honest rape', 'shutting that thing down', etc.?
What sucks is that if the GOP wins against Trump, there is no more crazy train this election. I guess what I'm saying is that all our luls are in the Trump basket. We don't have quite the colorful bench of 2012.

Scott Walker may not be fun, but he's more orthogonal to reality than any other candidate the GOP has thrown up there in a while.
What sucks is that if the GOP wins against Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didn’t get angry?" Trump, there is no more crazy train this election. I guess what I'm saying is that all our luls are in the Donald "Did you notice that baby was crying through half of the speech and I didn’t get angry?" Trump basket. We don't have quite the colorful bench of 2012.

You have got to be kidding. I know Trump is the clown king but Ted "machine gun bacon" Cruz, "Bobby Exorcist" Jindal, Scott "Derp" Walker, Mike "Kill people and break things" Huckabee, Lindsay "Invade Syria Now" Graham, Rand "fake Libertarian" Paul, Chris "bridge to nowhere 2" Christie, Marco "water boy" Rubio, Ben "the Christian doctor that endorses torture" Carson, and others all have plenty more comedy to deliver.

User 406

I am however surprised by bishoptl. He seems very passionate on those BLM threads. I did not know he had that in him considering I mostly see him on the gaming side.

Bish has always had a strong presence in race related threads. He's good people.

He is really at odds with Bernie and his supporters.

The condescension and contempt many of them have is I think what drives that. They seem utterly incapable of understanding how someone comes to a different conclusion than them.

Its weird because bernie doesn't seem that way at all.

Bernie isn't the problem. Bernie supporters in general aren't the problem. Hell, I'm a Bernie supporter. The problem is the white liberals who are diet racist enough to get mad when fed up black people don't prioritize issues in the same order that they dictate. There's a pretty big chunk of idealistic leftist whites who don't like the Democratic establishment but who also unconsciously subscribe to a lot of the colorblind ideology. A lot of those people have gotten behind Sanders, and their lack of intersectionality is causing friction.

I think a lot of people don't realize that the BLM protests are a lot less about Sanders himself and a lot more about a big chunk of his audience. MLK's oft repeated quote about white moderates applies here. And really, considering this particular group's melodramatic insistence on being "excited" by a candidate as a requirement for them to even participate in the democratic process, is it any wonder that privilege motivates them so much?
Can't quite see how people asking that candidates dont be boring snoozefests should be seen as a negative. The system was built on the back of a popularity contest, after all.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I really, really want Biden to run. I think he's got a great background and could really appeal to the average American worker.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 12m12 minutes ago Manhattan, NY

Truly weird Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning brain. He was terrible at DEBATE!

:lol :lol :lol

I predict a MAJOR turn of events next debate. We're going to see a lot of Trump rear-kissing because he'll destroy them if they don't.


Bernie isn't the problem. Bernie supporters in general aren't the problem. Hell, I'm a Bernie supporter. The problem is the white liberals who are diet racist enough to get mad when fed up black people don't prioritize issues in the same order that they dictate. There's a pretty big chunk of idealistic leftist whites who don't like the Democratic establishment but who also unconsciously subscribe to a lot of the colorblind ideology. A lot of those people have gotten behind Sanders, and their lack of intersectionality is causing friction.

I think a lot of people don't realize that the BLM protests are a lot less about Sanders himself and a lot more about a big chunk of his audience. MLK's oft repeated quote about white moderates applies here. And really, considering this particular group's melodramatic insistence on being "excited" by a candidate as a requirement for them to even participate in the democratic process, is it any wonder that privilege motivates them so much?

This is going to be a pretty big generational problem, I think. As much as the previous generation sucks on race issues, at least a chunk of them lived through some of the really bad shit and have some perspective. Racism is still here in such a huge way, but in a way that it's very hard to understand. I don't want to say it's subtle, because that feels like I'm downplaying it.

I've had a really hard explaining race issues to anyone in my generation, liberal or not. They think it's gone because they're young and not a part of the system yet. They can't see the systematic racism. As long as no one's shouting the N word, it's pretty hard to tell them it's still here. They barely see it, and they were almost not at all educated on it.

The other problem is kind of the resentment that Sanders is capitalizing on. The millennial generation got shit on pretty hard by the boomers. It's hard to tell someone who's been shit on that, hey, these other people got shit on more during the same exact time.


So, some dude came into work today and was extolling Trump's comments on political correctness.

This isn't supposed to be happening in the real world


I am salivating for the next debate.

There are no more pretenses. Everyone except Cruz has thrown the gauntlet at Trump. He's going to be unleashed.


My hilariously conservative dad actually ranted against Trump. I've told you all about him before. He's so fucking right wing he hates Republicans. One would think he'd be on the Trump train, but nope.

I want him to go away. He is a clown. He is the answer to the question "Whats wrong with America". He is a joke and fool. He may be a business man but not a good business man. He is no more than a reality show looking for an audience and I'm not watching. Voting for trump is a vote for hilary. That is his plan. And that is all the time I have to waste talking about trump the chump. Talking about trump reminds me there is dog shit on the lawn that needs my attention.


He's the answer to the question "What's wrong with modern day republicans."

As a bonus, here's his take on Hillary:

Hilary? Benghazi, lost emails, Rose law firm, Extortion 17, supports planned parenthood etc... yes I don't like hilary Plus the fact she's democrate makes it easy.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

Shut up and take my vote!

I said it a month ago!

I would vote for Omarosa manigault-stallworth, a fine connoisseur of waters, before i would vote for Bernie sanders. Electability matters and who would be more than Omarosa manigault-stallworth, who took practically a building caving in on her head and still remained a hero?
I don't think Trump will win the nomination.
If he did, I don't think he would stand a chance in the general.
But with those qualifying statements out of the way, Trump could probably pull a chunk of college-aged voters (and not just the libertarian ones) if he keeps going in on this "money in politics" issue. It's something that a lot of millennials would go in for, even if the rest of his policies did suck. It would especially be an effective line against Hillary.
Visited Rubio's Facebook page.


Yep, this "New American Century" where rape victims have to carry their rape babies to term is going to be fucking spectacular.


lol. keeping dropping the truth bombs Donald.

The Donald will save us all. I hate to say it but he really is a breath of fresh air and I can see how people could be drawn to him, hell I'm drawn to him, but thankfully I'm also aware how shitty he'd be as a president and how crazy his ideas are but to his credit he is raising issues in this campaign that would have never be raised without him.


This day has been too much. Great post "bleeding" polling results, Trump going hard on Twitter, and Trump making Ailes admit defeat. Truly amazing.

Someone needs to make a Two Towers gif with Trump as the pyro Uruk-hai, Legolas as Fox News/Megyn Kelly, and Aragorn as Jeb Bush shouting "BRING HIM DOWN!"
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