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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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We discussed the possibility of a brokered convention.. oddly enough, this seems to be on Warren Buffett's mind as well.

Warren Buffett: Trump won't be a flash in the pan

Warren Buffett said Monday that Donald Trump has a solid base of support in the race for the Republican presidential nomination that seems unshakable by the real estate mogul's over-the-top comments.

Trump will have a block of delegates when the convention arrives, but with the huge field of GOP candidates, it's possible no one will have a majority, Buffett told CNBC's "Squawk Box" in a wide-ranging interview.

"I wouldn't be surprised if [Trump] maintained a quite a solid base for some time," Buffett said—adding that he won't run out of money.


Buffett—a Democrat and supporter of Hillary Clinton—called the GOP race so far a "spectator sport." He declined to say which Republican he'd like to see Clinton face in the general election.

"If I gave that prediction it would be sort of a kiss of death for the candidate," Buffett joked—saying he'd like Clinton "to run against the whole field."

As much as I'd love to see this happen in my lifetime, I really doubt it..


I want to know why Rand's advisers told him to come out swinging. Is it b/c he's a loser with terrible hair who was told he had to make a splash or he'd sink to nothing? He was the only one actively going after Trump in the debate and Trump destroyed him.

I like his hair :(
gwen ifill ‏@gwenifill 20m20 minutes ago
HRC on Trump: "I think he's having the time of his life."

I only see two ways they can take down the . 1) Pressure him on his religious beliefs and hope his answer drives away the Evangelicals. 2) A majority of the candidates need to drop out very soon and hope their votes go to the establishment's pick and bury the . I personally think the only thing he can say that will bring his numbers down is if he bad mouths Christianity. Either way it might not work as both could backfire. The votes could still be splintered or with the religion question he could say something that makes him look good.

I don't think that can work. I'm sure he's already got a story about his recent redemption and turning himself over to Christ story ready to go. They eat that shit up. You can leave your wife, kids, and the state you are governing for a South American hottie . . . then just pitch the redemption story and you are back in office.
Fox backs down over Trump:

Now, it appears both sides want peace. This morning, Trump tweeted that Ailes called to assure him that Fox will cover him “fairly” going forward. According to two high-level Fox sources, Ailes's diplomacy was the result of increasing concern inside Fox News that Trump could damage the network. Immediately following Thursday's debate, Fox was deluged with pro-Trump emails. The chatter on Twitter was equally in Trump’s favor. “In the beginning, virtually 100-percent of the emails were against Megyn Kelly,” one Fox source, who was briefed on the situation told me. “Roger was not happy. Most of the Fox viewers were taking Trump’s side.”

Things got worse for Ailes over the weekend. In a phone conversation, Trump told Sean Hannity that “he was never doing Fox again,” according to one person with knowledge of the call. The anti-Kelly emails, and threat of a boycott by Trump, seems to have pushed Ailes to diffuse the war. One Fox personality told me that Fox producers gave instructions to tell in-house talent not to bring up Trump’s controversial comments that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever" during the debate. According to one count, Fox only aired Trump’s comment once since Friday, while CNN mentioned it at least 50 times.

In recent days, Ailes got a glimpse of what a Trumpless Fox News would look like. On Sunday, Trump called in to the four other public affairs shows; this morning he gave interviews to Today and Morning Joe. Inside Fox, this was alarming. “This thing with Megyn got way ahead of Roger and bigger than he must have thought,” one Fox personality said. “Roger wants this to blow over,” another source added. “He’s upset that conservatives are mad at Fox.” Online, Ailes also took flack. Both The Drudge Report and Breitbart News carried pro-Trump headlines.

If Fox is scared of Trump, what can stop him?
Wow, those polls are a disaster for Scott Walker.

PPP had Walker at 23% last time, now 11%. this is supposed to be his best place (midwest) to start a campaign. Bush and Cruz didn't really change. Basically, Trump came in and took 19% while Walker, Rand, Christie gave theirs up to Carson and Carly. lol.

In the Reuter/Ipsos poll, Walker dropped to 7%. Yikes.

One caveat on that poll is the huge MoE. Not enough people polled, honestly.

But this kind of goes with what i was saying earlier. Walker's main thing going into the debate was to not fuck up, which he pulled off. But honestly, he also had to stand out positively in some way to get people to rally behind him and he failed at that. Walker needed to take a lead to create a true 3 man race and put everyone behind him. Not yet.
I only see two ways they can take down the Donald. 1) Pressure him on his religious beliefs and hope his answer drives away the Evangelicals. 2) A majority of the candidates need to drop out very soon and hope their votes go to the establishment's pick and bury the Donald. I personally think the only thing he can say that will bring his numbers down is if he bad mouths Christianity. Either way it might not work as both could backfire. The votes could still be splintered or with the religion question he could say something that makes him look good.

Will people realize the evangelical thing has nothing to do with sincerity of beliefs or actual beliefs at all. Its a cultural signal. It says I side against pro-lgbt laws, don't think the government should be dismantling sexist structures, and I'm xenophobic.

Nobody actually cares about jesus at least when it comes to its insertion into US politics


Fox is probably scared because they know Trump is good for ratings. So maybe they're toeing a line between what's good for Fox and what's good for the Republican party.

This is more news entertainment than anything. Pretty sure Fox got everything it wanted with few drawbacks.

They would of proceeded the same way given a second chance. They are smart so they'll diffuse their "issues".


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Trump is up 7 over Walker in the latest Iowa caucus poll, according to PPP. That's Walker's best chance to win ANY state primary.


10 minutes seems a bit long for that article.

I was assuming from finding the video to screen grabbing to uploading the screen grabs to then typing out some barebones text to then running it quickly an editor to then watching the video again because why is she eating her boogers to pressing upload to waiting a few seconds to publishing that, yeah, maybe like 10 minutes of boredom.



Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Alright, the "Let's make a new thread every time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth" thing is REALLY getting old in the OT. His followers need to cool it a bit.


Alright, the "Let's make a new thread every time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth" thing is REALLY getting old in the OT. His followers need to cool it a bit.

There's a new thread every time a candidate farts nowadays. It's definitely not just Sanders. At one point the first page of OT had like 4 Trump threads.


Alright, the "Let's make a new thread every time Bernie Sanders opens his mouth" thing is REALLY getting old in the OT. His followers need to cool it a bit.

Someone made a thread on some Nurses Union Endorsement he just got.

The endorsement isn’t a surprise: The NNU has long been a militant outlier among labor unions. It opposed the Affordable Care Act because it wasn’t single-payer, and in 2000 its predecessor union, the California Nurses Association, endorsed Ralph Nader over Al Gore for president. At the AFL-CIO’s executive council meeting last month, NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro was among Sanders’ most vigorous supporters.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/...bernie-sanders-2016-121224.html#ixzz3iRr8yn8b


So what cause do y'all think Bill is going to take up during his wife's Presidency? Just continue on with the work of the Clinton Foundation or tackle some new goal that they haven't touched on yet?


Professional Schmuck
Everyone gets the beautiful irony of a billionaire being the only type of candidate who could smack down SuperPAC pandering and Fox News at the same time, right?

It's like the idea of a benevolent dictatorship being the best possible type of government, but in a weird American branded, consumerist, capitalist way. And without the benevolence.


Seriously? I support the guy too, but this shit is getting old.

They are welcome here to discuss all things Bernie in PoliGAF. Idk why many of his GAF supporters aside from you and a few others don't come here. Maybe its because we don't tolerate certain things. Not saying that Bernie threads can't be created over significant events in his campaign however.


Everyone gets the beautiful irony of a billionaire being the only type of candidate who could smack down SuperPAC pandering and Fox News at the same time, right?

It's like the idea of a benevolent dictatorship being the best possible type of government, but in a weird American branded, consumerist, capitalist way. And without the benevolence.

The thing about Trump is that all he is is rich. His actual businesses are completely inconsequential, if they disappeared tomorrow no one would give a shit. It's not like he's an oil tycoon, defense industry, or health care CEO. His sphere of influence doesn't reach outside of the GOP bubble. Fox News cares because their viewers care, but to everyone else he's Taylor Swyft with worse hair.
They are welcome here to discuss all things Bernie in PoliGAF. Idk why many of his GAF supporters aside from you and a few others don't come here. Maybe its because we don't tolerate certain things. Not saying that Bernie threads can't be created over significant events in his campaign however.

I don't really support Bernie, but I think thats probably it and that there's more vocal Hillary supporters here. It's probably intimidating, because I doubt many people know much about politics, and are not comfortable from people challenging their views, and once they get called out( deserving or not ) they probably don't come back.


Professional Schmuck
The thing about Trump is that all he is is rich. His actual businesses are completely inconsequential, if they disappeared tomorrow no one would give a shit. It's not like he's an oil tycoon, defense industry, or health care CEO. His sphere of influence doesn't reach outside of the GOP bubble. Fox News cares because their viewers care, but to everyone else he's Taylor Swyft with worse hair.

The point is that it takes a crazy billionaire to be above pandering to other billionaires for superpac money. That's a brilliant irony to me, and the understated point of the fox-news-backs-down story.


The point is that it takes a crazy billionaire to be above pandering to other billionaires for superpac money. That's a brilliant irony to me, and the understated point of the fox-news-backs-down story.

Well it's really no different then the other candidates with billionaire sugar daddies like Sheldon Adelson or Robert Mercer. It's just instead of pandering to some other billionaire's interests, Trump just panders to himself lol.


Professional Schmuck
Well it's really no different then the other candidates with billionaire sugar daddies like Sheldon Adelson or Robert Mercer. It's just instead of pandering to some other billionaire's interests, Trump just panders to himself lol.

No, there's a huge difference.
Remember how the NYT wrote an article about the GOP being nicer on abortion? And not trying to repeate past mistakes?

Thanks PP videos!


They are idiotic of picking up this fight


Well it's really no different then the other candidates with billionaire sugar daddies like Sheldon Adelson or Robert Mercer. It's just instead of pandering to some other billionaire's interests, Trump just panders to himself lol.
Huge huge difference. Those candidates still have a "master" they have to appease to a certain degree. Trump love him or hate him is 100% in control of his own destiny. He has no superPAC, donors, or constitutes he has to appease.


I don't really support Bernie, but I think thats probably it and that there's more vocal Hillary supporters here. It's probably intimidating, because I doubt many people know much about politics, and are not comfortable from people challenging their views, and once they get called out( deserving or not ) they probably don't come back.

makes sense. The OT Bernie threads get toxic. Some of the stuff said in them would get shutdown real quick in here. I am however surprised by bishoptl. He seems very passionate on those BLM threads. I did not know he had that in him considering I mostly see him on the gaming side.

He is really at odds with Bernie and his supporters.


Unconfirmed Member


I don't really support Bernie, but I think thats probably it and that there's more vocal Hillary supporters here. It's probably intimidating, because I doubt many people know much about politics, and are not comfortable from people challenging their views, and once they get called out( deserving or not ) they probably don't come back.
They think Bernie can win. The more experience PoliGAF types who aren't fresh faced novices at this game know better and would point by point destroy any shred of possibility of him winning. There is a reason nearly every poster here accepts Hillary as the nominee at face value already while those in the Bernie threads live as if it's an exciting too close to call intense primary race. It's two different worlds.

Why go post somewhere where your idealized dream world would have its bubble burst?
makes sense. The OT Bernie threads get toxic. Some of the stuff said in them would get shutdown real quick in here. I am however surprised by bishoptl. He seems very passionate on those BLM threads. I did not know he had that in him considering I mostly see him on the gaming side.

He is really at odd with Bernie and his supporters.

The condescension and contempt many of them have is I think what drives that. They seem utterly incapable of understanding how someone comes to a different conclusion than them.

Its weird because bernie doesn't seem that way at all.


Remember how the NYT wrote an article about the GOP being nicer on abortion? And not trying to repeate past mistakes?

Thanks PP videos!


They are idiotic of picking up this fight

What I got from this is that Rubio hopes anyone still cares what he has to say months from now.
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