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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Jeb is giving a terrible speech. He has no rhythm whatsoever and is talking way too fast.

He doesn't seem to know what his punchlines are in this speech.

And his content is horrible too, but that's expected.
In more non-Trump news, a Democrat just won handily (looks like 60/40) in a safe Republican district in the Georgia House.

Why is this important? Republicans no longer have a supermajority and can't sail constitutional amendments through both chambers.
Cool! And hot on the heels of that Pennsylvania win recently.

I hope this portends well to 2016 elections, but there's not really a correlation between special election results and how either party does in the general elections. Democrats did very well in special elections leading up to 2010, for example.


Unconfirmed Member
Trump is going to delay saying anything of substance as long as possible

Why not? It's not like any of the other republicans have anything of substance to say. Everyone else is all angry yelling with no actual ideas too. Trump just does it better, and aims it at more things than just Obama or the poor.

Jeb is giving a terrible speech. He has no rhythm whatsoever and is talking way too fast.

He doesn't seem to know what his punchlines are in this speech.

And his content is horrible too, but that's expected.

His one job is to read a teleprompter, and he can't even do that without making it look awkward.


Unconfirmed Member
Jeb seems to be encouraging US marines engaging ISIS in direct warfare on the ground?

Yes. I don't know how anyone could listen to this speech and not think this is Iraq War 2.0.

Make ground troops kill all the bad guys, build a new government that will make everyone happy, and go home as heroes.


BREAKING NEWS: Hillary giving up her private email server:


WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton relented Tuesday to months of demands she relinquish the personal email server she used while secretary of state, directing the device be given to the Justice Department.

The decision advances the investigation into the Democratic presidential front-runner's use of a private email account as the nation's top diplomat, and whether classified information was improperly sent via and stored on the home-brew email server she ran from her house in suburban New York City.

Clinton campaign spokesman Nick Merrill said she has "pledged to cooperate with the government's security inquiry, and if there are more questions, we will continue to address them."
It's not clear if the device will yield any information — Clinton's attorney said in March that no emails from the main personal address she used while secretary of state still "reside on the server or on back-up systems associated with the server."

Clinton had to this point refused demands from Republican critics to turn over the server to a third party, with attorney David Kendall telling the House committee investigating the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, that "there is no basis to support the proposed third-party review of the server."

Republicans jumped on Tuesday's decision to change course, as well as the additional disclosure that two emails that traversed Clinton's personal system were subsequently given one of the government's highest classification ratings.

"All this means is that Hillary Clinton, in the face of FBI scrutiny, has decided she has run out of options," Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement. "She knows she did something wrong and has run out of ways to cover it up."

Federal investigators have begun looking into the security of Clintons' email setup amid concerns from the inspector general for the intelligence community that classified information may have passed through the system.

There is no evidence she used encryption to shield the emails or her personal server from foreign intelligence services or other potentially prying eyes. Kendall has said previously that Clinton is "actively cooperating" with the FBI inquiry.

In March, Clinton said she exchanged about 60,000 emails in her four years in the Obama administration, about half of which were personal and were discarded. She turned over the other half to the State Department in last December.

The department is reviewing those emails and has begun the process of releasing them to the public.

"As she has said, it is her hope that State and the other agencies involved in the review process will sort out as quickly as possible which emails are appropriate to release to the public, and that the release will be as timely and transparent as possible," Merrill said Tuesday.

Also Tuesday, Kendall gave to the Justice Department three thumb drives containing copies of work-related emails sent to and from her personal email addresses via her private server.

Kendall gave the thumb drives, containing copies of roughly 30,000 emails, to the FBI after the agency determined he could not remain in possession of the classified information contained in some of the emails, according to a U.S. official briefed on the matter who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The State Department previously had said it was comfortable with Kendall keeping the emails at his Washington law office.

Word that Clinton had relented on giving up possession of the server came as Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa said two emails that traversed Clinton's personal system were deemed "Top Secret, Sensitive Compartmented Information" — a rating that is among the government's highest classifications. Grassley said the inspector general of the nation's intelligence community had reported the new details about the higher classification to Congress on Tuesday.

"Secretary Clinton's previous statements that she possessed no classified information were patently untrue," House Speaker John Boehner said in a statement. "Her mishandling of classified information must be fully investigated."

Those two emails were among four that had previously been determined by the inspector general of the intelligence community to have been classified at the time they were sent. The State Department disputes that the emails were classified at that time.

"Department employees circulated these emails on unclassified systems in 2009 and 2011 and ultimately some were forwarded to Secretary Clinton," said State Department spokesman John Kirby. "They were not marked as classified."

The inspector general for the intelligence community had told Congress that potentially hundreds of classified emails are among the cache that Clinton provided to the State Department.

Earlier this week, Clinton said in a sworn statement submitted to a federal judge that she has turned over to the State Department all emails from the server "that were or potentially were federal records." The statement, which carries her signature and was signed under penalty of perjury, echoed months of Clinton's past public statements about the matter.

Clinton has defended her use of the server, saying she used it as a matter of convenience to limit the number of electronic devices she had to carry.

She should have done this in March. I hope this turns out okay.


Ahm, no? Like, not even remotely. Most of the sanctions were put in place as retaliation for the embassy mess, which most likely only happened because the US accepted giving treatment to the Shah. Only the most recent sanctions happened as a result of the nukes, and even then one could easily argue that they happened more due to the israeli lobby + ahmadinejad's dickish behaviour than anything else.

I'm not sure what you're saying. Sanctions + isolation are a very common strategy to force change within a country from the outside. It's the international community's way of making conditions in a country so difficult that leaders have to change their behavior or to cause the general public to rise against their leaders and force change that way. The Iran sanctions are no different.
"We're not part of the community of nations."

What speechwriter decided: "Yeah, let's roll with that."

I mean, his team did advise him to have his first policy speech be on how we need Iraq War 3, but still.


gaf reassure me that trump is unelectable in the general election

please tell me that hilary can defeat him and it's just fox news being unable to truly attack him without drawing ire from the far right

help me i'm diablosing


Trump defending Planned Parenthood.

If anything is going to hurt him its this.. He gained a lot of traction with their base for siding with Cruz on shutting down the Government to stop PP and now he is throwing that away. Seemingly because he heard Jeb Bush stirred up trouble for not wanting to fund womens health


There's no doubt about it. Trump is the most reasonable republican candidate.

He even advocated for a free market solution to healthcare.
Bush = fucking clueless.

Today he said Iraqi forces have the "will to win, but not the means."

Hmm, really?

Because here's what Defense Secretary Ash Carter said just 2 months ago:

"The takeover of the capital of Anbar province is evidence Iraqi forces do not have the 'will to fight"


Even if it were true, the solution is to spend more money sending a poorly trained military more, expensive equipment it's poorly trained at using, and that could, as evidenced multiple times, end up in ISIS possession?

And of course he dances around how many troops he'd have to send back. If you really wanted to make a difference in the fight, AND train the Iraqi army to a competent level, you'd need another surge.

It's like the Bushes keep trying to finish what the previous one started.


Bush = fucking clueless.

Today he said Iraqi forces have the "will to win, but not the means."

Hmm, really?

Because here's what Defense Secretary Ash Carter said just 2 months ago:

"The takeover of the capital of Anbar province is evidence Iraqi forces do not have the 'will to fight"


Even if it were true, the solution is to spend more money sending a poorly trained military more, expensive equipment it's poorly trained at using, and that could, as evidenced multiple times, end up in ISIS possession?

And of course he dances around how many troops he'd have to send back. If you really wanted to make a difference in the fight, AND train the Iraqi army to a competent level, you'd need another surge.

It's like the Bushes keep trying to finish what the previous one started.

someone actually watched Bush's speech?


I love how Trump is on top of the polls. A poll comes out and 15 minutes later he's mentioning it in a interview. I get the feeling he's religiously checking this stuff himself rather than some staffer keeping him informed.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The Jeb stuff is absolutely baffling. It's like he's running on his brother's platform. This type of thing isn't popular at all right now--even among GOP. Most people are still worn out from the Afghanistan conflict.
someone actually watched Bush's speech?

Clips of the Iraq comments on news.

And just saw Trump's comments on women's health issues. Once again he tells us how great he's going to be at something instead of what he's actually going to do. Said he cherishes women, and that he'll be really good with women's health issues, and to trust him.


Not quite as good as when he gave us his brilliant plan for ISIS by saying "...ISIS will be in such trouble. Oh, ISIS. ISIS, believe me, will be in such trouble." Hahahha, classic.

Basically, his response to questions about what he's going to do as President is, "I'm going to be a good one. Trust me."

Well, I'm convinced!


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I don't get it. What's going on exactly? Trump makes a speech and then it's followed by Jeb? Is this at a convention or something?


There's no doubt about it. Trump is the most reasonable republican candidate.

He even advocated for a free market solution to healthcare.

Yup. We're watching his speech at home, commenting, "Holy shit.. if Obama proposed half of this stuff, the GOP would automatically shoot it down. Repairing bridges? Updating our airports and infrastructure? Amazing!"
Fucking Tim Pawlenty on Lawrence O'Donnell, a couple of times, said:

"Socialism is the government owns the means of production and distribution; capitalism is the private sector owns it."



And I guess Lawrence O'Donnell doesn't know that's wrong either because he didn't correct him. Wtf?


Fucking Tim Pawlenty on Lawrence O'Donnell, a couple of times, said:

"Socialism is the government owns the means of production and distribution; capitalism is the private sector owns it."



And I guess Lawrence O'Donnell doesn't know that's wrong either because he didn't correct him. Wtf?

Lawrence was the one that brought it up, via the ridiculous Newsweek article.

But I have a trouble with the Mariam-Webster definition of socialism that Tim was citing. Government isn't even necessary for socialism; otherwise we would not have anarchists.
Fucking Tim Pawlenty on Lawrence O'Donnell, a couple of times, said:

"Socialism is the government owns the means of production and distribution; capitalism is the private sector owns it."



And I guess Lawrence O'Donnell doesn't know that's wrong either because he didn't correct him. Wtf?

what's wrong with that statement.

from wikipedia

Socialism is a social and economic system characterized by social ownership of the means of production and co-operative management of the economy, as well as a political theory and movement that aims at the establishment of such a system.

Capitalism is an economic system and a mode of production in which trade, industries, and the means of production are largely or entirely privately owned.

All he did was open a dictionary.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
what's wrong with that statement.

from wikipedia

All he did was open a dictionary.

Because Republicans don't care about text book/dictionary definitions and when they bring up things like "socialism" they want people to think of Stalin and Mao.
what's wrong with that statement.

from wikipedia

All he did was open a dictionary.

Yeah, social ownership and co-op. management of means of production, not "the government." This is the same, bullshit, right-wing talking point attempting to paint socialism as a crazy, government dictatorship that we've been hearing for god-knows how long.


Yeah, social ownership and co-op. management of means of production, not "the government." This is the same, bullshit, right-wing talking point attempting to paint socialism as a crazy, government dictatorship that we've been hearing for god-knows how long.

"Socialism for the rich" is a popular phrase I often hear from progressives too. It completely misses the point. That's just capitalism! Or corporate capitalism, or corporatism -- or whatever libertarians want to call it. We don't need to spoil the perfectly good name of socialism.
Yeah, social ownership and co-op. management of means of production, not "the government." This is the same, bullshit, right-wing talking point attempting to paint socialism as a crazy, government dictatorship that we've been hearing for god-knows how long.
the government is social ownership. so are co-ops.

there's lots of different types of social ownerships but lets be real most left leaning peoples idea of social ownership is government (through democracy)

this very forum people advocate for social ownership through the government of health care, social ownership through the government of education, social ownership through the government of transportation, social ownership through the government of yadayada

We are advocating for government ownership or at least control/regulation, we just hold the democratic control over such a government a lot higher than stalinists or maoists.
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