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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Another thing I've noticed is that he never responds to posts that point out his ridiculous or trolling statements.

Like just now. All this talk about him and all he has to say is...

But it's like that pretty much of late whenever anyone calls bullshit.
Don't be hard on PhoenixDark. He lost an 'Avatar' bet and nowadays he says basically whatever is contrary to the moment. There was a long stretch of time where he criticized anything Obama did with how a hypothetical Hillary presidency would be so much better. He's basically a high-level trolling persona.

That's not to say on occasion he doesn't produce valid points. You just have to keep certain things in mind when reading certain posters.

It's painful to be dead serious all the time in politics. You have to find ways to cope, or else you become an empty vessel.

And now that we've filled two days, that's probably enough time for Trump to have said something again. And we can keep this perpetual motion machine of meaningless going for a couple more weeks and then it's time to start our two weeks of debate speculation.
It feels like forever since Trump said anything.
Why are people in rich countries so angry this year?

There's huge parts of America, Australia, Germany, UK, etc, where the citizens are basically screaming "we fucking hate poor people entering our country and support throwing away half a trillion dollars to deport them/keeping them in detention centers so horrible that 5 year olds get raped frequently." What are these people so mad about? Why do they feel threatened?


Why are people in rich countries so angry this year?

There's huge parts of America, Australia, Germany, UK, etc, where the citizens are basically screaming "we fucking hate poor people entering our country and support throwing away half a trillion dollars to deport them/keeping them in detention centers so horrible that 5 year olds get raped frequently." What are these people so mad about? Why do they feel threatened?
Rich people turn the lower classes against each other so they can rape and pillage the economy.
Rich people turn the lower classes against each other so they can rape and pillage the economy.

I haven't seen much/any anti-immigration stuff from rich people and this anti-immigration stuff just seems more violent and extreme this year. It's odd for people to be so mad this year when things are going pretty well for white people in rich countries.
Another thing I've noticed is that he never responds to posts that point out his ridiculous or trolling statements.

Like just now. All this talk about him and all he has to say is...

But it's like that pretty much of late whenever anyone calls bullshit.

I'm frustrated that what once seemed like a slam dunk win is now in jeopardy. If Hillary simply had not been connected to the Obama administration she'd be the clear front runner right now. Instead she's in free fall. Much of the problems are her fault in terms of the emails, but Obama gave her that power and thus put her in position to fuck up.
The Countless Crimes of Hillary Clinton: Special Prosecutor Needed Now

It's too bad Bernie won't even mention any of this, it's time to finally expose the Clinton's criminal organization and someone with his unimpeachable integrity could convince the country of the truth instead of the facade.

Yet there's still going to be GAFfers going all out to put another criminal in the White House rather than a true patriot and human being.

As discussed on NewsMaxTV’s Hardline last night, .....

You read the loopy sources to get an anti-state boner don't you?
I'm frustrated that what once seemed like a slam dunk win is now in jeopardy. If Hillary simply had not been connected to the Obama administration she'd be the clear front runner right now. Instead she's in free fall. Much of the problems are her fault in terms of the emails, but Obama gave her that power and thus put her in position to fuck up.
So it's Obama's fault that Hillary fucked up

Do you realize how ridiculous your argument is

I mean, probably you do.


I haven't seen much/any anti-immigration stuff from rich people and this anti-immigration stuff just seems more violent and extreme this year. It's odd for people to be so mad this year when things are going pretty well for white people in rich countries.
The rich don't (usually) do it directly.
It's politicians who have the rich's best interests at heart that promotes such policies.

There are just more poor people than rich, and so policies that directly benefit the rich at the expense of the poor can be a hard sell in a democracy, that's why you often see those parties shout about boat people/Mexicans/eastern European migrant workers coming for your jobs and your women all while deregulating the bank industry and cutting taxes for the rich.
I'm frustrated that what once seemed like a slam dunk win is now in jeopardy. If Hillary simply had not been connected to the Obama administration she'd be the clear front runner right now. Instead she's in free fall. Much of the problems are her fault in terms of the emails, but Obama gave her that power and thus put her in position to fuck up.

"free fall"

Why are people in rich countries so angry this year?

There's huge parts of America, Australia, Germany, UK, etc, where the citizens are basically screaming "we fucking hate poor people entering our country and support throwing away half a trillion dollars to deport them/keeping them in detention centers so horrible that 5 year olds get raped frequently." What are these people so mad about? Why do they feel threatened?

I see nothing wrong with a country protecting their borders.

And if 5 year olds are being raped, it seems you are strengthening Trump's argument.

Be mad at the shitheads running their home countries into the ground.


I'm frustrated that what once seemed like a slam dunk win is now in jeopardy. If Hillary simply had not been connected to the Obama administration she'd be the clear front runner right now. Instead she's in free fall. Much of the problems are her fault in terms of the emails, but Obama gave her that power and thus put her in position to fuck up.

1. She was never going to be a slam dunk
2. She still is the clear frontrunner for the nomination. Nothing has changed.
3. In the primary? no. In the general? no.
4. Blaming Obama again for everything
5. Cool it. You are paying too much attention to the media right now. I suggest you take a break for the next few weeks until the September 16th debate.


Why are people in rich countries so angry this year?

There's huge parts of America, Australia, Germany, UK, etc, where the citizens are basically screaming "we fucking hate poor people entering our country and support throwing away half a trillion dollars to deport them/keeping them in detention centers so horrible that 5 year olds get raped frequently." What are these people so mad about? Why do they feel threatened?

Immigration of poor people from 'lower' cultures is an extremely potent issue for the masses of people in these western counties, to a degree I haven't seen most of GAF comprehend. I volunteered at an after school refugee program a few years ago, and from looking at the children from Somalia and East Africa it was clear that that area of the world was hell on earth, and that they'll just be a drain on this nation for 2 or 3 generations because of a near total absence of proper socialization. The whole program was in near constant collapse because of 5% of the families.

When Trump says we've become a dumping ground for other nation's problems, it resonates highly with many in this country. Many Americans and people from western countries believe the reason so much of the world is in a mess is because talented people leave those countries for greener pastures instead of staying and making that country a greener pasture. But if we have to be generous with our immigration, there's millions of people around the world who want to immigrate here, and they likely can bring lots of capital and advanced experience and labor skills with them, and instead we make room for charity cases like those Somalian families from the refugee center. That we're being taken advantage of is a strong feeling in this country, and many Americans blame their own problems and the problems in the news on non-assimilating migrants.

I'm not saying I personally believe in this viewpoint, but I am trying to explain how many Americans feel.


Gotta love Trump. Trump taking kids off in Helicopter. lol.

Other republicans candidates wish they were as interesting as Trump. lol. Their advisers must be losing their minds behind the scenes trying to come up with ways of drawing media's attention away from Trump.
I see nothing wrong with a country protecting their borders.

And if 5 year olds are being raped, it seems you are strengthening Donald "You won't see another black president for generations" Trump's argument.

Be mad at the shitheads running their home countries into the ground.

I'm pretty sure the Australian government is doing the torturing and imprisoning and restricting of free speech and creating unsafe conditions though.

And this fails marginal thinking entirely. If I see massive bank fraud and I don't do anything, it's stupid to go "Not my fault!" I could have helped and I didn't. I approved of the people being ripped off.
I'm pretty sure the Australian government is doing the torturing and imprisoning and restricting of free speech and creating unsafe conditions though.

And this fails marginal thinking entirely. If I see massive bank fraud and I don't do anything, it's stupid to go "Not my fault!" I could have helped and I didn't. I approved of the people being ripped off.

Tony Abbott is a fuck head. And desperate migrants need to be treated humanely.

But countries are under no obligation to permanently accept them. In fact that is terrible policy because then you are just effectively supporting the shit policies of their home countries that caused these people to flee. These countries need to fix their problems. The need to get their birth rates under control so they are not creating people faster than they create jobs. They need to foster tolerance in order to stop ethnic, racial, religious sect, and other tribal fighting. To further the banking analogy you brought up, to just bail banks out causes moral hazard. Just accepting immigrants creates a moral hazard issue.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Friend of mine on FB posted that stupid fucking article from the National Review where Kevin Williamson compared Bernie Sanders to Hitler. Then he proceeded to say that Trump was "firing up the center and center right".

It took all my energy to not respond to that shit.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Any of you guys see Real Time yesterday? They talked about the Iran deal for a bit and Bill shredded the right-wing's talking points one by one, and the only thing that thee Republican hack on the panel could muster was "bubububu Chuck Schumer doesn't like it either!". Bill kept pressing him on offering an actual substantive criticism and the dude kept flailing. Was pretty sweet to watch.


Professional Schmuck


What's interesting here is how much Walker is suffering from Trump being in the race. -- Cruz, Perry, I get. Walker and Jeb! though? This is crazy.
Don’t know Rubio. Got to know him behind the lectern. Really nice guy. Highly thought of. Very young. But I have better hair than he does.”
Trump posts on Gaf confirmed

"I’m a huge fan of the police. But it’s amazing some of the things I’ve seen. What amazes me, why aren’t they shooting at the legs? It’s so bad for the police, for the image of the police. The choking incident with Eric Garner was terrible, I thought.”


Hillary Clinton is highly unlikely to go to jail for emails.


Which is why any “Hillary Loses” scenario has to involve some extra-political event, some scandal beyond anything the Clintons have endured before. And here I’m afraid that I am a bit cynical: While the email scandal is a serious business, I simply do not believe that the Obama Justice Department is going to indict the former secretary of state and Democratic front-runner for mishandling classified information, even if the offenses involved would have sunk a lesser figure’s career or landed her in jail.

And to continue to wax cynical, I think it would take an indictment of Herself, not merely an investigation that ultimately finds a fall guy in Clinton’s IT team or even among her intimates, to turn Democratic primary voters against Hillary or force her from the race

Because absent an indictment— or, I suppose, an email showing her deliberately accepting payola from Vladimir Putin — the email affair, no less than the shady Clinton Foundation dealings, looks like the kind of scandal that Clinton supporters have long conditioned themselves to justify: An inappropriate and self-interested episode, clumsily covered over, but at once murky and slow-dripping enough for Democratic partisans to shrug, say, “LOLBenghazi” and move on.
the email affair, no less than the shady Clinton Foundation dealings, looks like the kind of scandal that Clinton supporters have long conditioned themselves to justify
No douthat, its not that we're "justifying it" its we're not convinced of a super shady clinton dynasty that you are in which everything its because the clintons are the Underwoods of real life DC
You guys miss one key component to make the comparitions between Sanders and Ron Paul work better: straw polls.

Luckily for you, I´ve got you covered!

Bernie Sanders is currently defeating Hillary Clinton in a straw poll, made by Iowa´s secretary of state at the State Fair 2015.

51% vs 41% as of now.


I wonder if the media will cover this just to follow with the NH narrative.


and wow Carson 17% vs Trump´s 26%, lol.
Any of you guys see Real Time yesterday? They talked about the Iran deal for a bit and Bill shredded the right-wing's talking points one by one, and the only thing that thee Republican hack on the panel could muster was "bubububu Chuck Schumer doesn't like it either!". Bill kept pressing him on offering an actual substantive criticism and the dude kept flailing. Was pretty sweet to watch.

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson is best GOPer ever. Then again, calling him a GOPer pretty much doesn't make sense at this point since he seems to disagree with most of their policies.


Unconfirmed Member
One annoying thing I've noticed from Schumer's Iran deal possition is how it once again turned one of the Republican's positions into a bipartisan one. It immediately removes the doubt that Republicans might be doing this just because they hate obama and refuse to give him any victories, and it immediately reinforces the apathetic non-voters view that both sides are same.

Now the only side that looks partisan is the side that supports the Iran deal.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009

Noted Marijuana Enthusiast Maureen Dowd does a lightning round with Donald Trump.

It’s so sad what a brotherly relationship will do to one’s mind. We were a hell of a lot better off with Saddam Hussein holding that crazy country together than we are now with it split up into ISIS and five other factions. If only we could have Saddam back, as bad as he was, rather than $2 trillion spent, thousands of lives lost and all these wounded warriors. Maybe his brother said, ‘Hey, listen, that’s my legacy. Don’t kill me.’ ”

go go go trump 2016

He gave me a plaque and everything is nice. And I like him. And then about a week ago one of his guys came up and said that Donald Trump is full of it. I said ‘Thank you so much. Now I can hit him.’ I hit Scott so hard. I said his state was a disaster. So there’s a lot of power there. He went from Number 1 to Number 4 in Iowa. I went to Number 1.”

I can't. Please win.
If Trump became president it might be worth it just for him to thoroughly destroy every other current elected Republican's chance of becoming president.


If Trump became president it might be worth it just for him to thoroughly destroy every other current elected Republican's chance of becoming president.

If I somehow knew he'd appoint decent justices, I'd almost be willing to take a gamble on him - especially if the rule of midterm backlashes translated into big Democratic Congressional gains for 2018.

Hell, aside from his goofy-ass/cartoonishly offensive rhetoric on a handful of issues, he sometimes sounds like he possesses the moderation that the GOP eventually will need to embrace to remain electorally viable.


Unconfirmed Member
If Trump became president it might be worth it just for him to thoroughly destroy every other current elected Republican's chance of becoming president.

A world where Trump can be elected president would be impossible to predict.

I can't even imagine what he'd actually do as president.
Lord in hell, only now has it dawned on me what Trump is doing with all of those "he's been supportive/nice to me". Quite simple, really: "hey, your guy has no chance, but look how favorable he is to me! Might as well vote for me, eh?".
President Obama has had an eventful year. His approval rating hasn't budged.

2015 has been an eventful year for Barack Obama. He made a historic nuclear deal with Iran, two of his Supreme Court appointees voted to legalize same-sex marriage nationwide, he's fought with the left to advance his trade agenda, and he gave a speech on race and gun violence that was hailed as the best of his presidency.

And none of that has caused his approval rating to budge in the slightest, as you can see in this HuffPost Pollster chart:

Reinforces my view that people tuned out Obama a long time ago.
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