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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Unless something spectacular happens between now and next year his final approval rating will probably be somewhere between 46-47%. He had so much potential coming in.



So Roger Stone resigns from the Trump campaign, and now he's all over cable news praising Donald Trump? Mmm hmm..

Has he really though? Maybe around the next debate, we'll see him announce his return to the Trump campaign and an apology.

I would love if this was part of an elaborate plan.


Campaign season after the conventions will get the soft leaning Democratic voters in line. Obama's only underwater 4-5%, easily recoverable.

What Democrats have to worry about is something like that story in the OT about Russia's troop buildup. If Putin were to invade and annex eastern Ukraine we would never hear the end of stories about U.S. weakness and Obama's approval would sink to 40%.


It's better that his approval ratings are average-ish than so low he can be hanged like a noose around the nominee.

If it ends up being like... 47% Hillary/Bernie will be fine campaigning with him.

They are going to have to campaign with him regardless. The Al Gore model can and will not work. He has to get the Coalition he built out for most likely Hillary to have any chance of winning.


Has he really though? Maybe around the next debate, we'll see him announce his return to the Trump campaign and an apology.

I would love if this was part of an elaborate plan.

It wasn't all positive, but quite overwhelming. He sounded like a campaign surrogate for most of these interviews. Nothing would surprise me at this point.


Campaign season after the conventions will get the soft leaning Democratic voters in line. Obama's only underwater 4-5%, easily recoverable.

What Democrats have to worry about is something like that story in the OT about Russia's troop buildup. If Putin were to invade and annex eastern Ukraine we would never hear the end of stories about U.S. weakness and Obama's approval would sink to 40%.
Yeah, campaign season will probably boost his approval ratings too. His approval rating was terrible in late 2011 (sub-40s in some polls) and it was above 50% when he was re-elected. It's good he's getting stuff done now so he has more to point to than just first term stuff.
It's amazing. 60% of the kernels and not a single professional politician.

GOP base be mad. Real mad. Impotent rage.

I like how the media is trying to work the Dems into this false equivalency narrative that voters are angry by citing Sanders, conveniently ignoring Clinton's overwhelming support. Not even close because Sanders is at least a respected and competent politician.
Iowa rates Donald "The U.S. has become a dumping ground" Trump as the best on terrorism, what?


Jeb "let's go back to Iraq" Bush and Scott "taking on the teacher's union is just like taking on ISIS" Walker are 3rd and 5th, but Donald "The U.S. has become a dumping ground" Trump's plan is to drill for oil in a war zone.

C'mon. He already told us he has a foolproof plan to beat ISIS. But he can't tell us . . . it has to remain secret. Oh ye of little faith.


I hate the fact that Iowa is important in politics.

Because Nebraska's biggest city and my hometown is also the broadcast point for anyone that gets TV in the western half Iowa, we get all the Iowa clusterfuck of ads in ADDITION to the nebraska ones.

I've seriously seen stretches of 12 political ad breaks. Entire fucking ad break is politics.

brain melting.
I hate the fact that Iowa is important in politics.

Because Nebraska's biggest city and my hometown is also the broadcast point for anyone that gets TV in the western half Iowa, we get all the Iowa clusterfuck of ads in ADDITION to the nebraska ones.

I've seriously seen stretches of 12 political ad breaks. Entire fucking ad break is politics.

brain melting.
If the entire country was important, there'd seriously have to be some regulations. I couldn't stand ads for a whole year and a half.


LOL, in the interview Trump says if he was a liberal democrat people would be calling him "the super genius of all time" and that he'll be "better than Reagan", "better than anyone" as President.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
FOX poll: Trump 25%, Carson 12%, Cruz 10%, Bush 9%, Huckabee 6%, Walker 6%, Fiorina 5%, Kasich 4%, Rubio 4%, Christie 3%, Paul 3%.

Carson is poaching Walker's voters.

I fully expect crazy-time Walker next debate.
Was Romney ever this low? I may be misremembering, but I was sure he was always in at least a somewhat strong position in the race.

If you're one of these election pundits saying Trump, Carson, etc will flame out, you believe that Walker or Rubio can come back from 6% or 4%? Bush looks to be the only establishment candidate with a prayer.
FOX poll: Donald "When did we beat Japan at anything?" Trump 25%, Carson 12%, Cruz 10%, Bush 9%, Huckabee 6%, Walker 6%, Fiorina 5%, Kasich 4%, Rubio 4%, Christie 3%, Paul 3%.

I expect Rubio to win this nomination in the end, but I don't know if a candidate has stayed around 5% for months on end and then won a nomination.
Rubio is done, IMO.

I never got what people saw in him. He's an okay speaker, but he looks like a 10 year old perpetually on the verge of tears. Not the slightest bit presidential.



Romney was always either leading or second to the flavor of the month. His support was always stable though while no one else's was, and he was clearly in a tier above the pack. This led most everyone to acknowledge him as the frontrunner when you also considered his money and establishment support.
Romney was always either leading or second to the flavor of the month. His support was always stable though while no one else's was, and he was clearly in a tier above the pack. This led most everyone to acknowledge him as the frontrunner when you also considered his money and establishment support.

compare that to 17 people though
Rubio is done, IMO.

I never got what people saw in him. He's an okay speaker, but he looks like a 10 year old perpetually on the verge of tears. Not the slightest bit presidential.

How is he done? Anyone who watched 2012 saw a variety of clowns rise to the top only to fall. Trump hasn't fallen yet but will. Does anyone think pro gay marriage Carly Fiorna is a serious contestant? What about Ben Carson? Come on. The "serious" candidates plus Cruz will rise. Long term people like Carson and Fiorna don't have the money to last.
Rubio is done, IMO.

I never got what people saw in him. He's an okay speaker, but he looks like a 10 year old perpetually on the verge of tears. Not the slightest bit presidential.

He's the only one of the establishment candidates (Bush/Walker/Rubio) who comes off as not stupid in public. Bush and Walker I just think are way too dumb to get through this process. Neither are close to as smart as Romney was.
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