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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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DailyKosElections (and not only go to DailyKosElections, not the main site) usually has a pretty good roundup of the daily news, and has a bonus, all discussion of the Democratic Presidential primary there is largely banned, and there's usually good stuff in the comments.
Thanks, I'll check it out.

I'd be concerned if Kasich managed to pick up some establishment momentum; from a distance, he certainly sounds a lot more electable than Walker or Jeb.
Kasich is the only one of the bunch that I would be very concerned about in the general.
I'm not sure. I legit think at one of these debates Jim Gilmore might rip of his mask, revealing his sheer, horrendous brilliance, incinerating all the other contenders and immediately jumping to 85% in the Iowa polling.

That'd have to be some brilliance there. I'm from Virginia and a complete blank comes to mind when it comes to Jim Gilmore. He was governor, but I was young.

I don't think he'll break away from the pack.


I'd be concerned if Kasich managed to pick up some establishment momentum; from a distance, he certainly sounds a lot more electable than Walker or Jeb.

He very much is... but he also doesn't really have a path to the nomination since he is polling so low with almost no momentum. Yes, it's early, but I don't see people abandoning Jeb en masse for Kasich.

Also -- Kasich is extremely gaffe prone, if not more so than Jeb. He's going to get him in trouble, and unlike Trump's supporters, Kasich's supporters care about that sort of thing.
I read that cypress and peppermint oil will repel those sons of bitches so im gonna mix them up and spray that shit all the fuck over my room.
Does anybody have recommendations for good places online to get a daily political news roundup?

Normally i get most of my news from listening to NPR to/from work and from checking this thread (and any OT political threads) daily. But at least until after the primaries, i think i need to take a break from poliGaf, as this place and all of the OT threads have become a fucking shitshow.

The Trump circus was funny for a while, but I'm getting kinda tired and disinterested in the constant jokes and headlines about him. Then the only discussions that aren't about Trump are Bernie vs Clinton, which are just fucking terrible. In the OT you've got the "both sides are the same" crowd calling anybody willing to vote for Hillary a corporate sellout, and the condescending Hillary stans getting their rocks off feeling superior to everyone else, yelling at each other for 90% of the posts. And in this thread, when we're not talking about Trump, it's always pointing and laughing at Sanders and his supporters, with many of the posters here, who i normally love reading, showing nothing but utter contempt and disdain for anyone who dares to like Sanders or show skepticism about Queen Hillary.

As someone who is supporting Sanders in the primary and also planning to vote Clinton in the very likely event she's the nominee (i don't have any huge problems with Clinton's current positions outside of maybe foreign policy), i just don't really feel welcome here anymore. I hate how fucking long campaign season is.
Well if you don't want to hear about the circus then I would suggest tuning out for a while. It will be a ridiculous circus for a while until several people drop out. It is mostly meaningless right now. Just fodder for political junkies and silly entertainment.

But it is funny entertainment IMHO.


Put me down for Deeez Nuuuts/Carly Fiorina, I think the GOP will have to put some estrogen on the ticket.

I have to say, I find that whole Deeez Nuuuts resurgence that happened the last few months to be both delightful and confusing.
On one hand, I have no fucking clue why it came back now and it make me feel old.
On the other hand, this sit in the g-spot of my cultural pop culture frame of reference.

By the way, was that thing big in real time?
Like, did people (at least those who weren't inclined to do so before) started doing that after The Chronic came out?
I listened the shit out of that album, but young Chichikov who was riding helicopters in the service of the Zionist occupation forces at the time was not exactly in tune with American popular culture. That young and strapping lad was also quite confused about what the fuck did it even mean (that was before the internet was the ultimate question answering machine).


This is semantics, and nothing more
I appreciate your bravery in admitting that you'd vote for Trump over any Democratic candidate.

If Trump is actually elected I will immediately call for your banning. Nothing personal!

You'd be surprised at how highly I value the right to criticize politicians.
My god, Quinn polls are coming out tomorrow. I hope you guys are ready for headline creating outlier action. Trump leading Clinton in every swing state is my guess.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So my mom officially became a U.S. citizen today. Woo.

I'm still working on mine.


Rubio is going to win it. I'm a firm believer that favorability and good looks out trump policy stances. The only thing you can try to do with outlining your policies is to try and not hurt your favorability. Which is the big mistake Trump is making. As people drop out they will coalesce behind anyone but Trump. Trump will only win if 3-4 people stay in it till the end and split the not Trump vote.

Edit- the primary that is. No way is a Republican winning the general the demographics are just that bad for them.


Unconfirmed Member
I can't believe we are debating whether we should become a pirate nation.

And the Iran/ISIS stuff...he is more ignorant than water boy. Amazing.

Well, I think Trump's chances are dropping. He's suggesting non sensical things. Then again, it is the GOP primary.
Don't talk smack about Bobby Boucher, or his mama will hurt you.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'd bet you $100 cash money that Jeb doesn't get the nomination.

Who are you betting on?

edit: You're betting on cruz?

Is Jeb sick? He looks sickly in a lot of the photos from yesterday. Maybe he should eat a hamburger instead of just cooking them.


Quinnipiac is becoming a bit too transparent.
Despite their party ID numbers per state being wonky (~9% party ID delta from 2012 in PA? Not. Gonna. Happen.), these aren't too bad.

I love that Trump is beating Jeb and Marco in Florida. That would effectively end both of their campaigns.


The odd thing is their polling has always been pretty solid as far back as I can remember since I started following electoral politics closely with the 2000 election.

I am confused what could have changed.


The poll also made me envision late October 2016:
- Hillary deployed somewhere in Nevada
- Bill in Florida, working the I-4 corridor
- Biden in Pennsylvania (it'd already be nailed-down, but he'd be baiting the GOP into spending time/money there)
- Obama in Ohio
- VP in Virginia or Colorado

All that firepower!
Of course Rich Lowery is in Politico saying Trump doing good by abandoning the "elite" immigration plans that don't seek to throw people out and legalize people who have been in this country for decades.


Donald Trump's immigration reform plan is going to be the classiest, most luxurious ethnic cleansing you've ever seen.
I know Univision has been giving plenty of coverage to the GOP's process. Meanwhile, it almost seems like Hillary is on there giving an interview about every other week or so.


And that Trump-with-eagle photo is absolutely Colbertesque. It almost seems deliberate. The more that little things like this happen with him, the more I feel ready for my tinfoil hat. It's like he's dropping hints, and later on, at the end of the show, when Scooby and the gang pull off his mask, he'll be able to do a flashback montage of all the little hints he's left along the way.
And that Trump-with-eagle photo is absolutely Colbertesque. It almost seems deliberate. The more that little things like this happen with him, the more I feel ready for my tinfoil hat. It's like he's dropping hints, and later on, at the end of the show, when Scooby and the gang pull off his mask, he'll be able to do a flashback montage of all the little hints he's left along the way.

Things like these do make one wonder just how much contempt The Donald holds for the average republican voter.


You guys sure you want to bet on Trump? Betting markets still seem to favor Jeb. Not by much though.

Fuck me i just killed another enormous waterbug/roach. This shitbags are torturing me
Get some roach bait. If you had more than one that means there's a ton of them in your place now.

Also there is a roach on your back right now.

So my mom officially became a U.S. citizen today. Woo.

I'm still working on mine.
Congrats to your mother, and good luck to you.
did they read that in the NYT?

Exactly one week after the FBI took possession of Hillary Clinton's personal email server, Al Jazeera America has been told that the FBI is now treating the Clinton case as a potential criminal investigation. Our sources add that dozens of federal investigators have now been assigned to this investigation.

Several weeks ago, when Inspectors General referred the Clinton email controversy to the Justice Department for review, the DOJ knocked down suggestions reported in the New York Times at the time that this was a criminal referral. The Inspectors General backed up the claim that their referral was administrative rather than criminal. However, the FBI — the agency responsible for investigating Clinton's server — now believes there may be a criminal case to answer.

Clinton's primary defense, reiterated on Tuesday, has been that none of the government emails she possessed had been marked or identified as “classified.” But as Al Jazeera’s story points out, a violation of the relevant criminal code statute (18 USC Section 1924) does not require that material be marked or stamped as “classified.” In other words, Clinton's public defense may help her politically, but it wouldn’t necessarily suffice in the event of a criminal case.

Nothing in this say they're investigating clinton for anything. They're might have been a violation some how related to the emails. That's it.

Whoever, being an officer, employee, contractor, or consultant of the United States, and, by virtue of his office, employment, position, or contract, becomes possessed of documents or materials containing classified information of the United States, knowingly removes such documents or materials without authority and with the intent to retain such documents or materials at an unauthorized location shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.

Oh and hahaha

Bush tops Clinton 49 - 38 percent and Rubio leads 51 - 39 percent while Trump gets 43 percent to Clinton's 41 percent.
Bush leads Biden 51 - 38 percent, with Rubio up 48 - 42 percent. Biden gets 45 percent to Trump's 42 percent.
Sanders trails Bush 54 - 35 percent and loses 52 - 36 percent to Rubio and 45 - 41 percent to Trump.
Obama should let her drown. Any attempts to intervene on her behalf could severely backfire not only for him but her as well. If she's innocent she'll be fine, if not...it's over.

Regardless you don't want to hear "FBI criminal investigation" in the same headline as a candidate for president.


With Hillary out of the picture, Sanders the socialist stands no chance against a candidate like Trump in this country. Biden is the only hope for Dems.


Oh and hahaha


Their Florida sampling is absolutely nuts. Democrats had a 2% party ID edge in 2012. Here, their sample was 477R-345D. That'd be a 14-point swing in 4 years. I can buy a modest swing towards the R's, but not that much, especially when the GOP's national favorable numbers are in the toilet.
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