Does anybody have recommendations for good places online to get a daily political news roundup?
Normally i get most of my news from listening to NPR to/from work and from checking this thread (and any OT political threads) daily. But at least until after the primaries, i think i need to take a break from poliGaf, as this place and all of the OT threads have become a fucking shitshow.
The Trump circus was funny for a while, but I'm getting kinda tired and disinterested in the constant jokes and headlines about him. Then the only discussions that aren't about Trump are Bernie vs Clinton, which are just fucking terrible. In the OT you've got the "both sides are the same" crowd calling anybody willing to vote for Hillary a corporate sellout, and the condescending Hillary stans getting their rocks off feeling superior to everyone else, yelling at each other for 90% of the posts. And in this thread, when we're not talking about Trump, it's always pointing and laughing at Sanders and his supporters, with many of the posters here, who i normally love reading, showing nothing but utter contempt and disdain for anyone who dares to like Sanders or show skepticism about Queen Hillary.
As someone who is supporting Sanders in the primary and also planning to vote Clinton in the very likely event she's the nominee (i don't have any huge problems with Clinton's current positions outside of maybe foreign policy), i just don't really feel welcome here anymore. I hate how fucking long campaign season is.