I knew the poll skewing would begin. Both sides really are the same.
Christ. These polls don't matter.
The only polls that do are the GOP primary ones and not because they're necessarily accurate but because they'll decide where the money flows (or stops flowing). That's it.
Most people don't give a shit about the Presidential polling right now so you're gonna get a skewed reading.
Just look at the hillary vs Trump numbers from like 2 months ago versus today. Did anyone back then even believe trump would get sub 40% of the vote as the GOP nominee back then? because if you did, you're a moron. The GOP will unite behind whoever the candidate is. Sure, depending on who it is could affect turnout, but not to that degree. Without a scandal post convention, every GOP candidate will get 42-43% no matter what, and that's being super liberal (probably closer to 45%).
But 2 months ago when polling firms were asking about Hillary versus Trump people were going "lol trump, really? Must be a joke question!" But not it's not a joke question and all those people who didn't know Trump was really going to run really is and the GOP is going to get behind him.
Furthermore, it's too far out. The only people answering polls on this are enthusiastic primary voters. Everyone else is checked out. And seeing as the Democrat primary is mostly a foregone conclusion and the GOP one is a giant circus that the world is watching, everything is going to skew GOP unless you spend a shit ton of money making sure your polling is a good representation.
That's why the Quinn poll can turn up 47% R. We know that number is wrong. Don't need to unskew shit. There is no battleground state where either party is 45%+. Come the fuck on. Getting a better representation is very costly, money wise, so it is what it is.
None of these matchups will matter until next year. None. The only polls that matter are the GOP Primary ones (and again, for where the money goes and nothing else except for Trump who needs none). Even the Dem primary polls are irrelevant. It's Hillary vs Bernie and no matter the polling the establishment isn't taking money away from Hillary so those polls are irrelevant.