
Teflon don
That Hillary BLM thread is yet more (albeit anecdotal) proof at how completely shitty we are at civics education in this country.
Walker's entire career has been based on stiring white racial resentment. Lets not forget he went after state workers union (were minorities are prevalent) and left cops and firefighters alone. There's also a lot base on his time as county leader or whatever they call that up in Milwalkee (I believe its the most segregated city in the country or something).
My god, did he bomb that question hard.
Its scary. And its why the many on the left never get what they want. The gay rights movement was the opposite of this. They got shit done.
That Hillary BLM thread is yet more (albeit anecdotal) proof of how completely shitty we are at civics education in this country.
Why do you guys think this is the case? What Grade's do they teach government/civics in now?
Asked at a Politics and Eggs breakfast forum in Manchester on Friday if he would take some time to sit down with the African-American activists, Walker called the question ridiculous.
Im going to meet with voters.
I don't think its civics per se. But just a general misunderstanding on the nature of power (which is weird because they get it pretty accurately on issues of the things driving the movement they just don't apply it to politics and other areas, its weird). And its exercise. Civics is BS unless its a deconstruction of the Civics they teach in HS (Schoolhouse Rock)
Scott Walker on birthright citizenship said:"I'm not taking a position on it one way or another."
Its scary. And its why the many on the left never get what they want. The gay rights movement was the opposite of this. They got shit done.
Indeed. They put forth policy in many many states and kept trying over and over in the courts.
I wonder if it's a funding and political sophistication issue behind the scenes? Whether the apparently younger minority driven BLM movement simply does not have the money or knowledge to work the system in their favor the same way the gay movement did (which spans the races and ages).
Oh, I do think she'll win. Still, I'm not going to count my chickens just yet.1. She is going to win. Believe in it.
2. They are going to have losses and it is crucial that they prepare for that now.
This is true. Had the 2012 election happened in a similar environment to 20 years ago, Obama would have easily lost. Base turnout is getting more and more important.The problem I have with this is politics is different now. Back during the time periods we keep looking back to the electorate was very firm in its fluidness (this doesn't make literal sense but you know what I mean) and solid in its composition (White). This isn't true now. Unless minorities start changing their votes or stop showing up why should we expect change, even with economic troubles (Doesn't everyone remember how crappy things were in 2012 when Obama got reelected).
A lot of the reasons people voted for the challenger in those years wasn't only the economy but because the challenging party had different ideas about how to fix thins. There was the hope that these policies would be better. That's not to say the Dems can't lose but you can't just say "there's always an economic crisis" or "4 terms is too much, people want change!"
It will be hilarious when Carson inevitably leads for a few weeks.Robert Costa said:I spoke w/ 13 [Trump] die-hards who showed up super early. 10/13 said their 2nd choice is Carson. 2/13 said 2nd choice is Cruz. 1/13 said Walker.
Their ideal candidate probably carries himself like Walker but has the intelligence of Cruz.The Kochs can throw as much money into the presidential election as they want, but they'll never get their guy in the White House if they keep handpicking dumbfucks like Walker in the primaries.
Gonna be a real bad look if Trump can't fill up with that stadium today.
Gonna be a real bad look if Donald "Our planet is freezing" Trump can't fill up with that stadium today.
Gonna be a real bad look if Donald "big beautiful wall" Trump can't fill up with that stadium today.
when one individual suggested we should flood the Supreme Court with phones and force them to listen to our demands I scratch my head. I don't get where this misunderstanding of the axis of power of the thress branches comes from.
Their ideal candidate probably carries himself like Walker but has the intelligence of Cruz.
That would be a terrifying combination. Thank god Cruz is completely unlikable and Walker is a moron.
Roger Stone said:With the weak performance of @JebBush my sources tell me @MittRomney is reconsidering getting in.#tcot
itshappening.gif #tcot
Would Republicans even accept Romney again? I thought they consider him a loser now like McCain?
Would Republicans even accept Romney again? I thought they consider him a loser now like McCain?
The new Virginia map will also be court-drawn.
Realistically? 3-4.How many seats are we looking to gain with these new maps for FL and VA?
Roger Stone said:With the weak performance of @JebBush my sources tell me @MittRomney is reconsidering getting in.#tcot
itshappening.gif #tcot
Realistically? 3-4.
Aaron Strife answer? 30, Speaker Pelosi baby.
itshappening.gif #tcot
itshappening.gif #tcot
Against who?More conflicting poll action.
Clinton commanding wins in Wisconsin but losing Michigan...makes sense.
Against who?
MI has typically been a swing state pre-Obama and we have a Republican governer and republicans dominate our state government. I can see it being pretty close next go round. Clinton win it in the end but I can see it being 2-3% or so sort of margin.
MI has typically been a swing state pre-Obama and we have a Republican governer and republicans dominate our state government. I can see it being pretty close next go round. Clinton win it in the end but I can see it being 2-3% or so sort of margin.
The Marquette poll, generally considered the best source for Wisconsin surveys, is a bit of a disaster for Walker. It shows, for example, the governors approval rating dipping to 39% less than a year after his successful re-election campaign. He leads the GOPs 2016 field, but only 25% of Wisconsin Republicans a group that should arguably represent Walkers ardent base choose their own governor as their preferred presidential candidate.
All of which leads us to the gut-punch: in a head-to-head match-up against Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee, Scott Walker trails by double digits 52% to 42% in his own state.
Billmon ‏@billmon1
Targeting Alabama & other Deep South states ("SEC primary") is no slam duck, but Trump's guys are right: winning there could lock it up.