GAF is one hell of a liberal site. His popularity in the heart of America will probably stagger you.
Is it at or less than 40%?
Because his numbers say that he's probably at or less than 40%.
GAF is one hell of a liberal site. His popularity in the heart of America will probably stagger you.
You think Jimbo six pack America participates in polls? LolIs it at or less than 40%?
Because his numbers say that he's probably at or less than 40%.
Wait, gene thing?
Wait, gene thing?
I think the problem with these analogical devices (while interesting nonetheless) is that they don't map out very well to the actual real world. What does being responsible mean in the context of real life behavior and not just hypothetical binaries? If one takes precautions by using contraception but it fails, how do we map that over to these analogy scenarios? Do we try to fashion some type of assumption of the risk argument using expected probabilities (say a car accident caused by extremely unlikely but foreseeable mechanical failure)? At a certain point, getting the analogy to 'fit' ends up creating more complexity and confusion than simply addressing the points directly.
Well yes, I'm assuming that the purpose and benefit of using an analogical device is to help elucidate a point/argument that is not being understood in the context of the 'normal' arguments for whatever reason. My point is that with abortion analogies (and many analogies for that matter), the real world issue is so nuanced and complex that it just can't be broken down effectively without losing its import.
I don't agree with his abortion ideas or global warming among other things, but he is dead on with Iran. What a fucking bullshit deal we made.
Yeah, let's let Iran do self-inspections on their own nuclear sites. That's nothing and we should not worry about that. Our sanctions are enough. Come onAs opposed to the sanctions dropping and there being nothing?
Yeah, let's let Iran do self-inspections on their own nuclear sites. That's nothing and we should not worry about that. Our sanctions are enough. Come on
Yeah, let's let Iran do self-inspections on their own nuclear sites. That's nothing and we should not worry about that. Our sanctions are enough. Come on
Describe the deal and enlighten me. I will humbly admit it if I'm wrong.That would be a bad deal if that in any way described the deal we actually made.
Yeah, let's let Iran do self-inspections on their own nuclear sites. That's nothing and we should not worry about that. Our sanctions are enough. Come on
I don't agree with his abortion ideas or global warming among other things, but he is dead on with Iran. What a fucking bullshit deal we made.
@chrislhayes: I now think Trump, if he wants to see it through (meaning spend a lot of money and work very hard), has an actual shot at the nomination
I'm starting to agree with this.
I think this Mobile rally was the first real political rally by Trump, and he hit it out of the park. I'm getting inclined to throw my hat for Trump grabbing the nomination.
I won't until he proves he is willing to destroy Bush, Walker, Rubio & Kasich because quite frankly those 4 and the almighty establishment will throw everything including the kitchen sink at him.
Describe the deal and enlighten me. I will humbly admit it if I'm wrong.
AP said:The newly disclosed side agreement, for an investigation of the Parchin nuclear site by the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency, is linked to persistent allegations that Iran has worked on atomic weapons. That investigation is part of the overarching nuclear-limits deal.
AP said:Iran has refused access to Parchin for years and has denied any interest in — or work on — nuclear weapons. Based on U.S., Israeli and other intelligence and its own research, the IAEA suspects that the Islamic Republic may have experimented with high-explosive detonators for nuclear arms.
The IAEA has cited evidence, based on satellite images, of possible attempts to sanitize the site since the alleged work stopped more than a decade ago.
AP said:The main focus of the July 14 deal between Iran and six world powers is curbing Iran's present nuclear program that could be used to make weapons. But a subsidiary element obligates Tehran to cooperate with the IAEA in its probe of the past allegations.
The investigation has been essentially deadlocked for years, with Tehran asserting the allegations are based on false intelligence from the U.S., Israel and other adversaries. But Iran and the U.N. agency agreed last month to wrap up the investigation by December, when the IAEA plans to issue a final assessment.
That assessment is unlikely to be unequivocal. Still, it is expected to be approved by the IAEA's board, which includes the United States and the other nations that negotiated the July 14 agreement. They do not want to upend their broader deal, and will see the December report as closing the books on the issue.
I think this Mobile rally was the first real political rally by Trump, and he hit it out of the park. I'm getting inclined to throw my hat for Trump grabbing the nomination.
Make it 7. You know you want to.
Wait, gene thing?
Describe the deal and enlighten me. I will humbly admit it if I'm wrong.
Walker is already in the process of destroying himself.
Keep fucking that chicken.12-15K for Trump in AL. Half the size of Bernie's best. Not really close at all.
Yeah, I'm sort of shocked at how quickly Walker's disintegrated on the campaign trail. Like, I never really expected him to do well, but it seems like he's just totally falling apart. I expected him to at least make it until Super Tuesday, just by pointing at his (supposedly) winning record and otherwise keeping his mouth shut. Now? Not so sure.
Keep fucking that chicken.
I'm not shocked.
He's always been a fucking idiot. My state just sucks in midterms.
And what about the sites that the IAEA doesn't know about? Do you think Iran is trustworthy and forthcoming with their nuclear ambitions?
I'll cast my vote after the second debate.
Yeah, I'm sort of shocked at how quickly Walker's disintegrated on the campaign trail. Like, I never really expected him to do well, but it seems like he's just totally falling apart. I expected him to at least make it until Super Tuesday, just by pointing at his (supposedly) winning record and otherwise keeping his mouth shut. Now? Not so sure.
I'm not expecting any surprises out of that second debate.
Trump is going to cruise even easier than the first time around- CNN isn't dumb enough to try and attack him like Fox did.
Carson isn't going to magically going to learn to put a sentence together.
Huckabee isn't going to magically decide he's no longer a fundamentalist lunatic.
Christie won't even make it to this one.
Kasich will ignore the actual questions posed to him again and spout moderate talking points.
Paul, Walker, Rubio, and Cruz will avoid attacking Trump for obvious reasons and snipe at each other more than anything else. This won't end well.
Bush (or MAYBE Fiorina if she gets this far) will be the only one dumb enough to try to go after Trump and it won't go well. The man is out of his depth and will get annihilated.
I can't see any reason the debate will turn out any other way. There's too many people for it to be an ACTUAL debate, just a beauty pageant with a few insults here or there- and in this case, Trump wins.
Whats good bruhHi guys, a long time lurker (for real!), and always loved following Poligaf in particular, hah hah. In addition to following politics, I've admittedly got a lot to lose, depending on who gets elected next year which is why I'm introducing myself here as well! Just want to say Trump is an entertaining clown, but a total (if classy) racist too.I'll give him this though, very charismatic, and who knows what'll happen if he doesn't flame out anytime soon! Oh, and you're all pretty cool too! I think I'll enjoy it here.
I wouldn't underestimate CNN's dumbness. They're very, very good at being very, very stupid. What if they pull in Don Lemon as a moderator? Who knows what he'll say? It could be anything.
I wouldn't underestimate CNN's dumbness. They're very, very good at being very, very stupid. What if they pull in Don Lemon as a moderator? Who knows what he'll say? It could be anything.