Why not?
Cuomo gets a lot of hate, some of it justified, but he deserves a lot of credit too. He played a huge role in setting the tone for gay marriage in the US, doing more than most Democrats (
including Obama) at the time by not just talking but actually doing something; speaking of which, the SAFE act should serve as a model for the US on gun control. It's a huge accomplishment in a nation that has otherwise completely given up on sensible gun control legislation. He took a bold stand against fracking. He certainly knows how to deal with the tax code from a moderate/center-left point of view. The bottom line is he has good leadership skills and policy positions. If he gets a solid campaign together he could be a serious contender. If he emerged along with Biden as a candidate, I'd start feeling better in light of Hillary seeming less and less invincible on what feels like a daily basis. We need a legitimate backup option and Bernie won't be able to deliver outside of a primary. O'Malley is an empty suit.
I don't know what the long-term implications of the e-mail fiasco will be, but personally speaking I think what she did was incredibly stupid. It means one of two things: She doesn't give a fuck or she has a hard time understanding how technology works in relation to secure communications, both of which are unappealing and a problem. All of this stuff reminds me on why I bailed on her last time and switched my primary vote to Obama at the last second. She has very unattractive qualities as a candidate; she either looks dumb or ignorant depending on the day.