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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Bernie passes Hillary in Facebook likes.


And then there's this:


Where Hillary is apparently buying likes from overseas. Bernie's support is primarily coming from people who can actually vote for him.
Anyone here an American citizen living abroad, that has voted in a primary before? I'd love to do that somehow but don't have any experience sadly.
He's up 200,000 supporters/votes on Hillary in the USA. It's a legitimate polling mechanism at least of enthusiasm. Facebook is also apparently important to Clinton that she's targeting foreigners through ads to inflate her Facebook "Like" numbers.

Which means less than nothing
Which means less than nothing

It means Bernie is getting his message out despite never being mentioned on the national news. Hillary on the other hand is in the headlines every day and is being beat online by a guy 50% of the electorate has never heard of. Very poor optics for Hillary and she knows it...hence why she was buying "Likes" from countries halfway across the globe.
It means Bernie is getting his message out despite never being mentioned on the national news. Hillary on the other hand is in the headlines every day and is being beat online by a guy 50% of the electorate has never heard of. Very poor optics for Hillary and she knows it...hence why she was buying "Likes" from countries halfway across the globe.

Is it so much to ask for hearsay or theories not be used as facts?
It means Bernie is getting his message out despite never being mentioned on the national news. Hillary on the other hand is in the headlines every day and is being beat online by a guy 50% of the electorate has never heard of. Very poor optics for Hillary and she knows it...hence why she was buying "Likes" from countries halfway across the globe.
How do you know she is buying likes? Hilary is a more international figure, she had a lot of high profile trips to some of these places as secretary of state. Why would Hilary be desperate, and more importantly for FB likes?


Sidhe / PikPok
It means Bernie is getting his message out despite never being mentioned on the national news. Hillary on the other hand is in the headlines every day and is being beat online by a guy 50% of the electorate has never heard of. Very poor optics for Hillary and she knows it...hence why she was buying "Likes" from countries halfway across the globe.

Running a Facebook ad campaign is not the same as "buying likes".



I imagine Jeb Bush wishes he could get 300 people at some of his events.

Granted, Jeb does manage to hover around 10% in most polls, but I would imagine his donors will be getting nervous if his numbers don't at least start slowly climbing soon.

I was assuming Carly Fiorina would make the adult table at the CNN debate since she is polling a bit better around 5%. However, apparently CNN is using an average of polls from about 2 months before the debate? So some polls before even the Fox debate are included and she was polling terrible then. She may not bump Christie, Kasich or Paul to the kiddie table. Plus it seems her slight momentum from the first happy hour debate has stalled some.


Yeah, using polling averages that include polls from before the first debate is pretty useless. It makes it too hard for people who did well in the JV debate last time to get a place at the adults' table. It makes sure the status quo is largely maintained.

Perhaps that's by design/request of the GOP, who didn't want the race to appear too volatile.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Honestly I haven't been this excited for the first few primaries in a long time just to see how facebook like polling correlates in Iowa.
Aww hell naw.


The Columbus Dispatch said:
Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio appeared to get the Wright Brothers a bit wrong.

During a speech Thursday at the Detroit Economic Club, Rubio, a Florida senator, praised the innovation of the Wright Brothers for their first flight in 1903. But instead of pointing out they were from Dayton, Rubio described them as “two brothers from Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.”

Fuck you, Marco.


Eraser is at this point purposely being a joke character right? The most stereotypical "but but but!" of a candidate going nowhere is "look how popular he is on the Internet!". Holy shit Eraser, facebook likes?

You do realize elections are decided by old people who aren't going around or likely don't even have any idea how to be "liking" people on Facebook. Not 20 something white guys. Especially in a primary.

The primary electorate in a democratic primary does not look like you or act like you. This is the electorate who decides democratic primary winners: Old ladies, African Americans, and Latinos.

You aren't getting anywhere without the vast majority of 2 out of those 3 groups.

Obama didn't win the primary because he had young people. He would have lost badly if that's all he had. He won Latinos and African Americans.
Eraser is at this point purposely being a joke character right? The most stereotypical "but but but!" of a candidate going nowhere is "look how popular he is on the Internet!". Holy shit Eraser, facebook likes?

Now now, no need for strawmanning. We assume Bernie's campaign has peaked, but we still don't have confirmation of that. It should come in the following weeks if he remains at 30%.

Or a miracle could happen and he manages to snatch hill's voter base from under her. Or another miracle happens and she implodes.


Why not?

Cuomo gets a lot of hate, some of it justified, but he deserves a lot of credit too. He played a huge role in setting the tone for gay marriage in the US, doing more than most Democrats (including Obama) at the time by not just talking but actually doing something; speaking of which, the SAFE act should serve as a model for the US on gun control. It's a huge accomplishment in a nation that has otherwise completely given up on sensible gun control legislation. He took a bold stand against fracking. He certainly knows how to deal with the tax code from a moderate/center-left point of view. The bottom line is he has good leadership skills and policy positions. If he gets a solid campaign together he could be a serious contender. If he emerged along with Biden as a candidate, I'd start feeling better in light of Hillary seeming less and less invincible on what feels like a daily basis. We need a legitimate backup option and Bernie won't be able to deliver outside of a primary. O'Malley is an empty suit.

I don't know what the long-term implications of the e-mail fiasco will be, but personally speaking I think what she did was incredibly stupid. It means one of two things: She doesn't give a fuck or she has a hard time understanding how technology works in relation to secure communications, both of which are unappealing and a problem. All of this stuff reminds me on why I bailed on her last time and switched my primary vote to Obama at the last second. She has very unattractive qualities as a candidate; she either looks dumb or ignorant depending on the day.



The first minute Cuomo steps into the White House, he will triangulate harder, faster, and stronger than Hillary. If we're going to rely on another New York politician in a short span of time, it should be Gillibrand. But it's too late for both of them. Unless Hillary goes to jail soon, then who knows.


The first minute Cuomo steps into the White House, he will triangulate harder, faster, and stronger than Hillary. If we're going to rely on another New York politician in a short span of time, it should be Gillibrand. But it's too late for both of them. Unless Hillary goes to jail soon, then who knows.
I'm more worried about the getting to the White House part. I'm not sure if Hillary will be able to do that once all the dust settles.
Some BLM people and a few journalists on Twitter are starting to compare Trump to Mussolini.

I don't think that's accurate, but it's made me wonder how an average citizen could legitimately recognize a fascist gaining power in office when some media members have been calling Obama a fascist for ridiculously mild things. We've distorted the "this guy is a dictator!" saying so much that it might be impossible for average citizens to actually recognize an American Mussolini.

Kind of like how calling Obama a socialist (when he obviously believes strongly in free markets) may have destroyed the ability for the American people to recognize a real Socialist.
I don't know what the long-term implications of the e-mail fiasco will be, but personally speaking I think what she did was incredibly stupid. It means one of two things: She doesn't give a fuck or she has a hard time understanding how technology works in relation to secure communications, both of which are unappealing and a problem. All of this stuff reminds me on why I bailed on her last time and switched my primary vote to Obama at the last second. She has very unattractive qualities as a candidate; she either looks dumb or ignorant depending on the day.

We're all aware that the only reason this is even a thing is because it's Hillary Clinton, right? Like if there was some story about Jeb Bush using a private email system when he really should've used the state one, would any liberals actually care? I feel like we all be pretty bored by the story and would move on pretty quickly. Ivysaur might crack a joke, and maybe some writer at Rolling Stone or something would run an op-ed but I think that would be it.


O'Malley actually has a pretty good policy team. His policy papers are relatively straightforward and more comprehensive than expected.

I'm kind of surprised about how specific things have gotten policy wise compared to say, 2012, where the Republican frontrunner couldn't cook a policy paper fully.

In any case O'Malley just dropped his policy for expanding social security. The other two could probably pick up on some good ideas.

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