tbf, I don't know if the GOP knows that Jindal is still alive and part of the political process.
tbf, I don't know if the GOP knows that Jindal is still alive and part of the political process.
Isn't he that guy who was obscured by a tree in that creepy video with his wife and kids?Who?
You know . . . isn't it pretty fucking Bizzaro for the GOP to suddenly go all 'anchor baby' and 'end birthright citizenship' when they have TWO presidential candidates that are 'anchor babies'?Marco Rubio and Bobby Jindal
You know what is weird . . . I just realized that I am an 'anchor baby'! My parents were legal residents but they were not US citizens. It didn't even occur to me.
Out out out!You know what is weird . . . I just realized that I am an 'anchor baby'! My parents were legal residents but they were not US citizens. It never even occurred to me until now.
Is Warren even going to make an endorsement in this primary? She is not a kingmaker so I wonder what effect it would ultimately have.
You know what is weird . . . I just realized that I am an 'anchor baby'! My parents were legal residents but they were not US citizens. It never even occurred to me until now.
You know what is weird . . . I just realized that I am an 'anchor baby'! My parents were legal residents but they were not US citizens. It never even occurred to me until now.
there is just so much to unpack in this perfect photo:
If we're being honest I'd be happy with th entire dem field. My personal ranking from one at best case to holy shit apacolypse:
1. Obama 3rd term
2. Biden
3. Bernie
4. Warren
5. O'Malley/random dem
6. Trump
7. Jeb!
8-infinity: the GOP field
1. Obama 3rd term
2. Biden
3. Bernie
4. Warren
5. O'Malley/random dem
7. Jeb!
Nightmare Tier
8 . Trump
9-infinity: the GOP field
I hate to keep harping on this but since nothing super substantive is really going on...
Personality-wise? I'd so want a President Biden. He's the cool liberal uncle I've always wanted. I beam whenever he's on TV doing his usual thing.
Policy-wise? Probably Warren.
But any of the Dems'll do for this scenario.
I think the Biden we'll see this time around, if we do see him, will be pretty far to the left of the Biden we saw in 2008. I'd love to see Warren though, gimme that Biden/Warren ticket.
It worked for George HW Bush.a term with biden to "supervise" obama's ongoing agenda would be ideal.
in a normal developed country that's probably what would happen but the politics don't really allow for it.
Trumps immigration plan could spell doom for the GOP
It has come to this: The GOP, formerly the party of Lincoln and ostensibly the party of liberty and limited government, is being defined by clamors for a mass roundup and deportation of millions of human beings. To will an end is to will the means for the end, so the Republican clamors are also for the requisite expansion of governments size and coercive powers.
Most of Donald Trumps normally loquacious rivals are swaggeringly eager to confront Vladimir Putin but are too invertebrate Lindsey Graham is an honorable exception to voice robust disgust with Trump and the spirit of, the police measures necessary for and the cruelties that would accompany his policy. The policy is: Theyve got to go.
Todays big government finds running Amtrak too large a challenge, and Trumps roundup would be about 94 times larger than the wartime internment of 117,000 persons of Japanese descent. But Trump wants America to think big. The big costs, in decades and dollars (hundreds of billions), of Trumps project could be reduced if, say, the targets were required to sew yellow patches on their clothing to advertise their coming expulsion. There is precedent.
If, after November 2016, there are autopsies of Republican presidential hopes, political coroners will stress the immigration-related rhetoric of August 2015. And of October 1884.
Then, the Republican presidential nominee, former senator James G. Blaine, returning home to Maine in the campaigns closing days, attended a New York rally on his behalf, where a prominent Protestant clergyman said Democrats were a party of rum, Romanism and rebellion. Catholics, many of them immigrants, noticed. Blaine lost New York, and with it the presidency, by 1,200 votes out of more than 1 million cast.
Jeb Bush has a photoshopped photo for an ad which gives him a black left hand and much different looking body. Jeb just can't get it right!
Well, you know, except for the fact it's really a photo of Jeb! with his hand in the shadow of the person standing next to him.
Karols 2008 book, The Party Decides, which he co-authored with the political scientists Marty Cohen, Hans Noel and John Zaller, analyzes presidential nomination races from 1980 to 2004 and concludes that early endorsements in the invisible primary are the most important cause of candidate success in the state primaries and caucuses.
More important than total fundraising, more important than what the prediction markets say and more important than polls.
Endorsements matter not only because they point to who insiders think will win, but also because the people who make endorsements other elected officials can influence the outcome of the race by strengthening a candidates local ground game, promoting the candidate to fellow party leaders and pitching the candidate to voters.
LOL at Trump flatout saying that they should let corporations not pay taxes because "they don't want to."
That'll go over well in a general election.
I don't want to pay my taxes either. Can I not pay them too? Better yet, no taxes for anyone!
By establishment voice you mean that he's been on a "5 minutes hate" of democrats for the last 10 years.Trump's next hat trick should be a taxes/economy plan. The party is so invested in tax cut ideology that there's not much he could propose that they wouldn't have to cosign.
In terms of George Will...it's not surprising. He has always been an establishment voice. Same with Jennifer Rubin. The establishment is appalled by Trump, in part because his dominance really makes all that "deepest pool of candidates of all time" shit sound even more laughable. Trump has silenced conservative and moderate candidates alike.
Seems like his liberal past doesn't matter, which proves me wrong. I'd imagine GOP operatives are looking for a way to torpedo him without it being an obvious hit job. Based on his behavior and recent success I'm starting to believe he isn't bullshitting about a third party run (if the GOP fucks him over).
Still sticking to my prediction that he doesn't win one contest though. There's no way things look the same in four months.
Based on that it looks like Hillary already won has a huge advantage over any dem candidate.
It makes me wonder why Biden is seeking a run; it doesn't make sense considering just looking through her endorsements. Unless some already announced endorsements are going change their mind and go with Biden, it doesn't seem like a good idea.
I've been wondering lately how could Trump not run as a third party if Jeb gets the nomination? "We can't have another Bush", he keeps reminding us, and the prospect of capitalizing on another Bush vs. Clinton apathy has to be tantalizing.
Getting more votes than Jeb but still losing to Clinton would be an amazing accomplishment for Trump. He'd forever be able to say he would have won and should have won, if not for that effete Bush, and hold his head high despite losing.
I don't want to pay my taxes either. Can I not pay them too? Better yet, no taxes for anyone!
So where are these 30,000 Trump supporters in this picture?
If you combine Bernie's 19,000 inside that arena(The Moda center from Portland, many more outside to get to Bernie at 28k there) with Trump's marginal crowd in Alabama...you might be getting close to 30,000.
Cheebs since you're such a genius tell me where these 30,000 Trump supporters are?
Your complaint from before in this thread or another was about Arizona where Trump said he had 15,000 in a venue that only held 4200 in Phoenix, Arizona(I highly doubt there were 10,000 waiting outside or anywhere close). Seems he likes to inflate his numbers by 300%. That picture from Mobile is 10k at most.
Here is my contribution to you both. C R O W D S M E A N N O T H I N G
Would rather have 1,000,000 dollars than 1,000,000 friends.
Step 1. Don't collect taxes.
Step 2. Stop tracking government deficit.
Step 3. By the fires of hyperinflation be purged.
Football stadiums are much, much larger than basketball arenas, breh.So where are these 30,000 Trump supporters in this picture?
If you combine Bernie's 19,000 inside that arena(The Moda center from Portland, many more outside to get to Bernie at 28k there) with Trump's marginal crowd in Alabama...you might be getting close to 30,000.
Cheebs since you're such a genius tell me where these 30,000 Trump supporters are?
Your complaint from before in this thread or another was about Arizona where Trump said he had 15,000 in a venue that only held 4200 in Phoenix, Arizona(I highly doubt there were 10,000 waiting outside or anywhere close). Seems he likes to inflate his numbers by 300%. That picture from Mobile is 10k at most.
Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?
All those friends would donate $5 to you if you asked and then you'd have 5,000,000 dollars. And a lot of people looking out for you and would even vote for you for President. Hillary just takes the money and run from her private fundraisers. Hillary is pay to play. She's an internet cafe, not a video game console whatsoever...a bad investment of your money. She doesn't give a damn about the person donating $5. That's why she has a rope line to keep you away from her. Or have we forgotten already? If Bush or any other Republican did this...you would still be talking about it just like Water Boy.
Would rather have 1,000,000 dollars than 1,000,000 friends.
So where are these 30,000 Trump supporters in this picture?