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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
AP headline: "Ben Carson brings Trump-style outsider status without the rough edges"


He does not believe in separation of church and state and he engages in the usual sort of historical revisionism to justify his belief.[14]

I find this statement odd considering Carson is a Seventh-Day Adventist, a religious group that is full-bore against any government involvement in religion. They even put out a magazine about keeping church and state separate.
AP headline: "Ben Carson brings Donald "I'm more honest and my women are more beautiful" Trump-style outsider status without the rough edges"


Teaching about America's past mistakes, such as Japanese American internment, will make students "sign up for ISIS".[13]
He does not believe in separation of church and state and he engages in the usual sort of historical revisionism to justify his belief.[14]
I guess it would be impossible for Carson to see the irony there.
Wow. That's 100% completely against the views of the church organization. Going to be interesting to see if/how they distance the selves from him.

The GOP is already made of Bible Thumpers who love the rich and torture so I don't think anyone cares about Carson's religion not endorsing Carson's political views at all.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
The GOP is already made of Bible Thumpers who love the rich and torture so I don't think anyone cares about Carson's religion not endorsing Carson's political views at all.

I was more talking personally, as I work with many SDA who staunchly support him and I'm curious to see their reactions.
And do it with touch controls
Hey man, I love touch controls



This is maybe the only place I know of that would get it (and it's a bit of poor taste on my part), but.. I used to have a very bad habit of humming the Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 boss fight themes whenever I'd see Chris Christie on TV.
(no one in real life got it, thank goodness)


Maybe John Walter and Donald Trump are both big fans of The Producers?


Saw this on Maddow and smiled.

Then I about died when she read my mind and made the obvious mental leap..

For anyone claiming that he resembles a little kid who found Dad's suit and is pretend-running for President, this is manna from heaven. It's a bit of a relief that he isn't doing better in this contest.

Now we need goofy pics of Kasich - whose SuperPAC allies just dropped $5 million for ads in New Hampshire.


I missed that, so I guess this article doesn't have new information about Peggy's total inability to understand statistics.

Karl Rove did some interview for this political student organization I interned and worked at. It's actually not that conservative of an organization, but he's maybe our most famous guy to come out of it unfortunately and it's the 50th anniversary... Anyway, I was surprised to see Rove could form coherent sentences in the interview after less than three years since Obama ended Rove's everything.


Thank goodness I finally figured out how to opt out of the Ted Cruz ads I've been getting on GAF. His latest one says "stop Hillary" (as opposed to the "stop Obama" ones he had been running) and says she's a corrupt liar or something.
You should be in jail.

I'm actually beginning not to care. If I can still have fun? I don't need perfection

If you're buying Sonic games in this day and age to have fun, dodgy on-screen controls really can't be that much of a disappointment.
The iPhone ports of the older Sonic games (1, 2, CD) are actually quite good and even improve the games. Although I'd still prefer buttons.




Another one of those situations where I wish I had photoshop skills.


Meanwhile.. Cruz & Trump are apparently doing a rally together against the Iran deal.

(tenative date: Sept 9th)

The Lid: The GOP's Dynamic Duo?
If you can't beat 'em, ask 'em to join you! In what is a pretty unusual move for a primary contest, Ted Cruz has invited Trump to join him at a rally to highlight opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. The Texas senator has long appeared to be positioning himself to pick up a chunk of Trump's supporters, including through his efforts to avoid criticism of even Trump's most bombastic statements. Cruz has not attacked Trump, and has in turn been one of the few GOP candidates who have successfully stayed out of The Donald's crosshairs.(As Trump is fond of noting, candidates who have aggressively criticized him haven't fared well in the polls, while Cruz has thrived this summer.)

This little alliance of theirs.. it'd be a fantasy come true if Trump were to pick Cruz as his running mate.
Referring to the Australian government as Nazish after announcing they were going to go check the papers of brown people to possibly deport them: Godwin or accurate? (Luckily, posters made them quickly reverse the decision)


One of the things that i've seen defended about that book is that its solution to the problems that arise from capitalism may be flawed, but gawd damn if the man didn't have a realistic view of capitalism itself.

If you're referring to the 10 principles of the communist manifesto at the end of section 2, Marx would go on 25 years later in the preface of a later edition to say that basically while he stands behind the general ideas in the manifesto, that the principles he laid out were a product of that specific time. He was relatively young when he wrote it. The real criticism comes from Capital. Which I still have yet to read.


Unconfirmed Member
I root for everyone here but Chichikov.

Metroid Prime hate should never be tolerated.


George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

Pansy Fester lee Flanagan, too much of a daisy to deal w/racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condeming.

George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

White woman & man get murdered by a Black P.O.S. 8 hours later B. Hussein Obama the divider still says NOTHING.

George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

“the # of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism,” - Ignorant Baboon

I just can't with this guy



Unconfirmed Member
Kick Ass Politics has an interview with a conservative pollster about the millennial vote, and I have to say she's really pegged down the youth white vote. Basically saying that young people turning conservative when they get older is a myth, especially now that millennials aren't going to church and aren't starting traditional families, and how they aren't fazed by simply saying "big government" without really saying what that means for their lives. She's also probably sadly right about young voters don't remember how terrible the Iraq war was.

Pretty interesting interview even though it's coming from someone on the other side of the aisle.
George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

Pansy Fester lee Flanagan, too much of a daisy to deal w/racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condeming.

George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

White woman & man get murdered by a Black P.O.S. 8 hours later B. Hussein Obama the divider still says NOTHING.

George Zimmerman @TherealGeorgeZ

“the # of people who die from gun-related incidents around this country dwarfs any deaths that happen through terrorism,” - Ignorant Baboon

I just can't with this guy

You would think he'd be living as incognito as possible.


Anyone want a "Guaca Bowle" from Jeb?

Sometimes what these guys sell on their campaign sites is pretty ridiculous...

And apparently, Rubio actually has a college education costs plan. From Vox:
Rubio's plan to overhaul accreditation leaves the traditional system in place. But beside it, he'd set up another route for colleges and college-like programs to get access to federal financial aid. He will soon introduce a bill that would create a Congressionally appointed panel to oversee "authorizers," alternatives to accrediting agencies that could approve both traditional colleges and startups.

Programs would have to prove that they were offering something valuable to students. They'd have to meet benchmarks on graduation rates, pass rates on professional licensing tests, and employment rates after graduation.
The plan is squarely aimed at addressing the criticism that accreditation impedes innovation. But it also nods to the other critiques. By emphasizing student outcomes as the most important measuring stick for judging higher education, Rubio hopes that his plan would set a better example of quality control, one that could eventually spread to traditional accreditors as well.
With his proposals, Rubio is also taking a side in a bigger ongoing debate, one that isn't really about politics. It's about what college is for, and, by extension, what the college of the future should look like.
There doesn't seem to be a policy paper link on Rubio's campaign site, but what he does have there matches what Vox describes.


Rubio is still playing around with Milton Friedman's idea to have investors put money into kids' education in return for a percentage of their future income.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
You would think he'd be living as incognito as possible.

He literally got away with murder

We've seen this before with OJ. He got away with murder and at the same time loves the fame & attention. Not to mention there is a good chance he wasn't the most sane guy before he killed Trayvon. Eventually it'll lead to him going to far and serving some jail time or getting killed. Its just how life goes.

Rubio is still playing around with Milton Friedman's idea to have investors put money into kids' education in return for a percentage of their future income.

This is so horrible it never even occurred to me as a possibility for an idea
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