I'm very confident too. That's why I'm not too worried about our country at the moment. Let's hope the economy of all things continues to hold up and improve.As far as map math goes, Virginia has long been the lynchpin of my 2016 confidence.
Also, people love their precious poll results, yet they don't think about Joe Blow Farmer or the old timers who would never participate in a poll or survey and are very likely Republicans.
I'm very confident too. That's why I'm not too worried about our country at the moment. Let's hope the economy of all things continues to hold up and improve.
I also wonder how many women who haven't voted in the last few elections would come out for this one to help elect the first female president.
Can't blame you. The moment it begins to show some bad signs of weakness we'll all be diablosing.The economy is probably my #1 bugaboo right now. Not emails, not Hillary's personality, not the Iran deal or any specific policy, etc.
Unemployment numbers come out, and I pay attention. Oil prices fall, and I cheer. Durable good orders, new home construction, same-store sales, commodity prices, cash purchases of real estate, inventory of cars & white goods, etc etc.. I sometimes feel like I'm watching more CNBC than any political programming.
2016: Virginia, Virginia, Virginia
Umm, not in the American south and Midwest, which was the point of my statement since that's a great portion of the republican vote. Ask my farmer grandpappy to participate in a poll. You'll learn forms of curse words you've never heard before.Republicans are far more likely to take part of a poll than Democrats.
Old people are more likely to participate in a poll, too.
Minorities and young people are far harder to poll. You have it completely backwards.
not enough to beat Obama in 2008. But then again nothing was stopping THAT train.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 12m12 minutes ago Manhattan, NY
Why does @oreillyfactor and @FoxNews always have Karl Rove on. He spent $430 million and lost ALL races. A dope who said Romney won election
Every pole has me winning BIG.If you listen to dopey Karl Rove, a Trump hater, on @oreillyfactor, you would think I'm doing poorly. @FoxNews
One thing I'm curious about is if Trump or Cruz or something equally nutty runs and loses, what will be the accepted wisdom within the Tea Party fringe? So far it's been that they keep nominating fake conservatives like McCain and Romney, but if they run someone they truly believe is one of them and get trounced, where will they go from there? Accusations of electoral fraud?
They're like terrorists. They will find someone even more pure.One thing I'm curious about is if Trump or Cruz or something equally nutty runs and loses, what will be the accepted wisdom within the Tea Party fringe? So far it's been that they keep nominating fake conservatives like McCain and Romney, but if they run someone they truly believe is one of them and get trounced, where will they go from there? Accusations of electoral fraud?
One thing I'm curious about is if Trump or Cruz or something equally nutty runs and loses, what will be the accepted wisdom within the Tea Party fringe? So far it's been that they keep nominating fake conservatives like McCain and Romney, but if they run someone they truly believe is one of them and get trounced, where will they go from there? Accusations of electoral fraud?
I'm jumping ahead and wondering what a "concession" speech would even look like from Trump after losing the GE. Yes, the quotes are deliberate. I can't imagine what would come pouring out of his mouth after a GE loss on a nationally televised concession.
And if the base gets their Trump-wish and they lose with the Great Right Hope they think is all they've been missing to win the Presidency back I fully expect Lord of the Flies-level of craziness by those in attendance at GOP election night parties and in Trump headquarters. Full on tearing off their clothes, lighting torches, devolving before our eyes into lower functioning forms of primate and clustering into groups of tribes for survival, and putting "left wing media" reporters in attendance at those gatherings on spits over fires to cook for sustenance.
Going after Rove.
Going after Rove.
If true, oh wow.The old school models Bernstein looks at don't seem to incorporate demographic changes.
The man gives no fucks.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 1m1 minute ago Manhattan, NY
When I intelligently turned down The Club For Growth crazy request for $1,000,000, they got nasty.What a waste of money that would have been
If Trump were to get the nomination I'd imagine establishment candidates would run for the hills across the country; many republicans would refuse to attend events with Trump for instance. The inevitable Trump loss would thus be blamed on establishment republicans not supporting Trump. However if someone like Walker lost I'd imagine the loss would be chalked up to a more traditional boogeyman: the media, or voter fraud, or Hillary "playing the gender card," etc.
Yes that's a good point. If Trump does anything but win, it'll look like the Establishment + Fox News had their fingers all over it (ever since the botched attempt to discredit him at the first debate). Or if he runs third party, they might also blame him for hurting the Cruz/Walker or whoever candidate.
That's Partisan Hackery in one chart. Both ways. That's...not...good.
Does anyone still have that BigSicily chronological chart that claims the Democrats are just as bad about abusing the filibuster as Republicans, while blocking out all the periods where Democrats had a Senate majority?I think we all know who the real hacks are:
The lesson seems to be that Democrats hate Trump more than Republicans hate Obama. And that's saying something.
Does anyone still have that BigSicily chronological chart that claims the Democrats are just as bad about abusing the filibuster as Republicans, while blocking out all the periods where Democrats had a Senate majority?
Jonathan Bernstein (well-known political scientist and blogger) has consistently stated that modeling shows the race as a dead heat with a possible advantage to Republicans. I got into a bit of a debate with him on his blog once about the electoral advantage - he argues that it basically doesn't exist, and that a popular vote by Republicans would definitely win them the WH even if it were a very slight advantage.
Kind of interesting to read takes like that given how confident PoliGAF is about 2016.
I found the perfect gif to represent GOP 2016 race (to the bottom)
Justice Department sides with Planned Parenthood against Bobby Jindal
Back when Trump made those comments in support of universal healthcare I """tricked""" plenty of my conservative friends and family into supporting the idea on its merits since the fact that it was supported by a politician labelled conservative meant it was okay to actually entertain the idea, so I'm not surprised.
No idea how/why the likes of Bobby Jindal are still in the race
Dem O Graphics tho...If you think a Trump vs Hillary contest would be close, you're not really paying attention.
It's about demographics, man.
Him and Perry both. I have no idea how they still have money to keep going.
No idea how/why the likes of Bobby Jindal are still in the race
No idea how/why the likes of Bobby Jindal are still in the race
They're surviving on PAC money, no?
All without any coordination between them and their campaigns of course!
Umm, not in the American south and Midwest, which was the point of my statement since that's a great portion of the republican vote. Ask my farmer grandpappy to participate in a poll. You'll learn forms of curse words you've never heard before.
I think we all know who the real hacks are:
The lesson seems to be that Democrats hate Trump more than Republicans hate Obama. And that's saying something.
It's being held at the Reagan Presidential Library. Probably in the Air Force One hanger if the past is anything to go by.It's actually called that?
It's being held at the Reagan Presidential Library. Probably in the Air Force One hanger if the past is anything to go by.
Holding one (either party) at the Clinton Presidential Library would be funny though.
Nothing, just the posting of charts reminded me of chartsWhat have I blocked out, Aaron Strife?