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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Yeah, I mean, I think your argument is pretty solid. The only real reason to care so much about Iran's nukes is that nobody is supposed to be building nukes, but of course the list of people who are allowed to have nukes is more or less arbitrary (and of course Israel secretly built nukes and we let them).

I do think the deal makes America safer, but primarily I think it does so by reducing the chance that Israel will unilaterally attack Iran and drag us into a conflict in the Middle East we can't possibly benefit from.

So I guess the real diplomatic benefit from the deal is the continued isolation of Netanyahu. But I guess I can see why Democrats don't want to message that.

Agreed. I will add another way it may make us safer. A nuke free Iran means the warhawks won't send our soldiers to die.
I also think a distinction should be made between nuclear energy and a weapon. I'd wish every country adopted nuclear energy as opposed to fossil fuel, provided with great caution, checks and all that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
If these republicans want to keep piling on the "I back the woman who discriminates against gays" in a country where gay marriage is supported by a majority of voters, by all means--please continue.
If these republicans want to keep piling on the "I back the woman who discriminates against gays" in a country where gay marriage is supported by a majority of voters, by all means--please continue.
Independants don't vote on gay marriage. They vote on the economy, personalities and rhetoric


We could've flexed a little muscle, I believe, and had the 4 prisoners released as part of this Iranian nuclear deal since it's so important to them. By all accounts, they are holding the prisoners for pretty phony accusations.
If they could have negotiated their release they would. For whatever reason the iranians want to keep them and someone decided they werent important enough to spoil the deal over.
ChadmanFL on Daily Kos Elections did my job for me in ranking the seats Democrats would probably need to pick off for a House majority.

Safe D:
1. VA-04
2. FL-10

Lean D:
3. NV-04
4. FL-13
5. IA-01

6. FL-26
7. TX-23
8. ME-02
9. IL-10
10. CO-06
11. NY-19
12. NH-01
13. NV-03
14. NY-24
15. PA-08
16. MN-02

Tilt R:
17. IA-03
18. AZ-02
19. MI-07
20. NY-01
21. MI-01

Lean R:
22. CA-21
23. CA-10
24. NJ-05
25. CA-25
26. IL-12
27. NJ-03
28. NY-21
29. UT-04
30. MI-08
31. PA-06
32. NY-23
33. VA-10
The Republicans in Virginia 4 and Florida 10 are gonna get fuuuuucked in redistricting, as well as FL-13 being pushed left enough for Crist to win it pretty easily.

The big challenge is that Democrats need to swing 30 seats and this list has 33. Which actually means they'd need to win 31, as FL-2 (Gwen Graham's district) will probably be made more Republican in redistricting. It'll take quite a wave to pick up those Lean R seats.


We could've flexed a little muscle, I believe, and had the 4 prisoners released as part of this Iranian nuclear deal since it's so important to them. By all accounts, they are holding the prisoners for pretty phony accusations.

Sure, if we wanted to antagonize literally everybody in the world by tacking on unrelated diplomatic concessions to a done deal and jeopardizing everything that had been accomplished in the name of American strength.



How is this for an email? Too on the nose?

Looks solid. Took AP History while in high school. Liked it. Students might not tell you but I at least held my AP History teacher in higher regard than "normal" teachers. Solid job.

Lol at Jeb!
I do think the deal makes America safer, but primarily I think it does so by reducing the chance that Israel will unilaterally attack Iran and drag us into a conflict in the Middle East we can't possibly benefit from.

Plus allowing Iran to once again be a key player in the region while also maintaining an alliance with it should do wonders to force future US administrations into a less colonialist stance when dealing with the region. Add that strong allies often make for strong business partners, and i can see a whole lotta good coming outta this deal.

Plus, y'know, a lotta stances that you see US politicians take against Iran seem to come straight outta an imperialistic mindset, which creeps me out immensely. It's like... "only our sovereigny matters" or something.
My AP Gov teacher was a raging faux libertarian/actual republican with an Obama standee in the class corner who often told us the only reason Obama hasn't been assassinated yet is because no one wants Joe Biden as president. Good times.


Sure, if we wanted to antagonize literally everybody in the world by tacking on unrelated diplomatic concessions to a done deal and jeopardizing everything that had been accomplished in the name of American strength.

A lot of people seem to be forgetting there were more actors to this deal than America and Iran. Also they tend to forget that our own sanctions don't mean jack shit compared to the ones we encouraged Russia, China, UK, France, and Germany to enforce. And all of those guys were tepid at best when it came to continuing the existing sanctions (well, maybe Israel greased France's palms a tiny bit)

The USA is not the god emperor of the world. There's a lot more at play than ideology and getting what we want. Hostages freed would never have been a part of this deal. Save it for a later time when both nations have cooled down from this mortal-enemy, peace-only-through genocidal tantrum phase we currently exist in. That's what diplomacy and thawing relations is all about.


My AP Gov teacher was a raging faux libertarian/actual republican with an Obama standee in the class corner who often told us the only reason Obama hasn't been assassinated yet is because no one wants Joe Biden as president. Good times.

I met Libertarians professors on my econ classes at my university - had a few actually, one of them worked at Cato prior. Fun bunch in a way... two students in the econs program turned anarchist half way - the propaganda got them good.
Plus allowing Iran to once again be a key player in the region while also maintaining an alliance with it should do wonders to force future US administrations into a less colonialist stance when dealing with the region. Add that strong allies often make for strong business partners, and i can see a whole lotta good coming outta this deal.

Plus, y'know, a lotta stances that you see US politicians take against Iran seem to come straight outta an imperialistic mindset, which creeps me out immensely. It's like... "only our sovereigny matters" or something.

US isn't going to be allies with Iran anytime soon. I think Obama said something like that before. It was more like he said he will not turn a blind eye to Iran support of certain groups or something like that. Plus the government is still hostile and don't trust United States; doesn't really matter what the people think. Also, Obama used a lot of rhetoric to get support for the deal such as saying they can use the deal to spy on Iran and such, which could mean nothing or he could be speaking truthfully to a point.

I think the deal has less to do with trying to be make Iran an team player and more to do with preventing a big war. The US isn't going to forgo relations of Israel and the gulf nations for Iran.


US isn't going to be allies with Iran anytime soon. I think Obama said something like that before. It was more like he said he will not turn a blind eye to Iran support of certain groups or something like that. Plus the government is still hostile and don't trust United States; doesn't really matter what the people think. Also, Obama used a lot of rhetoric to get support for the deal such as saying they can use the deal to spy on Iran and such, which could mean nothing or he could be speaking truthfully to a point.

I think the deal has less to do with trying to be make Iran an team player and more to do with preventing a big war. The US isn't going to forgo relations of Israel and the gulf nations for Iran.

Politic speak. At the moment, yeah, you have to say that. Same goes for Iran's conservative leaders who need to remind everyone how much the USA sucks. It wasn't that long ago we had a presidential candidate singing "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". Like, there's a lot of shit between us, not to mention adding Israel and the other Middle East states to the mix with their own alliances and hatreds.

But, as with deals like these go, you're always hoping that relations will calm down to some respectable level as more and more ideas, capital, and product flow between the nations as time goes on.

Or, in other words, wait for all the old people with their old hatreds to die off and, at least in the present, work on not starting new ones.
Or, in other words, wait for all the old people with their old hatreds to die off and, at least in the present, work on not starting new ones.

To draw a parallel: if someone had told me 5 years ago that the US would not only resume relations with Cuba, but drop the embargo and reopen the US embassy, i'd have thought they were having a giggle.

Other benefits to having a dem president beyond SC nominations and allathat


Unconfirmed Member
Sorry about the poll talk, but a bunch of polls just came out showing Trump doing better and better.

When compared to same point in time in 2011, he's doing about as well as Perry in overall share of the vote, but way better than Perry in size of the lead. Perry's rise started one month later than Trump's and he lost the lead by October 3rd.

It's also kinda crazy that the last time the leader at this point in time for ended up receiving the nomination was all the way back in 2000, with Gore and Bush.

HuffPost September 3
2015: Trump 33% - Carson 13% - Bush 8%
2011: Perry 32% - Romney 19%

RCP September 3
2015: Trump 27% - Carson 13% - Bush 9%
2011: Perry 26% - Romney 17%

Must lean forward so everyone can see I'm sitting in an American-flag chair. How fucking pathetic.


Sorry about the poll talk, but a bunch of polls just came out showing Trump doing better and better.

When compared to same point in time in 2011, he's doing about as well as Perry in overall share of the vote, but way better than Perry in size of the lead. Perry's rise started one month later than Trump's and he lost the lead by October 3rd.

It's also kinda crazy that the last time the leader at this point in time for ended up receiving the nomination was all the way back in 2000, with Gore and Bush.

HuffPost September 3
2015: Trump 33% - Carson 13% - Bush 8%
2011: Perry 32% - Romney 19%

RCP September 3
2015: Trump 27% - Carson 13% - Bush 9%
2011: Perry 26% - Romney 17%

What I find interesting is that in 2011 Perry and Romney are both the same type of candidate, in a way. They're both establishment picks with good political history. One of the two ended up winning largely because the other one fucked up in an embarrassing and colossal way in front of everyone.

This year Trump and Carson are sort of the same kind of candidate, too. They're non-politician anti-establishment picks. Now if we're using 2011 as the cautionary tale that Trump could melt down, that's fine, but Trump's votes will likely go somewhere similar much like Perry's going to Romney.

At this point I personally feel like Carson has a much better chance of fucking up in a similar way Perry did. Trump seems to be able to roll with those punches pretty easily.


“Why, then, is there so much venom out there? I won’t try for fake evenhandedness here: most of the venom I see is coming from supporters of Mr. Obama, who want their hero or nobody. I’m not the first to point out that the Obama campaign seems dangerously close to becoming a cult of personality.”—Paul Krugman, New York Times, Feb. 11, 2008

“Remember when Scott Walker was the man to watch? Remember when Bobby Jindal was brilliant? I know, now I’m supposed to be evenhanded, and point out equivalent figures on the Democratic side. But there really aren’t any; in modern America, cults of personality built around undeserving politicians seem to be a Republican thing.”—Krugman, Times, Aug. 31, 2015
tee hee
My AP Gov teacher was a raging faux libertarian/actual republican with an Obama standee in the class corner who often told us the only reason Obama hasn't been assassinated yet is because no one wants Joe Biden as president. Good times.
I had a science teacher, no joke that told us all on day 1 that no matter what anyone tells you about global warming, its a lie that controverts all scientific evidence


I had a science teacher, no joke that told us all on day 1 that no matter what anyone tells you about global warming, its a lie that controverts all scientific evidence
Hmm, then he doesn't believe what he teaches. I'm a biology major and have known many conservative scientists who think the whole anti-global warming thing is ridiculous. In fact, I can't think of a single Republican scientist that I know who doesn't believe in global warming. Your instructor probably has mental issues. That would be like me teaching liberal policy.
Does anyone have a link on private land ownership broken down among wealth? Like how much land does the top 1% and top 10% of wealth owners in the United States have?
With all due respect, and I certainly don't want to enter a debate about this, it's not really about Iran nuking us but Iran having a nuke (or nuclear arsenal) does change the dynamics of hegemonic control in the region (a region full of oil!), so it's not like this is actually about them nuking us.

Sure, some people will use that as a scare tactic, but make no mistake, a nuclear Iran is something we'd like to avoid for reasons unrelated to thread of them nuking us.
I'm not worried about Iran using a nuclear weapon if they develop one, but I am worried about Israel using one if Iran does.
Must lean forward so everyone can see I'm sitting in an American-flag chair. How fucking pathetic.
She's practically wiping her ass with the flag!


It's weird to me that we use "litmus tests" to identify specific critical issues for Supreme Court justices when litmus tests are basically the least specific test you can give to a thing. I would like to be 100% confident of a justice's vote, not just know that they'll probably turn blue but how much blue remains to be seen.

Since they're almost always about abortion, we should just call them pregnancy tests.


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