Well, if we have to have taxes then fine!Land taxes are great, benji.
It's pathetic how General Qassem Soleimani is being used as a scary Iranian boogeyman by the media. He's ruthless, sure. But he's not a cut above any Spetznas commander. The guy is doing his job. He's not out to kill Americans in their sleep. Fuck, they should be commending the guy because he's the one keeping ISIS at bay in their cities, and also responsible for retaking many towns and villages.tbf, that fact that Scott Walker was ever liked by actual humans is staggering to me.
Now this person on the other hand (DT=Donald Trump):
I care about how nobody seems to care about the crimes or the cover up. Not even Growdy.Does anyone really care about Clinton's emails or Benghazi besides conservatives?
It's pathetic how General Qassem Soleimani is being used as a scary Iranian boogeyman by the media. He's ruthless, sure. But he's not a cut above any Spetznas commander. The guy is doing his job. He's not out to kill Americans in their sleep. Fuck, they should be commending the guy because he's the one keeping ISIS at bay in their cities, and also responsible for retaking many towns and villages.
Shit's disgusting.
Following the September 11 attacks of 2001, Ryan Crocker, a senior State Department official in the United States, flew to Geneva to meet with Iranian diplomats who were under the direction of Soleimani with the purpose of collaborating to destroy the Taliban, which had targeted Shia Afghanis.[13] This collaboration was instrumental in defining the targets of bombing operations in Afghanistan and in capturing key Al Qaeda operatives, but abruptly ended in January 2002, when George W Bush named Iran as part of the "Axis of evil" in his State of the Union address.[13]
At this point in 2007 McCain was polling at 11% and Huckabee at 4%. Hillary was up 37% to 21% on Obama.HuffPost September 3
2015: Trump 33% - Carson 13% - Bush 8%
2011: Perry 32% - Romney 19%
RCP September 3
2015: Trump 27% - Carson 13% - Bush 9%
2011: Perry 26% - Romney 17%
There was evidence that he directed the shi'ite militias during the Iraqi Insurgency in mid 00's, so in a way he was indirectly involved in killing US soldiers. Yes he is an extremely competent general, but that's basically it. He did not direct assassinations or hit jobs like Col. Qaddafi, nor is he involved with bombing or terrorism (Hezbollah in the early 80's) or gassed an entire village like Chemical Ali.Going over his wiki entry, i'm a bit baffled by this. Was he designated as a terrorist solely because he's Iranian? Aside from Tikrit, dude seems like a considerably competent commander, and that's about it.
Either that or someone excised the section about crimes against humanity or whatever.
Great. Nice going W.Also #lol
Is nevada mostly desert, by chance?
Ah, wiki says that is indeed the case. Ok.
It was such a pleasant surprise when she won that night. Especially since I was counting on Democrats picking up Nevada which they lost by like a point.
Hope she wins reelection. You know along with McCaskill Donnelly Manchin and Tester.
Great. Nice going W.
Freaking moron.
I think Tester and Manchin have a good shot of winning. McCaskill and Heitkamp probably have the toughest re-election bids, but McCaskill is literally a crafty fox and Heitkamp (I need to see more recent polling) is one of the most well-liked politicians in North Dakota, so there's hope. It'll be a tough road for them both, though.
You live in ND now or still in CT? Your affection with her is fascinating.
California, lol
I get to vote months before you. You can't vote till June.![]()
Californians basically never get to vote at all.
I mean, I guess on propositions, but that's worse than not voting.
Californians basically never get to vote at all.
I mean, I guess on propositions, but that's worse than not voting.
Does anyone really care about Clinton's emails or Benghazi besides conservatives?
Does anyone really care about Clinton's emails or Benghazi besides conservatives?
The Daily Mail is reporting that some of Hiliary's emails were included in the Sidney Blumenthal hack long ago and emails are up for sale on the black market. Also, Obama Administration had a chance to purchase the emails but refused. Is this a joke article? I'm not familiar with the source's reputation.
Edit: Ah. Banned source, must be no good. Anyway, I replaced the link with FNC coverage of it.
the emails thing is such a non issue. boring conservative whistle blower bullshit. I'm all for some skeletons in Hilary's closet coming out but this is such a nonissue. No clue why this shit is still being covered
Is it? I keep seeing it pop up everywhere, including mainstream sources like NY Times.the emails thing is such a non issue. boring conservative whistle blower bullshit. I'm all for some skeletons in Hilary's closet coming out but this is such a nonissue. No clue why this shit is still being covered
Is it? I keep seeing it pop up everywhere, including mainstream sources like NY Times.
I mean there's really nothing to report on Hillary other than the email thing, which I'm willing to bet more than half of the chuckle heads writing about it in newspaper editorials have no clue at all about who broke which law where. Emails will keep getting retroactively classified. No smoking gun is gonna come out. But until then there will be plenty of fodder for people that want to talk about it.
Part of the problem is these guys are expected to write an article a day, so even if nothing really happens they have to write about something. A big issue with our news coverage is definitely the cycle, it's turned political reporting into part investigative reporting, part standard reporting, and a big part gossip reporting.
Journalist gotta eat yo.
tbf, that fact that Scott Walker was ever liked by actual humans is staggering to me.
Now this person on the other hand (DT=Donald Trump):
I'm willing to bet everyone involved has no clue about this. The government has admitted as much in this and similar cases.which I'm willing to bet more than half of the chuckle heads writing about it in newspaper editorials have no clue at all about who broke which law where
I'm willing to bet everyone involved has no clue about this. The government has admitted as much in this and similar cases.
Someone would do well to point out just how many Schrodinger laws are on the books. Especially regarding "classified" material. I bet it'd get them exactly no mentions in a debate wrap-up!
They'd also do well to take control of a Benghazi discussion to talk about the actual crimes.
The federal government running a fake consulate piled full of weapons with the CIA heavily involved that subsequently gets targeted with heavy weapons on 9/11 and you're telling me that everything done there was legal and authorized so that shouldn't even be discussed on-the-record? Or that the White House and the State Department weren't likely towing some technical lion regarding why it was never officially made any kind of diplomatic facility and all sorts of procedures were ignored?You're talking about whatever CIA operation was going on in Libya? Is that the crime?
Don’t make me laugh. Some people will call this ruling a triumph for the rule of law, a matter of harsh but necessary justice. It is no such thing. As I wrote in a piece earlier this week, the rule of law requires both lawful enactment and lawful enforcement. Justice Kennedy’s opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges is nothing more and nothing less than the establishment of Justice Kennedy’s world view as a new state religion — a religion with teeth.
I knew my "UNELECTED JUDGES" fashion line would never go out of style.TCap • 10 hours ago
She is violating no law. Just the pronouncement of 5 unelected judges who, as Alito noted in dissent, have threatened democracy.
that little shit ed henry still has me blocked on twitter. what a fucking wanker.
It takes time to build a proper dataset so you can run a regression on it.Asking a girl out and then the woman being so surprised that she needs time to decide and you won't see her in class again for a week is a weird feeling.
Asking a girl out and then the woman being so surprised that she needs time to decide and you won't see her in class again for a week is a weird feeling.
It takes time to build a proper dataset so you can run a regression on it.
It's like I told you guys, I'm not a witch. I'm you.We're in graduate econometrics so this is actually ridiculously on-point and scary accurate.
Should have given her your number dude. Was going, "oh, ok, here's my number. Gimme a call sometime," so hard?
Also, she might be figuring out how to turn you down.![]()
We're in graduate econometrics so this is actually ridiculously on-point and scary accurate.
I have a ton of shit published online so it shouldn't be hard for her to run her regression though.
Boomhauer did it first imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAYBET6rmFoIf there is one thing that the pua community got right, it is that dating is a numbers game.
Stack those odds, m8
Which is why you ask for her number, instead of giving yours to her. Far cleaner. Didn't pick up (or, more likely, ignored your whatsapp message because, really, who in blazes calls in 2015? aint nobody got the time for that)? There you go.
If there is one thing that the pua community got right, it is that dating is a numbers game.
Stack those odds, m8