what happened to POPGAF?
I have no idea which is the fear
what happened to POPGAF?
Money? Yes. Endorsements? Yes
Edit: That was an accident. I meant to say yes to both. I will give you your answer. Just wait.![]()
what happened to POPGAF?
I've seen them in other threads. They speak their own language.Nothing has to "happen" to POPGaf, it's scary enough as is.
Well Trump disrespected veterans and suffered no consequences so maybe Carson will be okay too.
PollGAF is best GAF. I'm a wreck without polls. Or more specifically elections. I get excited about any of them. Like "Guys there's a special election for dog catcher in a county in Wyoming!"I don't think even Bernie vs Hillary can keep this place from turning into PollGAF when elections come. It's always PollGAF when presidential/midterms.
Carson received similar criticism from veterans groups in spring 2014, when he called the VAs care delay scandals a gift from God because it showed the weakness of government efforts to provide health care for veterans.
I've seen them in other threads. They speak their own language.
Sanders takes aim at Trump, accuses him of racism and demagoguery on immigration
This is confusing a lot of the people that like both Sanders and Trump. They're especially confused why he's not this harsh toward Clinton.
Sanders takes aim at Trump, accuses him of racism and demagoguery on immigration
This is confusing a lot of the people that like both Sanders and Trump. They're especially confused why he's not this harsh toward Clinton.
Biden may not decide till fall or later.
Yeah, he should highlighting the fact that "untrustworthy," "liar," and "dishonest" are the words that people associate with Hillary. No need to attack the GOP when you're behind.Bernie, why would you wade into that swamp? You have no reason to even look Trump's way right now. This can only do damage.
Carson done Perry'd
And now Trump has chimed-in on the whole license issue:
I could see this being the first big issue where the Breitbarters and Freepers have a major disagreement with him. How they handle it is going to be very interesting.
I have no idea which is the fear
It's baffling that there are people who support both. They have nothing in common.
Conservatives websites are running articles about Carson being more respectable than Trump, lololololololol.
Apparently the fact that the presidential candidate version of Alex Jones is a terrible public speaker makes him classy and reasonable.
If Trump+Carson can break 50% combined while hating soldiers, that will say interesting things about the GOP voting base.
Bernie, why would you wade into that swamp? You have no reason to even look Trump's way right now. This can only do damage.
Palin also appeared to slam Obama for recently changing the official name of the United States' tallest peak from Alaska's Mount McKinley to Denali.
"And, he renamed a mountain...our mountain...the tallest peak on the North America continent," Palin said, writing under the pen name "Denali," which was her Secret Service code name.
Palin herself, like most Alaska politicians and locals, has long referred to the peak by its local name "Denali" -- as she did in her farewell address as she left the governor's post in 2009.
Yeah, he should highlighting the fact that "untrustworthy," "liar," and "dishonest" are the words that people associate with Hillary. No need to attack the GOP when you're behind.
it's sad when people predict things that end up happening.
Fair enough, but what's the point in wasting all those PAC dollars if he's not going to fight Hills? He's clearly losing.That was never the type of campaign Bernie wanted to run. He's running to see if progressive policies can do well on the national stage, and not just in Vermont. He's not running to see if Bernie the person can become president. He has constantly treated Hillary as someone on the same team, but with different strategy.
Hillary is running as a democrat that has to play to the center in order to play the game that big money forces you play in order to have the democrats beat the republicans, which Bernie would certainly like to see as the nominee or not. Sanders just doesn't like the fact that you have to do that in order to win, and is trying to win with a different strategy. There's no point to Bernie winning if he only does it by hitching onto republican attacks against Hillary.
Fair enough, but what's the point in wasting all those PAC dollars if he's not going to fight Hills? He's clearly losing.
Oh yeah, they get to pocket all of those dollars even if they lose.
Please explain. What's your beef with FOIA (unless you just want the process to be faster, then please proceed)?Anyone who pledges to get rid of FOIA has my vote.
Fair enough, but what's the point in wasting all those PAC dollars if he's not going to fight Hills? He's clearly losing.
Oh yeah, they get to pocket all of those dollars even if they lose.
Bernie is getting normal PAC donations.He has no SuperPAC as far as I am aware.
According to Stephen Colbert, who ran in 2008, you can spend it how you see fit. There's no checks and balances. He had millions left over when he called it quits and spent it on charity. No one checked him.Bernie is getting normal PAC donations.
While a candidate technically pockets unspent campaign money, how they can spend it is somewhat limited. So it's somewhat more beneficial to spend it on the campaign.
Man that Kentucky bigot's lawyer is a goddamned tool:
I really hate when people just yell their talking points and ignore questions.
EDIT: Andrea Mitchell asked some really good, hard questions: http://www.msnbc.com/andrea-mitchel...-one-on-one-with-hillary-clinton-519588419510
Hey quick question: all the smart money -- guys like Nate Silver -- say Trump has no shot at winning the nomination, that as candidates drop out, Trump's unfavorability will take over and the others' polls will improve.
So why would Bush and other GOP candidates start attacking Trump? It seems like a lose-lose scenario. You waste resources on someone who will lose anyway, you risk getting people angry, and you miss the opportunity to attack the other plausible candidates. I don't get it.
According to Stephen Colbert, who ran in 2008, you can spend it how you see fit. There's no checks and balances. He had millions left over when he called it quits and spent it on charity. No one checked him.
I get that JEB is behind. I don't get what Bush thinks would happen if he doesn't go after "the clown car?" Does he honestly think Trump or Carson or Huckabee can win the nomination? Surely no one with a team of analysists can believe that...Trump's favorables have completely turned around and he's way more liked than Jeb! now that Trump is firmly against the humanity of brown people. Jeb's campaign is going very badly and Jeb! is pissed off that Trump keeps saying Jeb! has low T so Jeb's in attack mode (it will end badly).
I mean, 56% of the GOP primary voters right now are for Trump, Carson, Cruz, and Huckabee. He's got to start stealing votes from that super clown car or he won't win the nomination even if he got the support of everyone else.