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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I have to say, I'm legit surprised at the blowback Pence has been getting for this. Yes, the gays have become more tolerable over the years, but to see so many major businesses outright expressing their disapproval and many others suggesting boycotts, well that's way more of a reaction than I would have expected.

Faith in Amurka getting slightly restored.

Once you convince americans that something is discrimination the "I don't want to be called a bigot" defenses go up. It just so happens its working out for good here.

Lots of America and even many criticizing the law are still deeply homophobic (just like many abhore discrimination but are super racist) but its good their opposing such a law


He's for clarifying it to be used to deny gays and lesbians their cakes and flowers

Wait is this new? Source?

Also I like how the statement conflates businesses with churches. No one is advocating for churches to forcibly be involved with gay weddings.
A good deal of people have a basic understanding that blatant discrimination isn't cool. They may support less overt forms of discrimination and racism, but something in-your-face often results in a universal response. Similar to how Donald Sterling had been systematically discriminating against blacks and Hispanics for decades, but the average person wouldn't believe that until those audio tapes came out.

I used to work at a dental office and that really highlighted just how much some people are discriminated against. There's a state program in Michigan that offers free health and dental care to people with HIV/AIDs, The office I worked at participated in the program so we saw a lot of those patients. And we'd treat them with respect like all our other patients. Having them tell us how grateful they were that we treated them like human beings really drove home that there are plenty of businesses that simply don't treat "different" people with respect.

I still struggle to see exactly how this law can be used to discriminate, and seeing guys like Tony Perkins come out and say they agree with clarifying the law is puzzling. Perhaps this is all just a long game about gay marriage - florists, bakers, etc - instead of restaurants and some of the other business examples that have been used. If that's the case, the argument that this law is discriminatory starts to make a lot more sense. It's hard to come up with a religious reason not to serve someone food at a restaurant...whereas making a wedding cake/flowers/catering/etc could very easily be used as an excuse to discriminate based on gay marriage.
Wait is this new? Source?

Also I like how the statement conflates businesses with churches. No one is advocating for churches to forcibly be involved with gay weddings.
PD just said he supports clarifying the law and I just copied part of his statement were perkins actually says no he likes the law, he just wants good PR
I still struggle to see exactly how this law can be used to discriminate, and seeing guys like Tony Perkins come out and say they agree with clarifying the law is puzzling. Perhaps this is all just a long game about gay marriage - florists, bakers, etc - instead of restaurants and some of the other business examples that have been used. If that's the case, the argument that this law is discriminatory starts to make a lot more sense. It's hard to come up with a religious reason not to serve someone food at a restaurant...whereas making a wedding cake/flowers/catering/etc could very easily be used as an excuse to discriminate based on gay marriage.

They know they're not going to ban gay people from their stores.

What they want is to in those business (and places like bed and breakfasts) to turn people away. Its not practical to turn gay people away from the lunch counter but from cakes and flowers? They know what the purposes is.

That and they want the authority to fire them for being gay. I think that is often lost (I'm not sure what Indianas laws are about that)



Clinton: 47%
Bush: 38%

The GOP nominee has literally a zero percent chance of winning without Ohio, right?

Even for the people who wanted Hillary in 2008, you have to admit that things couldn't have really worked out better for her long term. 2016 is going to be more of a coronation than an election. And unlike Obama she won't have 2 wars and a financial crisis waiting for her.

Bush: 45%
Clinton: 42%

Rubio: 44%
Clinton: 46%

Paul: 43%
Clinton: 46%

Christie: 39%
Clinton: 44%

Huckabee: 40%
Clinton: 48%

Walker: 40%
Clinton: 46%

Cruz: 39%
Clinton: 48%


Clinton: 46%
Paul: 41%

Clinton: 47%
Bush: 38%

Clinton: 45%
Christie: 39%

Clinton: 49%
Huckabee: 39%

Clinton: 47%
Rubio: 38%

Clinton: 49%
Walker: 38%

Clinton: 48%
Cruz: 38%


Paul: 45%
Clinton: 44%

Christie: 40%
Clinton: 45%

Bush: 40%
Clinton: 46%

Huckabee: 41%
Clinton: 47%

Rubio: 42%
Clinton: 46%

Walker: 41%
Clinton: 46%

Cruz: 39%
Clinton: 48%

These polls are junk.
The only one that's really suspect is Paul beating Clinton in Pennsylvania. Someone pointed out on DK Elections that their party ID is tied in the PA poll while it was D+8 in their previous one, which would explain the difference pretty singlehandedly.

Regardless, solid numbers - even though Jeb is leading in Florida he can't put it away. And if someone like Walker is the nominee it should be a cakewalk.
I told you all gay marriage wasn't the end to the LGBT question in the GOP and they'd look to discriminatory measures. The anti-gay forces are forcing their party to never give up the issue, at least not in the next 3-4 years


I told you all gay marriage wasn't the end to the LGBT question in the GOP and they'd look to discriminatory measures. The anti-gay forces are forcing their party to never give up the issue, at least not in the next 3-4 years
The gift that keeps on giving..

Although I really, really miss Colbert in times like these. God, he was brilliant.
It's pretty fucking hilarious to see the GOP torn between evangelicals and corporate America like this.

Shit like this is going to happen with greater frequency in the coming years.


I told you all gay marriage wasn't the end to the LGBT question in the GOP and they'd look to discriminatory measures. The anti-gay forces are forcing their party to never give up the issue, at least not in the next 3-4 years

We're going to need this, aren't we?
The email gate did do a number on Hillary's favorability for now...I'm interested to see how it looks after she actually announces her campaign.
More poll porn:

PPP's newest Republican national poll finds that Ted Cruz has the big momentum following the official announcement of his candidacy last week. His support has increased from 5% to 16% in just over a month, enough to make him one of three candidates in the top tier of GOP contenders, along with Scott Walker and Jeb Bush.

Walker continues to lead the field with 20%, although that's down from his 25% standing a month ago. Bush continues to poll at 17%, followed by Cruz at 16%, Ben Carson and Rand Paul at 10%, Marco Rubio and Mike Huckabee at 6%, Chris Christie at 4%, and Rick Perry at 3%.

Cruz has really caught fire with voters identifying themselves as 'very conservative' since his announcement. After polling at only 11% with them a month ago, he now leads the GOP field with 33% to 25% for Walker and 12% for Carson with no one else in double digits.
Last month Walker led with that group and almost all of the decline in his overall support over the last month has come within it as those folks have moved toward Cruz. Cruz's name recognition with Republican voters has increased from 61% to 82% since his announcement. Besides Cruz the other candidate with momentum over the last month is Rand Paul. His support has increased from 4% to 10%.

http://www.mcso.org/MultiMedia/PressRelease/500000 tent city inmates doc.pdf

lets celebrate locking people up!!! veggie burgers for all!

Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio says the fact that Tent
City, his canvas incarceration compound, has now “served” or housed over
500,000 inmates since its 1993 opening, is a real reason to celebrate.

So today, Wednesday, April 1, 2015, and under a sign hung on the Tent City fence
proudly proclaiming “Over 500,000 served” (time), inmates and the Sheriff will
enjoy a veggie burger as the second of two meals a day here at 3:30PM. The
veggie burgers are consistent with the all vegetarian menu the Sheriff
implemented months ago.

“Half a million men and women have experienced incarceration at Tent City,”
Sheriff Arpaio says. “That’s a remarkable number considering many critics thought
Tent City wouldn’t last. In fact, Tent City as a jail has lasted longer than brick and
mortar facilities like the Madison Street Jail.”
By the way, I have been meaning to post this for some time. Is John Kerry the best secretary of state we had in a long while or what?

1) Averts a potential war scenario with Syria
In August and September, a military strike against Syria seemed almost inevitable, until at the 11th hour John Kerry made what seemed to be an off-the-cuff remark that if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could turn over his complete stockpile of chemical weapons, the U.S. would not take military action against the country. Almost instantly it seemed, the situation changed, and Kerry, via Russian president Vladimir Putin, brokered a deal with Assad wherein the Syrian leader agreed to hand over said weapons.

2) Saves Afghanistan from unraveling after a bitter election.

After the former warlord Abdullah Abdullah contested the results of the election that said he lost to Ashraf Ghani, it pretty much seemed like Afghanistan was going to go back to civil-war. While in the middle of negotiating terms of truce between Hamas and Israel during the war in Gaza, John Kerry flies overnight to Afghanistan to salvage the election, brokering a deal between the two


And goes back to negotiating the Mideast truce

3) The Iran Nuclear Deal

This has been on going the entirety of his tenue as SoS. But no other SoS has come this far, and he is pushing hard
Secretary of State John Kerry renewed his push on Wednesday to secure a preliminary accord that would limit Iran’s nuclear program, a day after negotiators extended the March 31 deadline.

With the diplomacy at a pivotal point, President Obama convened a teleconference on Tuesday night with Mr. Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz and other top members of the administration to review the status of the negotiations.

As the talks resumed here on Wednesday, an initial accord was potentially within reach but there was still much to work out.

It was the seventh straight day that Mr. Kerry had met with Mr. Zarif during the current negotiating round.

There is much more to highlight, but these are the top 3 I could think of.


lol Rand Paul's numbers basically disappear in the "over 65" bracket while Huckabee jumps from 2% among yougins to 9%.

Women don't like Chris Christie.




Raleigh, N.C. – PPP's newest Republican national poll finds that Ted Cruz has the big

momentum following the official announcement of his candidacy last week. His support
has increased from 5% to 16% in just over a month, enough to make him one of three
candidates in the top tier of GOP contenders, along with Scott Walker and Jeb Bush.
Walker continues to lead the field with 20%, although that's down from his 25% standing
a month ago. Bush continues to poll at 17%, followed by Cruz at 16%, Ben Carson and
Rand Paul at 10%, Marco Rubio and Mike Huckabee at 6%, Chris Christie at 4%, and
Rick Perry at 3%.

Cruz has really caught fire with voters identifying themselves as 'very conservative' since
his announcement. After polling at only 11% with them a month ago, he now leads the
GOP field with 33% to 25% for Walker and 12% for Carson with no one else in double
digits. Last month Walker led with that group and almost all of the decline in his overall
support over the last month has come within it as those folks have moved toward Cruz.
Cruz's name recognition with Republican voters has increased from 61% to 82% since his

Two candidates are clearly losing ground. The biggest is Ben Carson, who's dropped
from 18% to his new 10% standing. There's a lot of overlap between the voters who like
Carson and the voters who like Cruz and where previously they'd been naming Carson as
their first choice the momentum for Cruz lately seems to have really cut into Carson's
support. The other potential candidate who seems to be losing some steam is Mike
Huckabee. A month ago he was at 10%, but now his standing has declined to 6%.

“This contest is starting to bear some resemblance to the 2012 Republican nomination
fight,” said Dean Debnam, President of Public Policy Polling. “A couple of months ago
Ben Carson was the hot thing in the field, now Ted Cruz is and Carson’s support is
drying up. It’s very reminiscent of the boom and bust we saw with various candidates
four years ago. And Jeb Bush remaining steady as others rise and fall is also similar to
how things went for Mitt Romney went that cycle.”


We're going to need this, aren't we?

The official "Sad Penny LGBT rights/other stupid things that happen" gif is this one:


Don't know if I'd call Kerry the best ever but one thing is clear: it really exposes how little Clinton did as SoS. Kerry is someone who always wanted to be a diplomat on the world stage (or president of the United States, of course) and relishes his job. Clinton used her position to basically travel the world and not really accomplish anything.

Ultimately the Iran deal looms heavy, legacy wise. We'll see. But clearly Kerry won't be blamed for not brokering a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.
By the way, I have been meaning to post this for some time. Is John Kerry the best secretary of state we had in a long while or what?

1) Averts a potential war scenario with Syria

2) Saves Afghanistan from unraveling after a bitter election.

After the former warlord Abdullah Abdullah contested the results of the election that said he lost to Ashraf Ghani, it pretty much seemed like Afghanistan was going to go back to civil-war. While in the middle of negotiating terms of truce between Hamas and Israel during the war in Gaza, John Kerry flies overnight to Afghanistan to salvage the election, brokering a deal between the two


And goes back to negotiating the Mideast truce

3) The Iran Nuclear Deal

This has been on going the entirety of his tenue as SoS. But no other SoS has come this far, and he is pushing hard

There is much more to highlight, but these are the top 3 I could think of.
He also really wanted to get a deal with Israel and Palestine but its hard getting something out of bibi
By the way, I have been meaning to post this for some time. Is John Kerry the best secretary of state we had in a long while or what?

1) Averts a potential war scenario with Syria

2) Saves Afghanistan from unraveling after a bitter election.

After the former warlord Abdullah Abdullah contested the results of the election that said he lost to Ashraf Ghani, it pretty much seemed like Afghanistan was going to go back to civil-war. While in the middle of negotiating terms of truce between Hamas and Israel during the war in Gaza, John Kerry flies overnight to Afghanistan to salvage the election, brokering a deal between the two


And goes back to negotiating the Mideast truce

3) The Iran Nuclear Deal

This has been on going the entirety of his tenue as SoS. But no other SoS has come this far, and he is pushing hard

There is much more to highlight, but these are the top 3 I could think of.
John Kerry should be president. Too bad he has the charisma of a tack.

Clinton-Kerry would be a fun ticket for reactions.
Don't know if I'd call Kerry the best ever but one thing is clear: it really exposes how little Clinton did as SoS. Kerry is someone who always wanted to be a diplomat on the world stage (or president of the United States, of course) and relishes his job. Clinton used her position to basically travel the world and not really accomplish anything.

Ultimately the Iran deal looms heavy, legacy wise. We'll see. But clearly Kerry won't be blamed for not brokering a deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

Not GOAT, but I can't think of another SoS that accomplished more than he did, despite Israel trying to torpedo both nuclear talks with Iran and peace talks with PA. And yeah, Clinton's tenure was pretty much invisible comparatively despite racking up more miles than any other past SoS.


Michelle Bachman still crazy. The world is somewhat still right.


With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight - a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?


For primary delegates? Yes, he absolutely should. WA rank and file Republicans aren't like the GOP in the NE or anything, his Texas Teatard brand of politics go far east of the Cascades.

I don't disagree with the logic, I just don't want him in my liberal utopia.

Michelle Bachman still crazy. The world is somewhat still right.


With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight - a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?


Iran deal is really sounding like it's starting to struggle.

No, it means the deal is actually progressing. The media's fascination with March 31st deadline is ridiculous. It's a self-imposed, non-binding deadline. The fact that they are all still talking beyond the self-imposed deadline tells us that they are all pretty serious of making it a success. It's more of a deadline to get things rolling before the US Congress gets in session and tries to spoil the deal.

The REAL deadline is the June 30th.
No, it means the deal is actually progressing. The media's fascination with March 31st deadline is ridiculous. It's a self-imposed, non-binding deadline. The fact that they are all still talking beyond the self-imposed deadline tells us that they are all pretty serious of making it a success. It's more of a deadline to get things rolling before the US Congress gets in session and tries to spoil the deal.

The REAL deadline is the June 30th.

My favorite thing is people freaking out about the lines harding and some FM's leaving and coming back.

Its like, have you ever been in a negotiation? Ever haggled? Used leverage? That's what always happens before a deal is reached
On a "live" town hall call with Carly Fiorina right now. I wonder if she'll take my question...

As a Christian Republican, I feel called to love my neighbor and keep government small enough to live their lives. I am proud that the state of Iowa protects the civil rights of our fellow members of the body of Christ regardless of sexual orientation, but I am distressed by how my party positions itself on the wrong side of history on this issue. I will not vote for a candidate that wants to restrict civil rights, especially on the basis of sexual orientation. Principles aside, just on a practical level, such a position will not win a national election. How will you deal with calls from our party to restrict the civil rights of others?

Oh, someone else asked a similar question (although obivously anti-same sex marriage...)
Carly Fiorina said:
Marriage is a religious institution. Only a man and woman can make a child. I support civil unions because the debate is really about benefits that should be available equally. The recent events in Indiana show that we need to show tolerance to differences.

Heh, someone (before the marriage equality question) said he wanted to see her on Fox News tomorrow announcing her candidacy. She said that was unlikely.


O Malley is being unreasonable. "crown passed between two families". Get that trash out out here. Does obama not exist to you?

I can understand the sentiment but lets be real. Money sadly talks and the money is behind the "dynasty choices" and in the case of the Republicans "the won who can win" has been so far since 1980 involved a bush and before that a NIxon.
I remember when I was knee deep in the depths of Randy Rhodes' radio show and internet forum, back during the Dark Ages of the Bush Aughts, and everyone thought Shultz was a dangerous fake liberal because he liked hunting/guns.

The Heritage guy made a compelling case...is he right about the federal law in that sense? Meta, Ivy?


This is semantics, and nothing more
I remember when I was knee deep in the depths of Randy Rhodes' radio show and internet forum, back during the Dark Ages of the Bush Aughts, and everyone thought Shultz was a dangerous fake liberal because he liked hunting/guns.

The Heritage guy made a compelling case...is he right about the federal law in that sense? Meta, Ivy?

About the term "person" in the federal RFRA including corporations?


1.) The RFRA, 42 U.S.C. 2000bb-1, says that government shall not substantially burden a "person's" exercise of religion.

2.) The Dictionary Act, 1 U.S.C. 1, states that, "in determining the meaning of any Act of Congress, unless the context indicates otherwise . . . the word[] 'person' . . . include corporations, companies, associations, firms, partnerships, societies, and joint stock companies, as well as individuals."

The RFRA is an "Act of Congress," and the context does not indicate otherwise, so "person" as used in the RFRA, includes corporations. Of course, some, including Ginsburg, argued that the context does indicate otherwise, because it's impossible for a for-profit corporation to exercise religion. I think that's both legally and empirically false.


About the term "person" in the federal RFRA including corporations?


Ah, my favorite:

the words “insane” and “insane person” shall include every idiot, insane person, and person non compos mentis;

But this was sort of the cornerstone of Hobby Lobby, was it not? To paraphrase using Wikipedia:

As applied to closely held for-profit corporations, the Health and Human Services (HHS) regulations imposing the contraceptive mandate violate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). HHS's contraceptive mandate substantially burdens the exercise of religion under the RFRA. The Court assumes that guaranteeing cost-free access to the four challenged contraceptive methods is a compelling governmental interest, but the Government has failed to show that the mandate is the least restrictive means of furthering that interest.

Ginsburg, as you mentioned, very much disagrees:

RBG said:
Until this litigation, no decision of this Court recognized a for-profit corporation’s qualification for a religious exemption from a generally applicable law, whether under the Free Exercise Clause or RFRA. The absence of such precedent is just what one would expect, for the exercise of religion is characteristic of natural persons, not artificial legal entities...Religious organizations exist to foster the interests of persons subscribing to the same religious faith. Not so of for-profit corporations. Workers who sustain the operations of those corporations commonly are not drawn from one religious community.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Well good! It's settled.

Actually, I should clarify my prior post: Hobby Lobby involved the question of whether a for-profit corporation is a "person" and can exercise religion. The 2006 case, Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficiente Uniao do Vegetal, involved a non-profit corporation invoking the RFRA. (The corporation won.) The issue of whether the corporation was a "person" under the RFRA wasn't even raised in that case.
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