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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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For those who get harder at the mention of linguistics than the touch of a partner:

Like most survey respondents who refuse to call the airport “Reagan,” Brown is, in her words, “a big ol’ Democrat.” In our survey, only 35 percent of Democrats call the airport “Reagan” or “Reagan National,” compared to 72 percent of Republicans.

One such Republican is Chris Sloan, 50, a banker from Connecticut.

“I don’t call it Reagan because of my political affiliation,” Sloan says. “I call it Reagan because that’s the name of the airport.” His is one of the most common reasons cited by survey respondents for saying Reagan.

Political reasons were most often cited for not calling the airport “Reagan,” particularly the president’s treatment of air traffic controllers. Reagan’s firing of 11,000 striking air traffic controllers in 1981 may also be why neither pilots nor air traffic controllers seem to use the airport’s proper name. When talking to pilots, air traffic controllers say DCA or National, says Federal Aviation Administration spokeswoman Laura Brown, who didn’t speculate as to why that is. Pilots tend to say “Washington Tower” or “National Tower.” (You can listen in at liveatc.net.)

In the long run, it looks like “Reagan” will win out. Our survey found that younger generations are more likely to use Reagan, regardless of political affiliation. That may be because, to them, “Reagan” simply connotes “the convenient airport that’s on Metro” — just as “Dulles,” to many locals, means “the airport that’s way out in Virginia,” not “the namesake of John Foster Dulles, architect of Cold War brinkmanship.”

That’s certainly the case for Denzel Thomas, 25.

“I don’t know much about Ronald Reagan,” said the D.C.-based artist, while waiting for a flight to Miami. “I think he was president before I was born.”

As for what to call the airport, Thomas sidesteps the whole issue.

“I call it DCA, because that’s easiest to text,” he says.

I call it Reagan but I know a lot who still call it national.

Its always been Reagan since I can remember so its what I call it. I mean when I lived in new Orleans I didn't change lee circle's name either even with its statue of a racist

Lets trickle down some additional information. Does it change your opinion on the subject?

“I’m still mad about the name, because of how it got passed. It got forced upon all the people here by a small group of powerful men in Congress,” says survey respondent Jason West, 57, a business analyst who lives in D.C.

West’s complaint is a common one. Then-Senate majority leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., pushed the bill through Congress over protests from local leaders, congressional Democrats and even the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.

Then, Metro and the National Park Service were forced to revise signs at the agencies’ own expense.

“It’s almost like all those Republicans wanted to stick a middle finger up to all the people who live here,” West recalls. “I don’t know why [President Bill] Clinton didn’t veto it.”
More poll porn

This election is going to be such a fucking joke

National primary numbers:

Polls don't matter now but still...not good news for republicans. Seems like quite a generic negative view on GOP candidates across the board, and I don't think that will change much once people get to know them. Rubio might have the best shot at having decent likable numbers.

Can't wait to see Jennifer Rubin's hot take/spin.
Polls don't matter now but still...not good news for republicans. Seems like quite a generic negative view on GOP candidates across the board, and I don't think that will change much once people get to know them. Rubio might have the best shot at having decent likable numbers.

Can't wait to see Jennifer Rubin's hot take/spin.
Walker and Rubio have room to grow, but Bush and (surprisingly) Cruz have terrible numbers. But I think Rubio is too awkward and two-faced (saying different stuff in Spanish interviews lol) while Walker is boring as hell and an ideologue; I can't see their numbers improving much.

Clinton on the other hand has been around for years. Her approval ratings aren't stellar (49-46) but better than most other politicians, and her numbers are pretty baked in at this point.

Interestingly most Republicans think Bush will be the nominee. I think he will too but I could see Walker or Cruz pulling ahead as the anti-establishment candidate. However it seems a lot like the 2012 race where it was always Romney and someone else.

73% approve of the way Bill Clinton handled his job as president. Jesus. If this becomes a proxy battle between the Bush name and the Clinton name the GOP is so fucked.
Lets trickle down some additional information. Does it change your opinion on the subject?

I don't think it should be called reagan if only for his Union busting. But I'll call it reagan because that's what its always been for me. I didn't live there till recently.

Like I said, that's its name. I'm not going to change names because I don't like the people. They should rename it obama national though in 20 years.
Obamas mentions of Israel are really passive aggressive. Emphasizing security and pretty much leaving everything else out and calling him out for the opposition to the deal.
I called 2012 for Obama in a walk back in 2009. I'd say HRC's numbers won't hold, but since the GOP is bound and determined to nominate a divisive asshat (out of their many,) they just might.

Why did you call 2012 in 2009, given the economic situation? Just curious. Pure demographics or something else.


I guess once people get to know him, those numbers will change. He will be able to put New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada in play because his wife is Hispanic and he speaks fluent spanish.

#Republican Consultants.

this deal is going to lead to Israel nuking iran


Even putting aside the name, and the overlap of staff/advisors with his brother and father, and the policy similarities (imagine the commercials!).. if you look at him and listen closely to his voice you almost subconsciously begin to think about how he sounds a bit like his brother. Ouch.

If Hillary's primary season remains uncompetitive, I'd love to see Dems help Jeb out a bit.

And my gut still says 300ish. {3rd term urge to change parties+Hillary's blandness as a candidate} vs {demographics+GOP primary insanity} makes me think the GOP's ticket will win more swing states, but not enough.
I guess once people get to know him, those numbers will change. He will be able to put New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada in play because his wife is Hispanic and he speaks fluent spanish.

#Republican Consultants.
Republicans said Romney's numbers would get better as people got to know him and they did the exact opposite. Interestingly so considering there wasn't any real scandal going on, he was just a shady politician.

I don't have much faith in the current Republican candidates either. The only one I'm possibly worried about is Cruz tricking people into thinking he's smart but his numbers are almost as bad as Bush.


Obama wouldn't greenlight that and they'd never act alone. The backlash form the international community would be crushing

Despite all of Israel's bluster there is 0% chance they would preemptively nuke Iran. Airstrikes, maybe. Ground forces, less likely.
Speaking of Israelis being shitheads, I once again have almost no words.

A man who was reported missing in the West Bank Thursday afternoon, sending security forces scrambling across the area in a mad dash against time, faked his disappearance along with a friend, the Judea and Samaria District police said.

Police said they view the incident with the utmost severity in particular due to what they said was a "major waste of resources for all of the security services."

Police said Niv Asraf, 22 from Beersheba, was found alive and well in a dry creek bed outside Kiryat Arba, with a sleeping bag and a supply of canned goods. They added that the investigation against Asraf and his friend is ongoing.
I'm actually kind of bummed this information was released over Easter weekend. I was expecting more crazy from the right today, but they're off on vacation


Thanks Kerry.
Really, the guy looks like an awkward frankenstein monster, he ran a terrible campaign in '04 and he should get shit for voting for the war in Iraq, but damn if he isn't a great Secretary of State (and he had a very very distinguished career as a whole).

Even assuming that bibi was THAT stupid, what do you think would happen next?

I mean, aside from the rest of the world finding out if the Samson option was, in fact, in place.
Forget nuking, even conventional strike is never going to happen, the entire Israeli military command is against it, and Netanyahu will never go against them.

The military still asked (and got) an extra 3 billion USD specifically to prepare for an attack in Iran, and no, you can't have the money back. IDF gonna IDF, those full pensions at 45 aren't going to pay for themselves you know.


Remember when the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush and everyone burnt their CDs and turned hatred towards them?

Nowadays, any washed up has been can say things about Obama and people just nod along. Obama's America.

Speaking at the Lincoln Day Dinner of the Republican Party of Maricopa County, Arizona this past week, the conservative rocker shared this charming message with the crowd in attendance.

“Here’s your job, Republican Party,” Nugent said. “20-25 of those guys kill themselves every day, and they haven’t told you why, and they haven’t told anybody else why, but they told me why: because the Commander-in-Chief is the enemy.”

Just listen as the confused reaction from the crowd quickly transformed into enthusiastic applause over the suggestion that former soldiers are killing themselves at alarmingly-high rates because Barack Obama is president. In Nugent’s view, this problem should just about disappear if a Republican is elected in 2016.


Meta got anally raped in the Indiana thread, which is fitting since he's a bigot who wants gay people rounded up and carted into ovens while defending the Volk's right to have a clean society.

Which is why the state should shut down any pizza places that serve gay people while disapproving of them, it's sextuple taxation under the ACA.


Thanks Kerry.
Really, the guy looks like an awkward frankenstein monster, he ran a terrible campaign in '04 and he should get shit for voting for the war in Iraq, but damn if he isn't a great Secretary of State (and he had a very very distinguished career as a whole).
Kerry made mistakes, but honestly his biggest problem is that he has zero charisma when it comes to Presidential politics. He is a de facto policymaker and diplomat
aka boring on camera.
. He's also not that good looking. None of this is really his fault, it's just who he is. Obama made some mistakes too, the difference is that he was a superstar candidate and nothing could stop him. I blame the Democratic Party and its '04 voter base more than Kerry for not getting a better candidate to go up against Bush.

His campaign was not for nothing though -- I believe he greenlit Obama being the keynote speaker at the convention that year, and without that who knows what would have happened. Obama owes Kerry big and he did by making him SoS. He is doing an outstanding job as well.

And really, the way Kerry got swiftboated was just ridiculous. If you were to ask me I think it is an offense worth going to prison for. The entire thing was fabrication and even those who participated later admitted to it. Abhorrent.

Despite all his flaws, I love this man.


this deal is going to lead to Israel nuking iran
Holy shit. What a bunch of fear mongering simpletons. Israel will be on notice, like, for real if they actually acted on such an idea.


Reid's one of the few people in the DNC (outside of Pelosi) that you can't bring a knife to a gunfight.
He let Republicans in the senate walk all over him through most of Obama's first term, you know, when you could still get shit done.
But he's great at ratcheting up the empty rhetoric when it's mostly empty.


He let Republicans in the senate walk all over him through most of Obama's first term, you know, when you could still get shit done.
But he's great at ratcheting up the empty rhetoric when it's mostly empty.
You can't put all of that on Reid, though.


You can't put all of that on Reid, though.

Yes you can. He had 60 votes in the senate. He decided not to get rid of the fillibuster and when the House went Republican, he stymied bills so senators were unable to take tough votes.

Most of the senators he tried saving are now gone.
Remember when the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush and everyone burnt their CDs and turned hatred towards them?

Nowadays, any washed up has been can say things about Obama and people just nod along. Obama's America.

I'm still waiting for Ted Nugent to fulfill his "dead or in jail" promise after Obama was re-elected.


Meta got anally raped in the Indiana thread, which is fitting since he's a bigot who wants gay people rounded up and carted into ovens while defending the Volk's right to have a clean society.

Which is why the state should shut down any pizza places that serve gay people while disapproving of them, it's sextuple taxation under the ACA.

Also, dude got like 10 pinko commies banned in this thread, the OT's body was not ready.
Remember when the Dixie Chicks criticized Bush and everyone burnt their CDs and turned hatred towards them?

Nowadays, any washed up has been can say things about Obama and people just nod along. Obama's America.

Did Nugent mention shitting his pants and pissing himself at his draft board so he wouldn't have to go to Vietnam? No?
He let Republicans in the senate walk all over him through most of Obama's first term, you know, when you could still get shit done.
But he's great at ratcheting up the empty rhetoric when it's mostly empty.

Reid had 60 votes for 72 days.

As for running over, he had to figure out a way to get people like Lieberman, Nelson, and the like to vote for bills, especially when he wasn't going to magically convince supposed liberals like Carl Levin to get rid of the filibuster.


Reid had 60 votes for 72 days.

As for running over, he had to figure out a way to get people like Lieberman, Nelson, and the like to vote for bills, especially when he wasn't going to magically convince supposed liberals like Carl Levin to get rid of the filibuster.
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