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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Hilary's biggest weakness has never been her past, it's Bills. One of the main reasons the Democratic establishment didn't solidify behind her in 2008, and Obama got so much tacit support, was because they are absolutely terrified that Bill's affairs come out in October, after the nomination and it drags down the entire ticket.
Ehh .. I think its a little of the opposite really. I feel like she gets a lot of love because of bill, fair or not. I don't think anyone gives a shit about his affairs. If one does care about his affairs, I question whether they would ever vote for her.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Yeah, for a 20-something who wasn't previously religious, but was politically ambitious, ingratiating yourself into the black church community was the price of playing ball in Chicago. I mean he did after all, convincingly fake being against gay marriage for years (again, the price of admission in 2008).

Then again he took his kids to church, and even if I was driven enough to personally fake it, I could never take my intellectually undeveloped kids to church, so I lean more on the side of he's being genuine based on that alone. But maybe he's not as principled about that as I would be.

Obama's relationship to faith seems similar to my mothers. If he actually believes with the fervor or depth of much of America I couldn't say, but he definitely values the idea of the church as a community. One of the parts of Audacity of Hope that stuck with me


Obama should have done immigration reform in his first term. He had majorities in both congresses in his first 2 years. Unless he expects the house and senate to flip anytime soon to his successor(likely Hillary Clinton), immigration reform is dead for the next few cycles.

Now he is blaming young people for not voting in the midterms for the reason immigration reform not happening. 1/3 of the electorate voted.


Obama should have done immigration reform in his first term. He had majorities in both congresses in his first 2 years.

There was no way that Reid was going to let his vulnerable senators take a vote on immigration reform in 2010. It's not just, "they have majorities in both conferences!"

The House could've passed the 2013 bill, but it was Hastert'ed.


There was no way that Reid was going to let his vulnerable senators take a vote on immigration reform in 2010. It's not just, "they have majorities in both conferences!"

The House could've passed the 2013 bill, but it was Hastert'ed.

and now they are all gone. Should have took the gamble but hindsight is 20/20.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
In other news, holy shit the net neutrality thing might be the most ridiculous example of the power of the conservative industrial perception machine

(I was linked to this earlier: https://twitter.com/hashtag/NoNetNeutrality?src=hash)

There's being against net neutrality (for whatever conceivable reason that would be) and then there's honest to god buying into the logic of net neutrality = government = bad


The Republicans know that whatever immigration reform bill that comes out of either chamber is going to require republican support. They will drag it out until they get the presidency and congress so they can get the credit.

If hillary wins, they wont let her pass it. They will take the hispanic shellacking time and time again until they by some miracle get the trio. Or Hispanics see that the democrats arent keeping their promise and will look to the Republicans to support and pass it.


In other news, holy shit the net neutrality thing might be the most ridiculous example of the power of the conservative industrial perception machine

(I was linked to this earlier: https://twitter.com/hashtag/NoNetNeutrality?src=hash)

There's being against net neutrality (for whatever conceivable reason that would be) and then there's honest to god buying into the logic of net neutrality = government = bad

Nancy ‏@Celtic_Norse 2h2 hours ago
So if you want to start a web site, you'll have to get a license for that now. More small biz crushing tactics by the Left. #NoNetNeutrality



In other news, holy shit the net neutrality thing might be the most ridiculous example of the power of the conservative industrial perception machine

(I was linked to this earlier: https://twitter.com/hashtag/NoNetNeutrality?src=hash)

There's being against net neutrality (for whatever conceivable reason that would be) and then there's honest to god buying into the logic of net neutrality = government = bad

I love the scare tactics.


Edit: OMG



You have to be amazed at just how effective the Conservative machine is, though, about getting everyone scared over something that they don't even understand.

From our Favorite Fundies:

ETA: I just have to say how much I love and appreciate this board and all of you. When the government starts shutting down websites like this one, I'll be remembering you and praying for you, even when we can't meet together and speak freely here anymore. I look forward to meeting you in heaven and seeing you face-to-face and laughing together about cat pictures. I'm serious.

As for the FCC: Since when does ANYTHING the Gov regulates stay Neutral? Especially THIS TYRANNICAL Regime! !??

Right now freedom reigns on the internet. That'll likely end once the govmint starts regulating and taxing (fees). It's too bad. Rush Limbaugh says the "Net Neutrality Act" name is as misleading as the "Affordable Care Act".

And with everything else going on, now is the perfect time for our government to strike, once internet freedom is gone, you better believe they will be coming for our guns.

I have a feeling that last one is a throwaway joke account, though.


Boehner reminds members of dress code: 'You know who you are'
Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) halted floor proceedings Wednesday to remind members of chamber decorum.

During the final vote series of the day, Boehner reiterated the rules for proper behavior on the House floor. Boehner, who is known for ribbing lawmakers and reporters for their attire, has made reminding members of House rules a regular practice.

Many lawmakers frequently wear jeans or casual shoes to the House floor, particularly during the first vote series of the week that are usually close to dinnertime.
"Members should wear appropriate attire during all sittings of the House, however brief their appearances on the floor may be. You know who you are," Boehner said to laughter.

Boehner also reminded lawmakers not to take pictures while they are on the House floor. Photography is prohibited in both the House and Senate chambers.

"Members should refrain from engaging in still photography or audio or audio recording in the chamber. Taking photographs detracts from the proceedings and presents security and privacy challenges for the House," Boehner said.

The Speaker further urged members to arrive to the floor to vote within 15 minutes after the bells ring across the Capitol complex signaling a vote. The first vote of a series is typically allotted 15 minutes, but it often takes close to 30 minutes for all 435 members to walk from their offices or elsewhere to the floor.

"Members should attempt to come to the floor within 15 minutes as prescribed by the first ringing of the bells. This has been an ongoing problem and members should make every attempt to be here within the prescribed 15 minutes," Boehner said.
Boehner said that adhering to the House chamber rules dignifies the environment.

"Following the basic standards of practice will foster an atmosphere of mutual and institutional respect and will ensure against personal confrontation amongst individual members, between members, and the presiding officer," Boehner said.

"It will enable accurate transcriptions of the proceedings and, in sum, will ensure the comity that elevates the spirited deliberations above mere arguments," Boehner concluded.


What exactly are illegal immigrants and environmentalists getting out of net neutrality?
Who cares, it fires up the base, talking heads et al and the next thing you know, net neutrality is now a red vs. blue issue.

I was listening to twit.tv and some folks are speculating enforcing TItle II will make ISP's dream up extra fees/more expensive service just because they can. I think Wheeler is missing a golden opportunity by not wanting to regulate rates, as is Obama. For example, if Netflix can go back to not being held hostage by Comcast, then Comcast could throw a hissy fit and act like they have no choice but to rape their customers' wallets (mine included) instead, even though these bits were essentially getting sent to their doorstep for free anyway.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
No one cares about evolution "gaffes" outside of the left. Most people don't even fully believe in evolution.

I disagree. You may have a point if this were about climate change, but not believing in evolution is an accepted way of proving you're a dingus nowadays.
Nobody wants to make a CPAC thread? I feel I'd have to change my avatar before it do.

I do like how weed is being legalized the day CPAC starts. Its the only way to make it through, that or alcohol


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So liberals tend to mock conservatives for being "pro-life", but supporting the death penalty. However, I can at least see how a person can be internally consistent with that line of thinking ("babies" are innocent, whereas murderers are not). This asshat however, is a pretty despicable hypocrite:

An Idaho Republican literally let the hypocrisy fly when she defended parents who let their kids die as an exercise of religious belief and liberty instead of seeking medical care to save them.

On her own website, Idaho GOP state Rep. Christy Perry claims she “is a pro-life mother and grandmother and emphasizes her honor and value of all human life, born and unborn.”

“Christy Perry is an ardent supporter of defending each child’s right to life,” according to the site.

But now Perry has done a complete 180 degree flip-flop when it comes to fundamentalist “Christians” who would rather rely on God as their doctor instead of a real flesh and blood medical professional.

Idaho is one of six states with insane religious exemption laws that allow people to get away with committing “negligent homicide, manslaughter or capital murder.”

Currently, the biggest controversy is whether the state should ban faith-healing and punish those who allow their kids to die because they believe God will heal them if they pray enough.

Democratic Senator John Gannon seeks the closure of a loophole that will give authorities the power to prosecute parents “whenever a child’s medical condition may cause death or permanent disability.”

The self-proclaimed “pro-life” Perry, however, insists that religious parents of the Followers of Christ should have the right to choose whether or not their child dies or lives.

In an interview with Al Jazeera America, Perry claimed “They have a clear understanding of what the role of government should be. [It] isn’t how to tell me how to live my life.”

“Children do die. And I’m not trying to sound callous, but [people calling for reform] want to act as if death is an anomaly. But it’s not. It’s a way of life.”

Yeah, she really said that. And then she went on to further destroy the notion that conservatives are “pro-life.”

“They are comforted by the fact that they know their child is in heaven,” Perry said of these religious parents. “If I want to let my child be with God, why is that wrong?”

And there you have it. A “pro-life” conservative “Christian” Republican lawmaker just demonstrated that her party cares more about fetuses than they do about children. According to this philosophy, women should be forced to carry pregnancies to term, but religious nutjobs should be allowed to let their already born children die by denying them professional medical care. This is about as monstrous and hypocritical as it gets.

Im going to buy the New York Times and make sure the headlines read:

Chris Christie/Andrew Cuomo proposes large tax hikes on commuters
Commuter taxes may increase by 11% on NJ Transit

Opinion column: We already tax income, is taxing people to get to work double taxation?
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