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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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This is amazing.

1. Justice is a bad thing?
2. OK, we know you don't like Muslims but CAIR is not a terrorist group.
3. Progress is a bad thing?
4. A group with 'peace' in their name is 'militant'?
5. If you are not white then you are racist.
6. Yeah, that rabid anti-communist Soros is such a terrible guy.

9. If you are not white then you are racist.
10. If you are not white then you are racist.

It is such paranoid conspiracy & victim complex thinking. Look, it is OK to disagree on policy but just because you disagree, that doesn't make the other side a terrorist/racist/devil/etc.

This really supports the view of "If Obama is for something then they will be against it . . . without even bothering to look at the issue in detail."


This is probably going to be good to watch..

Jeb Bush, 2016's Gay-Friendly Republican

Shortly after the 2012 election ended, David Kochel, the top-flight Iowa Republican strategist who had run Mitt Romney’s campaign in the state, decided to stop keeping his opinion of marriage equality to himself.

He had spent years helping presidential candidates court the conservative Christian voters who dominated Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucuses, but he had grown increasingly convinced that his party was on the wrong side of the marriage debate, both morally and politically.

With the campaign over, Kochel — who declined to comment for this story — began turning up at gatherings for pro-gay Republicans, calling on the GOP to modernize its social agenda, and appearing on local TV talk shows, demanding to know why the party of “freedom and liberty” shouldn’t support marriage rights. “Frankly,” he told one interviewer, “the culture wars are kind of over, and Republicans largely lost.”

According to people who discussed it with him at the time, Kochel was suffering from post-2012 burnout, and joked that he had taken on this little mission because he was tired of caucus politics, and wanted to ensure that he wouldn’t get sucked back into another race in 2016. After all, what kind of Republican presidential candidate would want to hire an outspoken marriage equality advocate as a campaign strategist?

As it turned out, Jeb Bush would.

When Bush officially launches his presidential bid later this year, he will likely do so with a campaign manager who has urged the Republican Party to adopt a pro-gay agenda; a chief strategist who signed a Supreme Court amicus brief arguing for marriage equality in California; a longtime adviser who once encouraged her minister to stick to his guns in preaching equality for same-sex couples; and a communications director who is openly gay.


And the corresponding FR thread..

I'm wondering if this will get enough attention to warrant a response from Jeb or any comments from other campaigners.
This is amazing.

1. Justice is a bad thing?
2. OK, we know you don't like Muslims but CAIR is not a terrorist group.
3. Progress is a bad thing?

1. They're saying the "justice" isn't justice at all.
2. Anything Muslim is evil now.
3. That's a point they've been taking since Obama took office. Progress only leads to Big Government and socialism, and progressivism is inherently evil.


Net neutrality and legal weed in DC? Today has been a good day. Republican and corporate tears alone will sustain me for the rest of the day and probably tomorrow. House capitulating on dhs would be icing on the cake.


This is probably going to be good to watch..


And the corresponding FR thread..

I'm wondering if this will get enough attention to warrant a response from Jeb or any comments from other campaigners.

Speaking perhaps only for myself, as someone who has known “gay” people in different contexts from work to social, I’m really not in favor—as JEB seems to be—of homosexuals feeling comfortable enough to `be themselves’ in larger social contexts.

I want them to remain cowed, apprehensive and/or on-their-toes; “behaving” in other words, or acting straight.

Anyone who has ever seen a relaxed homosexual drag queen or bulldyke in his/her natural habitat brachiating and `displaying’ knows exactly what I’m talking about.

Finally, “homosexual marriage” is an oxymoron. OK. There it is.

Bless Freep for all you give us.
I don't understand the use of "brachiating" here. What is that supposed to mean? Gay people like to swing from trees in their natural habitat?

I lived in San Francisco for many years . . . I can't seem to remember any instances of gay people swinging on things.


And Loretta Lynch passes the Senate Judiciary Committee. Three Republicans helped her to get to the floor.

Wow.. good day so far.


And Loretta Lynch passes the Senate Judiciary Committee. Three Republicans helped her to get to the floor.

Wow.. good day so far.

So their hatred of Holder won out after all, huh? It was baffling that they blocked her considering their opinion of Holder.
Pretty funny that Log Cabin type republicans would prefer the "maybe he likes us" uncertainty of Jeb Bush over the actual results/language/acceptance of Obama. Not saying gay conservatives are "wrong" to vote republican, but at the least you'd think they could give Obama dap on gay rights issues.


So their hatred of Holder won out after all, huh? It was baffling that they blocked her considering their opinion of Holder.
That's what was making me scratch my head.

If the three Republicans who supported her today vote to approve, and if all 46 Dems/Inds vote for her, all she needs is one GOP vote. But I don't think it'll be that close.

Meanwhile, FR whines again..

They're having a lousy day over there. The FCC, Lynch, Jeb going all soft on the gays.. no shortage of anger, poor things..


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Reince Priebus wants to make the freak show far less entertaining:

He told radio host Hugh Hewitt Tuesday night that his most important achievement is “taking control of the presidential primary debate process” for 2016.

This isn't new, he's been saying it since 2012, but goddamn it, he better not ruin the fun.
Walker just said that his experience taking on union protesters means he can take on ISIS.

How is comparing people protesting for workers rights to terrorists not a disqualifier in this country? Ours is seemingly the only politics in the world that gets off on berating the poor.

Palin had foreign policy experience by virtue of being governor of Alaska which shares an ocean border with Russia. Just roll with it.

I'm just more pissed that unions can be compared to terrorists. I could care less about the foreign policy experience.

Its disgusting.


Walker just said that his experience taking on union protesters means he can take on ISIS.

How is comparing people protesting for workers rights to terrorists not a disqualifier in this country? Ours is seemingly the only politics in the world that gets off on berating the poor.

Palin had foreign policy experience by virtue of being governor of Alaska which shares an ocean border with Russia. Just roll with it.


Walker just said that his experience taking on union protesters means he can take on ISIS.

How is comparing people protesting for workers rights to terrorists not a disqualifier in this country? Ours is seemingly the only politics in the world that gets off on berating the poor.

I'm just more pissed that unions can be compared to terrorists. I could care less about the foreign policy experience.

Its disgusting.

I'm sitting back, waiting to see if this catches-on. There are ripples on Twitter about it, but nothing overwhelming. Walker is a bit lucky in that this is getting out on a Thursday afternoon.
Pretty funny that Log Cabin type republicans would prefer the "maybe he likes us" uncertainty of Jeb Bush over the actual results/language/acceptance of Obama. Not saying gay conservatives are "wrong" to vote republican, but at the least you'd think they could give Obama dap on gay rights issues.
It's usually TOOLITTLETOOLATE.jpg (RIP Gaborn) or "Well okay, maybe he did good on this one thing, BUT HE'S STILL A CONSTITUTION-HATING COMMIE"

In general liberals seem to be better at giving conservatives credit for good things that happened during their term than vice-versa.
Yeah, not quite the flub you are hoping it to be.

Its not? I mean it fits in with the rethoric but its very clearly comparing unions to isis, even in the funny haha manner its absurd.

Obama makes the JV line it gets played up, obama dares to make a comparison to the crusades its blown up.

Walker makes a comment about unions meaning he's ready for isis, whispers.


Its not? I mean it fits in with the rethoric but its very clearly comparing unions to isis, even in the funny haha manner its absurd.

Obama makes the JV line it gets played up, obama dares to make a comparison to the crusades its blown up.

Walker makes a comment about unions meaning he's ready for isis, whispers.

Meaning he didn't actually say ISIS so it's not the kind of quote you can really latch on to.


It's usually TOOLITTLETOOLATE.jpg (RIP Gaborn) or "Well okay, maybe he did good on this one thing, BUT HE'S STILL A CONSTITUTION-HATING COMMIE"

In general liberals seem to be better at giving conservatives credit for good things that happened during their term than vice-versa.

Jeb can talk all the good game he wants.. but it he puts-up Scalia-type judges, what good would electing him be? Because of the nature and geography of these issue, it's most often the judiciary where the rubber hits the road. Anything remotely controversial in this arena is going to be challenged in court.

Good words and tone are nice, but it's the judiciary where a lot of the defense and offense is played. And until Republican legal philosophy somehow decouples from its theocratic tendencies, those words don't count much.


will gain confidence one day

@WisVoter 12m12 minutes ago
Walker at CPAC says fight with left/labor is a commdr in chief credential: "If I can take on 100,000 protesters I can do same across globe"

Steve Brusk
Gov. Walker:"I'm just pointing out the closest thing I have to handling a difficult situation,was the 100,000 protesters I had to deal with"

(lol self-burn)

Steve Brusk
Gov. Walker told us he doesn't regret saying it, but "there's no analogy between the two other than difficult situation"


APK, your buddy is destroying Politifact from orbit: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/414434/politifact-and-me-kevin-d-williamson
What is going on under the watch of Paul Tash and Angie Holan is intellectual dishonesty. It is obvious intellectual dishonesty. It is undeniable intellectual dishonesty. All intelligent people recognize this. That intellectual dishonesty undermines the credibility not only of Paul Tash’s mentally flaccid operation but of newspapers categorically, which is one of the reasons I object so strongly to it. (I will be giving a speech on intellectual dishonesty in a few weeks at Hillsdale, where I am teaching a seminar in which I will instruct students how not to be embarrassing buffoons such as Louis Jacobson, Angie Holan, the editors of Rolling Stone, et al.) Newspapers have very little capital other than their reputations—a press, a building, and a distribution network can become worthless with shocking speed in the absence of institutional credibility.

One way to ruin a newspaper’s reputation is to make the news subservient to politics, which is what has happened at Politifact. The Obama administration is dear to Democrats, and the ACA, being threatened from several directions at once, is something that Democrats and so-called liberals feel the need to defend. Politifact, and by extension the Tampa Bay Times and the Poynter Institute (which owns the newspaper), is deploying rank and obvious intellectual dishonesty in the service of narrow, partisan political sympathies. It is detestable, and it deserves to be condemned by all those who care about newspapers—not only by the conservatives against whom its intellectual dishonesty is directed.

For the record, I made no attempt at all to contact Paul Tash, Angie Holan, or Louis Jacobson before writing this. I cannot imagine that any one of them has anything of any interest to add on this or any subject, and my capacity for enduring lies and stupidity is not unlimited.
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