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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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I like how James Taranto has taken to adding "(i.e. an opinion writer)" after referencing a media "fact checker" or similar.

Was it Politifact that gave the Lie of the Year to the same statement in 2009 and 2013 only reversed? lol


I'm almost convinced that Hillary (or an outside group) might do well to have a comical TV commercial mocking her general election opponent somehow using people in Llama and Left Shark costumes. Amazing how taken people are with this silliness. We'll need to capture young voters' attention somehow, right?

It appears that the New York Times has noticed Walker's union comments..

Even more remarkable? The folks at FR appear to not be all that happy with this line of argument.

A bit shocking, honestly.


This is semantics, and nothing more
But how many smidgens of corruption have they found?

IRS watchdog investigating email scandal: 'potential criminal activity'

CNN said:
The IRS watchdog investigating the disappearance of Lois Lerner's emails told a congressional panel on Thursday night they are looking into the possibility of criminal activity.

Lerner was the IRS official at the center of allegations that the Internal Revenue Service targeted tea party groups applying for nonprofit status. Congress requested Lerner's emails from the IRS and agency officials told lawmakers an unknown number of emails had been lost when Lerner's computer crashed.

The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration has since recovered a number of those emails.

"There is potential criminal activity," Treasury Deputy Inspector General Timothy Camus told the House Oversight Committee Thursday.

Camus did not elaborate on who may have committed possible criminal acts. And, he cautioned that the investigation is not complete and cautioned against drawing conclusions until all the facts are in.


I'm almost convinced that Hillary (or an outside group) might do well to have a comical TV commercial mocking her general election opponent somehow using people in Llama and Left Shark costumes. Amazing how taken people are with this silliness. We'll need to capture young voters' attention somehow, right?

It appears that the New York Times has noticed Walker's union comments..

Even more remarkable? The folks at FR appear to not be all that happy with this line of argument.

A bit shocking, honestly.

Watching freepers turn on each other fills my heart with joy.


Free Republic is one of the last bastions of the Pat Buchanan paleoconservative intermingling with the rest of the party.

National Review dumped a whole bunch of them (John Derbyshire notably) for neo-conservatives and establishment types a while back.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery


No Scrubs
Ahem. Mr. Williamson is actually my BFF, not APK's.

Well tell him he needs to take a writing course, that first paragraph is atrocious. I mean goddamn, that second sentence isn't much better. Dude needs to use some shorter sentences with fewer clauses.


Huh. Something actually interesting came out of CPAC. Seems Ted Cruz has no problem with states legalizing weed. He opposes it, of course, but says it's find if we limit such decisions to the states.
Would not be surprised if this position is taken by a lot of the candidates. They can't give up all the anti-drug voters, but they can trick them with the states rights line.

I'm trying to think, there was a similar thing in 2008 or so. I know a few Republicans tried it with gay marriage.


Well tell him he needs to take a writing course, that first paragraph is atrocious. I mean goddamn, that second sentence isn't much better. Dude needs to use some shorter sentences with fewer clauses.
That's actually the conclusion of the piece, click through to see the magnificence in full, including like a 400 word paragraph.


No Scrubs
That's actually the conclusion of the piece, click through to see the magnificence in full, including like a 400 word paragraph.

I scrolled down and saw he finally started using punctuation. Seriously though, that lede is garbage. It's needlessly long and only half of it should be in there. The other half should be in the following paragraph. The guy he's complaining about isn't nearly famous enough to be in there, as evidenced by his explanation of who he is. If you have to explain who the guy you're writing about is, he doesn't belong in the lede.


Unconfirmed Member
Would not be surprised if this position is taken by a lot of the candidates. They can't give up all the anti-drug voters, but they can trick them with the states rights line.

I'm trying to think, there was a similar thing in 2008 or so. I know a few Republicans tried it with gay marriage.

I'd be somewhat surprised if Jeb was pro-states rights regarding that, but after that gay marriage flip flop, i guess he can say "i'm not for it, but it's a losing battle" about basically anything to try to establish himself as both a true conservative and a moderate at the same time, especially since the media doesn't really care to call him out on it.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Well tell him he needs to take a writing course, that first paragraph is atrocious. I mean goddamn, that second sentence isn't much better. Dude needs to use some shorter sentences with fewer clauses.

Just read the piece, and yikes. Yeah, we need a nice long chat.


Unconfirmed Member
Wait, do you actually know him or do you just troll him on twitter? Either way tell him he needs an editor.

What is this, the 90s? No one has the money to spend on actual editors anymore.
Watching freepers turn on each other fills my heart with joy.

Do you ever read the nasty posts from our FRiends about Walker? In this current thread there are 3 or 4.....I think they are trolls out for really getting either Bush or Hillary elected.....they are liberals who hate Walker so much just like they did Santorum and want to destroy the United States. Can you imagine if FREEPERS had supported Santorum and he won the primary and then the General which he would have no doubt. FREEPERS went to the polls to vote against Santorum...so frustrating over that. But anyway, we could be finishing our Santorum administration going on to a Walker Administration and then to a Cruz Administration......Holy Cow......24 years of perfect governing........how we could have been. That is why I am frustrated.


BTW, Oblivion, Ted Cruz changed his position on this from a year ago. A year ago, Ted Cruz criticized Obama for not enforcing marijuana laws in Colorado, but now he's all "ooooh, state's rights" up in this. He's a snake oil salesman and nothing else.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
BTW, Oblivion, Ted Cruz changed his position on this from a year ago. A year ago, Ted Cruz criticized Obama for not enforcing marijuana laws in Colorado, but now he's all "ooooh, state's rights" up in this. He's a snake oil salesman and nothing else.

Yup, read that as well in the same article. Cruz is definitely a tool, but hey, at the very least should make an interesting point of debate in the primaries.


Walker just said that his experience taking on union protesters means he can take on ISIS.

How is comparing people protesting for workers rights to terrorists not a disqualifier in this country? Ours is seemingly the only politics in the world that gets off on berating the poor.

I'm just more pissed that unions can be compared to terrorists. I could care less about the foreign policy experience.

Its disgusting.

Both groups are trying to bring down America, so ipso facto they're the same. Duh.

Let's see if anyone brings this up on meet the press.
I just steal other peoples work: http://politologie.tumblr.com/

Though not often enough.

trigger warning (state violence) plz

edit: Nuke everything plz, humanity has overreached

Richard L. Trumka @RichardTrumka · 14m 14 minutes ago
I call on @GovWalker to personally & immediately retract & apologize sincerely to the millions of workers he has so appallingly insulted
Richard L. Trumka @RichardTrumka · 15m 15 minutes ago
.@GovWalker stmt comparing workers & terrorists is revolting. Its clear his judgment is impaired & he's not qualified for the Presidency

on walkers union line.

That's going in ads no matter what. Your gonna hear it incessantly in OH, PA, IN.

I understand why he'd do that line but it seems like something he thought was clever but didn't think through how it will likely haunt him. You aren't elected in a popular vote. Good luck winning the midwest with that quote. There's a difference between union bashing and comparing them to isis. I just don't see an unside for him. Republicans already hate unions, business knows where you stand. All you did was give unions the biggest fundraising/organizing push ever.
I'm torn. I kind of want Walker to win the nomination because he'll get almost certainly get trounced, but the small likelihood of him winning the presidency is fucking terrifying.

A Walker nomination (and presumable loss) could be a pretty huge boon to the labor movement in the end.


They really do have no ideal candidate. Walker will get killed in the Rust Belt. Jeb, while theoretically more appealing to Hispanics, lacks the appeal to drive turnout and volunteerism among his base.

They need a Reagan-tier unifier/communicator to unify all wings of the party and overcome the national math.
Walker will be fine. Bush inspires nothing in people who make less than 200k a year, I just don't see him winning what looks to be a very competitive nomination process. Walker has the hearts and minds of the base. And he actually has a record of accomplishments. He's not a Cruz/Bachman/etc type who can't point to a single victory in congress against Obama.


If Walker gets the nod, that'll be interesting.. but what'll also be interesting is witnessing how the media spins the defeat of an incredibly well-funded, establishment Bush.

You can bet that Hillary's camp will be ready to define Walker early on, just like Obama did with Romney early in 2012. Walker is a blank slate to a lot of voters who aren't following the race yet, while Hillary and the opinions around her are already defined.. I'd bet that she and her surrogates would spend a ton of money in April introducing him as the more "extreme" Republican pick (compared to "moderate" Jeb, complete with video footage of Jeb being all buddy-buddy with Hillary at a certain freedom metal ceremony).


That's your blog? So you do have sympathy for socialists. I knew it.

Or at least, I recognize that first excerpt from Markets, not Capitalism.
Kropotkin was on the reading list I made for potatoman one time. Bakunin would be except I don't think there is a single of his books that I like enough and I was trying to condense the list to only five or so.


What was the list?
I guess Bakunin was on it after all, though I feel like I want to change the list anytime I make one and stop myself, there was one I wanted to add just now looking at this but I can't remember what it was:
Huemer, Michael. The problem of political authority : an examination of the right to coerce and the duty to obey. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Bakunin, Mikhail A., and Marshall Shatz. Statism and anarchy. Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

Bastiat, Frédéric. The Law. Dean Russell, trans. Irvington-on-Hudson, NY: Foundation for Economic Education, Inc. 1998. Library of Economics and Liberty [Online] available from http://www.econlib.org/library/Bastiat/basLaw.html; accessed 11 August 2014; Internet.

Hayek, Friedrich A. The road to serfdom. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1994.

Kropotkin, Petr A., and Thomas H. Huxley. Mutual aid, a factor of evolution. Boston: Extending Horizons Books, 1955.

Mises, Ludwig von. The clash of group interests Auburn, Ala: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2011.

Rothbard, Murray N. Egalitarianism as a revolt against nature, and other essays. Auburn, Ala: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2000.
I think all but the first one and Road To Serfdom are public domain or made available on Mises for free.
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