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PoliGAF 2015 |OT| Keep Calm and Diablos On

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Hillary's campaign logo is horrible lol. Can't help but think Obama campaign folks are somewhere laughing.

The ad is good...until Hillary showed up sounding robotic. Romney vibes.


This is semantics, and nothing more
BTW, if you all aren't following Texas Supreme Court @JusticeWillett on Twitter, you should start:



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Benjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! You were far too young for such a fate. :(

I need to come clean: Sunshine sucked. I've lied for too long about that. I need to admit it. Its a bad game, save for those flud-less levels which are amazing

Good man. This is like the gaming equivalent of growing out of Atlas Shrugged.

Mike M

Nick N
It means moving forward. Moving in the right way. God you guys read into stuff way too much.
I'm not reading anything into it, just pointing out that two major elements of the iconography of her logo are heavily invested in the diametric opposition to her. No one thinks it's any sort of secret illuminati symbol that she's secretly a right wing neocon or anything, it's just amusing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
lol Mitttens:

WALLACE: Governor, is Rand Paul too soft on national security?

ROMNEY: Well, we're going to get a better chance to see exactly where Rand Paul is on these issues. He wasn't a senator 10 years ago. He is now a United States senator. He is experiencing what's happening in the world, and I think as he gets greater perspective, he's going to be very clear on where he stands on foreign policy issues and we'll give him the benefit of the doubt, take what he says today, and that will be the platform he runs with as a candidate for president if he gets into this race.

WALLACE: Well, no, he's in the race. He got in last week. I know it's hard --

ROMNEY: I'm sorry. I haven't kept my score card up as to who is actually officially in and who is just kind of in
I think it's a solid logo. There will certainly be tons of lame jokes made about the fact that it points right, but it sends a clear message and will look great printed on a button, stitched on a polo shirt, or stuck on someone's bumper.


Say what you will about Cruz but at least his announcement is something that is impressive - a speech given off the cuff and in the round - and not some slick video production. C'mon hillary, you can do better.

I think it's a solid logo. There will certainly be tons of lame jokes made about the fact that it points right, but it sends a clear message and will look great printed on a button, stitched on a polo shirt, or stuck on someone's bumper.

And that the arrow is red! Hillary already capitulating toward the centre.


Say what you will about Cruz but at least his announcement is something that is impressive - a speech given off the cuff and in the round - and not some slick video production. C'mon hillary, you can do better.

Yes, he announced his candidacy to an audience of conservative christian students who were forced to be there. And his speech was so off the cuff that even his kiss to his wife was practiced the night before.

Hillary's video was short and positive and made no snarky mentions about her opponents. I thought it was kind of refreshing, actually.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Once again, since when do conservatives ever give a shit about what our allies think?

Need I bring up the Freedom Fries affair?


Some of the comments in that Hillary campaign thread surprises me greatly. I didnt know some people felt so strongly about Hillary especially from Democrats. I feel like I am talking to Republicans.

I understand wanting elizabeth warren but comparing Hillary to Martha Coakley of all people is just silly.

We are in for a rough possible eight years.
Some of the comments in that Hillary campaign thread surprises me greatly. I didnt know some people felt so strongly about Hillary especially from Democrats. I feel like I am talking to Republicans.

I understand wanting elizabeth warren but comparing Hillary to Martha Coakley of all people is just silly.

We are in for a rough possible eight years.

You're talking about jamesinclair....He is to the left of Bernie Sanders.
What's the red arrow supposed to represent in H? I wish it looked more like a hammer.
I'm sure we'll see a "hammer and sickle" version. With Clinton going populist by styling herself the candidate for "everyday Americans," conservatives can reuse the Socialist mud they flung at Obama.


Hillary's logo looks like one you'd find for a Central European state's postal carrier.

Also chosen after spending millions on focus groups.


How do you justify that distinction in a way that doesn't privilege your subjective appraisal of worth over another's? It's no stretch to imagine someone saying that the freedom to snowboard is "a small and unimportant one," or arguing that the freedom to not wear a seatbelt is at least as important as that. What if the seatbelt-scofflaw finds as much thrill in not wearing a seatbelt as you do in snowboarding, for instance? As for smoking, it's easy to build an argument that the freedom to smoke is "a small and unimportant one," and that exercising that freedom is directly (and significantly) harmful to health--and not just the smoker's health, either!

I guess you could say, "Well, I'm just being inconsistent," but I doubt that that's true. Surely there's some principle that explains the exception you make for seatbelt laws. So, what is it?
I am being subjective.
And as I said, it would've been awesome if I could come up with a simple absolute principle that following it will give you the right choice every time, but I am unable to do so and I am unwilling to support policies that I believe would lead to bad outcomes just because I'm unable to figure out the wording of the Ultimate Governing Manual™.

I don't think I'm infallible either, we get those answers wrong all the time, we need to be honest and self critical enough to try and fix mistakes that were made.

As for the moral justification, broadly, it all goes back to the basic principle this country
was founded on -

No, I meant the other one - the consent of the governed, the idea that people accept the whole package, the good and the bad, I know I generally do, there are laws and limitations of my freedom in the US that I don't like, but as a whole, I consider the total package worth it.
But I also recognize that some people don't, and ideally, I would like for those people to have an out, as I said, I believe free association is the way to go, but I have no idea how to get to it.
Why are you even using PS2 controller?

I just want any new rock band or guitar hero games to support PS2 instruments via an adapter because I sure as fuck won't be adding to my plastic instrument pile, and quite frankly millions stand with me on that issue.

It's one of many policy points that Hillary is out of touch on.


Man, I didn't know the new rock band don't support the old instruments, that's some fucking bullshit, how the fuck are you defending that crap?
That's the 2nd worst thing the franchise ever did.
First one is still Visions.
Man, I didn't know the new rock band don't support the old instruments, that's some fucking bullshit, how the fuck are you defending that crap?
That's the 2nd worst thing the franchise ever did.
First one is still Visions.

Chichikov becoming my personal nemesis in this thread.

it supports ps3 and xbox 360 controllers most likely, and visions does suck most of the bonus songs do. Most of those bands suck and that why their "bonus songs"
Incidentally, whats Obama up to these days?

Trigger warning: New York Post

But President Obama’s Department of Labor has made it into an insanely complicated exercise of economic and demographic engineering.

The issue is “flaggers” — people who stand near construction sites and make sure that cars don’t crash into pedestrians or each other when a traffic lane or sidewalk is closed for roadwork.

This work is directing traffic, not construction.

So with the written approval of city agencies and the city comptroller, the construction contractors working for the city have, for decades, paid the workers traffic-control rates — now $11.25
to $22 an hour, similar to what NYPD’s traffic agents get.

Though the work is non-union, the city requires that contractors hire full-time workers.

That means $30,000 a year or more for people without much higher education or vocational training.

Enter the federal government — whose labor investigators visited a Lower Manhattan job site two years ago and determined that the flaggers aren’t traffic-control agents but construction laborers.

It’s a nice promotion: Federal rules mandate that “laborers” in New York City earn $39.85 an hour, plus another $34.88 in benefits, for a total of $75 an hour.

Unless New York City started paying $150,000 and up for each flagger, the feds would take away our road money

On just five recent or current jobs — including Times Square, the Brooklyn bus lane and rebuilding work downtown — the feds uncovered $2.6 million in wages owed..


the traffic agents aren’t even allowed to set up cones and barriers



We found it, the one issue that will truly tear PoliGAF apart.


Two top favourites have slandered its impeccable name in their edit reasons.


I don't trust the nymag source

Page 811-812, a "laborer" of that type in Bronx/Kings/New York/Queens/Richmond counties (aka NYC) is $39.85 per hour and $34.88 per hour of supplemental benefits.

Up to the next level of groups is $50-57 per hour and $36-41 benefits.

Overtime is straight for eight hours, double after that. Looks like overtime is time and a half for most of these.

The Post picked out flagmen because it's the most obviously "wtf" one. And few people realize that flagmen are often extra hands and/or switch in and out with other workers as a form of semi-break.
The Post picked out flagmen because it's the most obviously "wtf" one. And few people realize that flagmen are often extra hands and/or switch in and out with other workers as a form of semi-break.
I have always assumed that position is in a short rotation. And it's an essential job, actually, two jobs. You'd rather construction zone traffic be left up to the commuter?

People always think the one moment during their commute that they encounter construction is representative of the entire workday. White-collar bitching about construction workers sitting around just eating when they're getting to their offices. That's their lunchtime, pal, they've been at work since 5am. I have no doubts there's fraud and graft, but I read too many posts during the day to believe in the sanctity of any workplace.


Just from my personal experience if you drive by flagmen at the same site multiple times a day it's usually not the same guy a couple hours apart, it'll be the same guy maybe half an hour apart but after that he's usually doing something else* while another guy while holds the sign.

And not to say there isn't absurd union waste, but I've watched it where a guy lays the tar into a pothole while a guy holds a sign, and then they switch and the former flag guy spreads it out. Then they move down to the next one. Stuff similar to that. So I could see why for ease they just classify the "time spent" as flagman in with the rest of the job.

*Like taking a nap in the shade or catcalling women amirite.
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