Caucuses are pretty stupid. I don't know if we could ever get all 50 states to have primaries though
The hardcore folks against the primary candidate will probably end up in the GOP camp, just like a fair chunk of the PUMA pro-Clinton / anti-Obama candidates ended up going to the GOP after 2008. This happens all the time.
I don't think that's accurate. The GOP has been doubling down on extremely racist language in regards to mexicans LONG before Trump showed up. Joe Arpaio has been a thing for years and the republican party has done nothing but embrace the guy as a hero. Trump didn't say anything that hadn't been said many times before- they didn't "do everything they could to stop him" because the base THEY built- not Trump- believes it.
They only empower the most dedicated people. They are also run by parties as opposed to the state.
I don't think you understand here that the GOP has no other option BUT this.
The republican party made a deliberate decision to build a coalition out of racists upset with the civil rights act and lunatic evangelicals in the 1980s. This is who their party IS. They can't simply allow those voters to walk and stay viable any more than they could decide to run on a "we're not really down with the whole jesus thing" platform. Either one abandoning the GOP means the party is irrelevant on a national AND local scale.
There is no realistic path to "forging a new coalition" here because the damage they've done to black voters, hispanic voters, LGBT voters, and Women has been SO extensive there's no coming back from it.
Voting for Cruz over Trump does nothing to fix that problem. Nothing. All it will do is obliterate the platform they currently have that much faster.
I actually love this cycle so much because it's finally made it clear just how dependent on racists and bigots the GOP is. For so long they've engaged in "dog whistle" politics that courted the racist vote while allowing "establishment" republicans to pretend the messaging and the party really wasn't that racist- when minorities and gays knew full well just how racist it was.
Now they're forced to confront that a full 40% of the party is toxic and they aren't viable without them.
What you're saying then is that the US will become, for a few elections, a one-party system run by the democrats while the republican nominee will be some afterthought that isn't really a viable candidate. I think it's much more likely that the GOP will reinvent themselves before they let that go on for too long. I think Obama won in '08 and '12 as a matter of being a strong candidate, but I think 2016 will be the first year we see that the demographics don't make it possible for anyone but the democrat to win given the GOP's current platform. My argument is that the GOP should get their realignment over with now, or at least lay the groundwork for it, rather than wait 30 years for the bulk of (overt) racists to die off and finally try to get back in the game. The democrats started getting trounced in '68 and didn't fix it until '92 when Bill Clinton pulled the party rightward. The GOP, similarly, needs a candidate who can draw them toward the new center of American politics and I think any party would prefer to do that once it becomes a problem rather than lose elections for two decades and then fix it.
There is no realignment. They shot themselves in the foot. It only took 40 years, but this isn't like back in the 19th century where Parties can rise and fall, and new ones take its place.
Remember when the GOP way back in the day said they might create a "permanent" Republican majority and everyone laughed at them, for the most part?
I think this might ACTUALLY be the case for the Democrats, if they do maximum damage and Trump says even more hateful/stupid shit during the GE.
What you're saying then is that the US will become, for a few elections, a one-party system run by the democrats while the republican nominee will be some afterthought that isn't really a viable candidate.
I think it's much more likely that the GOP will reinvent themselves before they let that go on for too long.
My argument is that the GOP should get their realignment over with now, or at least lay the groundwork for it, rather than wait 30 years for the bulk of (overt) racists to die off and finally try to get back in the game. The democrats started getting trounced in '68 and didn't fix it until '92 when Bill Clinton pulled the party rightward. The GOP, similarly, needs a candidate who can draw them toward the new center of American politics and I think any party would prefer to do that once it becomes a problem rather than lose elections for two decades and then fix it.
Are caucuses undemocratic for any other reason than the timeframe?
Pairing caucuses with early voting seems like the most democratic option, because voters who prefer a secret ballot may do so, while the rest are allowed a more thoughtful experience.
It's less about empowering but more about informing. Name recognition is essentially an insurmountable obstacle, which severely limits the amount of available candidates. Despite being an utter shitstain, Cruz is still more reasonable than Trump. But over and over, he's performed better in caucuses than in primaries because many voters just didn't know who he was.
Switching the fulcrum of republicanism from a vote to a discussion is more democratic, because it allows the people to more openly discuss and decide who they want to represent them.
I hope so. My brother finally took the step last night and said he would never vote for Hillary. He voted Gore/Kerry/Obama/Obama. I asked him and he doesn't spend any times on r/politics (when it was pretty bad) or on r/sandersforpresident. He's in some kind of echo chamber, though, I think.
Anecdotal, I know. It isn't just people on the internet though.
Parties can still adjust their platforms and rebrand themselves, and the republicans need to. Trump is arguably realigning the party as we speak, he's just doing so in completely unhelpful ways.
Vermont has no meaningful party affiliation but:He is? C-Span videos still shows him as I-VT, list of Senators shows him as I-VT.
SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT), DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, let me -- let -- let me respond. I am proud of the fact that that I am a longest serving Independent in the history of the United States Congress. That's what the people of Vermont voted for. I made a decision in this presidential election that I will run as a Democrat. I am a Democrat now.
I think it's absolutely the case. Republicans have permanently lost the black vote and the LGBT vote, and the hispanic vote is pretty much there as well. Outside of maybe florida cubans the GOP has lost them completely with their language and messaging over the immigration issue. If hispanic voting participation was anywhere near their actual percentage of the population, the republican party would ALREADY be marginalized.
That's exactly what happens.
Reinvent yourself how? using what? Black voters are gone permanently. Most latinos are gone permanently. Gay voters are gone permanently. Women have seen full well what kind of fuckery goes on with republicans when they win elections and shut down planned parenthood out of spite. This isn't something that can be reversed with an ad campaign or a friendly candidate. Being branded "the racist lunatic party" is something that will stick with them.
See the above. There is no "realignment" that can be done. The damage is simply too extensive among the demographics that the GOP has lost. Do you think they can pretend they were "just kidding!" about shutting down planned parenthood and everything is forgiven?
as for your examples, you're focusing on presidential elections. Democrats controlled both houses of congress year after year when you said they were getting "trounced." The GOP's position would be far worse- not just irrelevant in presidential contests, but the vast majority of house, senate, and gubernatorial races for a decade or more. It is absolutely NOT a viable position for them to be in.
Vermont has no meaningful party affiliation but:
And he was required to become one under NH rules:
I think it's absolutely the case. Republicans have permanently lost the black vote and the LGBT vote, and the hispanic vote is pretty much there as well. Outside of maybe florida cubans the GOP has lost them completely with their language and messaging over the immigration issue. If hispanic voting participation was anywhere near their actual percentage of the population, the republican party would ALREADY be marginalized.
That's exactly what happens.
Reinvent yourself how? using what? Black voters are gone permanently. Most latinos are gone permanently. Gay voters are gone permanently. Women have seen full well what kind of fuckery goes on with republicans when they win elections and shut down planned parenthood out of spite. This isn't something that can be reversed with an ad campaign or a friendly candidate. Being branded "the racist lunatic party" is something that will stick with them.
See the above. There is no "realignment" that can be done. The damage is simply too extensive among the demographics that the GOP has lost. Do you think they can pretend they were "just kidding!" about shutting down planned parenthood and everything is forgiven?
as for your examples, you're focusing on presidential elections. Democrats controlled both houses of congress year after year when you said they were getting "trounced." The GOP's position would be far worse- not just irrelevant in presidential contests, but the vast majority of house, senate, and gubernatorial races for a decade or more. It is absolutely NOT a viable position for them to be in.
Manmademan said:LOL! Trump isn't realigning anything! He's simply appealing to the voters that the GOP was already depending on.
Trump is NOT building some new coalition of racists that wasn't there. He's simply gotten them to the point where they aren't willing to compromise on a candidate that only gives lip service to the things they want.
Caucuses are pretty stupid. I don't know if we could ever get all 50 states to have primaries though
I mentioned previously that the DNC should offer what they typically pay for running a caucus to the state to switch over to a Primary. Kind of split the cost a bit.
Look at what he's had to say about the Iraq War. He's definitely broken from the party line on a number of issues, and specifically regarding the racism he's made it into something a lot more volatile, prevalent and hard to ignore. If he weren't taking the party in a direction the republicans don't want to go in, they wouldn't be terrified of his candidacy.
Actually, I would have been bitching about them being undemocratic no matter who won. I did it when Hillary won Iowa and Nevada. They're stupid, stupid things that are just terrible. I've never been a fan of them. It just so happens that the candidate with whom I most identify has a caucus problem. I, at least, have consistency on this issue from 2008![]()
As to the whining...well, the problem is that the most logical reading of the contests has a pro-Hillary bias. It's like in 2008 when Hillary would win a few states and cut into Obama's lead. It was a nice moral victory, but it didn't really change the calculus of the race that much. That's the benefit of an early lead.
I think the "OMG FRAUD" thing just comes from being inside the bubble. If you're active on Reddit, you're probably surrounded by Bernie people 24/7. I'm sure a lot of them really are in shock that he doesn't do better. I mean, everyone they know loves him, so how could he possibly lose anything. The fault has to lie elsewhere. If Hillary does win, they'll need a come to Jesus moment. I don't know what that will take, though.
I hope so. My brother finally took the step last night and said he would never vote for Hillary. He voted Gore/Kerry/Obama/Obama. I asked him and he doesn't spend any times on r/politics (when it was pretty bad) or on r/sandersforpresident. He's in some kind of echo chamber, though, I think.
Anecdotal, I know. It isn't just people on the internet though.
Remember when the GOP way back in the day said they might create a "permanent" Republican majority and everyone laughed at them, for the most part?
I think this might ACTUALLY be the case for the Democrats, if they do maximum damage and Trump says even more hateful/stupid shit during the GE.
Based on what Mad is saying, the GOP won't win the Presidency unless the economy really REALLY tanks under a Dem.
Otherwise, it's there game to lose.
I think it's absolutely the case. Republicans have permanently lost the black vote and the LGBT vote, and the hispanic vote is pretty much there as well. Outside of maybe florida cubans the GOP has lost them completely with their language and messaging over the immigration issue. If hispanic voting participation was anywhere near their actual percentage of the population, the republican party would ALREADY be marginalized.
That's exactly what happens.
Reinvent yourself how? using what? Black voters are gone permanently. Most latinos are gone permanently. Gay voters are gone permanently. Women have seen full well what kind of fuckery goes on with republicans when they win elections and shut down planned parenthood out of spite. This isn't something that can be reversed with an ad campaign or a friendly candidate. Being branded "the racist lunatic party" is something that will stick with them.
See the above. There is no "realignment" that can be done. The damage is simply too extensive among the demographics that the GOP has lost. Do you think they can pretend they were "just kidding!" about shutting down planned parenthood and everything is forgiven?
as for your examples, you're focusing on presidential elections. Democrats controlled both houses of congress year after year when you said they were getting "trounced." The GOP's position would be far worse- not just irrelevant in presidential contests, but the vast majority of house, senate, and gubernatorial races for a decade or more. It is absolutely NOT a viable position for them to be in.
What's the dem delegate counts after yesterday's wipeouts of Clinton
It's less about empowering but more about informing. Name recognition is essentially an insurmountable obstacle, which severely limits the amount of available candidates. Despite being an utter shitstain, Cruz is still more reasonable than Drumpf. But over and over, he's performed better in caucuses than in primaries because many voters just didn't know who he was.
Switching the fulcrum of republicanism from a vote to a discussion is more democratic, because it allows the people to more openly discuss and decide who they want to represent them.
Hillary 1265
Bernie 1039
+226 for Hillary.
(That's the projection from The Green Papers, which has been fairly accurate once all is said and done).
With Supers:
Hillary 1736
Bernie 1068.5
Yeah; y'all are in wishful thinking land. A moderate republican who sticks to using just abortion and trans rights as their social conservatism (and moved to the left on racial issues) would rip the Latino and black vote from the Democrats before their heads could spin.
.People really forget that blacks / latinos are FAR more socially conservative than typical white progressives and most Democrats
Also, a single attack in this country from ISIS between August and November basically hands this election to the GOP.
Y'all do realize the ONLY thing the Democrats hold is the presidency, right? The GOP holds 30/50 governorships, 30/50 state legislatures, the House, the Senate, and has a tie on the Supreme Court. The Democrats have been getting their asses kicked for the better part of a decade.
Lord bless that southern firewall.
Mhmm. These caucus states were basically Sanders' "South", so to speak. She just needs to keep the margin close in Wisconsin(10-15% is alright), then run up the margins in New York(15%+), Maryland(25-30%) and Pennsylvania(15%+) and she should be good.Lord bless that southern firewall.
I would love to know how much they actually do cost. Most of the sites are probably not rented out. Schools, firehouses, whatever probably don't charge the local Democratic party to use them. The people that run them tend to be volunteers. I can't think they would cost that much. The issue is primary elections/caucuses aren't really elections at all, at least not in the traditional sense. They're just party functions. It's all a big mess. : air horn :
Poligaf is a mess!
His crowd boos when he brings her up at his rallies. Last month, he shut them down when they did it. Now he doesn't do it. So Chuck Todd was asking about it.Was there some booing incident?
Also, a single attack in this country from ISIS between August and November basically hands this election to the GOP.