I mean we all knew this...but you don't say it out loud. I guess Bernie would only compete in GE States he knew he'd win. Such a glorious revolution.
Everybody else is playing checkers, he's playing taking his ball and going home.
I mean we all knew this...but you don't say it out loud. I guess Bernie would only compete in GE States he knew he'd win. Such a glorious revolution.
So... he tried in Florida? And we know he tried hard in Arizona. But Democrats in closed primaries don't want him. Come on New York.I DON'T EVEN COMPREHEND THIS.
Clinton campaign hesitant to more debates because of Sanders' tone: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-debates-221292
She has to agree to debates. Agreed sanders might kamikaze her but not agreeing to debate looks a bit pooey.
No problem. They're super cool - Obama staffer and obama speechwriter, very young and very candid.
So let me get this straight:
1. Clinton has huge lead in 8 states
2. Sanders doesn't compete in those states.
3. Clinton builds huge delegate lead.
4. Clinton is weak front runner.
You what mate?
Retroactive momentum!
Headline totally not designed to piss off the maximum amount of people: http://www.vox.com/2016/3/28/11318160/bernie-sanders-hawaii-washington-alaska
As much as I like Clinton as a candidate - she is a weak front runner. If it were Biden running against her instead of Sanders, I suspect Biden would be thrashing her (mostly because Operation "Hug Obama and hope no one remembers 2008" wouldn't have worked out as well against Obama's VP.![]()
Certainly not racism, of course!I wonder why they want to get rid of HUD. I wonder what ever it could be....
I think this is a pretty good analysis by Sanders, and it points to something worth remembering: Hillary Clinton was probably beatable this cycle.
People keep saying that Sanders is the future of the Democratic Party. I think that it is more accurate to say that Democrats today are already willing to consider a more aggressively left candidate, but that the coalition is still an intersectional coalition.
For all that people seem to love creating a cult of personality, Bernie Sanders is actually a pretty bad politician and presidential candidate. A forthright socialist, who actually understood and connected with intersectional issues rather than pivoting from them back to economics at all times, and frankly who was younger, could probably have won this primary.
I look forward to one running! Assuming they drop all the dumb anti-trade stuff.
Lol, on a scale of 1-10, my bullshit meter just hit a 12. Hillary Clinton, who has been dealing with the GOP attacking her on every angle for the past 20 years, is afraid of Bernie Sanders' tone. That's Trump level bullshit. If she doesn't want to debate because it's the shrewd political move (but a bullshit move in terms of actually helping the party and the country); then just say it. Don't go full Trump on the bullshit.
See the above.![]()
When I heard they were getting a podcast on Channel 33 I squeed.
To be fair, the fact that a cranky old white independent socialist from Vermont is even forcing her to run a primary this long is a pretty good indication she's a weak front-runner. This year she just didn't really have any competition. (The GOP being a super duper shit-show also significantly helped)
As much as I like Clinton as a candidate - she is a weak front runner. If it were Biden running against her instead of Sanders, I suspect Biden would be thrashing her (mostly because Operation "Hug Obama and hope no one remembers 2008" wouldn't have worked out as well against Obama's VP.
EDIT: LOL, saw some of the "math" about how Bernie could win...let it go folks. Unless Clinton gets indicted or something, this is sewn up.
Why don't we instead focus on key House progressives who are young and could conceivably run for the Senate in 2020 and maybe be a progressive presidential candidate then, like, secession.
I do wonder what would've happened in Biden would've gotten in the race. My guess is that he would've cut more into Bernie's voter base with rural whites than Clinton's, given what we know now.
It's not so much the point I disagree with, as it is the ridiculous argument being used to get there![]()
The only reason why the primary is still going on is because no one else besides Bernie being down 200- 300 delegates would stay in the race and pretend they have a chance to win.
Not if they wanted to continue a traditional political career.
Trying to say 'look at Hillary in 08' as if the way the votes are turning out are in anyway similar.
It's a good thing Bernie has a easy election as a independent from Vermont and probably doesn't care if he is a pariah among democrats.
I do wonder what would've happened in Biden would've gotten in the race. My guess is that he would've cut more into Bernie's voter base with rural whites than Clinton's, given what we know now.
The only reason why the primary is still going on is because no one else besides Bernie being down 200- 300 delegates would stay in the race and pretend they have a chance to win.
Currently making next thread. It's probably good.
Ahem.PoiGAF 2016 |OT4| Inconceivable the Power of Cyber
Eh, people are stubborn in primaries, especially Dem ones. Obama's team knew we had mathematically locked up the primaries in '08 for about six weeks before Clinton dropped out. Pfeiffer and Favreau bring it up in their podcast with Simmons, where they joke about how they thought they'd be running against Hillary for the rest of their lives.
In terms of '08 - Clinton's strategy has been to appeal to Dems who are happy with Obama and try to be his third term. Except against Biden, her entire campaign strategy goes out the window. She loses the "electable" argument, she loses the "experience argument", she loses the "charisma" argument, and lets be honest, Biden probably gets more love from Obama than Clinton would. Just saying that if we had serious candidates running against her, I don't think she'd be winning.
Clinton campaign hesitant to more debates because of Sanders' tone: http://www.politico.com/blogs/2016-...hillary-clinton-bernie-sanders-debates-221292
In terms of '08 - Clinton's strategy has been to appeal to Dems who are happy with Obama and try to be his third term. Except against Biden, her entire campaign strategy goes out the window. She loses the "electable" argument, she loses the "experience argument", she loses the "charisma" argument, and lets be honest, Biden probably gets more love from Obama than Clinton would. Just saying that if we had serious candidates running against her, I don't think she'd be winning.
He doesn't have enough game. We're not talking Tom Cruise. It's Ted Cruz, have you watched him?
I agree with your last sentence here but I'm not sure Biden is a serious candidate. He's never been a serious contender for president before, and it's not like he hasn't tried!
That said, I think if Biden thought he could win he would have run, but Clinton had locked up too much establishment support by the time he started to get into the race and he decided he didn't have a route. Invisible primary stuff.
I do wonder what would've happened in Biden would've gotten in the race. My guess is that he would've cut more into Bernie's voter base with rural whites than Clinton's, given what we know now.
The saddest part is that we'll never get to see a Biden vs Trump debate.
The saddest part is that we'll never get to see a Biden vs Trump debate.
No, Biden COULD have won this election cycle! He is way more popular that Hillary Clinton. But his son died, so he decided now was not the time for his family.That said, I think if Biden thought he could win he would have run, but Clinton had locked up too much establishment support by the time he started to get into the race and he decided he didn't have a route. Invisible primary stuff.
Or even a Biden vs Cruz debate.
His favorability is higher because he didn't run for president.No, Biden COULD have won this election cycle! He is way more popular that Hillary Clinton. But his son died, so he decided now was not the time for his family.
He didn't even try this cycle. It was just rumors and popular support.
Lol, that's fair
Eh, people are stubborn in primaries, especially Dem ones. Obama's team knew we had mathematically locked up the primaries in '08 for about six weeks before Clinton dropped out. Pfeiffer and Favreau bring it up in their podcast with Simmons, where they joke about how they thought they'd be running against Hillary for the rest of their lives.
In terms of '08 - Clinton's strategy has been to appeal to Dems who are happy with Obama and try to be his third term. Except against Biden, her entire campaign strategy goes out the window. She loses the "electable" argument, she loses the "experience argument", she loses the "charisma" argument, and lets be honest, Biden probably gets more love from Obama than Clinton would. Just saying that if we had serious candidates running against her, I don't think she'd be winning.
IMO; Biden would have destroyed Clinton. She loses the establishment edge, the DNC stays neutral at best, and Biden can run much harder on an "Obama's 3rd term" platform than Clinton could. Add in that he would have challenged her in the South, while Sanders would have taken much of his normal states, and Clinton wouldn't have had a path to victory.
I do wonder what would've happened in Biden would've gotten in the race. My guess is that he would've cut more into Bernie's voter base with rural whites than Clinton's, given what we know now.
His favorability was pretty high when he ran for VP!His favorability is higher because he didn't run for president.
I seen it, but I always believe in giving folks enough rope to hang themselves. THis dude built the gallows and grew the hemp for the ropeStarting?
Do me a favor and look up the list of his articles on huff post by title.
And don't have an aneurysm just reading down the list of article titles.
Top Sanders adviser Tad Devine: We'll try to flip super-dels even if we trail in pop vote and pledged dels: https://www.washingtonpost.com/blog...n-by-flipping-super-delegates-is-a-long-shot/
No, Biden COULD have won this election cycle! He is way more popular that Hillary Clinton. But his son died, so he decided now was not the time for his family.
He didn't even try this cycle. It was just rumors and popular support.
Even when he loses he stays winning though. He can lose an election and still win at life!People like to rewrite history as to where Joe Biden wasn't a perennial loser?
Uncle Joe Onion stories making GAF lose its mind
No, around the first debate was near the deadline that Biden could've jumped in, so people were thinking it was then or never. They even had an "emergency Biden" podium in case he did jump in right before the debate.Wasn't the thought that Biden might have jumped in if Clinton had fallen on her face during the first debate?
every day i love the decision i made to auto-replace "establishment" with "WWE" a little bit more
You can't pretend that a section of Bernie's support isnt just Not Clinton. In a competitive three person race, Bernie is a distant third....especially when the other candidate is to the Right of Hillary.President Sanders - there is only enough space for one establishment candidate in this race
If you want someone that would cut into Bernie's voter base - you need to be running Warren not Biden
I agree with your last sentence here but I'm not sure Biden is a serious candidate. He's never been a serious contender for president before, and it's not like he hasn't tried!
That said, I think if Biden thought he could win he would have run, but Clinton had locked up too much establishment support by the time he started to get into the race and he decided he didn't have a route. Invisible primary stuff.
The saddest part is that we'll never get to see a Biden vs Trump debate.
No, Biden COULD have won this election cycle! He is way more popular that Hillary Clinton. But his son died, so he decided now was not the time for his family.
He didn't even try this cycle. It was just rumors and popular support.
I think Biden is really really overrated as a candidate. There's a reason he flamed out twice previously in national races. He made like three gaffes the day before he announced his decision this year, including weird revisionism of the Bin Laden raid that the White House had to walk back. And for all the talk of Clinton's enthusiasm gap, she at least has always had a strong base of older women and minorities. I don't see what Biden's winning coalition is in a 2016 primary.
That said it would have been fascinating to see him in the race. Unlike Clinton whose been forced to be restrained, Biden would have had no qualms pulling punches in the debates. A noun, a verb, Wall Street.
His favorability is higher because he didn't run for president.
No, YOU'RE spin!That's all spin. When there are rumors saying that people want Biden to run, and Politico stories saying that there would be popular support for Biden to run, the source of those rumors and stories is one guy and his name is Joe Biden.
That's how candidates test the waters to see what would happen if they actually ran.
Biden found out what would happen! Then he didn't run.