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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Jeb status: Still a mess

Bush ended his campaign almost two months ago amid poor poll numbers, but the extent of its wreckage is only now becoming clear. In a filing made over the weekend, Bush revealed that his presidential campaign is more than $260,000 in debt and has just $31,000 in cash on hand. That's a stunning admission from the candidate who once sat on a pile of more than $115 million in cash, and a demonstration of just how far Bush fell.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'd totally be up for an elimination of the deduction on all 2nd homes or homes over $2.5 million period.

Yeah, the deduction makes no sense in those cases if it's intention is to encourage everyone to own rather than rent homes.

Links under spoilers added to the list of annoying things to stop doing.

Especially since it does not hide it, lol.
I'm not sure what the difference between a mandatory 401K or pension would be compared to a tax and publicly funded plan. Ideally our SS would be a more progressive tax and the cap lifted.
You actually get to decide what to do with your own savings, and it isn't susceptible to demographic bulges like Social Security is.
I disagree that its only a handout to the rich. It's a nice incentive to take out a home loan and has helped every single middle and poor family who's ever owned a home, including mine.
I didn't say it was to only the rich, just that it's mostly to the rich. If the objective is to help the poor and middle class it would be better to just give them money directly. This wouldn't end going to rich, it wouldn't cause distortions in housing market, and let the poor spend the money more readily on what they see fit.
Debt to GDP ratio isn't great but it isn't like Japan bad. The stimulus wasn't targeted at the average person's pocket book and the monetary stimulus the feds provided mostly helped the stock market and not the average american either. I think there's very valid arguments for lowering the yearly deficit, but I'm not sure running a surplus right now would be grat since we're not near full employment of productivity. In short ... I'm not sure our economy could take removing money from the supply.
Yeah, it isn't Japan bad, but ideally you don't want to be anywhere close to Japan bad. Anyway a primary surplus would still mean a net deficit overall, because a primary surplus is a budget surplus before interest payments. So the gov wouldn't be removing money from the economy, they'd just be putting less into it. This method would reduce the debt to GDP ratio by stabilizing the debt part while GDP continues to grow.


I remember being almost positive that Jeb was going to be the GoP nominee, or maybe that Rubio guy

lol, things got crazy, fast.


So Bernie's campaign has said he's going to remain a Democrat even if he loses. That's a pleasant development after the past two or so weeks.


Just woke up from a nap and started watching TYT. Man Cenk is doing an amazing job at deflecting that criticism of Bernie by Chris Mathews. Hasn't made a valid point yet against Mathews. He just said he loves Washington, loves politicians, and loves the politicians on his show. Just an amazing deflection by Cenk. Can't even bring up a legit criticism of Sanders.
I remember being almost positive that Jeb was going to be the GoP nominee, or maybe that Rubio guy

lol, things got crazy, fast.
I remember thinking the primary was going to come down to Bush (repping the establishment) and Walker (repping the tea party, but someone the establishment guys would still be okay with), with Rubio as sort of a dark horse candidate and Paul staying in it to be a pain in the ass like his dad.

Never would I have thought that Ted freaking Cruz would be the establishment candidate.


Plinko 8/19/15
B-Dubs 8/19/15
Poodlestrike 8/19/15
Jack Remington 8/19/15
Makai 8/19/15
SourShoes 8/19/15
Fenderputty 8/31/15
HylianTom 8/31/15
Aaron Strife 8/31/15
RastaMentality 9/10/15
brainchild 9/13/15
Melkr_ 9/20/15
RustyNails 9/21/15
Avon Barksdale 9/27/15
tanod 9/28/15
eBay Huckster 9/30/15
Coriolanus 10/2/15
zou 10/2/15
NsQuote 10/2/15
Samarecarm 10/2/15
Ecotic 10/2/15
SL128 10/2/15
Brookshi 10/2/15

JesseEwiak 8/19/15
Manmademan 8/20/15
PhoenixDark 9/27/15
Roland_Gunner 10/2/15

thepotatoman 9/22/15

6 weeks to go until our game ends.
6 weeks to go until our game ends.
Glad I'm on the Trump list now.

I believe I put myself down for Bush initially... I just couldn't believe it would happen. I couldn't win I switched my name either, just didn't think Bush would be it.

Hell I still don't believe it. This primary is so fucking weird.
Been reading my friends' tweets and FB posts. A lot of them saying they will either sit out the election if Bernie is not the nominee or vote for Trump instead.

I give up.

El Odio

So there's more rampant cries of "voter suppression" throughout NY. Though there was some actually basis behind it in Arizona with the VRA being gutted I'm not sure how much truth there is behind it this time since, to my knowledge, there weren't any glaring issues in NY yesterday.
So there's more rampant cries of "voter suppression" throughout NY. Though there was some actually basis behind it in Arizona with the VRA being gutted I'm not sure how much truth there is behind it this time since, to my knowledge, there weren't any glaring issues in NY yesterday.

There wasn't really. But they can't admit that Hillary won on her own merits. Has to be a conspiracy.
So there's more rampant cries of "voter suppression" throughout NY. Though there was some actually basis behind it in Arizona with the VRA being gutted I'm not sure how much truth there is behind it this time since, to my knowledge, there weren't any glaring issues in NY yesterday.

There were thousands of voters purged from the voter rolls (in an area that voted overwhelmingly for Hillary) and therefore couldn't vote. Probably wouldn't have effected outcome, and I didn't see any complaints about long lines.

Chris Hayes is doing some talk about it right now which is causing people confusion because he's saying the same thing I am: http://twitter.com/chrislhayes

Now if you want to talk about New York's terrible registration laws, different story.


Do you have, like, evidence that that's anything like what happened in their exchange?
The fact that the whole story is that when asked about Benghazi, Hillary said it "wasn't a terrorist attack" because current intel made it seem that the attack was not in line with her perception of what the colloquial reception of the phrase terrorist attack would be? That's the whole story, that she lied through nuance and apparently thinks Benghazi wasn't a tragedy or not perpetrated by radical Islamic word association games or something equally ludicrous. Unless some multileveled tactical restraint was shown, I'm going to assume that those attacking Hillary haven't left anything that could be used against Hillary out.

Is my previously posted semantic reasoning not sound?


Biggest issues for me:
Campaign finance reform
Securing trans rights
Taking back the Supreme Court
Bigger focus on renewable energy/setting up more protection for the environment

Good callout on renewable energy, I missed that. Getting us past the tipping point for solar is a big deal.

Real steps towards fixing redlining and improving neighborhood integration
- as part of this effort, decoupling public school funding from local property taxes
Higher education debt forgiveness and cost controls
End welfare/unemployment benefit time limits
Bolster organized labor, overturn right-to-work laws
Allow CDC to study gun violence

Good stuff here as well, although I honestly think unions are dead in America. The GOP targeted them way too hard after the New Deal coalition failed. We should be protecting labor with direct legislation rather than hoping unions will do it for us.

[*]Abolish the minimum wage and replace it with the much more poor friendly wage subsidy (such as expaning the EITC).

I think this is right in theory, wrong in practice. Once we have successfully expanded the welfare state sufficiently we can start to unwind the minimum wages, which I agree is approaching the problem incorrectly.

[*]Start to unwind social security. It's a broken and stupid system. Let people save on their own, mandate people saving on their own if necessary.

Social Security isn't a savings program at all, it's a transfer payment program. This is a big misunderstanding of the system in my opinion. This falls right into the category of poor-friendly wage subsidies that you brought up above.

[*]Reform the tax code. Eliminate nearly all deductions and bring down the rates. Should end up revenue neutralish.

Seems dumb to give up a major policy lever like this.


Remember when sanders went to the Vatican three days before a must win primary


Holmes please amend
Okay, because of the nature of the primaries, I think most of us are highly focused on this process specifically and staking sides. But speaking more broadly, what are the most important issues for PoliGAF this election cycle? What do we actually want accomplished?

For me? In no particular order:

- Investment in infrastructure, namely in regional public transportation (especially high speed rail on a regional basis; I'm still bitter Kasich cancelled the Ohio Hub project)

- Reform of the prison system to focus less on harsh punishment and more on rehabilitation where it can, because too many people come out of jail and are left with no options or skills but to go back to what got them in trouble before

- Focus on environmental issues and making renewable energy sources an even greater part of our energy portfolio while working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions even further

- Continued work toward the improvement of LBGT rights, equality for women in the workplace and salary-wise, and toward improving minority communities as well poorer ones

- Reasonable gun control steps; I don't know if registration would really work and I know the NRA would fight that like hell, but common sense shit like background checks for all sales is a good small first step.
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