So I said I was going to make a comment about Bernie and I was a bit busy, but here it is.
Here is my problem with Bernie and his campaign.
Obviously, I disagree with some of his positions and think he's not really as fit to serve as President as Hillary. But that's not my gripe right now.
In fact, I don't mind that he continues to run in the Primary.
I don't even mind that he continues to attack Hillary.
I'm fine with all of that. He has every right to shout his message, encourage people to make a choice, and fight for what he believes in. I can disagree with his assessments and policies but I'll defend him for stating them. And I'm not going to join the whole "Trump's the nominee now Bernie HAS TO DROP because reasons."
But I do have one major issue with him and the campaign that I need to express (and perhaps others have already but I've been too busy to follow the thread of late).
My issue is that Bernie's not setting up his supporters with realistic expectations. He's taking advantage of their naivety and ignorance. And not the whole "revolution" thing. I mean in terms of election outcomes. He and his campaign isn't shutting down the exit poll number nonsense, the voter fraud nonsense, the Hillary is only winning because of Super Delegates nonsense, the whole notion that if he doesn't win something nefarious happened.
He's basically making an argument that the will of the people is currently on his side despite the results saying otherwise. And why this bothers me is not because he will cost Hillary the election; he won't. And it's not because he's factually incorrect; politicians do it all the time.
My issue is that Hillary is going to win the Primary and a large chunk of the Bernie supporters are going to feel cheated out of the election and I fear this will make them even more disillusioned in the whole process. And these are young people who maybe don't need to vote this year but will in 8 and 16 years down the line. It's these type of outcomes that eventually to 2000 Bush when people didn't vote.
I know some of the Bernie-stans are former Ron Paulites and anti-establishment or whatever and are never within grasp. And a lot of the voters are simply "not Hillary" and even "Not Obama and that's now Hillary" voters, and even still others are just agree with Bernie. But a sizeable portion are young and are going to feel railroaded and are going to blame the political system for Bernie's loss when in reality Bernie is going to lose because more Democrat voters will support Hillary over him, for whatever reasons that lead them that way. And Bernie may cause us to lose those voters for a generation and that will matter especially in terms of mid term and local election even if it doesn't affect any GE.
Bernie needs to slap some reality on these folks before it's too late. We've seen what happened to the GOP when they played these false expectations game and it led them to Trump.
Bernie supporting Hillary when the Primary is over won't be enough, I think. Shit, it's probably too late.
Anyway, there's my Bernie rant.