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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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What's wrong with her nucler energy comment? She's right - no matter where it is it's a threat to everyone.

There's a lot wrong with her comment. Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide, the waste is very containable and it produces a high and stable amount of power. 20% of the US's electricity comes from nuclear power. Our immediate danger is CO2 induced climate change, not nuclear waste storage.

There has never been a nuclear power plant related disaster in the US that has caused deaths, and that is in part owed to our strict regulatory body. Fukushima did not follow protocol and was in an earthquake fault area at risk for tsunamis.

Why do you say it's a threat to everyone? Nuclear power plants cannot explode like a nuclear bomb as some folks think


There's a lot wrong with her comment. Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide, the waste is very containable and it produces a high and stable amount of power. 20% of the US's electricity comes from nuclear power. Our immediate danger is CO2 induced climate change, not nuclear waste storage.

There has never been a nuclear power plant related disaster in the US that has caused deaths, and that is in part owed to our strict regulatory body. Fukushima did not follow protocol and was in an earthquake fault area at risk for tsunamis.

Why do you say it's a threat to everyone? Nuclear power plants cannot explode like a nuclear bomb as some folks think
I'm not against nuclear power, but we've built our share of Nuclear Power plants near fault lines. Mistakes happen.


There's a lot wrong with her comment. Nuclear power produces no carbon dioxide, the waste is very containable and it produces a high and stable amount of power. 20% of the US's electricity comes from nuclear power. Our immediate danger is CO2 induced climate change, not nuclear waste storage.

There has never been a nuclear power plant related disaster in the US that has caused deaths, and that is in part owed to our strict regulatory body. Fukushima did not follow protocol and was in an earthquake fault area at risk for tsunamis.

Why do you say it's a threat to everyone? Nuclear power plants cannot explode like a nuclear bomb as some folks think
I am very well aware of all this. I'm an environmental science major.

Chernobyl happened
Three mile island happened
Fukushima happened

No matter how many times I hear how blah blah its regulated, it's not going to convince me. We are humans and humans are fallable creatures. We make mistakes. And those mistakes can be quite costly with nuclear plants.

Nuclear waste storage may not be an immediate threat but it's a threat in the future. We lose track of things. There's a lot of nuclear material in the former USSR that is simply unaccounted for. Erosion is a thing that happens. We can put some waste somewhere and forget about it.

And when I say it's a threat to everyone - nuclear fallout does not stop at a countries boarders. You know how Chernobyl was discovered? Workers at a power plant in Sweden noticed that the levels of radiation were high. USSR didn't own up to it until days later. There can be incompetent idiots in one country and it ends up contaminating all of our air, water, and soil. Although Chernobyl is in modern day Ukraine, most of the fallout went to Belarus. They have absurdly high rates of cancer there especially anoung the young. So yes, it affects everyone. Nuclear does produce a lot of energy but it's always a risk.


I'm not against nuclear power, but we've built our share of Nuclear Power plants near fault lines. Mistakes happen.

I'm familiar with Diablo Canyon, and it's not that you can't build near a fault line it's that you have to take appropriate caution. Fukushima hadn't been properly updated recently and did not meet the safety code for it's higher risk area. From that wiki: "Diablo Canyon... upgraded to withstand a 7.5 magnitude quake", so of course that's a crucial part of their risk analysis.

It's not a type of power plant you can throw up quickly and carelessly, but when proper care and precautions are taken it's a worthwhile energy source that can help reduce our carbon emissions.


That Trump rally video in the OT, my god. I know that people shouldn't vote on the crowd, or the look, or the race or the personality or any of that shit, jut the issues that matter, but damned if those idiots in that Trump rally don't make anyone who might consider voting for him on policy alone an nothing more associated with them.

Who would want to be confused and bunched up with people like that?

It's... crazy.



Meanwhile, Sanders officials say they “probably” won’t spend more on television advertising in the notoriously expensive state, which some California political experts say is virtually a declaration of surrender.

In another sign of trouble, a senior aide says the campaign is likely to stop producing new TV spots all together. That, after the campaign has cut more than 264 different TV ads.

In Kentucky, which votes Tuesday, Sanders’ campaign is reusing two old ads and letting himself be outspent by Clinton’s campaign $178,000 to $93,000, according to ad tracking data from NBC News partner SMG Delta.

Sanders’ online fundraising machine has in the past allowed him to outspend Clinton in almost every contest he wanted to. But there are increasingly signs that that once seemingly bottomless well of donations is drying up.

Sweet Victory.


If you're voting for him on "policy" you are one of those people anyway.

Not necessarily. Besides, can anyone honestly say they agree with all policies of a particular considered candidate? If so, that number must be very small. It's just, conceding you know. I expect educated people not to lump people together, but the masses aren't educated. If I publicly stated I am currently considering Sanders and Trump, the mention alone might get me stares or worse. I don't want that.

It's almost like bullshit guilt by association. Obviously not fair, but sadly the world doesn't always play fair.


I am very well aware of all this. I'm an environmental science major.

Chernobyl happened
Three mile island happened
Fukushima happened

No matter how many times I hear how blah blah its regulated, it's not going to convince me. We are humans and humans are fallable creatures. We make mistakes. And those mistakes can be quite costly with nuclear plants.

Nuclear waste storage may not be an immediate threat but it's a threat in the future. We lose track of things. There's a lot of nuclear material in the former USSR that is simply unaccounted for. Erosion is a thing that happens. We can put some waste somewhere and forget about it.

And when I say it's a threat to everyone - nuclear fallout does not stop at a countries boarders. You know how Chernobyl was discovered? Workers at a power plant in Sweden noticed that the levels of radiation were high. USSR didn't own up to it until days later. There can be incompetent idiots in one country and it ends up contaminating all of our air, water, and soil. Although Chernobyl is in modern day Ukraine, most of the fallout went to Belarus. They have absurdly high rates of cancer there especially anoung the young. So yes, it affects everyone. Nuclear does produce a lot of energy but it's always a risk.

Chernobyl was a massive failure of the containment building and operating procedures, it was not very regulated. It's a good example of why the international community should maintain strict regulation together. Countries outside the US have not been as good with nuclear power safety. That's definitely a concern, but it's not a reason for why the US shouldn't use nuclear power. The gross negligence exhibited by the USSR in other facets of society are pretty consistent with how bad Chernobyl was, there's just no defending most of what that country did.

Nobody was hurt in 3 mile island, an example of how even gross negligence did not cause harm to the public safety because of containment and strict regulations.

Fukushima I addressed above, but they did not follow proper safety protocols.

My main point is in direct comparison to the affects of CO2 in the environment. At our current pace we won't have a livable planet within a century. Nuclear isn't perfect but you can reasonably safely store the waste such that it's contained and not floating all over the planet. Yes there is a risk that eventually that containment could need replacements, but it's not a fire and forget process, it's something to keep track of and keep evaluating for risks. The failure by the USSR to do this doesn't mean it's not a good option for us.

Nuclear power is a possible problem in the future.

Coal power is a problem right now and the inertia just isn't there for 100% renewables yet

Yeah this is basically what I'm saying, but a lot more succinctly.
His only unwavering firm "policy" is an increasingly tall wall to keep out the brown people.

The rest of his policies tend to range from shit to batshit.


His only unwavering firm "policy" is an increasingly tall wall to keep out the brown people.

The rest of his policies tend to range from shit to batshit.
I respectfully disagree, yet at the same time understand your point, now with an additional point of view as I've now realized. Maybe, even though I agree on some points of an individual, it's the wrapper itself that can be toxic. Maybe I'm too particular and open-minded of a voter that I've failed to realize the importance of the person behind the policy to an extent. Maybe this guy doesn't deserve my vote.

Maybe, he doesn't. I have to think about this. You most certainly do bring up valid concern.
I am very well aware of all this. I'm an environmental science major.

Chernobyl happened
Three mile island happened
Fukushima happened

No matter how many times I hear how blah blah its regulated, it's not going to convince me. We are humans and humans are fallable creatures. We make mistakes. And those mistakes can be quite costly with nuclear plants.

Nuclear waste storage may not be an immediate threat but it's a threat in the future. We lose track of things. There's a lot of nuclear material in the former USSR that is simply unaccounted for. Erosion is a thing that happens. We can put some waste somewhere and forget about it.

And when I say it's a threat to everyone - nuclear fallout does not stop at a countries boarders. You know how Chernobyl was discovered? Workers at a power plant in Sweden noticed that the levels of radiation were high. USSR didn't own up to it until days later. There can be incompetent idiots in one country and it ends up contaminating all of our air, water, and soil. Although Chernobyl is in modern day Ukraine, most of the fallout went to Belarus. They have absurdly high rates of cancer there especially anoung the young. So yes, it affects everyone. Nuclear does produce a lot of energy but it's always a risk.
I too think nuclear power is a good source of energy. However it's something that can't be taken lightly and demands continuous care and utmost attention. Also as you said, Chernobyl was a human error. The lead scientist who was a Politburo member wanted to do tests despite warned by his workers and an ongoing fluctuation test in power from the central grid. But how many similar pig headed managers have caused deaths of mine workers? Coal plants? Asbestos poisoning? Out of 4 decades of nuclear power we can only list 3 major incidents, one of which was caused by a natural disaster. That tells me it's still the safest method of extracting energy. Yes, disaster results are horrific and go beyond a simple localized disaster site. Again, asbestos, cancer, etc. I don't know if regulations can solve every problem either but I guess we also need a better whistleblower laws to help concerned workers in conjunction (I guess a pipedream in places like Russia and China).

As for nuclear waste, it's no worse than carbon monoxide. At least the waste here can be kept in check. My dream answer to this problem is to shoot nuclear waste into space. If we can carry giant ass space shuttle into space, we sure can lug a few tons of Toxic sludge!


No Scrubs
In what i can only describe as "duh" Clinton favors D.C. statehood.

Shit, everyone should favor it. They should also get to run their own city and not have to pass everything through Congress. They should also get legit Senators and a Congressman or two.

Hell, so should Puerto Rico and all the other US protectorates. Let them vote once a decade on if they want to become states if that's what it'll take. The option should be on the table for them.

I say all that not as someone who wants to see the Dems control Congress, which would be nice, but as someone who thinks these people should have proper representation considering the power we hold over them.


I think nuclear is important but let's be fair: there are only about 450 operable nuclear power plants right now, and yet there have been 6 (!) reactor meltdowns. And Fukushima could have been much, much worse; only through heroic effort was it not. And the nuclear industry receives huge subsidies to build plants, and then when they melt down, the government is stuck with the bills and cleanup, possibly for centuries. And nobody wants the waste, so it is stored in increasingly rickety and overloaded ways onsite. And except for extremely modern designs, plants are fail-deadly not fail-safe. So, let's not pretend nuclear is a solved problem.


No Scrubs
Isn't the most likely scenario for representation to fold them into Maryland? I've got no problem w/ statehood, but it's going to be an automatic 2 democratic senators and thus will never get approved.

To tell the truth that sounds just as unlikely. The GOP should just suck it up and let it happen. They need to move toward the center and marginalize the racists anyway, this would be a good first step. Not that it'll ever happen, because they're stupid and short sighted.


I'm familiar with Diablo Canyon, and it's not that you can't build near a fault line it's that you have to take appropriate caution. Fukushima hadn't been properly updated recently and did not meet the safety code for it's higher risk area. From that wiki: "Diablo Canyon... upgraded to withstand a 7.5 magnitude quake", so of course that's a crucial part of their risk analysis.

It's not a type of power plant you can throw up quickly and carelessly, but when proper care and precautions are taken it's a worthwhile energy source that can help reduce our carbon emissions.
Diablo was built by a fault line because we didn't know the fault line was there, not because we planned how to make it safe. But I agree with you. Fear mongering over nuclear power by environmentalists has been generally been bad for the environment.
ciaossu;203324682… said:
There has never been a nuclear power plant related disaster in the US that has caused deaths, and that is in part owed to our strict regulatory body. Fukushima did not follow protocol and was in an earthquake fault area at risk for tsunamis.

Fukushima was built to late sixties standards. The thousands of deaths were caused by the evacuation not the plant.

We need more nuke plants. High CO2 is changing the nutrients in plants that bees need to develop properly, for example.

Nuke power is the only way to rapidly reduce our carbon output.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Fukushima was built to late sixties standards. The thousands of deaths were caused by the evacuation not the plant.

We need more nuke plants. High CO2 is changing the nutrients in plants that bees need to develop properly, for example.

Nuke power is the only way to rapidly reduce our carbon output.

It's more like "Nuclear power has to be part of the solution, if we are going to meet the needed targets".
Isn't the most likely scenario for representation to fold them into Maryland? I've got no problem w/ statehood, but it's going to be an automatic 2 democratic senators and thus will never get approved.

This probably the most likely solution since Republicans won't let them go to Virginia.


I think nuclear is important but let's be fair: there are only about 450 operable nuclear power plants right now, and yet there have been 6 (!) reactor meltdowns. And Fukushima could have been much, much worse; only through heroic effort was it not. And the nuclear industry receives huge subsidies to build plants, and then when they melt down, the government is stuck with the bills and cleanup, possibly for centuries. And nobody wants the waste, so it is stored in increasingly rickety and overloaded ways onsite. And except for extremely modern designs, plants are fail-deadly not fail-safe. So, let's not pretend nuclear is a solved problem.

But it is. New Gen reactors are vasty safer and fool proof. They shut down if they're not kept actively going, and can not melt down.

The problem with nuclear is 50 year old Gen 2 reactors and fear not based in the engineering and science.


Just glancing at these FEC donation violations for Bernie is interesting. I had no idea people donated like this. Like, donating $10, three times a day, basically every day for a month.

It feels like watching the addictions of a freemium game player (one of the few who actually pays for the stuff at least).


Just glancing at these FEC donation violations for Bernie is interesting. I had no idea people donated like this. Like, donating $10, three times a day, basically every day for a month.

It feels like watching the addictions of a freemium game player (one of the few who actually pays for the stuff at least).

Sounds like a way to donate lots of money while keeping his precious average individual donation amount down.


Just glancing at these FEC donation violations for Bernie is interesting. I had no idea people donated like this. Like, donating $10, three times a day, basically every day for a month.

It feels like watching the addictions of a freemium game player (one of the few who actually pays for the stuff at least).

Trump potentially attracting shit people, Sanders possibly doing some funny money bullshit and Clinton's being Clinton...

I... I am unsure of anything, or at least it feels like it.


Sounds like a way to donate lots of money while keeping his precious average individual donation amount down.
I thought that at first too, then I put my conspiracy theories aside (and to be fair, that guy was a little weirder than most). Most people just donate $10-$100 here and there over the course of 6 months.
I thought that at first too, then I put my conspiracy theories aside (and to be fair, that guy was a little weirder than most). Most people just donate $10-$100 here and there over the course of 6 months.

Yeah, I think this is just a combination of:

1) Many first time donors who don't keep track of their donations
2) Poor accounting on Sanders's team from never having done this before
3) A huge influx of donors

It doesn't seem malicious, though it needs to be dealt with.
The top of my Facebook trends was an article of Walker inexplicably relaxing requirement for obtaining IDs valid for voting in Wisconsin. Then I saw that, mysteriously, there happens to be a hearing on a court challenge to it soon. TOTALLY a coincidence, I'm sure. His lawyers must have said the law is DOA for November if he's trying to make a half-compromise that would suppress some votes yet but not quite as many. Bulk suppression of the youth and minority votes were the only thing giving Johnson any chance at keeping his job. No complaints.

The conservative pile-on of Facebook has been hilarious. As if EVERY other aggregate news listing on the planet doesn't curate their stories in SOME way. Facebook isn't some Government agency with a mission statement of political and ideological balances. What do they expect? A list of all stories published in chronological order like the AP has for their twitter feed, entirely out of context? Even without any possible direct story curation it already (and still) offered stories based on your data-mined profile. It was never "raw" content.

Poster child of popular right-wing news sources that are known for super-mega 100% curation being Drudge, of course, who publishes zero stories of their own and only offers external links of whatever-the-hell-they-feel-like.
I'm currently at 275 septillion cookies per second. :X
I'm up to 292, buahahaha. But no you may not see my tax returns.
This probably the most likely solution since Republicans won't let them go to Virginia.

This isn't a solution. Its disenfranchisement.

Statehood or an amedment to give then two senators is what's need, wanted and fair for DC. The fact that republicans care more about power than disenfranchising almost a million people is the problem.

As a former DC resident I want the district to be treated fairly.
I respectfully disagree, yet at the same time understand your point, now with an additional point of view as I've now realized. Maybe, even though I agree on some points of an individual, it's the wrapper itself that can be toxic. Maybe I'm too particular and open-minded of a voter that I've failed to realize the importance of the person behind the policy to an extent. Maybe this guy doesn't deserve my vote.

Maybe, he doesn't. I have to think about this. You most certainly do bring up valid concern.

Can you point to another example? Seriously, your making things up not disagreeing
Time for a game: The Intercept or Breitbart writer?


People don't hate working class whites. They hate racist working class whites.

The incercept has been trash since day one. I've never been one of those "I used to like them" this tone was always obvious from these writers. This same stuff was in greenwalds posts back when he was back at salon. Every other line was an insinuation that the person who disagreed with him was because they were nefarious and hated whatever greenwald was defending.
George Zimmerman is selling the gun he used to murder Trayvon Martin and how is this guy not dead yet, jesus fucking christ.

“This is a piece of American History. It has been featured in several publications and in current University text books. Offers to purchase the Firearm have been received; however, the offers were to use the gun in a fashion I did not feel comfortable with.”

Zimmerman claims that the Justice Department made attempts to render the gun inoperable, but that it remains functional and will be sold with a guarantee of authenticity.

“I am proud to announce that a portion of the proceeds will be used to: fight BLM violence against Law Enforcement officers, ensure the demise of Angela Correy’s [sic] persecution career and Hillary Clinton’s anti-firearm rhetoric. Now is your opportunity to own a piece of American History.”

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