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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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Unconfirmed Member

I mean, it's not so bad considering I went back to college, and I couldn't really work with my schedule anyway, but it's still a few months that I should have been collecting regardless.

The thing that pisses me off more though is that I went through long periods of time at my previous job (not the one I lost) where we didn't work at all (we were/still are on-call) and I never bothered to go on UE during that time whatsoever. Lesson learned though.

Yep. It's confusing and I feel purposefully obfuscated process sometimes. Technically you can't collect if going to school full time (because you have to be able and available to accept any job offered) but you can get around that by taking classes outside of normal business hours of your profession. IE night classes weekend and Internet classes. I have done so before.m, they just call you and verify you are able to accept work and your schedule doesn't conflict.

Edit I should add, the remainder of your claim will carry on until your current claim expires. Typically you have already found a new job at that point however. It won't carry to the next claim.
Tyler's finally posted.



why do a lot of people here get so worked up over such a fringe minority of Paulites that have never amounted to shit, and taking it out on Bernie? He's has enough things to attack him on without getting worked up over such a small minority of inconsequential shit heel supporters that come from a long line of inconsequential shit heel supporters.

Tyler's finally posted.


he's so cute
I'm significantly to the left of the mainstream Democratic party. I voted to nominate Clinton out of practicality.

We cannot write off a chunk of our voting bloc just because they hold some extreme views.

I agree with almost all of Bernies campaign goals, I just don't think he's the person to sell them to the masses.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Yep. It's confusing and I feel purposefully obfuscated process sometimes. Technically you can't collect if going to school full time (because you have to be able and available to accept any job offered) but you can get around that by taking classes outside of normal business hours of your profession. IE night classes weekend and Internet classes. I have done so before.m, they just call you and verify you are able to accept work and your schedule doesn't conflict.

Edit I should add, the remainder of your claim will carry on until your current claim expires. Typically you have already found a new job at that point however. It won't carry to the next claim.

Yeah, the school thing wasn't too much a problem. They called me up and I told them that I'd be willing to work full time, but I wasn't going to drop my classes to do so, and they were fine with it. Their stupid application page is a mess to fill out though.

Oh, also. When you got your UE, did you get a card, or did they mail checks to you?
That would be his first closed primary victory by that margin, right? That's pretty...I mean if he's close after the polling aggregate being so different, he does deserve a little credit.
He hasn't won a closed primary yet. The expectation is that tomorrow will be his only two wins in closed primary states (if he even wins Kentucky. This one really is a dead heat!).

Oregon is weird because it's a closed primary AND it's mail-in only. It's possible Hillary could win that won (benchmark has Hillary up one point there)
Damn, Lucy Flores catching a lot of flack for making some reasonable comments about the ridiculous NV Dem convention. Unfortunately, I think the core movement driving Bernie's support is being taken over by a very violent, ugly minority.

Unfortunately, I feel that an outburst like this was inevitable as the campaign draws to a close and the path to Bernie winning evaporates.

And I say again the responsibility rests at Sanders feet. He led the charge on claims of fraud, voter supression, money laundering, cheating, Establishment Conspiracy, etc...

He's the one who has convinced these people that if Clinton wasn't stealing the election that he'd be winning.

He's convinced them that they are the true will of the people... the 3 million pop vote deficit be damned.

He's had time, plenty of time, to taper his message to reign everyone in. He's done nothing.

I can't even find any sign of him even acknowledging let alone condemning the ridiculous behaviour of his supporters in Nevada.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, the school thing wasn't too much a problem. They called me up and I told them that I'd be willing to work full time, but I wasn't going to drop my classes to do so, and they were fine with it. Their stupid application page is a mess to fill out though.

Oh, also. When you got your UE, did you get a card, or did they mail checks to you?
I have had both cards and checks. But I just signed up either for direct deposit or direct transfer (from the bank card they give you) to my bank account. I still get monthly statements of zero dollars on my card to my email 6 years later lol

Encourage you to call them and try to get back dated claim forms. Worst they can do is say no.


And I say again the responsibility rests at Sanders feet. He led the charge on claims of fraud, voter supression, money laundering, cheating, Establishment Conspiracy, etc...

He's the one who has convinced these people that if Clinton wasn't stealing the election that he'd be winning.

He's convinced them that they are the true will of the people... the 3 million pop vote deficit be damned.

He's had time, plenty of time, to taper his message to reign everyone in. He's done nothing.

I can't even find any sign of him even acknowledging let alone condemning the ridiculous behaviour of his supporters in Nevada.


That's why I think trying to court Bernie's voters is a lost cause. The less ardent ones will come around in time, especially after Hillary's had time to campaign without being opposed by Bernie and they see that, actually, her goals really aren't that different.

But the supporters who at this point still consider themselves Bernie fans? Lost cause. Nothing Hillary's camp could say or do will bring them over, because Bernie himself has convinced them to not believe a word she says. It would be worthless to try.

Focus on the voters who haven't been paying attention to the primaries. They're greater in number, and many swing left.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I have had both cards and checks. But I just signed up either for direct deposit or direct transfer (from the bank card they give you) to my bank account. I still get monthly statements of zero dollars on my card to my email 6 years later lol

Encourage you to call them and try to get back dated claim forms. Worst they can do is say no.

I tried, actually. Bastards said no. :/



That's why I think trying to court Bernie's voters is a lost cause. The less ardent ones will come around in time, especially after Hillary's had time to campaign without being opposed by Bernie and they see that, actually, her goals really aren't that different.

But the supporters who at this point still consider themselves Bernie fans? Lost cause. Nothing Hillary's camp could say or do will bring them over, because Bernie himself has convinced them to not believe a word she says. It would be worthless to try.

Focus on the voters who haven't been paying attention to the primaries. They're greater in number, and many swing left.

I'm so glad that more people are coming around to this truth.

The time for appeasement in the face of radicalism is over. The cancer must be excised from the Democratic party before it can spread.


I would rather see Donald Trump become POTUS than see the Democratic Party join the GOP in sublimating itself to a know nothing populist and his disgusting "revolution".

Capitulating to Sanders' base only hurts political discourse as they have no idea what that even looks like and will take it as further proof that their anti-democratic practices of harassment and shouting down anyone with a differing viewpoint actually works. The exact same shit Trump's base uses actually.

As for them turning out, the youth vote has never mattered before, I doubt it's suddenly going to matter in 2016. The independents Sanders is pulling are the Ralph Nader and Ron Paul coalitions, one to the left who holds their nose up at the idea of any compromise and never vote Dem, the other a bunch of libertarians who understand fuck all about how politics and the global economy actually works who also never vote Dem. Again, enabling those types is only destructive to the only party still behaving in a reasonable fashion in this country.

Giving up moral standards in hopes of winning a single cycle is what Republicans do. The Dems need to be something better than that.

I gotta disagree here man. Just like I say to the Bernie or Bust people, I will take anyone (prefereably dem) over trump. Any day, any deal is better than him as POTUS.




There can be no compromise with the LefTea Party. Drive these people out.

If Bernie had won I would have absolutely voted for the guy as the best of a poor field, that's the job of any citizen come election time - make the best choice of the options presented. Ideology and purity is ok early on in the primaries but once it's clear who the winner is going to be you assess the candidates and get behind the one closest to your ideals, understanding they weren't your first pick.

Democracy can't exist without compromise. If everyone held out for their favorite (to reference a Louis C.K. bit) society would descend into anarchy.

That is the problem with Sanders and his coalition right now. They've lost. It's done. Instead of accepting that and compromising they're throwing a childish tantrum about how their voice isn't being heard. It isn't that they aren't being heard, it's that they fucking lost. Their ideology was comparatively rejected by the majority, as such the majority gets to proceed with making their rules and their platform.

Rewarding uncompromising extremists for their petulance is what foisted Trump upon the GOP. The Democratic party won't be any more capable of closing that Pandora's Box once opened than the GOP has been. Allowing people to win a meaningful role based on vacuous, uninformed, and sometimes outright dangerous ideas and "policies" is the first step towards having no mooring in policy at all.

This is why Donald Trump can say "I'm going to build a wall and Mexico will pay for it!" and be taken seriously on the right. They've let equally stupid shit go before, like the whole "tax code on a post card, no IRS" shit from Cruz, Cain's "9-9-9" idiocy, and Perry's "close X, Y, Z branches of the government even though I can't name them" junk.

They let fantasy become part of the party platform and now they're paying the price. If the Dems follow suit we'll never see anything resembling compromise, no meaningful progress will occur, and the entire process will break down for god knows how long.

It is better to lose one election than to allow truthiness to win over truth.
Something like Clinton picking Warren as veep would be enough of an olive branch to win over most Sanders supporters, imo.

Even then I doubt she would need to do that to win over anyone who would be swayed by such an action.

I'm all for mending fences with people who are actually willing to mend those fences. No use though wasting time with the fences that BernieOrBust people are actively tearing down.


This thread has gone insane.

Sorry but I agree with him. That sort of 'compromise is weakness' bullshit can stay on the republican right. I am not interested in seeing the Democratic party (which Drek ACCURATELY described as the only party in the U.S. right now that isn't batshit crazy) giving lunatics that don't know anything about anything a feeling of justification and thus egging them on.

Make the attempt to educate them, but if they refuse let them stew in their corner and shout at the imaginary 'man'. After the temper blows over and they decide they care to enact actual change they can learn how politics TRULY work without the "everyones out to get me" monkey on their back, and be of some use.

Until then:


why do a lot of people here get so worked up over such a fringe minority of Paulites that have never amounted to shit, and taking it out on Bernie? He's has enough things to attack him on without getting worked up over such a small minority of inconsequential shit heel supporters that come from a long line of inconsequential shit heel supporters.

Primarily because he played a part in egging that mess on. Bernie knows as much as anyone reasonable that he and Hillary's desires are not that far off. He knew he had no proof of so called quid pro quo for Wall Street speeches long before she called him on it at the debate, but it never stopped him from pushing that BS anyway.

The way this NORMALLY works is people in his position (I.E. Hillary 8 years ago) pop shit, but when the numbers take that turn, the work to bring things together. Bernie has IMO ran it off the rails to a point of no return for that small minority of fringe crazies. It was irresponsible as hell, and now I can't wait to see him go back to where he came from, affording me the time to go club whoever lifted the rock upside their damn head.
There are plenty of pragmatic Bernie fans left. There is just a very vocal and active group of radicals (I imagine a large overlap with OWS types) who enjoy protest culture and believe Bernie or Class War (like, violent populist revolution) is the only way we can achieve substantive changes.


Always apply for UI as soon as you are eligible regardless of your finances or job prospects. You paid into the system you should get the (extremely minimal) protections that affords.

Plus you never know what will happen :(
One time I was unemployed two years and I was looking furiously, the next timer so weeks and I was t looking at all lol

Yeah I slacked on that when I got laid off last year, now I've been out of work a whole year

I'm going insane lol ><


Always apply for UI as soon as you are eligible regardless of your finances or job prospects. You paid into the system you should get the (extremely minimal) protections that affords.

Plus you never know what will happen :(
One time I was unemployed two years and I was looking furiously, the next timer so weeks and I was t looking at all lol

This, I mean you can have all your ducks in a row and life can blow it to shit. Hedge your bets with a sure thing, there's no downside to using the safety net YOU pay for.


To those saying oust the Bernie people because they won't compromise: we can't make the same mistake, we have to get the other millennials on board the Dem party and build towards the midterm unified.


To those saying oust the Bernie people because they won't compromise: we can't make the same mistake, we have to get the other millennials on board the Dem party and build towards the midterm unified.

i think there is a difference between "oust the bernie people because they won't compromise" and "oust the bernie people who won't compromise"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
L M A O @ bernie fan voicemails

omg Bernie better step it up and say something or...or I will write mean posts about him using my alt account


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Bernie, disavow and rebuke what happened at the Nevada convention or you can kiss my vote goodbye!


To those saying oust the Bernie people because they won't compromise: we can't make the same mistake, we have to get the other millennials on board the Dem party and build towards the midterm unified.

1. Anyone who can't see that Clinton's policy platform is substantially the same as Bernie's but with actual legislative merit and a dose of pragmatism isn't going to be won over. I mean, he says "$15 minimum wage!" she says "$12 and up minimum wage, based on the states". He says "single payer for all!" she says "healthcare for all". If you care about the good that these initiatives will achieve then they're both equal. If you just care about the ideology then sure, Hillary is a compromising fascist warpig wanting to destroy America.

2. Young people barely show up in Presidential Election years and you think they should make major concessions in hopes of getting them to show up in midterms?

The people in question can't be unified with, they can only be temporarily sated in their irrational views. It's "Give a Mouse a Cookie" in politics. The real problem is that Bernie Sanders is just like all of them. A professional protester who doesn't give a fuck as long as he can scream "corruption!" and "down with the establishment" as much as he can.

He's a 74 year man still crushing on some Karl Marx he read freshman year of undergrad.
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