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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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At this point, I feel like Bernie is the prototype for the next big thing in the Democratic Party after Hillary. Someone's gonna take his ideas now and combine it with actual policy proposals and downticket support for a progressivist movement in Congress.

I think he's more of the shadow of Obama's candidacy. Problem is he has neither the policy depth or charisma to be Obama tier.
At this point, I feel like Bernie is the prototype for the next big thing in the Democratic Party after Hillary. Someone's gonna take his ideas now and combine it with actual policy proposals and downticket support for a progressivist movement in Congress.

I feel that some might try to co op his message with better delivery, but I don't think that will happen. Although, I do see populism and anti-establishment behavior rising that might give a rise to a new party or strengthen a third one, but I doubt it'll be all that a very huge issue in the short or mid term. The Democratic party will be far more secular and racial diverse in the future, because of that the message will have to be more board and not entirely economic focused. Basically, Obama's coalition is going to get stronger. Bernie failed to get that and is the reason he lost. In the future, you wouldn't even need the white working class anymore, but they will try to get them in the tent more. I also expect very few Republicans might become Democrats or work closer to them, but that depends on how the party fares in the next few years. The damage of Trump could result in the party fracturing in the future.

A huge part of Bernie's base are young and/or independent. They will most likely remain apathetic as their main guy lost, and if everything is dandy in Hillary's first terms than they have little reason to get interested in politics again. I think populism will have a lesser chance of succeeding in the Democratic Party and the opposite for the GOP partially. Although, many people will be influenced by him, but I don't know if it will actually be a lot of people. It might just be like Ron Paul.


Another thing that came to mind: because of the HB2 fuckery going on in North Carolina, there's a really good chance that trans rights could be on the Dem's party platform at the DNC this year. That's awesome.



Fuck you, Ben Carson! I put MONEY down on your bullshit! What a fucking clown car!
I tried to warn you. You didn't listen. :,(
This is pretty rank behaviour.

Barney Frank is a Democratic stalwart and DWS will be fine in her seat.

And Berniecrats aren't nearly half the Democratic voter base. Setting aside he hasn't won that in popular vote. A lot of them aren't even Democrats which is why they were disqualified in Nevada and then essentially turned into GamerGate wannabes.

DWS sucks because she let this shitshow go on as long as it has with her dumb primary calendar.

Counting the cock uses, he is above 40% in popular vote. Still an important fraction.

Democratic vote is fueled also by independent voters, a big part of them going straight into Bernie´s hands. I dont see a single problem with the DNC recognizing the political cravings of those voters who identify with their party regarding of them not being registered.

We need to see the platform once it is conceived, but I think excluding a lot of Bernie´s people could just allienate some from voting in November if Sanders ideas (or some form of them) are not part of it.

Melkr is a lost cause and probably a closet fascist. If we're relying on those people we've already lost.

nnnn, dont be messy Cerium.


contribute something
The idea that the salt will last 6 months is kind of absurd to me. Nobody is going to talking about Bernie Sanders in November.

I hope not, but I know a fair amount of "Bernie or Bust" types who are convinced that abstaining in November will somehow send a message to the Democratic party. There's a common attitude that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are ideologically identical. Hillary frankly lacks some of the appeal among young voters that Obama enjoyed, and while Trump does far worse with this demographic, millennials need to turn out and vote.

The Clinton campaign and Bernie sanders ought to work together to court these voters, mostly through explaining why Hillary Clinton isn't as capitalist and war-mongering as your average Republican.

Bernie's people is more like 10-15%. The rest is just Not-Clinton or Not-Obama voters.

I think you're right, but that 15% abstaining is bad news for November.


Another thing that came to mind: because of the HB2 fuckery going on in North Carolina, there's a really good chance that trans rights could be on the Dem's party platform at the DNC this year. That's awesome.

Yup, and I wonder if Donald will stick with "they should use whichever restroom they feel comfortable using", or say something more conservative.


There was no revolution, it was not televised, it was just facebanked

I still don't understand the concept of facebank.
Do they just bug random people on facebook and social media? And do what?

Like if I got DMs from people asking me to vote a certain way I'd be weirded the fuck out or think it was another bot.


Last Week Tonight from yesterday was interesting. About 911 call centers

Apparently some states divert tax dollars specified for 911 to other purposes, even when the 911 centers are underfunded. Pretty scary! I've never had to call 911, but I'm sure people who have can attest to the importance of having a reliable emergency help line

Shilling is still relevant huh?

I wish he never got back into the public eye post baseball so I could just have 2004 playoff memories of him.

It sucks when your sports heroes end up as dicks. Tom Brady too
I don't think the DNC or Clinton campaign should completely thumb their noses at Sanders supporters.

At the same time though... They did win. And there are some people who aren't going to be satisfied short of Clinton saying "You're right, I am a corrupt shill and I'm dropping out, Sanders has got this".
The Clinton campaign and Bernie sanders ought to work together to court these voters, mostly through explaining why Hillary Clinton isn't as capitalist and war-mongering as your average Republican.

Bernie first.... he's the one leading the charge on claims of fraud and stolen election

He's done fucking nothing to reign in the crazies.

His rhetoric motivates them as he literally has them convinced that it isn't that Sanders that is losing the primary it's that Clinton has stolen it.


I don't think the DNC or Clinton campaign should completely thumb their noses at Sanders supporters.

At the same time though... They did win. And there are some people who aren't going to be satisfied short of Clinton saying "You're right, I am a corrupt shill and I'm dropping out, Sanders has got this".

There is no point in catering to people that want wholesale control over the Democratic party but also saying they wont ever support Hillary or current DNC. There is absolutely no point of it.
I think you're right, but that 15% abstaining is bad news for November.

Well, first off it's not 15% that will abstain. But I'm not worried about it at all.

I bet something like half of those 15% of Bernie supporters but don't mind Hillary in the end.

Among the ones that do mind Hillary, the overwhelming majority were never ever going to vote for Hillary. These are "outsiders," people who voted for Ron Paul, who voted for Ron johnson, etc.

That leaves only a few actual loud Bernie advocates who would normally vote Democrat. And I'd be willing to bet they're concentrated on states that won't matter (California, Texas, Vermont).

In the actual swing states their numbers will be meaningless. I'd bet 95% of Bernie Primary voters who are not reliable GOP voters (ie WV) will turn out for Hillary in the GE. The 5% that don't never would have voted Hillary or Biden or any real Democrat in the GE.

In the end, Bernie-stans are inconsequential.

I am much more concerned about young voters who don't care to vote in the Primary but would come out in the GE with the right candidate (ala Obama) and not showing up because it's Hillary than Bernie supporters.


This attitude will get Trump elected. Cut it out.
I would rather see Donald Trump become POTUS than see the Democratic Party join the GOP in sublimating itself to a know nothing populist and his disgusting "revolution".

Capitulating to Sanders' base only hurts political discourse as they have no idea what that even looks like and will take it as further proof that their anti-democratic practices of harassment and shouting down anyone with a differing viewpoint actually works. The exact same shit Trump's base uses actually.

As for them turning out, the youth vote has never mattered before, I doubt it's suddenly going to matter in 2016. The independents Sanders is pulling are the Ralph Nader and Ron Paul coalitions, one to the left who holds their nose up at the idea of any compromise and never vote Dem, the other a bunch of libertarians who understand fuck all about how politics and the global economy actually works who also never vote Dem. Again, enabling those types is only destructive to the only party still behaving in a reasonable fashion in this country.

Giving up moral standards in hopes of winning a single cycle is what Republicans do. The Dems need to be something better than that.
Giving up moral standards in hopes of winning a single cycle is what Republicans do. The Dems need to be something better than that.
You'd have a point if it weren't for the fact that a majority of Democrats don't feel like they're abandoning any moral standards. Al all. Quite the opposite--They think that Clinton will come up with a SCOTUS nominee that reflects their values.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I hope not, but I know a fair amount of "Bernie or Bust" types who are convinced that abstaining in November will somehow send a message to the Democratic party. There's a common attitude that Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are ideologically identical. Hillary frankly lacks some of the appeal among young voters that Obama enjoyed, and while Trump does far worse with this demographic, millennials need to turn out and vote.

The Clinton campaign and Bernie sanders ought to work together to court these voters, mostly through explaining why Hillary Clinton isn't as capitalist and war-mongering as your average Republican.

I think you're right, but that 15% abstaining is bad news for November.
It's not. If Clinton thought it was, she'd be going after that demographic. I think the idea that hardcore Bernie voters that would abstain from the election entirely (or even defect to literally the least qualified person to ever run for the office out of pure salt) is a far lesser percentage than advertised, even when you consider how few people will do that in 6 months.

I don't really know how to characterize it other than I think its combo of 2 things: Sanders' supporters deluding themselves into thinking they have some kind of power in the general election they can withhold (presumably in exchange for some kind of policy concession on Clinton's part) and the other part is Hillary stans just diablosing over a theoretical X Demographic that under all normal circumstances would vote Democratic (which by itself would probably win her the presidency) that she's not gonna get.

The reality is that Generic Democrat would by all rational logic trounce Trump, but it's fishing season: the hand-wringing over every random data point has already started.
Damn, Lucy Flores catching a lot of flack for making some reasonable comments about the ridiculous NV Dem convention. Unfortunately, I think the core movement driving Bernie's support is being taken over by a very violent, ugly minority.

Unfortunately, I feel that an outburst like this was inevitable as the campaign draws to a close and the path to Bernie winning evaporates.


We need to see the platform once it is conceived, but I think excluding a lot of Bernie´s people could just allienate some from voting in November if Sanders ideas (or some form of them) are not part of it.

How can Democrats change the platform to appease Sanders' supporters? The 2012 democratic platform already calls for raising the minimum wage, campaign fiance reform and reducing the financial burden of college.

Sadners' platform is pretty much just the Democrats' platform with a side of ignoring the existence of Republicans and pretending that everything can instantly be done to the fullest with no compromises.
Damn, Lucy Flores catching a lot of flack for making some reasonable comments about the ridiculous NV Dem convention. Unfortunately, I think the core movement driving Bernie's support is being taken over by a very violent, ugly minority.

Unfortunately, I feel that an outburst like this was inevitable as the campaign draws to a close and the path to Bernie winning evaporates.

It pretty much already has. The campaign itself is done, money has dried up and from the start it has been poorly run and organized, the only people who are left are the literal radicals who are going to try and drag the corpse around pretending it's February.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Can someone help me out with a question about unemployment benefits?

As some of you know, I lost my job last October. I had lots of money saved up so I wasn't in a rush to file for unemployment. So my first UE check didn't come until the first week of March. Now, the moment that you get a full time job, the UE checks immediately stop coming in, which makes sense. But say that I find a job while I still have money left over from UE. What happens to that money? Does it get carried over year after year? Or is it gone forever?


Unconfirmed Member
Can someone help me out with a question about unemployment benefits?

As some of you know, I lost my job last October. I had lots of money saved up so I wasn't in a rush to file for unemployment. So my first UE check didn't come until the first week of March. Now, the moment that you get a full time job, the UE checks immediately stop coming in, which makes sense. But say that I find a job while I still have money left over from UE. What happens to that money? Does it get carried over year after year? Or is it gone forever?
You should be entitled to that money anyway. Claims DO NOT carry over. Call and ask EDD to send back dated claim forms from when you were eligible until you started getting paid.

Edit. Took 8 to 12 weeks for me to get my first check last time I got laid off. Thank god I had money in savings or I would have been homeless. Eventually I got it all straightened out and got my back payments I was entitled to.


Unconfirmed Member
Always apply for UI as soon as you are eligible regardless of your finances or job prospects. You paid into the system you should get the (extremely minimal) protections that affords.

Plus you never know what will happen :(
One time I was unemployed two years and I was looking furiously, the next timer so weeks and I was t looking at all lol
Can someone help me out with a question about unemployment benefits?

As some of you know, I lost my job last October. I had lots of money saved up so I wasn't in a rush to file for unemployment. So my first UE check didn't come until the first week of March. Now, the moment that you get a full time job, the UE checks immediately stop coming in, which makes sense. But say that I find a job while I still have money left over from UE. What happens to that money? Does it get carried over year after year? Or is it gone forever?

My understanding is you get paid up until you get a job. Whether you spent it or not doesn't matter.

If they over-paid you for some reason, California will take it out of your income tax refund.

Here is a Cali Resource. http://www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/FAQs.htm


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You should be entitled to that money anyway. Claims DO NOT carry over. Call and ask EDD to send back dated claim forms from when you were eligible until you started getting paid.

Edit. Took 8 to 12 weeks for me to get my first check last time I got laid off. Thank god I had money in savings or I would have been homeless. Eventually I got it all straightened out and got my back payments I was entitled to.


I mean, it's not so bad considering I went back to college, and I couldn't really work with my schedule anyway, but it's still a few months that I should have been collecting regardless.

The thing that pisses me off more though is that I went through long periods of time at my previous job (not the one I lost) where we didn't work at all (we were/still are on-call) and I never bothered to go on UE during that time whatsoever. Lesson learned though.


My understanding is you get paid up until you get a job. Whether you spent it or not doesn't matter.

If they over-paid you for some reason, California will take it out of your income tax refund.

Here is a Cali Resource. http://www.edd.ca.gov/unemployment/FAQs.htm



I would rather see Donald Trump become POTUS than see the Democratic Party join the GOP in sublimating itself to a know nothing populist and his disgusting "revolution".

Capitulating to Sanders' base only hurts political discourse as they have no idea what that even looks like and will take it as further proof that their anti-democratic practices of harassment and shouting down anyone with a differing viewpoint actually works. The exact same shit Trump's base uses actually.

As for them turning out, the youth vote has never mattered before, I doubt it's suddenly going to matter in 2016. The independents Sanders is pulling are the Ralph Nader and Ron Paul coalitions, one to the left who holds their nose up at the idea of any compromise and never vote Dem, the other a bunch of libertarians who understand fuck all about how politics and the global economy actually works who also never vote Dem. Again, enabling those types is only destructive to the only party still behaving in a reasonable fashion in this country.

Giving up moral standards in hopes of winning a single cycle is what Republicans do. The Dems need to be something better than that.


There can be no compromise with the LefTea Party. Drive these people out.
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