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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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I voted for Hilldawg in the Washington State primary this weekend, but I looked around and couldn't find if WA superdelegates were going to vote based on the result or what. Might someone here have seen if any superdelegates said anything about voting based on the WA primary results?



The sad thing is, if the shoe were on the other foot and this were a Hillary or Trump supporters, there'd already be a thread.

But I'm not making it lol










Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them? If you run for president, you're going to have some nutters -- it's unavoidable.



The only thing worse than being phonebanked by a European is being threatened by one.

Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them? If you run for president, you're going to have some nutters -- it's unavoidable.

Technically we were judging delegates who were throwing chairs and calling in death threats, not random dumbasses on Twitter.

But anyway, please quote those images, it's very big.
I voted for Hilldawg in the Washington State primary this weekend, but I looked around and couldn't find if WA superdelegates were going to vote based on the result or what. Might someone here have seen if any superdelegates said anything about voting based on the WA primary results?

a WA congressman (Jim McDermott) got threats because he's supporting Clinton while Bernie won the caucus. According to Wikipedia, all WA representatives, senators, and the governor are Clinton supporters. There are some DNC members left who have not declared, and Bernie has 0 superdelegates from WA.
Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them? If you run for president, you're going to have some nutters -- it's unavoidable.
Not defending any of those people but are they delegates for their candidate?

It's not just some wackos on Twitter.


Unconfirmed Member
*large block of cesspool Twitter posts*
Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them?

I think there is a suitable difference between Twitter trash posts, and what had transpired with actual delegates for Bernie in Nevada.


Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them? If you run for president, you're going to have some nutters -- it's unavoidable.

When these random supporters are delegates and/or showing up to state party conventions and engaging in violence and threatening party leaders' safety, and the candidate says nothing to discourage or disavow this behavior from his own representatives at state-level nominating functions then I'm going to judge that candidate like I damn well please, thank you.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Maybe we shouldn't judge candidates by random nobodies that happen to support them? If you run for president, you're going to have some nutters -- it's unavoidable.

I agree that we shouldn't judge random nobodies by what is posted on Twitter. I reserve the right to judge candidates by the delegates that show up to represent them at official party functions, including the state convention.

Like, I'm mostly kidding. Bernie doesn't need to disavow these people to lose my vote. He lost my vote because he sucks. But more seriously, what the fuck. Every account of what happened on Saturday has been absolutely horrifying.

I totally think we need to incorporate elements of Bernie's platform into the Democratic party platform and I believe we should make every outreach possible to his supporters, but I also believe he needs to 100% discourage this stuff now. If he does not, I would understand if Hillary and the DNC chose to ignore him at the convention. I don't think it's WISE to do that, but I'd get it.


Kills Photobucket
I really hope this primary season results in some streamlining and reforms in the primary process. Hillary won the caucus in February, the delegate issue should have been settled then.
If I understand this correctly, Sanders people are upset with this woman because she closed the convention in the middle of a possible security threat, for a convention that had no further known business, and had allocated things out based on extremely precise counts of delegates from each candidate? So they're mad that the event ended after all the counting was over? Even if she had not pushed through a dubious voice vote, what else was there to do?


Oregon is like the title fight between Tyler Pedigo and Benchmark Politics. We will finally know who is the king of the prediction ring.... I'm so excited. I'm so scared.


1. Anyone who can't see that Clinton's policy platform is substantially the same as Bernie's but with actual legislative merit and a dose of pragmatism isn't going to be won over. I mean, he says "$15 minimum wage!" she says "$12 and up minimum wage, based on the states". He says "single payer for all!" she says "healthcare for all". If you care about the good that these initiatives will achieve then they're both equal. If you just care about the ideology then sure, Hillary is a compromising fascist warpig wanting to destroy America.

2. Young people barely show up in Presidential Election years and you think they should make major concessions in hopes of getting them to show up in midterms?

The people in question can't be unified with, they can only be temporarily sated in their irrational views. It's "Give a Mouse a Cookie" in politics. The real problem is that Bernie Sanders is just like all of them. A professional protester who doesn't give a fuck as long as he can scream "corruption!" and "down with the establishment" as much as he can.

He's a 74 year man still crushing on some Karl Marx he read freshman year of undergrad.

The left can be unified. It has faced bigger schisms before and we know that most of these people will come around anyways. It happened in 08 and it will happen every other time. I was a Hillary supporter then, and I had to get in line. It's the way the party works, we have a bigger more diverse tent than the GOP and we have to be able to modify our platform to fit shifting demographics. I don't agree with the Bernie or bust people for the Same reason I don't agree with you. We can always find common ground with the majority of liberals, that's why the dems aren't in danger of a real split. We can do it because we've done it many times and there is no reason to think this year is any different. We will unify the party and kick the shit out of the GOP in November. If that means we have to go all the way to the convention and modify the platform to include more progressive agendas then that's ok. We will have to pull them as they push and absorb them into the Dem ranks. That's how we beat the GOP, which is priority number one. We can sort everything out in 2017 after we take back the senate and secure the presidency again.
Today sucks. People who threaten violence suck. Delegates who aren't Democrats but think they can still be Democratic delegates are terrible. Everything is a mess. Dems are in disarray. Queen better win one tomorrow or I swear, I'll totally...um...I'll write a strongly worded letter. Tyler's a mess. Benchmarks is GOD TIER. Everything is terrible. Big wall.



If I understand this correctly, Sanders people are upset with this woman because she closed the convention in the middle of a possible security threat, for a convention that had no further known business, and had allocated things out based on extremely precise counts of delegates from each candidate? So they're mad that the event ended after all the counting was over? Even if she had not pushed through a dubious voice vote, what else was there to do?

There is no defense for what the Sanders Delegates did at the NV convention. None at all. Absolutely none. I know we're not an organized political party, we're democrats...but still. That's not cool


No one needs to make outreach efforts to violent aggressive sadsacks who have nothing better to do than leave hatemail.

This is where I was last night.

Amazingly, I see folks trying to justify this behavior, as though throwing chairs, etc is acceptable.

I feel bad for sane Bernie supporters, but his continued silence on this issue is looking worse and worse.

And imagine the news coverage hellstorm we'd see if it were Hillaryfolk who were engaging in such acts.


This is where I was last night.

Amazingly, I see folks trying to justify this behavior, as though throwing chairs, etc is acceptable.

I feel bad for sane Bernie supporters, but his continued silence on this issue is looking worse and worse.

And imagine the news coverage hellstorm we'd see if it were Hillaryfolk who were engaging in such acts.

exactly. This wont be the last state convention with chaos. IA is in four weeks.


McCain only won it by 5 points in 2008.

With demographic shifts, a much worse GOP nominee and Democrats playing for it again? It could certainly flip.

Past NC it's the first red state I would expect to flip, actually.

I think there's a chance Utah could potentially flip also, but even if it doesn't their should be a significant decline(around 20%) in the republican vote their compared to the last two elections. Trump may struggle to break 50% in that state in the fall general election.

I don't know if this has been posted in this thread yet, but Hilary's is planning to put bill in charge of economic revitalization once she's in the white house.


Not defending any of those people but are they delegates for their candidate?

It's not just some wackos on Twitter.

Those callers are confirmed delegates?

edit: zero callers indicated they were even at the convention


This is a citizen of the United States of America
Oh, we watched the whole thing in Nevada.
Roberta, you know thousands of people watched what you did tonight at the convention
I’m just sitting home in Massachusetts watching all the video that was filmed tonight
You probably just guaranteed fire is in Philadelphia

I'd say these imply they were not at the convention.
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