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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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what do we do about this

Any supers on the fence can see who the nominee will be. Thank god this'll be over on June 7th.
I kind of wish it could be over before then tbh.

She'd be about 200 away from the nomination per that article after Tuesday's contests. If she hits her 538 targets she'll only be 60 away after the Puerto Rico primary. Maybe 50 if you factor in outright wins in Indiana and PR.

Would those supers be willing to come out of hiding?
/r/SFP strategy seems to be ignore the primaries coming up soon and instead focus all energy on California. Sanders will win California (he's only 2% behind!), at which point all the super-delegates will cross over because California is really, really the state the matters most. I dropped by /r/politics, 80% of the front page this morning were just Hillary attacks.

If I were a sociologist I think I would devote my entire research life to reddit - it seems likes gold mine of methods for testing various theories on tribalism.


I kind of wish it could be over before then tbh.

She'd be about 200 away from the nomination per that article after Tuesday's contests. If she hits her 538 targets she'll only be 60 away after the Puerto Rico primary. Maybe 50 if you factor in outright wins in Indiana and PR.

Would those supers be willing to come out of hiding?

I still wish she'd have been able to do it without supers.


No Scrubs
I kind of wish it could be over before then tbh.

She'd be about 200 away from the nomination per that article after Tuesday's contests. If she hits her 538 targets she'll only be 60 away after the Puerto Rico primary. Maybe 50 if you factor in outright wins in Indiana and PR.

Would those supers be willing to come out of hiding?

If she gets that close I could see the remaining supers coming out of the woodwork, especially if Trump looks to be wrapping it up.
/r/SFP strategy seems to be ignore the primaries coming up soon and instead focus all energy on California. Sanders will win California (he's only 2% behind!), at which point all the super-delegates will cross over because California is really, really the state the matters most. I dropped by /r/politics, 80% of the front page this morning were just Hillary attacks.

If I were a sociologist I think I would devote my entire research life to reddit - it seems likes gold mine of methods for testing various theories on tribalism.

Well I mean it's not much different here. You don't see a lot of trump, cruz, Kasich, or even Bernie supporters round these parts.
the obesity argument is secondary, and Kenney has been pretty up front about it. This bill is to fund pre-K using one of the few legal revenue streams available to the city. See the above comment re: Philadelphia not being able to levy local taxes due to Harrisburg.

If it cuts obesity, great- but no one really expects it to make much of a dent. Behavior simply isn't changed that way.

It took not only increasing the cost of cigarettes several hundred percent, but also removing the tobacco industry's ability to advertise in most media and a de facto ban on showing smoking in tv and movies in general AND a massive "stop smoking it will kill you" campaign to get cigarette use to drop. And those things are WIDELY known to be highly addictive, cause lung cancer and a host of other health problems with no positive benefit.

There is absolutely no possibility you're going to be able to penalize the soda industry this way.

How do we feel about cigarette taxes and the gas tax? Aren't they equally regressive?

Also, in general, funding policy programs with Pigouvian taxes is kind of dumb for obvious reasons. If universal pre-K works and you make a bunch of smart kids then one thing they might do is recognize the health problems caused by soda and stop drinking it. Then what do you do?

However getting the pre-K is what's important. Once it's in place it'll be easier to pass some other tax to pay for it if the soda tax is insufficient.

My thing is the last quoted part from pigeon. After you have enough pre-K programs, people won't want them to go away. You'll just fund them in other areas instead.

Can we just take a moment to reflect that the Republican Party has been taken over by people with the signature policy proposal of "We're going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for the wall"

Like, it feels like it's been overshadowed with how insane Trump and Cruz are about absolutely everything, but one of the two American political parties is really about to make extorting Mexico into paying for a 2000 mile long wall that will do absolutely nothing a key part of their platform.

And the obvious reason it won't work is in that interview about it from months ago. If you build a 30 ft wall along the border, you're just going to see a spike in 31 ft ladder sales. Stopping illegal immigration with physical barriers doesn't work. You're just trying to catch smoke with your bare hands.

Of course the media is playing along, it's true. The GOP is actively trying to rig it against him, they're constantly telling us so. Reporting on that isn't playing along, it's reporting the facts.

Yeah, the media's dead-on with the GOP race. Mathematically, Cruz and Kasich exist to swipe the nomination from the popular vote leader. Period. There's a reason Cruz/Kasich are being coy in interviews, because it's outright theft by loophole.
The CA SoS website is sort of a mess, but what's crazy is that LA County is really the only county in California where registration has significantly increased since 2012.


I kind of find that hard to believe?

I can't help but wonder if it's linked to projects like this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...ino-voter-registration-drive-helps-democrats/

It's going to be a big year for registration drives. Especially if Trump is the nominee.


No Scrubs
So Obama spoke at a youth townhall and this happened:

At a youth town hall in London Saturday, President Obama said that activists, specifically Black Lives Matter activists, need to be willing to compromise and that sometimes, the tone of the activism can turn people off to their message.

While answering questions from students and young people, Obama praised the Black Lives Matter movement for bringing to light the issues of police brutality and racial discrimination, but he says, their tone can mean that sometimes the message gets lost.

“You can’t just keep on yelling at them and you can’t refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position,” Obama said. “The value of social movements and activism is to get you at the table, get you in the room and then start trying to figure out how is this problem going to be solved. You then have a responsibility to prepare an agenda that is achievable —that can institutionalize the changes you seek and to engage the other side.”

Obama brought up compromise often in his speech, imploring youth activists and political hopefuls to learn how to compromise and to not see opponents or those on the other side of the aisle as enemies.

"If you spend time with people who just agree with you on any particular issue, you become even more extreme in your convictions because you're never contradicted and everyone just mutually reinforces their perspective," he said. "That's why I think it is so important for all the young people here to seek out people who don't agree with you."

What do you guys think?

He's right. There's a tendency among everyone to think they're always right. Over the past several years, I've become a lot more understanding to where I'm not quick to judge why someone disagrees with me and I want to learn why. Just because you think an idea is bad doesn't mean you shouldn't at least listen to it and give it a fair chance. You'll never get anywhere or change minds if you don't listen to the opposition's concerns.

The problem with this in government is that the politicians we elect listen too much to the corporate class instead of their actual constituencies. It's hard to institute change that helps the little guy a lot when the big ones have such loud voices, and changing that is paramount.


No Scrubs
He's right. There's a tendency among everyone to think they're always right. Over the past several years, I've become a lot more understanding to where I'm not quick to judge why someone disagrees with me and I want to learn why. Just because you think an idea is bad doesn't mean you shouldn't at least listen to it and give it a fair chance. You'll never get anywhere or change minds if you don't listen to the opposition's concerns.

The problem with this in government is that the politicians we elect listen too much to the corporate class instead of their actual constituencies. It's hard to institute change that helps the little guy a lot when the big ones have such loud voices, and changing that is paramount.

He's also right about modern activism, I believe. The whole reason Occupy died the way it did is that when they had everyone's attention and people wanted to listen, they had no real solutions. People at least want a suggestion, a direction they can take to solve a problem. It's not enough to just point out a problem, you need to be able to say, "hey, maybe we can fix it if we do this" or "this is the direction we should be looking."
If I were a sociologist I think I would devote my entire research life to reddit - it seems likes gold mine of methods for testing various theories on tribalism.

Make sure you include PoliGAF in that research ;)

Well I mean it's not much different here. You don't see a lot of trump, cruz, Kasich, or even Bernie supporters round these parts.


The community of PoliGAF is like, maybe 30 regular posters though. But yeah.

Tribes tend to be small :p
Is that when Hillary is declared as the nomination?

No. That likely will not happen until June 7th in a "official unofficial" capacity (where she will have enough pledged and unpledged delegates to secure the nomination). She's not the official nominee until the Democratic National Convention which takes place July 25-28.
No pne wants to readmy paper on tubman?

I'm pretty sure all the black people on PoliGAF have either written a report or performed a talk* or speech or was in a play as Harriet Tubman, or knows a classmate who did the same.

*(I even sang a little bit of "Steal Away" to demonstrate the code she used to communicate to the slaves for my talk. Go elementary school me!)
I still wish she'd have been able to do it without supers.
Me too. And I say that as (ostensibly) a Bernie supporter.

It's just annoying because you know she's probably going to finish like, 500 delegates ahead and there will still be ignorant ass people insisting that the superdelegates "rigged" it for her because they didn't all flock to Bernie and deliver him the nomination on a silver platter.

It'll be mere noise in the end, but it's still annoying as hell to deal with. People are so fucking stupid when it comes to politics (on the left and the right) and will just hear what they want to hear. Bernie couldn't have just lost because more people wanted Hillary, he was obviously cheated!

It's similar to the Fox News anchors in 2012 throwing fits early on when they called the election for Obama even though Romney had a popular vote lead. Before any votes from California were called. Fucking numbskulls.
She's 68 years old, will be 69 in October. 69+4 is not 76.
thanks for reading

Depends on what she does in her first term.

If she turns out to be the SECRET REPUBLICAN some think she'll be, then I could see it.
Okay, but she's not a secret republican. She's a far left liberal who has survived the left-transition of the democratic party and indeed is a huge supporter of its core tenants, like universal healthcare, clean energy research, increased banking regulation, abortion rights, debt free college, and especially gun control.

So. Back in the real-world: does she get primaried due to existing conceptions? Can she survive the next Sanders?

I think the gas tax used to be more progressive, but in some metro areas the rich are displacing the poor from urban centers to far out places where they have to drive more mileage. It probably varies though, in the SF metro area I bet a gas tax would be highly regressive, whereas in Phoenix it would be progressive.
This would be an argument were it not for historically low gas prices.

As an advocate for mass transit, I would love to see a highly increased gas tax to fund more transit, but the suburban poor (who were compelled to move to the suburbs via job sprawl) get forgotten a lot.
Mass transit removes the pain of gentrification. If I can live in Richmond but work in San Francisco, who cares?
What's annoying to me is that I would like superdelegates to be gone as much as the next guy but you can't just throw them out now without overhauling the system to make up for it. You'd have to either change the required number to clinch, make some states WTA, etc. You can't just throw them out this cycle because you've deemed them undemocratic and unfair because without them, no candidate will reach the magic number. Weaver is right about that, his intentions are just disingenuous.


No Scrubs
Okay, but she's not a secret republican. She's a far left liberal who has survived the left-transition of the democratic party and indeed is a huge supporter of its core tenants, like universal healthcare, clean energy research, increased banking regulation, abortion rights, debt free college, and especially gun control.

So. Back in the real-world: does she get primaried due to existing conceptions? Can she survive the next Sanders?

No one's going to primary a sitting president, not after what happened to Jimmy Carter.

He's right, but it goes without saying that there are times when trying to compromise with the uncompromising is wasted effort and breath. He knows that better than most.

Of course, but at the same time you should be willing to do so if it means moving your movement forward even a single step. Remember, that he's talking more about activism here. Once you get a seat at the table it means the people who invited you are willing to talk.
Harper's tracking poll of Pennsylvania Senate now has McGinty up 6 over Sestak.

Guess that Obama endorsement did its magic.

Now if only Edwards could win in MD
No one's going to primary a sitting president, not after what happened to Jimmy Carter.
Bernie suggested it.

And I would argue that what happened this primary was something close to primarying a sitting president. Clinton is the sitting nominee. O'Malley was testing the waters of a presidential run but once it was clear that Clinton had more support he definitely booked it out of there. I argue that that's because he is a Democrat who towed the line, not because he got 1%.
I can't wait to laugh at all the people saying theyre the "silent majority" once Hillary blows trump out in the GE. That day will be glorious. Wouldn't be surprised if the people on /R/the Donald spin it to be corruption or something
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