If Cruz ends up taking the nomination, will he be the first person to do so out of outright stubbornness, or has this happened before? Cruz never had a chance at winning a majority of votes because his appeal is so limited... yet he was also never going to pull out of the race, because... well he's Ted Cruz: The guy who orchestrated the government shut down tantrum over the ACA.
If they were looking for non Trump candidates to get out of the others way to let people circle around an establishment candidate... Cruz was never going to do that.
It was as much Cruz as Trump who tanked Rubio. A Rubio vs Trump race would have looked very different I don't doubt.
Cruz isn't an establishment candidate. He may *may* be less of a bad scenario for the GOP, but he's still a disaster for them. It's been beautiful watching this whole mess. It's as self made and unnecessary as the mess with the supreme court. Making Trump sign the pledge not to run third party on the presumption he didn't stand a chance with no intention of holding up their side of it. Forming the whole #NeverTrump thing. Doing all of this idiotic stuff publically.
This was arguably their election to lose... and it sure seems like the didn't waste any time at all spectacularly sabotaging their chances.