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PoliGAF 2016 |OT5| Archdemon Hillary Clinton vs. Lice Traffic Jam

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The idea of Kasich strategizing anything is laughable. He's not going to win another state, probably won't come close either. Indiana seems like the type of state he might be able to do well in but since it's WTA it doesn't matter.

Things are so unpredictable now. A few years ago the obvious play would be for Kasich to drop out, endorse Cruz, and then be the establishment front runnner in four years. He'll be 67 in 2020, Ohio will likely continue to do well economically, Rubio's career is over, the Bushes are done and Mitt Romney is gone. Seems like an opening for him assuming Paul Ryan doesn't run. But those are seemingly old rules. Who knows what the party will do next time. I'd assume Cruz will run again on the "I told you so" mantle. But the spotlight moves on quickly when you have 0 accomplishments so who knows who will be the tea party darling by then.

I'm guessing a female Clinton heel will emerge and make a splash. I don't think it'll be Haley.
Mike Judge is great, but Idiocracy seems a bit racist honestly so it seems weird when people explain a racist fascist in Trump getting nominated by using Idiocracy...
The actual issue is that GOP strategy people are such narcisstic assholes they want the story in Politico or to be talked about for 5 minutes on Morning Joe the next morning about their awesome and cunning plan.

Also, for those confused by the state selection (I know I was as I thought Cruz had a good chance to win NM) It’s basically a face-saving move for Kasich to pull out of IN. OR and NM are the only two states left that are straight proportional without a WTA threshhold, so Cruz is likely to get some delegates out of each of them anyway.
Guess I'll answer these.

Your gender? Male
Your race? 1/2 Polish 1/2 European Mutt
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Originally Erie, Pa, then the Space Coast of Florida
Where Do You Live? Seattle, WA
How Old Are you? 33
Favorite Type of Music? I literally listen to everything from old 80's rock to EDM to Bruce Springsteen to Drive By Truckers to Kanye West to wrestling theme songs. My Pandora is a big fat mess.
Profession or Career interest? Currently working a job where I look at spreadsheets and enter data all day, but I get to listen to podcasts. Will actually get off my ass and write one of these days.
Favorite video game(s)? Oh right, this is a message board about video games. Civ V, the Paradox games, various sports management sims, wrestling booker sims (TEW 2016! TNM 7!)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Going to concerts, watching too many TV shows, buying too many graphic novels, watching too much wrestling, and running into the brick wall called trying to write - oh, and arguing with conservatives on the Internet. I've been doing it since 2004, why should I stop now?
Politics: Cynical Social Democrat who understands you can't build Denmark in an election cycle.


This just makes Kasich and Cruz look even more pathetic honestly. Some Cruz supporters don't seem happy with this strategy. This may backfire big time, especially if Trump does well Tuesday.

Btw, PPP said they will be releasing new polls in Connecticut, Pennsylvania and RI tomorrow and Trump is over 50% in each state. This announcement may help Trump even more on Tuesday where he is already doing well it seems.

Kind of hard for Cruz to argue he is anti establishment anymore when he can't win by voters.

Trump has already replied to the Cruz Kasich statement. Lol.
The major problem with this:

-Cruz's people (wrongly) think that Kasich is a liberal and it will be hard for them to vote for Kasich.

-Kasich's people (rightly) think that Cruz is a psychopath who would eat his own children while chanting Bible verses and it will be hard for them to vote for Cruz.

-The undecided voters seem likely to break for Trump after Trump dunks Cruz and Kasich in the next few days.
Why does that matter? The real issue is those electronic systems with no paper trail.

The ideal voting system is one where you fill it out on a digital screen, then his the finish button. This prints out your ballot, where you scan it in to be counted and hit confirm. The printed ballot is stored in case it's needed.

There are actual systems that don't have a paper trail, and thus no way to audit things. The trite shit that Daniel B posted is really evidence of nothing. That would indicate that state officials were forging signatures, and for what? There is no way to tell who would vote for who. Your voting record consists of if you voted, and nothing else. I don't even think it has demographic data on file.

Did you seriously just ask me why should we do away with using outdated electronic systems? The marriage of microelectronic chips and software is a relatively new endeavor when placed on the grand time scale, and its evolution of reliability has rapidly increased within the last decade; there are more redundancies and better security. Do I really need to explain why those things would be important?

And not seeing evidence for motive is not a reason to ignore accountability and protocol.

I'm not just talking about this election, I'm saying that, in general, we need a better voting system. I don't understand how that is even remotely controversial.


Your gender? Male
Your sexual orientation? Straightish
Where Are You From? Wisconsin
Where Do You Live? Wisconsin
How Old Are you? 33
Favorite Type of Music? A little bit of everything. Currently listening to a lot Bowie, Arcade Fire, Daft Punk, M83, Sage Francis, Nine Inch Nails, and Led Zeppelin.
Profession or Career interest? I have no college degree, but am seriously considering a law degree or MPA. I am a SNAP program and policy analyst. I love my work so if I stay in the public sector, I don't have a lot of incentive to go back to school since I already make the median individual income for someone holding a master's.
Favorite video game(s)? Super Meat Boy (DURR), Final Fantasy Tactics, Super Metroid, Earthbound, Final Fantasy IV/VI, Castlevania III/SotN, Fallout 3/NV, Super Mario World.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Politics, camping, some other games like Catan, politics, cooking, collecting vidya games, politics, smoking meat, disc golf, politics.
Politics: Left.
okay fuck it, doing this now

Your gender? Fluid
Your race? 3/4 various flavors of white, 1/4 unknown West African ethnicity (via my mom)
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Cleveland, OH
Where Do You Live? Columbus, OH
How Old Are you? 24
Favorite Type of Music? A bit of everything, but I'm especially partial to progressive house, progressive trance & post-rock atm
Profession or Career interest? Currently in two master's programs (MPA + MCRP), current career interest is sustainable and/or transportation planning
Favorite video game(s)? Paradox games in general (over 400 hours in CK2 and 300+ in Hearts of Iron 2's various forms, nothing else is even over 150)
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Going to local shows, going to local (and far-flung) conventions, reading graphic novels, watching basketball, working out
Politics: Social democrat who just wants the goddamn primaries to be over so he can get back to talking policy

now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna cast a curse on the professor who assigned this LID final project because I need to write 25+ pages, including an entire suite of ordinance amendments, in less than 5 days


I feel like Evangelion would make an excellent theme for the GOP convention thread. It all keeps tumbling doooooown~

I posted tons of information about myself. Kaworu, not Shinji.

Only the poors are falling for the ruse, because we allow them neither.

Best girl in Evangelion is Ramiel-chan
because Misato is a woman.
I have never read a post of yours and not been entertained. Shine on you crazy diamond, is there a gofundme to buy you a ps4 I can contribute to

PS3 4 Life ;). A PS4 would be wasted on me as, for the moment (the FBI may still cart Hillary away, while there's still time), I've lost all motivation to fire up a game (I have Doom BFG in my Amazon Wish List, and still didn't pull the trigger at $14.50!).
Gender- male
Race- part irish english french german swedish and 1/24th native american
Sexual orientation- asexual
Location ny
Age 14
Fav music-disco
Career- unemployed bernie supporter
Favorite vidya - funky barn (wiiu), S.C.A.T (nes)
Hobbies - lying on message boards, looking for positive bobby jindal news articles to link to poligaf (harder than it sounds)
Politics - republican
Some of these are true


Oh man, the official Trump campaign response is great.

I thought Cruz was doing better in New Mexico than Kasich. Seems odd for Cruz to give up efforts there. Hmm, seems idiotic.
Gender- male
Race- part irish english french german swedish and 1/24th native american
Sexual orientation- asexual
Location ny
Age 14
Fav music-disco
Career- unemployed bernie supporter
Favorite vidya - funky barn (wiiu), S.C.A.T (nes)
Hobbies - lying on message boards, looking for positive bobby jindal news articles to link to poligaf (harder than it sounds)
Politics - republican
Some of these are true

You're a horrible person for mixing in lies.

I just hope that Funky Barn isn't your favorite video game. You never know with people you meet on the internet...


Awesome title change, lol
I mostly lurk, but sure...it fun :):

Your gender? Male
Your Race?No, the Sun! It Burns!
Your sexual orientation? Straight
Where Are You From? Pennsylvania
Where Do You Live? KochWalkerStan
How Old Are you? 40
Favorite Type of Music? Too much metal for one hand to hold \mm/, Prog rock, Orchestral/symphonic, Broadway musicals, Opera, digging all the 80s retro electronic music coming out lately. Favorite bands: Judas Priest, Blue Öyster Cult, Yes, Rush, Blind Guardian, Iron Maiden.
Profession or Career interest? Data Entry for HP Enterprise Services/musician
Favorite video game(s)? Revenge of Shinobi, Final Fantasy Tactics, Shining Force
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Dungeons & Dragons. Really, I'm up for any PnP RPGs and deluxe board games like "Arkham Horror" or "Fortune and Glory"
Politics: I used to think of myself as consevative...then I found out how much of an ass Reagan was (when I got older and realized that I needed to pay attention to politics for my own best interest and in the name of loved ones). I'm generally more left leaning/liberal now.
Your gender? Cis male
Your race? Black. Full Jamaican ethnicity.
Your sexual orientation? Full Gay
Where Are You From? Houston, TX
Where Do You Live? Davis, CA
How Old Are you? 18
Favorite Type of Music? R&B/Hip-Hop, Alternative (when I'm in a shitty mood (so pretty often)), rock, pop, 60-90s black music.
Profession or Career interest? Currently studying computer engineering.
Politics: Social Democrat who is interestingly very excited to vote for HRC. Excited for the future of the Dem party and hope we can see a ton of fresh diverse faces that represent the country next decade.
Lets do dis.

Your gender? Male
Your race? Pasty
Your sexual orientation? Gay
Where Are You From? Utah
Where Do You Live? Idaho
How Old Are you? 28
Favorite Type of Music? Pop and rock. That is about it, though I will give anything a try.
Profession or Career interest? I am a high school history and government teacher including AP for both.
Favorite video game(s)? Zelda Twilight Pricess and anything made by Blizzard.
What are your hobbies (other than gaming)? Writing.
Politics: Democrat, but rather pragmatic. Idealists and absolutists are stupid.
Not a fan of conspiracy theories (unless they're in movies or TV shows) but the structural integrity of the voting system has been shit for decades and is imploding on itself. There needs to be better accountability and oversight, and we need voting booths that weren't manufactured during the Victorian era.

That sounds a little like you just don't want to face the issue, but the reality quite possible is, that if Bernie's campaign doesn't do everything in their power to tackle it head on (just highlighting irregularities would surely garner great support), he could hold 100k rallies, and it wouldn't matter a damn, if a significant number of votes can be stolen (it is very telling that caucuses, that can't be circumvented by ballot stuffing, Bernie typically wins handsomely).

Why even class the changing of Alba's registration to a Republican, as a "conspiracy theory", when the evidence is so overwhelming (she first registered in 08, as a Democrat, and signature was obviously forged)? How can you even account for the bogus 04 registration, especially when she doesn't have a common name, and she verified her registration on March 9)?

Lets say, for argument sake, many hundreds of registrations were indeed falsified; how come they didn't even bother to attempt recreating her signature? Limited time, due to volume of documents, plus her signature is awesome.
Daniel B·;201817693 said:
That sounds a little like you just don't want to face the issue, but the reality quite possible is, that if Bernie's campaign doesn't do everything in their power to tackle it head on (just highlighting irregularities would surely garner great support), he could hold 100k rallies, and it wouldn't matter a damn, if a significant number of votes can be stolen (it is very telling that caucuses, that can't be circumvented by ballot stuffing, Bernie typically wins handsomely).

Why even class the changing of Alba's registration to a Republican, as a "conspiracy theory", when the evidence is so overwhelming (she first registered in 08, as a Democrat, and signature was obviously forged)? How can you even account for the bogus 04 registration, especially when she doesn't have a common name, and she verified her registration on March 9)?

Lets say, for argument sake, many hundreds of registrations were indeed falsified; how come they didn't even bother to attempt recreating her signature? Limited time, due to volume of documents, plus her signature is awesome.



  • Gender- Anime
  • Race ...down the street every day on the way to school with toast in mouth.
  • Sexual orientation- Dragon
  • Location: Small Island in Japan
  • Age: 10,000
  • Fav music- Unknown, I change it every season.
  • Career- Student. Parents are dead or working overseas and they send me money to live alone in a 500k house.
  • Favorite videogame - PSP and Vita, whole damn library. Definitely.
  • Hobbies - Getting hit by strong attacks that kick up dust clouds, then standing in said cloud appearing to be defeated while slowly letting the dust dissipate to show me still standing, unharmed, with a wry smile and my forearms placed in an 'X' formation in front of my body indicating that I blocked that shit.
Daniel B·;201817693 said:
That sounds a little like you just don't want to face the issue, but the reality quite possible is, that if Bernie's campaign doesn't do everything in their power to tackle it head on (just highlighting irregularities would surely garner great support), he could hold 100k rallies, and it wouldn't matter a damn, if a significant number of votes can be stolen (it is very telling that caucuses, that can't be circumvented by ballot stuffing, Bernie typically wins handsomely).

Why even class the changing of Alba's registration to a Republican, as a "conspiracy theory", when the evidence is so overwhelming (she first registered in 08, as a Democrat, and signature was obviously forged)? How can you even account for the bogus 04 registration, especially when she doesn't have a common name, and she verified her registration on March 9)?

Lets say, for argument sake, many hundreds of registrations were indeed falsified; how come they didn't even bother to attempt recreating her signature? Limited time, due to volume of documents, plus her signature is awesome.

Are you sure you quoted the right person? I agree that it should be looked into. What part of, "there needs to be accountability and oversight", did you not understand?

Just because I don't think it's a conspiracy theory, it doesn't mean that it shouldn't be investigated.


No Scrubs
Lol CNN headline:
Koch brother: Clinton not so bad

What a lot of people don't get is when all your other options are so insane they'd actually hurt your business interests, ideology takes a backseat. This doesn't surprise me at all and expect a lot more of this if Trump gets the nomination.
What a lot of people don't get is when all your other options are so insane they'd actually hurt your business interests, ideology takes a backseat. This doesn't surprise me at all and expect a lot more of this if Trump gets the nomination.

Probability of Hillary starting a nuclear war: 0

Probability of Trump (because Putin disrespected him) or Cruz (to try to cause the Rapture) starting a nuclear war: >0

Seems like a pretty clear choice no matter how amazing their tax plans are for the super rich.


I can't believe Cruz and Kasich's campaign announced something like that in the open. Don;t they know it's better to plan stuff like that in private, but sadly if they even did plan something like that in private it would get leaked eventually and trump would still benefit from it.
I can't believe Cruz and Kasich's campaign announced something like that in the open. Don;t they know it's better to plan stuff like that in private, but sadly if they even did plan something like that in private it would get leaked eventually and trump would still benefit from it.

They have to let their PACs know. It's actually adorable.


The rest of the world better hope that someone in their country doesn't insult President Trump's small hands or bankruptcies.
Let's say that Bernie's free tuition plan passed (to ignore the moral hazard problems caused by what I'm going to propose): would there be any argument against the government just taking out money (which would be added to the federal debt) to payoff the student loans of low income households?

Interest rates for the government are pretty low right now...
Let's say that Bernie's free tuition plan passed (to ignore the moral hazard problems caused by what I'm going to propose): would there be any argument against the government just taking out money (which would be added to the federal debt) to payoff the student loans of low income households?

Interest rates for the government are pretty low right now...

Argument from who? The republicans? Of course there would be!
You would think they could be a little more subtle about it though. I mean, it's really fucking hard to break campaign finance law when it comes to SuperPACs.

I don't think Ted Cruz is known for his subtlety. This strategy would have made more sense a month ago, but it seems like Cruz wasn't going to agree to it until it was impossible for him to win outright. At this point they don't have enough runway left for subtlety.

Watching a political party die right before your eyes is unsettling.
I can't believe Cruz and Kasich's campaign announced something like that in the open. Don;t they know it's better to plan stuff like that in private, but sadly if they even did plan something like that in private it would get leaked eventually and trump would still benefit from it.
Isn't the idea to get all their supporters to vote strategically? How could you accomplish that privately?


Daniel B·;201817693 said:
That sounds a little like you just don't want to face the issue, but the reality quite possible is, that if Bernie's campaign doesn't do everything in their power to tackle it head on (just highlighting irregularities would surely garner great support), he could hold 100k rallies, and it wouldn't matter a damn, if a significant number of votes can be stolen (it is very telling that caucuses, that can't be circumvented by ballot stuffing, Bernie typically wins handsomely).

Why even class the changing of Alba's registration to a Republican, as a "conspiracy theory", when the evidence is so overwhelming (she first registered in 08, as a Democrat, and signature was obviously forged)? How can you even account for the bogus 04 registration, especially when she doesn't have a common name, and she verified her registration on March 9)?

Lets say, for argument sake, many hundreds of registrations were indeed falsified; how come they didn't even bother to attempt recreating her signature? Limited time, due to volume of documents, plus her signature is awesome.

I hope you can come back from this :(

We're all in the same team in the end, no matter how big the differences look right now.
Good argument about how conservatives keep comparing abortion to slavery:


This article is good in that shows that the GOP is so insanely racist, they don't understand how their argument of "black women are too stupid to not be fooled by abortion doctors into getting abortions so we need to take rights away from black women. This situation is like slavery." is racist.

I mean, most Republicans understand that "we love our police!" right after a black child gets shot to death by a police for no reason is pretty fucking racist. Many won't admit it, but they understand.

But some religious conservatives are so enveloped in racism that they try to get black allies against abortion by arguing that black women are too stupid to make the right choices and that this situation is comparable to slavery.

This is where the GOP is at in 2016 with African Americans. They understand black people so poorly and anti-black stereotypes and ideas are so engraved in their thought processes, it's impossible for them to even pander to black people, let alone try to make their party more appealing to black people.

Argument from who? The republicans? Of course there would be!

I mean a logical economic argument.


Isn't the idea to get all their supporters to vote strategically? How could you accomplish that privately?

I totally forgot about that.There plan wouldn't work without their voters playing a part in it, but at the same time being so open about this plan of theirs will backfire most likely. Also, if they never planned something like this trump would still win the states he is going to win in the rest of the primary calendar and they would not be able to stop him. So they are pretty much screwed no matter what they do.


I love the idea that caucus's are more fair and transparent than actual voting. Putting aside all the incredibly undemocratic and frankly appalling requirements for caucus's, don't you have an issue with Sanders supporters overturning the will of the people who turned up by stacking the deck at the state conventions?

I know they would rather call it flipping delegates, but the fact is the only time where we *know* that delegates have been stolen was in the caucus system, by Sanders supporters. Democracy and the will of the voters only seems to matter in places your candidate is losing it seems.
I love the idea that caucus's are more fair and transparent than actual voting. Putting aside all the incredibly undemocratic and frankly appalling requirements for caucus's, don't you have an issue with Sanders supporters overturning the will of the people who turned up by stacking the deck at the state conventions?

I know they would rather call it flipping delegates, but the fact is the only time where we *know* that delegates have been stolen was in the caucus system, by Sanders supporters. Democracy and the will of the voters only seems to matter in places your candidate is losing it seems.

Caucuses are bullshit, but your claim that flipping delegates is the same as stealing delegates is no better.

Sanders supporters did not kidnap Hillary supporters and then ship them off to Guantánamo Bay as the Sanders supporters went to the convention to secure the vacant seats.
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