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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Hogan is a huge Chris Christie fan and supported him heavily in the primary. Fuck the guy, this is in no way a departure from his stance on law and order.
So two massive protests and it's only been one week

What Trumpian horrors are we expecting next week? I read in another thread that a Supreme Court nominee doesn't need judicial experience, so I'm guessing we're all anticipating the worst choice possible
I felt this was guaranteed after seeing those cabinet picks.
Unlike the other two branches of goverment, they haven't fully fallen in line with him. I'm afraid that his beef about Judge Curiel's Mexican heritage was a precursor to what he may do with the Judicial Branch. Given everything he has done and said, the fact that he makes statements like these worry me:

Trump said he does “not feel that one’s heritage makes them incapable of being impartial.” But he reiterated that he believes he has been treated unfairly by Curiel in two fraud cases against his defunct Trump University real estate seminar business and is therefore “justified in questioning whether I am receiving a fair trial.”

Curiel’s membership in the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association — an organization for Hispanic lawyers — to erroneously suggest that Curiel has participated in political activities against Trump. They appear to have conflated the lawyers group with the National Council of La Raza; the two groups are separate.

In his statement on Tuesday, Trump again seemed to allude to a potential association while continuing to suggest that Curiel’s Mexican heritage may have affected the judge’s decisions.

“Due to what I believe are unfair and mistaken rulings in this case and the Judge’s reported associations with certain professional organizations, questions were raised regarding the Obama appointed Judge’s impartiality,” Trump said in the statement. “It is a fair question. I hope it is not the case.”

In media interviews in following days, Trump continued to harangue Curiel in more explicit terms. He told the Wall Street Journal that Curiel’s Mexican heritage presented an “absolute conflict” given that the mogul wants to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“I’m building a wall,” Trump said. “It’s an inherent conflict of interest.”

Of course Trump hates the judicial branch. They're the only thing in his way.

Even if he gets one of his stooges on the Supreme Court, there's still four liberals to contend with and swing vote Kennedy. Hell I would doubt even Roberts is interested in rubber stamping most of Trump's bullshit. Why would he? He's conservative but not nuts, and unlike McCain and Graham will never face a vote.

WASHINGTON — As President Trump signed a sweeping executive order on Friday, shutting the borders to refugees and others from seven largely Muslim countries, the secretary of homeland security was on a White House conference call getting his first full briefing on the global shift in policy.

Gen. John F. Kelly, the secretary of homeland security, had dialed in from a Coast Guard plane as he headed back to Washington from Miami. Along with other top officials, he needed guidance from the White House, which had not asked his department for a legal review of the order.

Halfway into the briefing, someone on the call looked up at a television in his office. “The president is signing the executive order that we’re discussing,” the official said, stunned

Oh my fucking god, oh and bannon confirmed behind this with miller


Larry Hogan is with Baker in being one of the two main RINOs in America and Hogan decided to praise Trump's EO today.


Perez, this prick is asking for it, kick his ass in 2018.

Can't believe Hogan would risk his 70% approval rating in fucking Maryland like this.
Dude needs to chill. Maryland seems to be on a cycle of 2 term Democrat, 1 term Republican for governor. Especially with Trump in the White House people here are looking to vote against any Republican. Not really a time to be standing by Trump.
I know a guy who is convinced that the GOP is just going to use him to push through all their wildest bullshit, hang it all around his neck, and give him the boot. All within a year.

I don't really buy it personally, but I've been wrong plenty of times and this could be one of them.

According to Robert Reich a Republican former member of Congress told him that's the plan. I'm skeptical as well since they need his base to vote for them.


Macron supports opening up to Russia?

He does, he also supports a gradual lifting of the sanctions, though I think he has a more realistic view of Russia and Putin than Fillon (and I presume, the far-left), not to mention Le Pen.

Let's not forget that politicians running for office often vow to 'improve ties' with another country because it plays well into whatever message they're projecting (think, for instance, Obama's reset with Putin in 2009). I wouldn't read too much into it as far as Macron is concerned.
Dude needs to chill. Maryland seems to be on a cycle of 2 term Democrat, 1 term Republican for governor. Especially with Trump in the White House people here are looking to vote against any Republican. Not really a time to be standing by Trump.
Just a reminder for y'all:

Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Vermont all are states that voted for Clinton, elected Republican governors and will have their next gubernatorial elections in 2018.

Also New Jersey in 2017. It's time to unify the blue states. All of those save NH have Democratic legislatures - flipping all of those governor's races would give us full control of 13 states over our current 6 (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Oregon, Rhode Island)


If an attack happens in the next few months, Trump's base and his flunkies will blame Obama and the Democrats for causing a destabilization in the first place.


That is some brutal reading. Being opposed to Trump's revolting ban isn't a partisan issue, it's an ethical one

Unfortunately, according to the deplorables basic human decency is a partisan issue. Acknowledging and respecting basic humans rights makes you a far left extremist.

I know I shouldn't read the comments on any social media, but I can never resist--of course there are people disagreeing with him and being shitheads. Most aren't, but still. ugh

Easier to read this



Hypocrisy has no cost or relevance. It's different when the women do it than when the men do it.


Fucking sexist pigs. "But wahhhhh, women don't know how emails wooooooooorrrrrk"


That Quebec attack will be playing into Trump's favour, regardless of the ethnicity of the attackers. Assuming it's White Nationalist-types, all they have to do is say that trouble follows Muslims around, even in a peaceful country like Canada, and that the US is better-off without them. Simple victim-blaming, like when an African American is shot by the police.
Gabbard called the Syrian Nazi Party "Peace Advocates"


Remember kids, "Peace" means "Let us slaughter our people without interference" nowadays.

Though to be fair, that's how Lindbergh described peace in the 1940s. "Let Germany slaughter the Jews! Americans shouldn't get involved! I'm pro peace!"

So not an entirely new thing.

Seuss had some pretty great political cartoons, aside from the gross caricatures of the Japanese :/ At least he repented for it later in life and was otherwise anti-racism.
Charles Lindbergh being remembered moving forward as a Nazi instead of a pilot was something I don't think many would have predicted in 2014.

I mean, flying good matters less than being a Nazi so it's the way it should be but it's a little bit of an upset I would say.
Little Marco and Tim* Scott issue a joint statement that they are "uneasy" with the EO.


Lol, just lol.

Edit: Whoops, wrong Scott.
Token GOP minorities: We're uneasy with this

Obvious question: Will you be taking legislative action against this, or at least supporting those who do?

Token GOP minorities: Mm... no

Anyone who expects anything substantial and productive to come out of a few Republicans rubbing their forefingers at Trump is more delusional than the Berniebros.
After the neocons said they'd vote for Tillerson I lost any semblance of hope that a Republican would break rank. Kasich is the only one I could see possibly giving a shit about it, mostly depending on if he wants to try and primary Trump in 2020 I guess, but I have no expectations from him.
After the neocons said they'd vote for Tillerson I lost any semblance of hope that a Republican would break rank. Kasich is the only one I could see possibly giving a shit about it, mostly depending on if he wants to try and primary Trump in 2020 I guess, but I have no expectations from him.
Kasich is a governor. You have no one left in the Senate.


Charles Lindbergh being remembered moving forward as a Nazi instead of a pilot was something I don't think many would have predicted in 2014.

I mean, flying good matters less than being a Nazi so it's the way it should be but it's a little bit of an upset I would say.

Cousin of mine, forget how many times removed.

If Trump's approval is under 30 by the time the next election rolls around, would Republicans consider primarying him?
I doubt someone like Ryan would want to. Presidents that get primaries lose, though it's debatable if that's a symptom or a cause I suppose. On the other hand, someone ambitious who wants to run as not being a fuckup might try if they can get enough backing. Other than Kasich I'm not really sure who could even try that.


No Scrubs
If Trump's approval is under 30 by the time the next election rolls around, would Republicans consider primarying him?

We might want to wait to see what he does in 2018 before answering that. If he does go after Cruz in retaliation for the RNC that's probably going to scare any serious challenge off.


McMullin's an independent? He seems to be angling to break off moderate Republicans, and Trump wasn't a Republican when he started running. I think he's the most likely R candidate at this moment in time. He's already laying the groundwork for "not being a fuckup".
I doubt someone like Ryan would want to. Presidents that get primaries lose, though it's debatable if that's a symptom or a cause I suppose. On the other hand, someone ambitious who wants to run as not being a fuckup might try if they can get enough backing. Other than Kasich I'm not really sure who could even try that.

Yeah I wad specifically thinking of kasich primarying him as the great unifier. Big business would probably be all over him for stability as well.
McMullin's an independent? He seems to be angling to break off moderate Republicans, and Trump wasn't a Republican when he started running. I think he's the most likely R candidate at this moment in time. He's already laying the groundwork for "not being a fuckup".

McMullin's aiming to become the God-King of the Utah Republic once the 2nd American Civil War starts. :)
McMullin's aiming to become the God-King of the Utah Republic once the 2nd American Civil War starts. :)
Everyone's gonna see Deus Ex is the new Nostradamus when that goes down.

Honestly, if McMullin saves us from Governor Chaffetz then I'll call him whatever the hell he wants. Him or Spencer Cox.
isnt she some progressive darling? i dont even know what the hell she is doing.

She's a Berniecrat Darling. Which is the trendy way of saying a darling of a bunch of fucking idiots. How that woman became some icon for the Sanders crowd is beyond me. You can tell even Bernie want's nothing to do with her.
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