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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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tbf I almost never see anything positive said about Gabbard now. I know she was a "progressive icon" during the campaign or whatever but I don't see anyone in OT or on Twitter really gush about her anymore. Maybe I'm just following the smart leftists?

Though I mean I follow the one Mormon Democrat in existence (an author I like) so maybe I am in too much of a bubble.
isnt she some progressive darling? i dont even know what the hell she is doing.

She's a fucking opportunist snake.

She went Democrat because no Republican is going to get elected on Hawaii. She endorsed Sanders because it gives all her horrible shit "progressive cover". Look how much excusing of her trip there was in that thread.

She is horrible
tbf I almost never see anything positive said about Gabbard now. I know she was a "progressive icon" during the campaign or whatever but I don't see anyone in OT or on Twitter really gush about her anymore. Maybe I'm just following the smart leftists?

Though I mean I follow the one Mormon Democrat in existence (an author I like) so maybe I am in too much of a bubble.

It's simmered down in the past few months ever since Tulsi acted more and more closer to her reality, including meeting with Trump about joining his Cabinet, bu there was lots of talk in places like Sander4President and in primary threads here about Tulsi being Sander''s successor.
It's simmered down in the past few months ever since Tulsi acted more and more closer to her reality, including meeting with Trump about joining his Cabinet, bu there was lots of talk in places like Sander4President and in primary threads here about Tulsi being Sander''s successor.
Yeah, that's mostly what I mean. Casting her lot with Bernie won her fans but now that it's become pretty obvious that she's a huge islamophobe and is generally pretty conservative I don't really see her touted as a successor or anything. I actually have no idea who Bernie people are interested in rallying behind now, since Aaron and I are the only ones on the Brown train.

Utah would secede with Idaho and Montana so what would this new country be called. I think still Utah, right?
Don't tarnish Montana by lumping it in with the other two, it seems relatively sane and Missoula seems like a cool place. Here's a more plausible scenario.

this is the territory the Mormons wanted before becoming part of the US
I learned today liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard teamed up with Jason Chaffetz showing her incredible bipartisan spirit and skills to introduce a bill for champion of the poor Sheldon Adelson.

The more you find out about liberal icon Tulsi Gabbard, the more you find out how much of a liberal icon she is.
I don't think Utah is gonna get Arizona if they secede.

Not sure that either Utah or Nevada would have any interest in each other either....

Mormons lost all that land, would have gotten that land with a great negotiator. Sad!


Speaking of Utah trump's going to do terrible there again in 2020 if he stays as president for that long. I don't see him cracking 50% of the vote there in 2016 especially if another evan mcmullin like candidate decides to challenge trump in the general election in 2020.
Speaking of Utah trump's going to do terrible there again in 2020 if he stays as president for that long. I don't see him cracking 50% of the vote there in 2016 especially if another evan mcmullin like candidate decides to challenge trump in the general election in 2020.

I mean yeah, but... Trump winning only by 12 doesn't really affect anything too much.

Trump's Utah affect should hopefully be making Republicans too embarrassed to come out to vote in 2018 so that Mia Love loses.


I mean yeah, but... Trump winning only by 12 doesn't really affect anything too much.

Trump's Utah affect should hopefully be making Republicans too embarrassed to come out to vote in 2018 so that Mia Love loses.

He won that state by 18 percent because republicans came home. I'm interested in seeing what happens if Utah republicans don't really decide to vote for him last minute and a random strong third party candidate decides to challenge him again. He may struggle to beat the democratic candidate by a double digit margin in that state in 2020.
I was thinking about this yesterday and a bit today. How bad it would be if people just let this muslim ban happen without doing something. About how liberties deprived from some people affects all of us.

I was thinking about this yesterday and a bit today. How bad it would be if people just let this muslim ban happen without doing something. About how liberties deprived from some people affects all of us.

As much as people compare Trump to Hitler, the advantage we have is evident in that great sign. Humanity has lived through the Nazi Regime and studied its horrors and methods for decades. We have the power of hindsight.

And seriously, I get a little teary-eyed everytime I see a protest sign with a version of that message.
There were some compelling speechs at the SAG awards. CNN made a highlight reel: https://twitter.com/CNN/status/825960911789752320

Here is one worth watching the full length of (it's incredible): https://twitter.com/Variety/status/825937845294493697 David Harbour of Stranger Things

And when we are at a loss amidst the hypocrisy and the casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will, as per Chief Hopper, punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the weak and the disenfranchised and the marginalized! And we will do it all with soul, with heart, and with joy. We thank you for this responsibility.

And seriously, I get a little teary-eyed everytime I see a protest sign with a version of that message.

For sure, just did myself like 3 minutes ago.
Reagan did it to Ford, but that did not work out too well. Ford's approval ratings were not that poor, however:

Forgive me for picking nits but on a campaign constantly short of funds, against a well liked, respected opponent, in 1976 Ronald Reagan finished just 60 delegates shy of the republican nomination. I'd say he did pretty well


Forgive me for picking nits but on a campaign constantly short of funds, against a well liked, respected opponent, in 1976 Ronald Reagan finished just 60 delegates shy of the republican nomination. I'd say he did pretty well

I wonder what would have happened if ronald reagen face jimmy carter in 1976 and got beat by him. Which republican would have faced Jimmy Carter in 1980 then because I doubt reagen would have pullled a nixon four years later.
I wonder what would have happened if ronald reagen face jimmy carter in 1976 and got beat by him. Which republican would have faced Jimmy Carter in 1980 then because I doubt reagen would have pullled a nixon four years later.

Honestly, probably Papa Bush. He got close enough in '80, his 'moderate' credentials would even be more in-sync with Reagan losing in '76 plus his foreign policy experience would be another plus.
You know I thought I was being a conspiracy nut with 'he wants a global religious war', but that might not be that far from reality. This man should be nowhere near a place of actual political impact.

I wonder if moving the Israel embassy was Trump's idea, or even a GOP one.

Oh that was absolutely a GOP idea.

Muslim ban? All Bannon.
Man, I can usually keep my mouth shut when someone is being flat out wrong about something, but it pisses me off when I hear there's no "vetting system for refugees." I occasionally even hear it from liberal people.

It's a lie that's been blatantly repeated enough that people believe it.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Excuse my ignorance but I gotta say, where are all the sane high profile politicians last week? Where are the Clintons? Where are the Obamas? I saw Warren spoke at the women's march. I've seen Sander spoke at the march too I believe. Where are the democrats and moderate republicans? They should all be on TV and speaking out against Trump and co.

This first week of Trump administration is just beyond ridiculous!
Man, I can usually keep my mouth shut when someone is being flat out wrong about something, but it pisses me off when I hear there's no "vetting system for refugees." I occasionally even hear it from liberal people.

It's a lie that's been blatantly repeated enough that people believe it.
It's one of those things where the GOP feeds the public blatant misinformation to set up a false dichotomy.

It's easy enough for any rational person to say or think "Well OF COURSE I don't support a ban on Muslims/refugees, but we shouldn't just be letting them in without properly vetting them first!" But we do properly vet them. The minutia of the process goes over the average American's head and the Republicans exploit it. When a person has that thought, it puts them halfway towards supporting Trump's dumb shit immigration bans, and that's dangerous.
Excuse my ignorance but I gotta say, where are all the sane high profile politicians last week? Where are the Clintons? Where are the Obamas? I saw Warren spoke at the women's march. I've seen Sander spoke at the march too I believe. Where are the democrats and moderate republicans? They should all be on TV and speaking out against Trump and co.

This first week of Trump administration is just beyond ridiculous!

Clinton tweeted about the women marches, and some Democrats( Warren is one too) already joined in on the protests on immigration ban and others already spoke out on it like Chuck.

Obama just left; you can't expect the man who was just president to come out now and oppose Trump. Michelle is not obliged to denounce anything unless if she wants to.

Several Republicans congressmen already spoke out on it. Just look; it is not hard to search for the politicians that are oppose to it.
Excuse my ignorance but I gotta say, where are all the sane high profile politicians last week? Where are the Clintons? Where are the Obamas? I saw Warren spoke at the women's march. I've seen Sander spoke at the march too I believe. Where are the democrats and moderate republicans? They should all be on TV and speaking out against Trump and co.

This first week of Trump administration is just beyond ridiculous!

They are letting others vie for the leadership of Dem party.

This is actually good because Trump is helped if he is running against a set opposition. If Clinton says something he will just rail against her as a sore loser.

Obama will stay quiet for the most part due to most Presidents not criticizing their successors immediately.


Donald J. Trump Verified account

Be prepared, there is a small chance that our horrendous leadership could unknowingly lead us into World War III.

I had to double-check the date on it, since it could easily be about dissenting GOP Senators now, or some weird jolt of self-awareness. Sadly...

2:46 AM - 31 Aug 2013

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
This Ban seems to be doing some serious damage to Trump. Am I wrong?

The biggest thing that gives me hope about this: even if you live in a red state and there aren't big protests happening in your town; if you're against this ban, and you see all these protests that are happening, I think you're a lot more likely to stay angry and vote in 2018
The ban's remarkable duality of both cruelty and incompetence is really shredding him.
I think the fact that green card holders and dual citizens are being rounded up too is really hurting - people who did follow the rules and have already had legal status here are being booted out.

But also the fact that it's happening in our borders, in our airports. The hypothetical is meeting the reality.

There are many things we take for granted because we think it could never possibly happen in America. Well, it's happening.
Yesterday I saw someone on CNN put up a Map of all the banned muslim countries and Known terrorists the Map was full of Zeros

then they switched the map to the Muslim countries not banned Saudi Arabia was over 2,000
Egypt was in the hundreds

I wish I could find a video of it. It really hit home how fucked up this ban is
Yesterday I saw someone on CNN put up a Map of all the banned muslim countries and Known terrorists the Map was full of Zeros

then they switched the map to the Muslim countries not banned Saudi Arabia was over 2,000
Egypt was in the hundreds

I wish I could find a video of it. It really hit home how fucked up this ban is

I think that map was showing American deaths from individuals originating in those countries as opposed to the outright number of terrorist agents in those nations. If it was the latter the seven banned nations would have numbers far higher than zero.


Yesterday I saw someone on CNN put up a Map of all the banned muslim countries and Known terrorists the Map was full of Zeros

then they switched the map to the Muslim countries not banned Saudi Arabia was over 2,000
Egypt was in the hundreds

I wish I could find a video of it. It really hit home how fucked up this ban is

Not CNN, and not a map, but presumably it's this one?


(Via Mayim Bialik's Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/MissMayim/...54396735007/10158202355290008/?type=3&theater )


Kennedy, not Trump, will determine the Supreme Court's future

By Ronald A. Klain January 29 at 7:43 PM

Ronald A. Klain was chief counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee during the David Souter and Clarence Thomas nominations, an associate counsel to President Bill Clinton for the Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer nominations, and an assistant to President Barack Obama advising on the Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan nominations.

The justice I clerked for — Byron R. White — was inclined to retire as soon as a Democratic president took office. Although White was ideologically distant from the Democratic Party, he felt that because a Democrat (John F. Kennedy) had selected him, a Democrat should name his replacement. When, after 12 years of Republican control of the White House, Bill Clinton became president in 1993, White retired just 60 days after the inauguration. Might Anthony Kennedy — appointed by President Ronald Reagan — feel the same obligation today to a new Republican president?
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