Beat EviLore at pool.
Michelle is not running and no reason for her to do so.
Are you saying that Barack and Michelle are siblings?edit:
Via twitter:
Only if it's Hillary.Nobody cares when politicians are hyppcritical.
Also she will never run.
Someone on fox was calling democrats stupid for delaying Sessions because that's going to allow him to vote on and confirm Devos, and I wonder if maybe they have a point?
touchéOnly if it's Hillary.
In hindsight this makes a little too much sense.Trump never wanted this job. There is no way he is giving up the Trump brand to do something he never really wanted to do.
Sums it up.
Left not being as energized for Hillary hurt us.
Left not being as energized for Hillary hurt us.
I'm so glad that the hammer and sickle guy is labelled as a liberal, it makes me so happy.Don't think that was his intent
Michelle is not running and no reason for her to do so.
Michelle is not running and no reason for her to do so.
Michelle is not running and no reason for her to do so.
She basically barely spoke. I'm basically of the belief Tomi probably sucks without a script where she vomits out drivel in non stop speech for 3 mins. She'd likely bomb on an actual news network.Also, Tomi Lahren was deeply embarrassing and out of her depth on the panel.
She hates politics. She has zero interest. Let it go.There's plenty of reasons. She probably would be a great politician and could do great work on behalf of the public. Her rhetorical skill in the GE was impressive. Definitely has the potential to be great and could win.
Yup, the man bun, cargo shorts and gladiator sandals really sell itI'm so glad that the hammer and sickle guy is labelled as a liberal, it makes me so happy.
She hates politics. She has zero interest. Let it go.
PS4 is getting boost mode and external hard drive support in Trump's America! I really should give him a second chance. #MAGA
Sorry to hear that! Sell your slim maybe?I'm well-annoyed by the Boost Mode news. I went for a Slim instead of a Pro two months ago, because there was no sign of a Bloodborne Pro-Patch. Now they've said you can basically overclock a Pro PS4, and that would help a bit in BB at least.
Sorry to hear that! Sell your slim maybe?
PS4 is getting boost mode and external hard drive support in Trump's America! I really should give him a second chance. #MAGA
She hates politics. She has zero interest. Let it go.
This meme is made more annoying by half of us here guessing he'd win the primaryTrump has no chance. He'll never be President. Let it go.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 7m7 minutes ago
The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!
She hates politics. She has zero interest. Let it go.
9 out of 10 jobs lost since the year 2000 have been lost due to automation.
But Trump blamed the problem on immigration, outsourcing and trade deals.
Arguably these populist talking points are what won him the presidency, due to their popularity in the rust belt.
But lets talk about what this means:
1. The US economy is powered by immigrants. For example: The H1-B visa is the single most important document for the American high-tech industry.
The effects Trumps anti-immigration policies will have on one of the biggest industry branches will be devastating.
Here is Prof. Michio Kaku talking about the importance of the H1-B for academia:
But also the lowest of jobs are affected. There is another entire industry thats only kept running because, mostly Mexican, immigrants do jobs Americans don't want to do.
Here is an excerpt of a study done by the institute of labor economics:
2. Trumps proposed protectionist measures will increase prices tremendously for every American, which hurts poor and middle class Americans the most, who live paycheck to paycheck and any price increase means they will have to make it through the month with less, even though they already focus on only the necessary things => decrease in quality of life.
Additionally it will probably start a trade war with China and maybe even the EU.
The price increases alone will nullify any positive effects on the job market entirely.
Protectionist measures have never in the history of mankind lead to economic growth.
They just don't work long term.
3. Trumps anti-immigrant rhetoric divides the nation of immigrants. The poor and middle class start blaming each other for their problems, based on skin color and country of origin.
Meanwhile the Top 1% get to keep their rigged system that keeps poor people poor and makes rich people even richer.
These are the effects of Trumps actions, but just as important as the effects of his actions are the effects of his non-actions:
4. Trump said he would bring back jobs.
But thats a gross misidentification of the real problem. The US has an unemployment rate 4,8%(January '17 numbers), that is not bad.
The reason why the poor and middle class in the US are doing so bad is because wages are too low, as a result of an ongoing war against unions.
So, it becomes clear that the problem isn't that there are not enough jobs, the problem is that many jobs don't pay properly.
Additionally, there are millions of job openings in the US employers can't fill because they can't find applicants with the right education.
This means that the US has a huge problem with its education system, bringing me back to point 1.
The reason why US academia and the high-tech industry is so dependent on the H1-B visa is because the American education system isn't able to adequately educate Americans for the needs of academia and high-tech.
The American education system is designed for the economic realities of the 1950s, but times have changed and we now see a great disparity between what the American economy demands and what the American education system provides. This gap is covered by immigration, but it only works partially and it leaves lots of Americans behind.
This not only affects academia and high-tech, it also affects manufacturing and other typically middle class industries. The vast majority of the millions of job openings are in manufacturing and small businesses.
The reality is that 60% of the US workforce are untrained workers. People who have nothing but a high school degree, sometimes not even that.
These people have two problems:
-The economy changed and now requires more and more skilled workers
-Globalization means that simple jobs that require just basic education can be outsourced
The US not only needs a education reform focussing on higher education, it also needs an education reform focussing on skills needed in manufacturing jobs.
Here is a good article by the NYT about the issue:
The US needs something like the apprenticeship system Germany has in place.
You can read up on how that system works here:
Germanys workforce consists of about 30% college educated people, thats the same for the US. But unlike the US, Germany only has 5-10% untrained workers. Everyone else has finished at least one 3 year apprenticeship where they learned a trade.
Thats the reason why Germany, for being a small country compared to the US, is a world leader in many industries and consistently ranks amongst the top export nations. In 2016 Germany ranked #1 once again, in front of China and the US.
Its also the reason why Germanys economy is so stable and practically immune to large scale outsourcing.
A similar system in the US would fix several problems:
1. Manufacturing industry and small business could finally find adequately educated workers.
2. Skilled workers aren't at risk of having their jobs outsourced.(at least way lower risk)
3. Wages increase. (This would also require more powerful unions/workers*)
4. The US would be better equipped to handle the problems increasing automation will cause. Because automation will only increase faster in the future.
*Germany for example has a law that requires that one third to half of any larger companies board has to be filled with workers of that company.
Germany and its economic success shows that the American argument, that more powerful workers and higher wages would hurt the economic success of a company, are not true.
It just means that you stop competing with Asian regions for who can manufacture the cheapest products, and start competing with nations like Germany and Japan for who can manufacture the best and most innovative products.
To conclude:
Trump misidentified the cause of the problem, his actions to fix that will hurt the US.
At the same time he is ignoring the real cause(insufficient education system), and his inaction on that front will hurt the US even more.
He's basically calling every judge that rules against him "so called" which marks the judge illegitimate. Bold strategySOMEONE SEND THE BAT SIGNAL TO JARED
We need a new clock:
0 Days since Trump caused a Constitutional Crisis.
Via twitter:
We need a new clock:
0 Days since Trump caused a Constitutional Crisis.
Via twitter:
There's an HBR opinion written about how Trump doesn't talk about automation, and while I think this might be an angle to get in with the voters, I think how much traction it gets depends on how quickly automation gets up and going in the next few years.I wrote a lengthy comment elsewhere and would like to hear some counter arguments or suggestions for refinements.
I feel this is the issue where we have the best chances to reach Trump supporters.
Also, Michelle being elected would be genuinely awful. I have nothing against her personally - the contrary, I have a deep admiration for what she has endured - but if you're telling me in admiration county of 320 million people, the two best qualified candidates happen to be a husband and wife, something is wrong with you. The fact that the best way to get started in politics is being married to an existing get politician is a gross smear against meritocracy and the ethos of the American Dream. For a country that rejected the monarchy, you're keener on dynasticism than most!
In that 16 years she was a two-term Senator and Secretary of State. I don't think Michelle would be able to match that in 3.5 years (since 2019 is when the primary season starts).I... am confused.
Okay, there's 16 years between Bill Clinton's second term ending and Hillary's run for president, but your point works equally well against them as it does Barack and Michelle.
"Best" is also subjective here. Best to unify the country? Maybe/possible. Best nerdy policy wonk? No. Best candidate with charisma? Who knows.
Though it's certainly true America loves its political families.
I wrote a lengthy comment elsewhere and would like to hear some counter arguments or suggestions for refinements.
I feel this is the issue where we have the best chances to reach Trump supporters.
Okay, there's 16 years between Bill Clinton's second term ending and Hillary's run for president, but your point works equally well against them as it does Barack and Michelle.
"Best" is also subjective here. Best to unify the country? Maybe/possible. Best nerdy policy wonk? No. Best candidate with charisma? Who knows.
Also, Michelle being elected would be genuinely awful. I have nothing against her personally - the contrary, I have a deep admiration for what she has endured - but if you're telling me in admiration county of 320 million people, the two best qualified candidates happen to be a husband and wife, something is wrong with you. The fact that the best way to get started in politics is being married to an existing get politician is a gross smear against meritocracy and the ethos of the American Dream. For a country that rejected the monarchy, you're keener on dynasticism than most!
This is good but frankly I think a lot of Trump suppprters' eyes will glaze over.