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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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I agree that Islam has problems right now, caused by it being in the middle of a reformation. Jihadism is the backlash to the reformation.

Did they also acknowledge the connection between radical right-wing terrorism and... the right wing? I'm not even seeing a reformation going on there.

What really frightens me is that the reformation could be losing. I look at countries like Turkey turning toward increased religious meddling in the state and I fear for the future.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
You know, I hear this complaint constantly from the likes of Maher and Harris about this so-called liberal hypocrisy when it comes to muslims, but I have yet to see any prominent leftists make such a case.

There was one episode where Maher complained about lack of outcry from the left on things like female genital mutilation. WHAT? Who the hell is fine with such a thing?


You know, I hear this complaint constantly from the likes of Maher and Harris about this so-called liberal hypocrisy when it comes to muslims, but I have yet to see any prominent leftists make such a case.

There was one episode where Maher complained about lack of outcry from the left on things like female genital mutilation. WHAT? Who the hell is fine with such a thing?
It's long and complicated and hard to make on TV. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2015/12/03/ayaan-hirsi-ali-wants-modify-muslims/
You know, I hear this complaint constantly from the likes of Maher and Harris about this so-called liberal hypocrisy when it comes to muslims, but I have yet to see any prominent leftists make such a case.

There was one episode where Maher complained about lack of outcry from the left on things like female genital mutilation. WHAT? Who the hell is fine with such a thing?

I'm sure there's some graduate student on Twitter who said something dumb about cultural differences when it comes to FGM, so that becomes the Left's default opinion on FGM according to folks like Harris. Same thing with social cons like Rod Dreher.


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I don't think that making it a crime to dress how you want will speed up cultural assimilation.

Like, no just no.
When it's a cultural norm you're required to live under, it isn't "dressing how you want." This isn't a black/white issue - it's complicated and requires balancing a lot of competing objectives against each other that are often working at cross purposes.
Comparatively, I can oppose someone like Michelle Obama running for president the same way the George Clooney or Jason Kander suggestions are ridiculous: they have no experience in serious elected office at all and I'd like a president that at least resembles being qualified.

I feel like one thing that annoys me about those suggestions is that there is this air of the one person being THE Democratic savior, like it all comes down to wowing people with the candidate and nothing else matters. Some of that seems to come down to making inferences based on very little data, and some of it I think just misses a lot of Obama's strengths other than his charisma.

Now don't get me wrong, I think Kander could very well have a bright future ahead of him. Just not as the next nominee.
Banning burqas won't encourage women to leave the house without them, it just means they'll stay in the house. It doesn't help assimilation, it just sends a big message that "you aren't welcome here, please get out of our sight." When I take walks in the spring and summer, I've seen women in burqas out with their kids enjoying the sunshine. Banning the burqa just means they won't be able to take their kid out for a walk to the park, not that they'll realize their demeaning views on women.

I wish pigeon were here, because he could make a much more articulate argument on this subject than I can.
I would say that what we need to do is do a better job of selling why we take the stance we do on the left re: Islamic cultural norms like the Burqa. Pushing people's culture away from them doesn't fight radicalization, it furthers it. Declining to say "radical Islamic terrorism" doesn't condone terrorism, it denies terrorists recruitment opportunities. And so on, and so on.

Perhaps the greatest failing in this area is the way foreign aid is treated; it should be regarded as a vital part of defending and advancing American interests abroad, instead it's "stupid handouts for foreigners." We gotta start pushing back against the core parts of conservative ideology like that.
I would say that what we need to do is do a better job of selling why we take the stance we do on the left re: Islamic cultural norms like the Burqa. Pushing people's culture away from them doesn't fight radicalization, it furthers it. Declining to say "radical Islamic terrorism" doesn't condone terrorism, it denies terrorists recruitment opportunities. And so on, and so on.

Perhaps the greatest failing in this area is the way foreign aid is treated; it should be regarded as a vital part of defending and advancing American interests abroad, instead it's "stupid handouts for foreigners." We gotta start pushing back against the core parts of conservative ideology like that.

People are only against "foreign aid" the boogeyman and would never accept cutting off the foreign aid we do give.

People think that like 20% of the government budget is giving money to starving Africans (which might be good actually...) and strongly disapprove of that myth but I'm not sure what to do about that?
Phil Angelides was chairman of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission from 2009 to 2011, created by the US Congress to investigate the causes of the crisis. Angelides got to see the impacts up close: He oversaw 700 witness testimonies and public hearings from Miami to Sacramento, while interviewing banks and regulators. Dodd-Frank was passed while he was on the job. He said yesterday that Trump’s plans to pull it apart were “insane.”

This is really something worth hitting Trump on. Not necessarily the specifics of Dodd-Frank, but the idea that he said he would fight for the working class and is instead doing the wish list of Wall Street.


contribute something
Islam is a generally right-wing religion that carries a lot of odious propositions concerning the treatment of women, queer people, and non-believers. Problem is that the overwhelming number of critiques of Islam are made in bad faith. Republicans generally don't give a shit about Muslim women being oppressed. They use Islamic misogyny as a way to limit Islamic influence and keep down Muslim people, both male and female. The rampant and increasing Islamophobia in the west has brought a lot of leftists and liberals close to Islam and its traditions in ways that would never happen in Muslim countries.


Tying a hijab around a non-Muslim carries an incredibly different connotation in America versus in Pakistan. Here, whiteness is the dominant hegemonic identity imposed by the ruing class. Over there, it's Islam. Resisting white supremacy by embracing Islam makes a lot of sense in America. But this doesn't change the conservative nature of the hijab. Requiring of even requesting that women cover up to "protect themselves" is inherently sexist.

The left should critique Islam as religion, but in a way that is not anti-Muslim. This is difficult because many western Muslims, even Muslim women, embrace restrictive aspects of Islamic tradition in defiance of the white supremacist hegemony that stands to harm them. If Islamophobia in America wasn't so brutal and widespread, these conversations would be a lot easier.
In the same way that people who wear clothes might not find themselves comfortable in a nudist society, attacking the hijab for being an oppressive tool is kind of ridiculous. Is a women wearing a one-piece swimsuit because she doesn't feel comfortable in a bikini oppression? Well, maybe in the sense that male gaze is a real problem we should address as a society, but that doesn't mean we should ban or criticize one piece swimsuits or the women who wear them. Hijabs are an expression of faith from Muslims the same way a rosary, yamaka, or a Sikh's turban. If they feel pressured to wear it, yeah, that's bad, but it's also probably bad if a kid's parent makes them play football because it'll toughen them up and make them a man, it doesn't mean football or hijabs are bad.

Football is bad though because it's the most boring sport on the planet, I will never understand why it's so popular.


It is not sexist or repressive if the muslim woman wants to wear the hijab because they feel it provides a sense of security or warmth. Outright banning the burqa doesn't fix anything.
Exactly. That's the message for 2020.

Agreed, don't make it about his temperament or fitness for office or anything like that. Make it about how he's screwing over the people he said he'd help. Or more generally, as I've put it before, his approvals are higher than his favorables, which means we should attack the approvals.


In the same way that people who wear clothes might not find themselves comfortable in a nudist society, attacking the hijab for being an oppressive tool is kind of ridiculous. Is a women wearing a one-piece swimsuit because she doesn't feel comfortable in a bikini oppression? Well, maybe in the sense that male gaze is a real problem we should address as a society, but that doesn't mean we should ban or criticize one piece swimsuits or the women who wear them. Hijabs are an expression of faith from Muslims the same way a rosary, yamaka, or a Sikh's turban. If they feel pressured to wear it, yeah, that's bad, but it's also probably bad if a kid's parent makes them play football because it'll toughen them up and make them a man, it doesn't mean football or hijabs are bad.
I did not mention the hijab.
Bill Maher and Sam Harris are right about needing to elevate more regular (they call them moderate) muslims, but they're wrong on how to get there.
Because the onus to do that is on white people who don't want to take responsibility for shit.

You know, the root of all racial/discriminatory problems in society.

Mitt eating Trump's ass, lol, what a coward.

Agreed, don't make it about his temperament or fitness for office or anything like that. Make it about how he's screwing over the people he said he'd help. Or more generally, as I've put it before, his approvals are higher than his favorables, which means we should attack the approvals.

I mean, it is could definitely be worth attacking his fitness for office if his lack of fitness causes us to get engaged in an unwinnable ground war in Iran!

Or if he destroys the U.S. economy!

Hillary couldn't convince people that Trump was too stupid to be president because Trump was a man and was rich and people give rich white men the benefit of the doubt when it comes to intelligence. But if everything is crashing and burning and there's constant catastrophes and he lets a city drowns, that benefit of the doubt will start diminishing.

Anyway, presidential candidates should do no negative campaigning in general as it just makes them look petty and the media will do the negative campaigning for them.


Thing is, the Burqa and Hijab are - at least in some countries - presented as a way to prevent men from being sexually attracted to women. So, they're a round-about form of dealing with the male-gaze, but rather than deal with that as a cultural-issue, they enforce a dress-code on women, so men aren't tempted.

So, depending upon where you are and who you're talking to, the clothing is either entirely religious, entirely cultural, or somewhere in-between.
So Kasich is writing a book called "Two Paths: America Divided or United"


There's no way he isn't running for president in 2020. I'll give him credit for mostly sticking to his guns in being Never Trump so far, at least.

The best case scenario is that someone successfully primary challenges him. The GOP needs to let ONE person run and bar everyone else

I don't care if it gives the GOP a better chance to win. This man cannot be allowed be allowed to win re-election
The best case scenario is that someone successfully primary challenges him. The GOP needs to let ONE person run and bar everyone else

I don't care if it gives the GOP a better chance to win. This man cannot be allowed be allowed to win re-election
I'm on the same page.

If Kasich runs as a primary challenger to Trump, I will vote for him unless someone especially heinous (Tulsi or Cuomo, as examples) makes serious headway in the Democratic primary.

And yeah I'm well aware of Kasich's faults. But to his credit I think he at least operates in the same universe as most of society.
Also, Michelle being elected would be genuinely awful. I have nothing against her personally - the contrary, I have a deep admiration for what she has endured - but if you're telling me in admiration county of 320 million people, the two best qualified candidates happen to be a husband and wife, something is wrong with you. The fact that the best way to get started in politics is being married to an existing get politician is a gross smear against meritocracy and the ethos of the American Dream. For a country that rejected the monarchy, you're keener on dynasticism than most!

I reject the idea that Husband and wife are a dynasty... Also there's no such thing as a meritocracy anyway. If she's the best candidate then she's the best candidate.


I'm on the same page.

If Kasich runs as a primary challenger to Trump, I will vote for him unless someone especially heinous (Tulsi or Cuomo, as examples) makes serious headway in the Democratic primary.

And yeah I'm well aware of Kasich's faults. But to his credit I think he at least operates in the same universe as most of society.

Cuomo seems to be trying to reinvent himself, but we'll see if it sticks.


A very long essay on What Steve Bannon really wants, based on his speeches, writing, and other works.
Bannon's political philosophy boils down to three things that a Western country, and America in particular, needs to be successful: Capitalism, nationalism, and ”Judeo-Christian values." These are all deeply related, and essential.

America, says Bannon, is suffering a ”crisis of capitalism." (He uses the word ”crisis" a lot—more on that later.) Capitalism used to be all about moderation, an entrepreneurial American spirit, and respect for one's fellow Christian man. In fact, in remarks delivered to the Vatican in 2014, Bannon says that this ”enlightened capitalism" was the ”underlying principle" that allowed the US to escape the ”barbarism" of the 20th century.

Since this enlightened era, things have gradually gotten worse. (Hence the ”crisis.") The downward trend began with the 1960s and '70s counterculture. ”The baby boomers are the most spoiled, most self-centered, most narcissistic generation the country's ever produced," says Bannon in a 2011 interview.

He takes on this issue in more detail in Generation Zero, a 2010 documentary he wrote and directed. The film shows one interviewee after another laying out how the ”capitalist system" was slowly undermined and destroyed by a generation of wealthy young kids who had their material needs taken care of by hardworking parents—whose values were shaped by the hardship of the Great Depression and World War II—only to cast off the American values that had created that wealth in the first place. This shift gave rise to socialist policies that encouraged dependency on the government, weakening capitalism.
David Kaiser, the historian interviewed in Generation Zero and also a proponent of the Strauss-Howe theory, recently recounted his conversation with Bannon, including Bannon's militaristic interpretation of the theory, in Time:

A second, more alarming interaction didn't show up in the film. Bannon had clearly thought a long time both about the domestic potential and the foreign policy implications of Strauss and Howe. More than once during our interview, he pointed out that each of the three preceding crises had involved a great war, and those conflicts had increased in scope from the American Revolution through the Civil War to the Second World War. He expected a new and even bigger war as part of the current crisis, and he did not seem at all fazed by the prospect.​


I am so on edge right now I seriously just yelled at the Burger King drive thru person because they couldn't get my order right.
Is Chris Arnade the dumbest person in America? He's dismissing the protests of millions because he talked to 8 people.

1. There is less anger, & fear, about Trump compared to press, in working class communities I have gone to. This includes black & muslim

3. I spoke today to 5 blacks who didn't mind Trump. They didn't love him either. I spoke to 3 muslims who didn't hate him. 1 voted for him


I have talked to more than 8 people and they are very mad right now tbh.


Yeah...read all of Hershi's arguments and there's no substance at all. It basically boils down to "here's the worst elements of Islam, and therefore every muslim wants the same thing".
I'm not pro Hirsi Ali at all. The article is also clear which side it's on.


What is our country coming to when a judge can halt a Homeland Security travel ban and anyone, even with bad intentions, can come into U.S.?

Never not incredible.


Unconfirmed Member
You know, I hear this complaint constantly from the likes of Maher and Harris about this so-called liberal hypocrisy when it comes to muslims, but I have yet to see any prominent leftists make such a case.

There was one episode where Maher complained about lack of outcry from the left on things like female genital mutilation. WHAT? Who the hell is fine with such a thing?

And female genital mutilation is something intersectional feminist groups talk about all the time, and they got Obama to start a study into it to start the process of fighting it in america.

I imagine it doesn't get more attention outside of feminist groups because there's so many other things to pay attention to, and like you said there's no really controversy to debate over, not because liberals want to put muslims on a pedestal like Maher seems to think we do.
Chris Arnade is funny because he describes himself as the working class voice and says that they are happy with the Muslim ban because it's making the libtards mad.

I mean, you are describing mostly psychopaths then! "I care more about making media people sad than Muslims being allowed into the nation" is something a psychopath says and you are making out the working class to be psychopaths.

Chris Arnade would probably describe Trump nuking Tokyo as a positive to the WWC because the group of seven people he knows liked how mad the liberals got because Trump murdered 20 million people.
Female genital mutilation is something intersectional feminist groups talk about all the time, and they got Obama to start a study into it to start the process of fighting it in america.

I imagine it doesn't get more attention outside of feminist groups because there's so many other things to pay attention to, not because liberals want to put muslims on a pedestal like Maher seems to think we do.

FGM is also far more a per country cultural practice then a specifically Islamic one. Most countries where it is practice Christians also do it.

Female Genital Mutilation occurs in non-Muslim societies in Africa and is practiced by Christians, Muslims and Animists alike. In Egypt, where perhaps 97 percent of girls suffer genital mutilation, both Christian Copts and Muslims are complicit. Thus, it has long been concluded to be a cultural practice, not connected to religion.

However, on the village level, those who commit the practice offer a mix of cultural and religious reasons for the practice. Christians and Muslims alike believe that circumcision of girls prevents them from vice and makes them more attractive for future husbands; mothers fear that their daughters can’t get married if they have not been cut.

Cuomo seems to be trying to reinvent himself, but we'll see if it sticks.
Yeah, I just don't think it'll work. Centrist politics have been his bread and butter for years. I think he attempts just enough progressive legislation to not rile up the base too much. Clinton tried reinventing herself and it failed miserably.

But then again, Cuomo has a dick.


Anyway, presidential candidates should do no negative campaigning in general as it just makes them look petty and the media will do the negative campaigning for them.

I think it would be a mistake to rely on the media for negative campaigning. They've shown themselves to be anything but reliable.

But maybe they'll be so fed up with Trump that they'll actually grow a spine.

Thanks for this.

No idea who Peckarsky is, but it's nice to see that he also wants a 50 state strategy. That seems to be the theme going forward. I just hope that future DNC chairs stick with it.
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