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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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@JasonKander: Hard to tell whether @realdonaldtrump became president or the Trump Organization acquired the federal government. https://t.co/4KCzzOR0sX

@JasonKander: - CFPB
- Dodd-Frank
- fiduciary rule
@POTUS going after each. Obvious he's doing it for Wall Street. Nothing for working Americans.

Kander ain't no moderate, that's why looking at his race is so important. Dude can message to swing voters without bending to the base.


Besides being the postertoad for the alt-right and figurehead of breitbart what value does Bannon have on Trump's side, anyway?
Kander ain't no moderate, that's why looking at his race is so important. Dude can message to swing voters without bending to the base.
I 100% agree with you, which is definitely why I think you should go listen to this podcast from Tom Perriello. Also, did you listen to Kander's interview with Keepin' It 1600?

Tom Perriello did a podcast on New Republic talking about conviction politics, the path to resisting Trump, institutional problems within the party, and automation and it's fantastic. This guy is really good. He reminds me a lot of listening to Kander.


I really hate that people aren't calling out trump hard enough on him accepting the jobs and unemployment numbers now vs his wild claims during the campaign
Why is evil in quotes.


What TV show is Trump watching right now.




US government takes animal-welfare data offline

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) agency charged with ensuring the humane treatment of large research animals, such as primates and goats, has quietly scrubbed all inspection reports and enforcement records from its website. The move has drawn criticism from animal welfare and transparency activists who say the public has the right to know how their tax dollars are being used.

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), which also oversees animals in circuses, zoos and those sold commercially as pets, says that making the data publicly available posed a threat to individuals’ privacy.

USDA spokesperson Tanya Espinosa would not specify what personal information the agency wanted to protect, but said that it would be impossible to redact it from all the tens of thousands of inspection reports, complaints and enforcement action documents that used to be public.

The decision is a result of the USDA’s “commitment to being transparent, remaining responsive to our stakeholders’ informational needs, and maintaining the privacy rights of individuals”, according to a statement on the agency’s website. The records will still be available in redacted form through freedom-of-information requests. ”If the same records are frequently requested via the Freedom of Information Act process, APHIS may post the appropriately redacted versions to its website,” the statement concludes.

But some critics met the privacy argument with skepticism. The USDA routinely redacted the names of individuals from the public reports anyway, says Justin Goodman, director of the non-profit White Coat Waste Project in Washington DC, which opposes animal research. “Claiming ‘privacy’ is a smokescreen to unjustifiably evade critical transparency about government operations.”


I really hate that people aren't calling out trump hard enough on him accepting the jobs and unemployment numbers now vs his wild claims during the campaign

There is a reason for that. We did the same thing under GWB and then stopped when Obama took office. Give it a few job reports and I guarantee you democrats will start talking about the 'real unemployment rate' again
Have you guys seen Cooper burst into laughter LMAO against Conway?


hella funny


I love how he said it was stupid and this is torture while cracking up

Is this real though? Seems faked

Yeah this is faked. I thought maybe she gave a similar answer to cooper in an interview I missed. The original interview was with someone else. And you can see all the splicing of moments. I noticed how she kept flipping her hair on the same side over and over.


Why is evil in quotes.


What TV show is Trump watching right now.

Everyone knows why. In absolute horror the left knows he means hispanics and muslims. The cheering crowds of alt-righters with tears of elation in their eyes know he means hispanics and muslims.

Also, one of the responses.


We're losing our country to a bunch of idiots who think minorities are the cause of and solution to all of their problems.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America

I love how he said it was stupid and this is torture while cracking up

Is this real though? Seems faked

Yeah this is faked. I thought maybe she gave a similar answer to cooper in an interview I missed. The original interview was with someone else. And you can see all the splicing of moments. I noticed how she kept flipping her hair on the same side over and over.

lol, of course it's faked. The Kellyanne Alternative facts quote happened during Meet The Press :D

In all seriousness no wonder people get fooled with fake news. You realized the mistake, no harm done. But just imagine the amount of people who see actual harmful shit and don't realize it's completely fake.


The FCC is stopping 9 companies from providing federally subsidized Internet to the poor

Regulators are telling nine companies they won't be allowed to participate in a federal program meant to help them provide affordable Internet access to low-income consumers — weeks after those companies had been given the green light.

The move, announced Friday by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, reverses a decision by his Democratic predecessor, Tom Wheeler, and undercuts the companies' ability to provide low-cost Internet access to poorer Americans. In a statement, Pai called the initial decisions a form of “midnight regulation.”

“These last-minute actions, which did not enjoy the support of the majority of commissioners at the time they were taken, should not bind us going forward,” he said.

The program, known as Lifeline, provides registered households with a $9.25-a-month credit, which can then be used to buy home Internet service. As many as 13 million Americans may be eligible for Lifeline that do not have broadband service at home, the FCC has found. Roughly 900 service providers participate in the Lifeline program.

For Kajeet Inc., one of the companies that was initially granted permission to provide service through Lifeline, the news comes as a blow.

“I’m most concerned about the children we serve,” said Kajeet founder Daniel Neal. “We partner with school districts — 41 states and the District of Columbia — to provide educational broadband so that poor kids can do their homework.”

Trump, fucking over poor people and the companies contracted to provide services for them.
So this is good, but what is his actual policy? Did Pence somehow convince him not to get in bed with Putin?

Trump has no policies and just tells people what they want to hear and is influenced by the last person to talk to him.

That's why when he was surrounded by Israel hawks, he wanted to push for one state only and the embassy in Jerusalem. After he talked to the king of Saudi Arabia, Trump is now for two states and against moving the embassy.


Trump has no policies and just tells people what they want to hear and is influenced by the last person to talk to him.

That's why when he was surrounded by Israel hawks, he wanted to push for one state only and the embassy in Jerusalem. After he talked to the king of Saudi Arabia, Trump is now for two states and against moving the embassy.

this is so true

though its also critical that the person who wants to influence him is nice to him


Everyone who knows someone or knows someone who knows someone who lives in a red state, please tell them to call their Senators about the DeVos vote on Monday. Please. The calls are working.
I thought the immigration ban was unconstitutional. Shouldn't it be banned nationwide if that is the case? I keep seeing the X state judge blocks ban which confuses me if some politicians were saying it is unconstitutional.
Where do you guys stand with Musk's connection to Trump's administration?

At first i was actually relieved that there would be somebody close to the president that actually believes in climate change and could hopefully make some good out of this horrible situation.

But now i am not so sure. Just read this Gizmodo article that makes fun and criticizes Musk for not making any kind of statement for all the crazy policies against immigration that Trump is enacting when he himself is an immigrant.


Here's Elon Musk Giving Donald Trump a Stern Talking to About the Muslim Ban

Art of War: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Throw him a bone now and then and he'll leave your company alone. I don't begrudge Musk for it at all.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
There is a reason for that. We did the same thing under GWB and then stopped when Obama took office. Give it a few job reports and I guarantee you democrats will start talking about the 'real unemployment rate' again

Which is funny cause even ignoring the recession, Bush's job numbers were nothing to brag about.


I thought the immigration ban was unconstitutional. Shouldn't it be banned nationwide if that is the case? I keep seeing the X state judge blocks ban which confuses me if some politicians were saying it is unconstitutional.
The constitution means nothing to republicans. They pick and choose while accusing other of being judicial activists and disregarding the law.


Trump's base is that 42% and they're clearly more than enough to win.

I mean that even 40% think Trump has more credibility than the papers of record should tell you that.

Liberals have been and continue to be awful at marketing their ideas and pushing back at the GOP's effective efforts.

The resistance? Lol. Okay.

The GOP manages to get "death panels" and "religious liberties" ie license to discriminate, and "job killing regulations" into the public consciousness. And they've taken fake news.

To be fair, "The First Order" is also not a great name.
Trump tweets right away when Muslim in France tries to commit an act of terror but doesn't say shit when a white terrorist kills 6 Muslims. He's so blatant with it.


No Scrubs
I thought "Trumped Up Trickle Down Economics" took popular culture by storm.

Had the Trump pee thing come out after that it would have taken hold. It was probably written with the expectation that the dossier comes out not soon after, we know everyone had it around that time.
Tom Perriello did a podcast on New Republic talking about conviction politics, the path to resisting Trump, institutional problems within the party, and automation and it's fantastic. This guy is really good. He reminds me a lot of listening to Kander.

Finally got to listening, just nodding my head the entire time. After this election it is the constant on why Bernie struck such a nerve and why Trump got through with insanity. "Conviction politics" is what I think needs to be taken away, argue passionately and people listen.
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