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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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We could probably stop the rise in murders by getting some mercenaries to scab for striking police officers.

The mercenaries would probably be more restrained.

Some Dem should really point out that the increased murder rate in Chicago is due mostly to cops being pissbabies who don't want to do their job because protesters are being mean to the ones that burn crosses.


May contain jokes =>
Of course he is capable of it. There isn't a doubt in my mind about that. He is even capable of casting doubt upon whether Gorsuch actually said those words. It's a hoax.

Since when do we doubt Trump's capability to misdirect and/or lie? We've seen him do it for the past decade or longer.

He's more than capable of lying to exaggerate his own accomplishments and talents.

He's demonstrated zero ability or willingness to look the other way on any slight, real or perceived, no matter how small.
Trump is in the middle of a 30 year feud with Spy Magazine because of one article saying his hands were small.

I don't think he would get over attacks from Gorsuch or would allow Gorsuch to attack him.
How Paul Ryan has gotten anywhere in politics is baffling. He seems incompetent as hell and comes across as the kind of guy who gets pushed around a lot instead of pushing people around himself which is a weird position for the Speaker of the House to be in.
The GOP not being able to get a large tax cut or ACA overhaul through Congress with two years of complete control is pretty mind blowing.

How Paul Ryan has gotten anywhere in politics is baffling. He seems incompetent as hell and comes across as the kind of guy who gets pushed around a lot instead of pushing people around himself which is a weird position for the Speaker of the House to be in.

Ryan never wanted to be Speaker. His dream was always to be the idea guy behind the scenes pushing the agenda while leaving the heavy lifting to someone else. With Cantor being primaried, Boehner retiring, and McCarthy being a total dumbass he's the only option left.
The GOP not being able to get a large tax cut or ACA overhaul through Congress with two years of complete control is pretty mind blowing.

His dumb Muslim ban took the wind completely out of the GOP's sails.

What could have been non stop GOP legislation for months is now bogged down by weekly protests and court cases. He's throwing away the period of time that should be the president's most rapid and most productive. The time when they have the most leeway with the public, and it's been entirely trashed.


EXCLUSIVE-In call with Putin, Trump denounced Obama-era nuclear arms treaty - sources

WASHINGTON, Feb 9 (Reuters) - In his first call as president with Russian leader Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump denounced a treaty that caps U.S. and Russian deployment of nuclear warheads as a bad deal for the United States, according to two U.S. officials and one former U.S. official with knowledge of the call.

When Putin raised the possibility of extending the 2010 treaty, known as New START, Trump paused to ask his aides in an aside what the treaty was, these sources said.

Trump then told Putin the treaty was one of several bad deals negotiated by the Obama administration, saying that New START favored Russia. Trump also talked about his own popularity, the sources said.

The White House declined to comment. It referred Reuters to the official White House account issued after the Jan. 28 call, which did not mention the discussion about New START.

It has not been previously reported that Trump had conveyed his doubt about New START to Putin in the hour-long call.


Scientists For Trump
William Happer is a Princeton University physicist, an immigrant, and a registered Democrat. But last year, he voted for Donald Trump, and now he’s in the running to be Trump’s science advisor.

“We had eight years of one direction for the country,” Happer told me recently, “and it was turning into the wrong direction. I was willing to try a change.”

Which direction should we be headed in, Dr. Happer?

“I don’t agree with all the hysteria about climate change,” he said, “so the fact that Mr. Trump had an open mind on it, and the other party was very dogmatic, that was enough for me.”
Others, though, simply found him to be the lesser of two evils, like so many other voters did. “His manner is quite unpleasant,” said Dan Kleitman, a retired Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematics professor. “I felt I could hardly listen to him for more than a minute at a time.”

However, “I found that his opponent, I couldn’t listen to for more than 30 seconds at a time.” Kleitman finds Republicans’ proposals on poverty, education, and foreign policy more persuasive.
Others, like Happer, think it’s because Trump isn’t a professional politician that he sometimes sounds off like us regular joes. “His reactions are those of a common person who’s not used to weighing their words,” he said. It doesn’t mean the falsehoods will translate to official U.S. policy, he added.

Overall, these right-leaning researchers don’t get the same anti-science vibe from Trump that many liberals do. “We talked about science,” Happer said of his meeting with Trump. “He asked how science is doing in the U.S. He said, ‘how are we doing compared to Russia?’ and I said we’re holding our own. He said, ‘my uncle was a physicist, so I’m partial to science.’”

Mather, the Oklahoma psychologist, sounded a similarly optimistic note: “I hope that President Trump will surround himself with strong critical thinkers who have access to good data,” he said, “and that President Trump will have the wisdom and humility to accept the facts as presented by reliable, trustworthy sources.”


nm, misunderstood

Kleitman finds Republicans' proposals on poverty, education, and foreign policy more persuasive.

Republican proposals on poverty and education are to stop caring about these issues on a federal level. They literally want to do nothing to address these issues

*grabs popcorns*
Isn't it a bit early to say the GOP won't get anything done? Or am I just too young to remember what functional government looks like.

They're still going to get stuff done. You'll see a lot of regulations gutted through riders in the budget process and of course they're going to push the judiciary hard to the right. There will still be some tax changes and ACA mods but it doesn't look like there is 50 votes in the senate for big changes like Bush pushed through.
Isn't it a bit early to say the GOP won't get anything done? Or am I just too young to remember what functional government looks like.

The first 100 days of the presidency are an important time when the president generally either gets some "easy" campaign promises done, or lays the groundwork for major legislation.

Trump has done none of that. And he's almost half way through his 100. He wasted his first few weeks with ridiculous executive orders and that basically deflated any momentum he had after inauguration. Now the GOP are fearing for their lives over protesters, the Democrats are ready and willing to filibuster, and the three branches, despite being controlled by the same party, give off the appearance of being disorganized and not in lock step.

At best, the GOP might get maybe 2 or 3 huge country altering bills (like ACA or No Child Left Behind) done before 2018. And one of those will have to be Obamacare's replacement/repeal. And that will be a MESSY fight they backed themselves into having to fight. Months are going to be wasted on that, time that could have been spent doing something else.
How Paul Ryan has gotten anywhere in politics is baffling. He seems incompetent as hell and comes across as the kind of guy who gets pushed around a lot instead of pushing people around himself which is a weird position for the Speaker of the House to be in.

Why does this make him incompetent? The president is demanding a ludicrous idea (border tax). Ryan floated a slightly less ludicrous but still ludicrous way to do it as policy...and now senators are rightfully rejecting it. So Paul Ryan gets to go to the president and say "even a compromised version of what you want cannot pass the House or senate. We need to focus on things that can pass." In short, Ryan is covering his ass. There's no way a border tax can be enacted without republicans revolting...it would greatly harm many red state economies (specifically Texas).

Trump is president. When he demands something you have to do it or convince him you can't.


People are still trying to be too nice to trump. I couldn't stand by if he tried criticising Mr like he did with Blumenthal. Like just go at trump, take off the gloves. Yes Blumenthal lied about going to Vietnam, he apologized for that before, but go at trump, "at least I was part of the reserves, I didn't get out of the draft with a fake medical deferment".


45 signed an EO, of will sign one, to combat "violent crimes against law enforcement".

Bitch, they signed up for that.



Fuck this country.


Why does this make him incompetent? The president is demanding a ludicrous idea (border tax). Ryan floated a slightly less ludicrous but still ludicrous way to do it as policy...and now senators are rightfully rejecting it. So Paul Ryan gets to go to the president and say "even a compromised version of what you want cannot pass the House or senate. We need to focus on things that can pass." In short, Ryan is covering his ass. There's no way a border tax can be enacted without republicans revolting...it would greatly harm many red state economies (specifically Texas).

Trump is president. When he demands something you have to do it or convince him you can't.
Everything Ryan wants is political suicide. This has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with his policy priorities and desires. He's just never been in a position to actually get legislation signed.


Unconfirmed Member
45 signed an EO, of will sign one, to combat "violent crimes against law enforcement".

Bitch, they signed up for that.



Fuck this country.
I would argue they didn't "sign up for that" but they did sign up knowing it was potentially dangerous. There is a difference.

I would bet money violence against law enforcement is down along similar lines of violence across the board. It's a dangerous job, but far from the most dangerous in America. But protecting a coal miner is a nasty "government regulation"! Bad!


I don't think that makes it wrong to attempt to pass legislation which reduces the risk or punishes offenders harder if they attack, injure, or kill law enforcement.

And what about the punishment against law enforcement who attack, injure, or kill civilians during situations where that level of violence is clearly not warrented?
And what about the punishment against law enforcement who attack, injure, or kill civilians during situations where that level of violence is clearly not warranted?

That is an issue that should be addressed as well.

Law enforcement still remains an important component to our society. Writing off violence against them as "they signed up for it" is a really crass attitude. It's not like law enforcement makes a ton of cash while thye place themselves at risk on a daily basis.
That is an issue that should be addressed as well.

Law enforcement still remains an important component to our society. Writing off violence against them as "they signed up for it" is a really crass attitude. It's not like law enforcement makes a ton of cash while thye place themselves at risk on a daily basis.

But cops do sign up for it. They sign up for it to make a difference, whether that difference is to protect all people or only white people.

Police have way more power than the average citizen. They can kill us and get away with it scott free. They can kill children and get away with it. They don't need more protections, they need more safeguards to protect us.
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