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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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yup. You gotta have the infrastructure in place so when the wave happens you are prepared. Democrats have at one point in time were successful to an extent in west rural states. Tester, Baucus, Nelson, Dorgan, Johnson, Daschle etc all did something right to win in hostile red territory going back to the 80's.

I understand Idaho last had Church as a Democratic Senator in the 70's, and last D Governor since 94 but eventually they will if they play their cards toward the future 5, 10 & 15 years it could happen.

"The rural west like Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming etc will stay red forever so why bother" is not going to turn them blue one day by itself.
I think the Dakotas and Montana are different here from Idaho or Wyoming. Montana has a union base and professional transplants like Colorado and is much more Democratic than the other states here. The Dakotas have a sort of plains populism that goes back that people like Daschle could win in, but I think that's mostly dead now. People like Daschle or Church were weird dinosaurs from the populist past and have slowly been getting cleaned out.

I don't think with the nationalization of politics that those sorts of "conservative pork-delivering" rural Democrats are a thing that can really succeed anymore, at least in the current climate. I don't think the Democrats should give up on the fringe R states like Missouri, Kentucky, Alaska, or Montana but unless there's serious changes either demographically or to party coalitions that these places can be won back, and I'm not convinced that the 50 state strategy was what made them possible, or if it was just coinciding with the backlash gains to Bush.

And obviously there can be fuckups like Vitter and we should take advantages of those to get our JBE-types to win there, but I don't think adding a few paid staffers to these places will really change things.


Might not be a good idea. Look what happened to poor Anophthalmus hitleri.

But seriously, that's hilarious.
Heh, I didn't know this story, pretty great, I mean I know that people name bugs over the dumbest shit all the fucking time, but this is both old and fucking random.

But maybe more importantly, this has led me to this wonderful wikipedia page -
List of organisms named after famous people


Today was a good day.
I also learned that there's a blood parasite of koalas named after Steve Irwin, I guess because Australians know like 7 words and two of them are Steve and Irwin.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Morning Joe is ripping into Donald for his attacks on the judiciary.
I'm guessing that's where his angry tweet at Senator Blumenthal this morning sprang from.

So he's attacked Graham, McCain, and Blumenthal so far as president. Anyone else in Congress? I anticipated he would go after Collins and Murkowski for voting against DeVos but he didn't.
It will become more expensive for the US to issue debt. China has been trying to prop up the yuan and part of this has been offloading their foreign reserves. Which is funny given POTUS still thinks that they're artificially depreciating their currency.
isn't foreigners buying US Treasuries how the US funds its deficit spending?

Yes, thats why the number has always been positive until now. If this continues, interest rates are going to go up and it will become harder for US businesses to get financing since the government is soaking up so many investor dollars. Who knew there was a downside to electing a clown who is loathed by the rest of the world.
It will become more expensive for the US to issue debt. China has been trying to prop up the yuan and part of this has been offloading their foreign reserves. Which is funny given POTUS still thinks that they're artificially depreciating their currency.

It's almost like he's a fucking idiot or something.

I was just reading throw the last page while thinking about running Democrats in the south or rural areas, and I think the number one problem is Guns. Democrats need to give up their (perceived) crusade against Guns. The SCOTUS doesn't want to rule on it, and with a likely conservative slant for the next several decades Guns aren't going anywhere. Most of the people who want to take guns away can be persuaded with attacking root causes anyway (drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health), so it seems pointless to keep at it. Hillary had a real shit stance on guns, and even being as liberal as I am I found it hard to support.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
It's almost like he's a fucking idiot or something.

I was just reading throw the last page while thinking about running Democrats in the south or rural areas, and I think the number one problem is Guns. Democrats need to give up their (perceived) crusade against Guns. The SCOTUS doesn't want to rule on it, and with a likely conservative slant for the next several decades Guns aren't going anywhere. Most of the people who want to take guns away can be persuaded with attacking root causes anyway (drugs, gangs, poverty, mental health), so it seems pointless to keep at it. Hillary had a real shit stance on guns, and even being as liberal as I am I found it hard to support.

Its not. Its abortion. The problem is abortion and I don't know what we do
Its not. Its abortion. The problem is abortion and I don't know what we do

I think Guns is a safer stance to give ground on. For Abortion the problem is Conservatives play it as a zero-sum game. If they would acquiesce on preventative contraception it would make it a lot easier. If Democrats could (more vocally) on a platform that is Pro-Choice, but encourages women to use contraception and better educates kids on reproductive health it would be so easy--but Conservatives want abstinence only, and abortion outlawed. It's almost impossible to find a compromise...


Warren silenced on the senate floor for "criticising" a sitting senator... the fucking 45th attacks a senator on Twitter and it's all okay.

...long he doesn't know how to win anymore, just look at the mess our country is in - bogged down in conflict all over the place. Our hero..

Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
Sen. McCain should not be talking about the success or failure of a mission to the media. Only emboldens the enemy! He's been losing so....


Trump attacking Sen Blumenthal as a liar with stuff from his past. Except Sens. Ayotte and Sasse confirmed that Gorsuch said the same thing to them.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Its not. Its abortion. The problem is abortion and I don't know what we do

This. Dems can start running pro-life candidates in red areas. It worked in Michigan's VERY rural areas, and many pro-life democrats exist. DNC just got into the mindset that every candidate needs to be the same, and that was incredibly stupid.


Donald Trump and China’s president finally broke the ice—by snail mail
Donald Trump and China’s president Xi Jinping have made progress in their relationship.

The two heads of state finally made contact for the first time since Trump became president. In a letter “provided” to Xi yesterday (Feb. 8), Trump said he looked forward to working with Xi to “develop a constructive relationship” that benefits both countries, and wished the Chinese people a “happy Lantern Festival,” according to a White House statement.
Two weeks into his presidency, Trump has spoken with 18 foreign leaders either in person or by phone—but amid a period of growing tensions between China and the US, Xi’s name was conspicuously absent. Trump also ignored a decades-long tradition of sending holiday greetings to the Chinese public in the recent Lunar New Year holiday, with some wondering whether he has delegated the task of diplomacy to his daughter Ivanka altogether, after she attended a Lunar New Year celebration at the Chinese embassy in Washington DC last week.
I had that Robin Williams face when I read the title.

How do you go 3 weeks after inauguration without talking to China's president...?

Also apparently China is going for the "use the family" route rather than the "kiss ass" method employed by May.
Ivanka and Arabella, who dressed in red for the Lunar New Year celebration on Feb. 1, were filmed listening to traditional music, admiring crafts and playing with puppets. Ivanka later posted a video of Arabella singing a song in Mandarin, further helping to quiet criticism after her father, President Donald Trump, broke with convention by not sending a personal New Year’s greeting.

Ivanka’s public meeting -- lauded in China’s press -- came after behind-the-scenes meetings between Cui and Jared Kushner, her husband and a presidential adviser. Kushner and Cui have had an extensive ongoing dialogue that has been positive, according to a White House official who asked not to be identified because the meetings were private.

As countries around the world figure out how to influence the new U.S. administration, China is going straight to the top: Trump’s immediate family. In bypassing more traditional diplomatic channels such as the State Department, China is looking to open a more direct link to help avoid a trade war or military confrontation after Trump signaled a willingness to challenge Beijing’s red lines on Taiwan and the South China Sea.


Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.
Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.

He's trying to seem impartial so he can't get smashed for it in his hearings. It's entirely possible he will be critical of Trump, but I don't know enough about him to say such. I just assume Bannon and Ryan brainstormed a super Conservative Judge for the SCOTUS and he'll be a shill.
Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.

You think the Orange Fascist told him to talk shit? At best he said to do what he had to do to get over the hearings and voting.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So KellyAnne Conway broke a federal ethics law this morning by telling the TV audience that she was "giving a free commercial" and to "Go by [Ivanka's] stuff."

Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.

Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.

This really isn't that complicated. Gorush likely loathes Trump and probably can't wait for a judge to find him in contempt of court. That won't stop him from shredding reproductive rights when the time comes.
Is the White House actually smart enough to tell Gorsuch to talk shit about the president? 4D chess is the hot theory among some pundits.

The White House, absolutely not.

GOP Senators surely know to play it up, though, to try and short-circuit the filibuster.

It's kind of fascinating. Dems can really grill Gorsuch on Trump in the confirmation hearings now, even though the more they get Gorsuch to distance himself from Trump on the record, the less tenable a filibuster might seem. But it will almost surely be nuked so they should hold steady on it anyway. And maybe it manages to ignite a gasoline fire between Trump and Gorsuch and the GOP for maximum hilarity.
Goldman Sachs points out that the GOP's only legislative item (a complicated pseudo tariff to pay for a corporate tax cut) makes no sense.


tl;dr, this type of psuedo tariff usually makes your currency stronger and trade isn't affected, but for this to occur in America, the dollar would have to increase in value by 25%. Either this would lead to a massive financial crisis in Latin America (who would be unable to pay their dollar owed debts if the dollar gets wildly stronger) or other countries would stop the dollar from rising in value and thus turn this pseudo-tariff into a real tariff.

Anyway, like 40% of Republicans are against this plan and Ryan is going to have to throw it in the trash and come up with another one so I guess that's good? If they're this slow at making legislation, they may not be able to get much done.
Anyway, like 40% of Republicans are against this plan and Ryan is going to have to throw it in the trash and come up with another one so I guess that's good? If they're this slow at making legislation, they may not be able to get much done.

This is what happens when you're a coalition held together by twine and hatred, who only focuses on winning. They campaigned exclusively on vague ideas like cutting taxes and repealing Obamacare, that they spent almost no time developing actual policy ideas. People criticized the fact that Clinton sounded like a Politician while "having an answer for everything", and right now we could really use that.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Is anyone else actually really frightened by this GOP lie that "violent crime is increasing" or "at its highest point ever?" Sessions just mentioned it as well, and it all sounds like a set up to massive restrictions on civil rights.

This is what happens when you're a coalition held together by twine and hatred, who only focuses on winning. They campaigned exclusively on vague ideas like cutting taxes and repealing Obamacare, that they spent almost no time developing actual policy ideas. People criticized the fact that Clinton sounded like a Politician while "having an answer for everything", and right now we could really use that.

Which is why I keep pushing someone like Biden for president in 2020. I think the nation is going to be desperately desiring a candidate like that at that point if things keep progressing the way they are.
The whole gorusch thing is political bs. They have him criticize the president, trump pretends to be mad, they go through the whole charade of reacting to find the truth - which actually happens to be the administration trying to make gorsuch look a little more appealing to democrats. I don't think anyone is actually falling for it.


Is anyone else actually really frightened by this GOP lie that "violent crime is increasing" or "at its highest point ever?" Sessions just mentioned it as well, and it all sounds like a set up to massive restrictions on civil rights.
Not a statement of fact. A declaration of intent.


May contain jokes =>
The whole gorusch thing is political bs. They have him criticize the president, trump pretends to be mad, they go through the whole charade of reacting to find the truth - which actually happens to be the administration trying to make gorsuch look a little more appealing to democrats. I don't think anyone is actually falling for it.

You think Trump, the Human Rice Paper, is actually capable of pretending to be mad?

Federal judges don't appreciate the Executive Branch questioning their authority. This is not complicated.


I think Guns is a safer stance to give ground on. For Abortion the problem is Conservatives play it as a zero-sum game. If they would acquiesce on preventative contraception it would make it a lot easier. If Democrats could (more vocally) on a platform that is Pro-Choice, but encourages women to use contraception and better educates kids on reproductive health it would be so easy--but Conservatives want abstinence only, and abortion outlawed. It's almost impossible to find a compromise...

Give up on on guns and "war on religion." I don't think there is any war of religion from the left, but the right sure seems to think so.


Apologies if this has been posted before, but even if it has, it needs repeating...


Though this is also a strong argument FOR the Republican healthcare agenda. If there had been no government program to help McConnell, he wouldn't be around to plague us today.
You think Trump, the Human Rice Paper, is actually capable of pretending to be mad?

Federal judges don't appreciate the Executive Branch questioning their authority. This is not complicated.

Of course he is capable of it. There isn't a doubt in my mind about that. He is even capable of casting doubt upon whether Gorsuch actually said those words. It's a hoax.

Since when do we doubt Trump's capability to misdirect and/or lie? We've seen him do it for the past decade or longer.
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