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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Assuming Trump isn't compromised, I see zero reason to ally with Russia against China outside of Russia being a white Christian nation.

Russia is a pathetic country with no growth and no wealth that is headed for total collapse if countries get serious about climate change.

Also, Trump being both anti-China and anti-TPP is an all-time political thing that should be remembered forever.


It's possible but not a given that the SPD wants to enter a coalition with The Left, even if a SPD, Greens, Left coalition would gain a majority of seats in the Bundestag. There are long-running animosities between both parties, not helped by the current Left leadership, in particular Sahra Wagenknecht who has harshly criticized Merkel's open-door refugee policy recently.

Considering they could have formed that exact same coalition last time, I think it's highly unlikely. Germany will end up with another grand coalition and Merkel will spend another 4 years not taking a position on anything as not to offend anyone.


will gain confidence one day
The lead story on AJE right now is Trump's attack on John Lewis and people rallying to support Lewis.

The whole world is judging.


Assuming Trump isn't compromised, I see zero reason to ally with Russia against China outside of Russia being a white Christian nation.

Russia is a pathetic country with no growth and no wealth that is headed for total collapse if countries get serious about climate change.

Also, Trump being both anti-China and anti-TPP is an all-time political thing that should be remembered forever.

Yup. Russia's moribund. Putin's long game is a ploy to leverage their existing world-power status to try to make themselves indispensable before the bottom falls out of the oil market and they face oblivion.

In the meantime, sucky demographics, capital flight, and very little investment in future technologies, with no sign that any of that's going to change.
Is it just me, or is the hypocrisy of Republican tears over the leaked dossier (summary) delightful? These people were for transparency... and then they're not. Now they want whoever did it hung by their scrotum. Amazing.


Is it just me, or is the hypocrisy of Republican tears over the leaked dossier (summary) delightful? These people were for transparency... and then they're not. Now they want whoever did it hung by their scrotum. Amazing.
Someone said you were perma'd so I was sad! But you're not. I'm happy.



Republican Ben Ferguson: I can't imagine the fallout if a Republican were to ever say Obama wasn't a legitimate president

Video at the link.

Needless to say, Trump for years denied Obama's legitimacy. How fake is that guy. I've seen him say a lot of bullshit recently but this is the biggest piece...

Uh.............. That was the entire GOP calling into question whether he was even fucking American.
I don't understand this genre of "we let dumb people who voted for Trump ramble for a bit and here's what they said."

What is the value of these articles? Are you going to come to a deep understanding of people who can't articulate themselves? Who is the audience for this? Is it liberals who want to laugh at Trump voters? Is it liberals who want to feel outraged? Is it confused centrists who don't know any Trump fans and want to read other confused people talk about how they voted for Trump because their 8 year old thought he was a meme? Is it conservatives who want to read about their new voters?

What the fuck are these articles, why do they keep getting written. We have already gotten 35 articles on "here's this coal miner who voted for Trump on why he thought being white would allow him to keep his health insurance," why do we need more?
My gf and I joined the local progressives party. We're trying to turn this thing around from the ground up!

Having never been involved in local poltics before, we're very excited to be doing something, anything, to help make sure this horrible turn the country took never happens again.

Wish us luck, it's gonna be a tough uphill battle!
I don't understand this genre of "we let dumb people who voted for Trump ramble for a bit and here's what they said."

What is the value of these articles? Are you going to come to a deep understanding of people who can't articulate themselves? Who is the audience for this? Is it liberals who want to laugh at Trump voters? Is it liberals who want to feel outraged? Is it confused centrists who don't know any Trump fans and want to read other confused people talk about how they voted for Trump because their 8 year old thought he was a meme? Is it conservatives who want to read about their new voters?

What the fuck are these articles, why do they keep getting written. We have already gotten 35 articles on "here's this coal miner who voted for Trump on why he thought being white would allow him to keep his health insurance," why do we need more?
That is way too irritated to get over some internet articles dawg. If that's how mad you will get over something so minor it's gonna be a rough 4 to 8 years for you.

Have some watermelon or something, that is what I eat when I'm upset

I eat it when im not upset too but you get what I mean


Is there any concievable scenario here where none of this goes any further than Comey getting keel hauled?

One or more person within his inner circle will probably be arrested,investigated or charged because of this whole thing. Tillerson has a decent chance of not being confirmed because of this. Trump's probably safe for now unless something crazy is found that makes it easier for the republicans to impeach him in the next few weeks or months.I do expect trump will be impeached in the next four years but I don't expect him to be impeached right after he becomes the president of the US.



A local Republican politician in Connecticut was arrested for allegedly pinching a female employee's genitals, reports the Westport Daily Voice.

Christopher von Keyserling, 71, was arrested Wednesday in Greenwich Town Hall and charged with fourth-degree sexual assault, a misdemeanor. He was released on a $2,500 bond and given a court date of Jan. 25.

Von Keyserling has served on the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting board since 1985.

The incident, which took place in December 2016, began when the 57-year-old woman encountered von Keyserling in the hallway. The two had a brief political argument, in which von Keyserling remarked, ”I love this new world, I no longer have to be politically correct."

When the woman tried to walk away, von Keyserling allegedly reached from behind to place his hand between her legs and pinched her in the groin. He said ”it would be your word against mine and nobody will believe you," the woman claimed.

His lawyer told Greenwich Time the charges were the result of a ”jocular" moment with a woman.

”In almost 30 years of practicing law in this town, I would say Mr. von Keyserling is the one person I would never suspect of having any inappropriate sexual predilections," the lawyer, Phil Russell, said. ”There was a playful gesture, in front of witnesses. It was too trivial to be considered anything of significance. To call it a sexual assault is not based in reality."

Police said surveillance recordings from the day of the incident are consistent with the woman's claims.

This is the guy.


Maybe Trump will pardon him.


Ahhh yes a playful jesture...fucking gross

Get better,


She declined to speak about the complaint, prompting him to say, "Was this about the little pinch I gave?" and further adding it was a joke and that he couldn't believe the 57-year-old woman could be offended, the warrant said. He said that he and the woman have "that kind" of a relationship. He added that "he is the kind of guy that like to embarrass his teenage daughter and he calls it a 'gig' and that's what this was 'a gig.'" He asked whether he could apologize but was told to not contact the victim and stay away from the facility.
I read that initially as punching her genitals.

And the really sad thing is, it didn't sound absurd for such an individual to do such a thing.


Assuming Trump isn't compromised, I see zero reason to ally with Russia against China outside of Russia being a white Christian nation.

Russia is a pathetic country with no growth and no wealth that is headed for total collapse if countries get serious about climate change.

Also, Trump being both anti-China and anti-TPP is an all-time political thing that should be remembered forever.

The Russian's need the US to achieve their aim of crippling China.

The thing is anyone trying to do that is gonna get their clock cleaned.


Was this posted here yet?

Trump's transition team may be thinking of changing the US's relationship with Africa.

But the questions do appear to accurately reflect what Mr. Trump has said publicly about Africa in the few times that he has mentioned the continent.

For instance, during the Ebola crisis in 2014, Mr. Trump took to Twitter to argue that Americans infected with Ebola should not be allowed back into the United States. As two American health workers became critically ill and were airlifted to Atlanta for treatment, Mr. Trump had this to say via Twitter: “Stop the EBOLA patients from entering the U.S. Treat them, at the highest level, over there. THE UNITED STATES HAS ENOUGH PROBLEMS!”

The Ebola epidemic, which killed almost 10,000 people in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia (but no Americans), comes up once in the document.

“How,” the questionnaire asks, “do we prevent the next Ebola outbreak from hitting the U.S.?”



Trump won't be impeached. Republicans will never go that far and Democrats won't find the political will to do it. They're not showing signs of standing up to him like they should. They need to be as tenacious as the GOP was against Obama and then some.

Really shocked the entire party isn't questioning the legitimacy of his Presidency -- unlike Obama, it's actually a valid point worth making. It's not a stretch to assume he worked with foreign and domestic entities and leaders to sway the election just enough in his favor as he ran on a hollow platform of hatred and fear.

If we do not bounce back from the Trump era of US politics I really do think we're reaching the beginning of the end for this country as far as being a superpower goes. I don't know how long it would take but I'm confident that historians would cite this as the turning point.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.


On Fox News, Chris Wallace directly asked Mike Pence if Trump and/or his associates had direct contact with Russia during the election and about the DNC hack.

Pence initially responded by blaming opposition research and didn't answer.

Asked again, Pence responded by saying that the campaign's contact was "with American people."

Two questions, two deflections.

Wallace, being the great journalist he is, pressed AGAIN, and finally Pence said "Of course not."

On the record, Mike. On the record. It was obvious he was deflecting and was now caught in a lie.

Needs to be under oath.
No, but it's pretty telling how "can we stop the Ebola epidemic" is implicitly tied to blocking aid instead of focusing on the health infrastructure of this country.

Well that's the binary nature of Trump:


The "good" news is he DGAF about implementing policy so hopefully the cabinet and Congress can still do good work and/or influence him and minimize the damage.

Gonna be a long 4 years.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Needs to be under oath.

Well, obviously.

I'm not talking about legal ramifications. I'm talking about now he's on national television stating this, and if the IC eventually determines otherwise, he looks like a blatant liar and is attached to the whole thing.
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