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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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I have a professor who is German and we were chatting about the next election and he thinks that Germany might actually have a 3-way left coalition after the next election. He said that if a rise in AfD's support would cause a drop for the CDU/Merkel which would only hurt their chances because (he said) they'd never form a coalition with AfD. If that happened and CDU lost too many seats in the next election, he thinks the coalition might be a three-way of SPD, Greens, and The Left, which would be the first time The Left was in a ruling government.

Polling puts AfD at about ~15% so I'm not too scared of them right now. Something freaky happening and Le Pen winning is more concerning to me.



Hey, let's give Trump some credit!

He originally wanted Carson for Health and Human services but Carson just wasn't qualified enough for that position!
Ben Carson grew up in a shithole and became successful. Maybe he will fix urban shitholes too. Ok maybe it makes logical sense to republicans, whatever. But fucking Rudy as cybersecurity expert has no reason nor rhyme.
Draft McMullin?

Our Lieutenant Governor, Spencer Cox, is actually the best Republican (outside of New England RINOs) in America other than McMuffin.

Like, legit understands technology and doesn't hate minorities.

So our lieutenant governor should hopefully be the next governor.

Fucking Chaffetz cannot win this shit :mad:


Kills Photobucket
We need a poll.

What kind of bible will Trump use for the Inauguration.

The biggest one he can find to compensate
The smallest one he can find to make his hands look bigger


I have a professor who is German and we were chatting about the next election and he thinks that Germany might actually have a 3-way left coalition after the next election. He said that if a rise in AfD's support would cause a drop for the CDU/Merkel which would only hurt their chances because (he said) they'd never form a coalition with AfD. If that happened and CDU lost too many seats in the next election, he thinks the coalition might be a three-way of SPD, Greens, and The Left, which would be the first time The Left was in a ruling government.

Polling puts AfD at about ~15% so I'm not too scared of them right now. Something freaky happening and Le Pen winning is more concerning to me.

It's possible but not a given that the SPD wants to enter a coalition with The Left, even if a SPD, Greens, Left coalition would gain a majority of seats in the Bundestag. There are long-running animosities between both parties, not helped by the current Left leadership, in particular Sahra Wagenknecht who has harshly criticized Merkel's open-door refugee policy recently.

Campaigns won't get under way in earnest before March or April, the SPD hasn't even picked its chancellor candidate yet, so who knows. I think for now, the most likely outcome remains the continuation of the CDU/CSU and SPD coalition.
Also, how much of an issue would it be that The Left is descended from the SED (ruling party of East Germany during the Cold War)? I had always been under the impression that it basically made any SPD/Left coalition a nonstarter, but admittedly I am far from an expert on German politics.


Also, how much of an issue would it be that The Left is descended from the SED (ruling party of East Germany during the Cold War)? I had always been under the impression that it basically made any SPD/Left coalition a nonstarter, but admittedly I am far from an expert on German politics.

Strictly speaking, The Left is made up of two former parties: the PDS, indeed the successor of the SED, and the short-lived party WASG, founded by former SPD members. Both of these issues -- first the SED history of the PDS and then the WASG split from the SPD -- made coalitions between SPD/PDS and SPD/WASG a non-starter and that sentiment carried over to when The Left was formed in 2007.

In recent years I think the SPD has recognized that in order to lead a government again, they have no choice but to work together with The Left. On a state level, SPD, Greens and Left coalitions already govern in Berlin and Thuringia but on a national level the SPD has so far refused to commit to such a coalition.


Pete Buttigieg's proposed DNC platform is fucking good. Definitely goes into a bit more depth than the Ellison/Perez platforms in terms of actual solutions/actions he wants to take.

Thinking of making a thread for the DNC chair debate Wednesday.
That's my mayor (well, I don't actually live in the city, so I can't take credit).

I've been thinking about trying to get involved with his campaigns/office somehow. I just graduated last semester and am looking for something to do.


There is near a zero percent chance of the FN winning the presidential elections in France. If someone else besides Marine Le Pen was the nominee for that party maybe they would have a decent shot at winning the presidency there. I think people will have to look at what happens in the dutch elections next year. Merkel will be safe but she may form a slightly weaker government.


Can states create their own versions of Obamacare? Are there states where this exists? I know Colorado tried to establish single payer but it didn't garner enough votes.


Can states create their own versions of Obamacare? Are there states where this exists? I know Colorado tried to establish single payer but it didn't garner enough votes.

Well, yeah. Massachusetts did it. The thing is, outside of liberal states, how many are willing to do so? California? Washington?


Apparently Plan A (getting my state to pass a bill exactly like this and waiting for the SC decision) wasn't good enough. We're skipping straight to Plan B.

You figure this runs afoul of the 10th amendment. Congress has no right to ban simple things like murder and theft, how could they ban abortion at the federal level? Same reason why DOMA wasn't a full-on ban of gay marriage, because it couldn't be.


Fuck the civil rights leader who sees what he's fought for potentially tumbling backwards because decorum dictates that when a genuine threat to civil rights occur, we show respect before action!


Fuck the civil rights leader who sees what he's fought for potentially tumbling backwards because decorum dictates that when a genuine threat to civil rights occur, we show respect before action!

How many typical Trump supporters know of his civil rights past, though?
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