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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Too early for me to feel the Bern.


Seen a journo tweet the numbers are accurate but they're obviously misleading -- Obama took over during the 2007-09 recession while Trump inherited a well-running economy.


I wonder how much Sanders calling Perez and Biden part of the failed status quo pissed off DNC members and soured them on Ellison by proxy...

Ellison was trying to craft a message of unity and Sanders' frankly probably hurt that message.

Yeah, I imagine that calling the Obama administration a failure pissed off a whole lot of people. Ellison really couldn't have asked for a more incompetent surrogate. That's part of the reason I'm worried about 2020, because whether he runs again or not, Bernie's going to fuck something up.

If he does run again (I don't think he would), I hope his opponents stop treating him with kid gloves.


It's pretty funny how Republicans are running into a math problem that they realize is unsolvable using their "solutions". They need to write a bill that covers 20-30 million people costing less money than the ACA and without making the market more expensive for everyone else. Not possible.
Ginsburg telling it like it is.

”We're not experiencing the best of times," Ginsburg said Thursday on BBC's ”Newsnight," though she did not comment directly about the president.

But, the 83-year-old jurist said the public's resistance to the new administration — on full display at last month's Women's March protests — has given her ”reason to hope that we will see a better day."

”A great man once said that the true symbol of the United States is not the bald eagle; it is the pendulum, and when the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it will go back," she told BBC.


A profile about the leader of the German far-left party:
On the night the Berlin Wall fell, Sahra Wagenknecht, a 20-year-old orthodox communist student with an interest in philosophy, stayed at home to read Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Now the hard-left icon, who saw the wall as a ”necessary evil", could end up as a senior minister in the federal government.

The leader of Die Linke (the Left), a small party with its roots in communist East Germany, is a polarising figure even in her own organisation. She is on the leftwing of a party that is already too socialist by half for the average German burgher.

But for the first time in years, Die Linke has a real chance of entering government. That is thanks to the extraordinary surge in support for the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD) under their new chancellor candidate Martin Schulz.

Polls suggest that the SPD could perform strongly enough to topple Angela Merkel and usher in a ”red-red-green" coalition, an alliance never before seen in German federal politics.
https://www.ft.com/content/6dee5340-f9ab-11e6-9516-2d969e0d3b65 (google the headline "German political shift favours hard-left icon Sahra Wagenknecht" and click on the first result to circumvent the paywall)
The lady they had on bill maher was pissing me off more than milo did last week. I felt like what she was saying was completely tone deaf and idiotic.

I've watched Maher since the days of Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central (pre-ABC) and she was one of the most annoying guests I've ever seen on any incarnation of the show. A complete and utter moron.


What are they arguing about at the DNC meeting lol? I didn't catch what the lady in the audience was saying.

EDIT: Ah, sounds like contributions from corporations.
Framing the Ellison / Perez choice as Sanders vs Clinton / Obama is completely flawed since most prominent Clinton supporters are backing Ellison. Perez is backed by most Obama + Biden people and the unions. There really isn't a liberal / left split here.

How so? From the article:

Jeff Stein said:
Still, it's been easy for commentators to see the race as a replay of the ideological fractures from the 2016 Democratic primary, with Ellison drawing support from the Sanders wing and Perez drawing support from the Clinton wing. The analogy even extends to Buttigieg, who has the backing of former Gov. Martin O'Malley (D-MD) — also the choice in the primaries for those not sold on Clinton or Sanders.

There's an element of truth to this story. But the breakdown of officials supporting each candidate is more accurately viewed as pitting the Washington establishment against party officials closer to the local level — regardless of their allegiance during the primary.

Indeed, state party chairs who endorsed Clinton in 2016 have become prominent Ellison supporters. Partly that's because they want to heal old wounds from the party primary. Ken Martin, the chair of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, endorsed Clinton in the presidential primary — to the ire of many voters in his home state, which gave Sanders one of his early victories.

”It's still a little painful for me to talk about," Martin says, citing the barrage of phone calls and mail he received from Sanders fans critical of his support for Clinton. ”It was a long, tough year."

So, it looks like some of the establishment wants to cede control to the Bernie wing from my vantage point to make people feel better. And if the Bernie wing has no idea of what they're doing either vs. Trump and they're dead wrong like the Clinton wing, then the establishment goes in a different direction or back to the status quo prior to Bernie. Seems like the "pragmatic" move.


RE: This girls political beliefs.

There is a faction of the centre-right that really really REALLY hates this whole alt-right and Trumpian populism thing, facism if you will. There has been some effort reclaim the label "neoliberal" for this movement. Whatever label we might eventually find, I suspect this girl is one of us. (Not really enough to go on, but she hasn't defected to the alt-right)

I’m a neoliberal. Maybe you are too

She could be a full-blown tankie and I'd still happily be joining forces on this.


There's presumably some corollary here I don't follow.

Just that Schumer's hardly mr. lefty-left. A lot of sitting politicians endorsed Ellison (informally, as many of them don't have an actual vote), not just those inclined towards Sanders' positions. I doubt he'd have gotten that far if his only stand-out trait was being an early Bernie supporter, is all.


I've watched Maher since the days of Politically Incorrect on Comedy Central (pre-ABC) and she was one of the most annoying guests I've ever seen on any incarnation of the show. A complete and utter moron.

agreed the shit was infuriating. Seth McFarlene was awesome though, especially in overtime.

Yeah his final speech was one of the better ones. Press need to do the work now.


That's why Die Linke has, to date, been as toxic as AfD with regards to coalition-building.

Also remember that old East Germany is where most of the toxic racism in Germany resides these days and where AfD gets their strongest base of support too. Bolshevism messed 'em up good.

That Schulz, icon of European unity, is even pondering allying with them means that they're willing to abrogate some of their more toxic positions for a chance at power.


I mean it's a tight rope. Look at North Carolina how do you think Cooper got elected? NBA, BFL, NCAA and other big corps fucked that state's economy over HB2
Seriously. Putting fundraising restrictions on yourself that the other team isn't is just hurting your own chances of winning. DWS is terrible but she wasn't wrong to scrap that shit.


Seriously. Putting fundraising restrictions on yourself that the other team isn't is just hurting your own chances of winning. DWS is terrible but she wasn't wrong to scrap that shit.

I agree on that. I'd like public financing of elections but post-Citizens United we've got to fight fire with fire.

The key is that Democrats aren't perceived as giving corporate donors favors.

Party of the people! Also, interesting note


DWS dropped the ban unilaterally - there had been a ban previously.
I don't see the problem there? Neither corporations or Wall Street are inherently evil. There needs to be nuance beyond reacting negative just because corporation/Wall Street=Big Money=Inherently Corrupt, which unfortunately is something that seems to be severely lacking when the subject comes up. Someone being connected to Wall Street or having Wall Street/Big Bank/etc. money does not mean they are inherently corrupt for the reset of their lives and inherently an enemy whose resources should be refused on those grounds alone.


I don't see the problem there? Neither corporations or Wall Street are inherently evil. There needs to be nuance beyond reacting negative just because corporation/Wall Street=Big Money=Inherently Corrupt, which unfortunately is something that seems to be severely lacking when the subject comes up. Someone being connected to Wall Street or having Wall Street/Big Bank/etc. money does not mean they are inherently corrupt for the reset of their lives and inherently an enemy whose resources should be refused on those grounds alone.

Yeah. I love that there are shit ton of people that applaud Bill Gates and his immense humanitarian actions. However these people never mention *how* he made his money, which was muscling out competition and other such unethical actions.
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