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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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Interesting article on some of McMaster's views.


H.R. McMaster Breaks With Administration on Views of Islam

Waiting to see how his actions affect the administration, but it's to hear this rhetoric from at least one person in the WH. Hope he stands up to him more.

I'll save you the trouble and post the headline tomorrow:

"McMaster resigns as President Trump's National Security Adviser"


Why do people still cling to this idea that John McCain is some sort of maverick?

As a navy lieutenant, McCain is a hero. As a congressman, the man's a wimp.
The PDP thread is an interesting thread because this is basically the mentality that birthed the alt-right. PUA, MRA, Gamergate. It's all there.

There's something I noticed when watching some Sargon's videos, PDP latest videos, and reading comments from some people who are young right-wingers. Sargon seems to pick out tweets or statements from a supposed leftest that heavily criticize aspects that are usually connected to someone being white or a young white male. Sometimes the commentator says something that is far out there; but regardless the commentator is criticizing whitness, comment about racism, or sexism and sometimes connecting them.

I always wondered about who they are these SJW and feminists they are complaining about. I'm starting to come the conclusions that these SJW and feminists are basically random and anonymous ( not always ) internet users who are criticizing whitness, etc. The GG, alt-right, etc people were possibly reading these comments took it personally - saw it as an attack against them and thus GG, MRA, alt-right etc become the counter-movement overtime.
Looks like Perez might win tomorrow. Howard Dean is such a chump for not running.


How can the Democratic party move out of crisis mode if the Bernie pick isn't moderate enough?

According to Vox, there are concerns that Ellison is too left but they also say the position doesn't set the party's ideological agenda. Moreover, there are concerns about fundraising from wealthy donors threatened by Bernie's message. However, no mention of whether that can be offset by other stakeholders within the Democratic party. It all seems very corrupt and it looks like the party may be systemically threatened as an institution if current power players maintain control.

Do you guys think the Democratic party will break apart if the Obama/Clinton wing continue to run the show? It seems like the pragmatic thing to do would be to let the Sander's wing take control, lose elections, then say see I told you so. What do you think? 🤔

How can the Democratic party move out of crisis mode if the Bernie pick isn't moderate enough?

According to Vox, there are concerns that Ellison is too left but the position doesn't set the party's ideological agenda. Moreover, there are concerns about fundraising from wealthy donors threatened by Bernie's message. However, no mention of whether that can be offset by other stakeholders within the Democratic party. It all seems very corrupt and it looks like the party may be systemically threatened as an institution if current power players maintain control.

Do you guys think the Democratic party will break apart if the Obama/Clinton wing continue to run the show? It seems like the pragmatic thing to do would be to let the Sander's wing take control, lose elections, then say see I told you so. What do you think? 🤔

lol no. That puts way too many people's lives in danger just to say "I told you so"




No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Why do people still cling to this idea that John McCain is some sort of maverick?

As a navy lieutenant, McCain is a hero. As a congressman, the man's a wimp.
A lot of people are very susceptible to branding campaigns. See: Trump is a great businessman, Obamacare is death panels, etc.



How can the Democratic party move out of crisis mode if the Bernie pick isn't moderate enough?

According to Vox, there are concerns that Ellison is too left but they also say the position doesn't set the party's ideological agenda. Moreover, there are concerns about fundraising from wealthy donors threatened by Bernie's message. However, no mention of whether that can be offset by other stakeholders within the Democratic party. It all seems very corrupt and it looks like the party may be systemically threatened as an institution if current power players maintain control.

Do you guys think the Democratic party will break apart if the Obama/Clinton wing continue to run the show? It seems like the pragmatic thing to do would be to let the Sander's wing take control, lose elections, then say see I told you so. What do you think? 🤔

It's the pragmatic thing to do because Ellison can get the job done and picking someone else will bring embarrassing drama that'll only continue to distract from 2018 and beyond. Ellison as chair isn't even "letting the Sander's wing take control" anyway, considering Pelosi and Schumer.


Your media commentator-in-chief is back with more truthbombs #MMGA

FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
Perez is a fine choice, I think he'd do fine at the job, I just don't like that it seems like a lot of the internal push for him came from Obama's folks. I would've liked to see Ellison or Mayor Pete or anyone that wasn't related to the complete dysfunction of the DNC over the last 8 years. Like Perez is fine, but nominating him gives the appearance that they haven't learned any lessons.

How can the Democratic party move out of crisis mode if the Bernie pick isn't moderate enough?

Do you guys think the Democratic party will break apart if the Obama/Clinton wing continue to run the show? It seems like the pragmatic thing to do would be to let the Sander's wing take control, lose elections, then say see I told you so. What do you think? 🤔

Framing the Ellison / Perez choice as Sanders vs Clinton / Obama is completely flawed since most prominent Clinton supporters are backing Ellison. Perez is backed by most Obama + Biden people and the unions. There really isn't a liberal / left split here.
Framing the Ellison / Perez choice as Sanders vs Clinton / Obama is completely flawed since most prominent Clinton supporters are backing Ellison. Perez is backed by most Obama + Biden people and the unions. There really isn't a liberal / left split here.
Might be true for endorsements but aren't most of the actual DNC members voting for him Clintonites?

I think most of the objection to Ellison anyways coming from people who want to resist Sanders' influence in the party, given the stuff Cybit's been posting about. I think there's some pragmatism from Schumer/Pelosi here anyways, Schumer wants to snuggle up to Bernie and Pelosi dodged someone who could pose a more serious leadership challenge than Tim Ryan.


Your media commentator-in-chief is back with more truthbombs #MMGA

FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!
Jesus he is tripling on this whole enemy and danger shit this is scary


Might be true for endorsements but aren't most of the actual DNC members voting for him Clintonites?

I think most of the objection to Ellison anyways coming from people who want to resist Sanders' influence in the party, given the stuff Cybit's been posting about. I think there's some pragmatism from Schumer/Pelosi here anyways, Schumer wants to snuggle up to Bernie and Pelosi dodged someone who could pose a more serious leadership challenge than Tim Ryan.

Based on...?
Jesus he is tripling on this whole enemy and danger shit this is scary

It's literally the same thing he's been saying for weeks. He has an incredibly small vocabulary and every Tweet is like a mashup made of words from the same campaign speech he's been giving for two years now. Enemy danger victory sad weak loser failing etc etc etc.
Based on...?
Maybe I just was making assumptions, but the Perez supporters who are opposed to supporting Ellison are (supposedly) making this a proxy war because Bernie was too negative in the primary. Those seem like people more likely to be attached to Clinton to me?

Neither Clinton made a public endorsement anyways so it makes sense that resentful Clintonites would be the ones opposing Ellison, especially since they have the most to lose.
Might be true for endorsements but aren't most of the actual DNC members voting for him Clintonites?

I think most of the objection to Ellison anyways coming from people who want to resist Sanders' influence in the party, given the stuff Cybit's been posting about. I think there's some pragmatism from Schumer/Pelosi here anyways, Schumer wants to snuggle up to Bernie and Pelosi dodged someone who could pose a more serious leadership challenge than Tim Ryan.

I don't pretend to know what most DNC members are thinking but this seems like a further breakdown of the party decides model. Ellison has a far more impressive list of endorsements from the two major wings of the party but he isn't closing the deal with individual voters. There was a clear push to get the party behind Ellison, ironically just like what happened with Clinton last year, and it didn't take.


The Department of Homeland Security quietly identified this week three sites where the government will build the first phase of the wall: near El Paso, Tucson, Ariz., and El Centro, Calif. However, the construction will replace already existing fencing that is ”no longer effective" while the agency assesses the entire 2,000 mile border.

On Friday, the Department of Homeland Security issued a preliminary solicitation for bids ”for the design and build of several prototype wall structures in the vicinity of the United States border with Mexico." It did not identify a specific location other than ”to be determined." The Request for Proposals will go out March 6 asking for concept papers. The final bids with pricing are due March 24.


Unconfirmed Member
Based on...?


But there are other reasons for the discomfort with Mr. Ellison that illustrate lingering divisions after a bruising presidential primary fight and a general election in which Hillary Clinton suffered deep losses among working-class whites and could not match Mr. Obama’s support among young and nonwhite voters.

Some Democrats, in Mr. Obama’s orbit and beyond, say that elevating Mr. Ellison would amount to handing the party to Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Mrs. Clinton’s primary race opponent, and his liberal followers.

And Politico

The email survey suggests that if the chairmanship race continues through several rounds of balloting, Perez might be in a better position to prevail than Ellison. While Ellison’s supporters had few qualms about backing Perez as their second choice, the same didn’t hold true for Perez backers — few who ranked Perez as their first-choice candidate said they would back Ellison as their second choice.

"I'm surprised that Perez supporters are not picking Ellison as a second choice," said Washington state Democratic Party Chairwoman Tina Podlodowski, an Ellison supporter. "I wonder if it's this desire for less dramatic change."

It might also be a sign of lingering resentment from the Democratic presidential primary. Ellison was an early and prominent Sanders surrogate. While he eventually came onboard and worked hard for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, there is still some bad blood among establishment Democrats who believe the Vermont senator’s tenacious primary challenge damaged Clinton’s chances in the general election.


Trump fatigue setting in as expected. People pay attention to stuff for two weeks. Two weeks for the EOs, then two weeks for Russia. People will stop paying attention until something big happens, I would expect the next big thing to be his IS-war plan.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So here's a question I've had for years about healthcare reform but don't think I've asked (or if I did, I forgot).

Ryan and his ilk want to turn medicare into basically a voucher program right? The idea being that people can get a certain amount of money and buy private insurance. But the youngest of people on such a thing, at least ideally, would be 55 (this is the cut off point for every one of these types of bills).

But isn't the whole reason for medicare existing the way it is, is because private insurance providers didn't want to cover people that old to begin with? Why would any insurance provider want to take on people who are more likely to get sick and cost the insurer way more money than they would get with Ryan's stupid voucher (which would remain static)?
Trump fatigue setting in as expected. People pay attention to stuff for two weeks. Two weeks for the EOs, then two weeks for Russia. People will stop paying attention until something big happens, I would expect the next big thing to be his IS-war plan.

There were 400 people in Utah tonight to yell at Mia Love and Jason Chaffetz cardboard cutouts.

Trump just hasn't said much in the last four hours.
So here's a question I've had for years about healthcare reform but don't think I've asked (or if I did, I forgot).

Ryan and his ilk want to turn medicare into basically a voucher program right? The idea being that people can get a certain amount of money and buy private insurance. But the youngest of people on such a thing, at least ideally, would be 55 (this is the cut off point for every one of these types of bills).

But isn't the whole reason for medicare existing the way it is, is because private insurance providers didn't want to cover people that old to begin with? Why would any insurance provider want to take on people who are more likely to get sick and cost the insurer way more money than they would get with Ryan's stupid voucher (which would remain static)?
It won't

Ryan likes the idea of poor people dying without healthcare and rich people making money from it

the only people who benefit to private insurance are people who make money from private insurance


Trump fatigue setting in as expected. People pay attention to stuff for two weeks. Two weeks for the EOs, then two weeks for Russia. People will stop paying attention until something big happens, I would expect the next big thing to be his IS-war plan.

I feel fatigue was true immediately after the election, but much less so now. The outrage and the feverish pace of resistance has only grown.


Believing that Bernie Sanders ran an overly negative campaign against Hillary Clinton does not make you a "Clintonite."

Plenty of Democrats went into the primaries neutral or leaning Bernie and were turned off by the nature of his campaign.
Believing that Bernie Sanders ran an overly negative campaign against Hillary Clinton does not make you a "Clintonite."

Plenty of Democrats went into the primaries neutral or leaning Bernie and were turned off by the nature of his campaign.
I'm not talking about voters (though I don't know how large a group that is lol) I'm talking about DNC members

and people saying "we want to cut off Bernie's influence because we believe it's bad because he went negative against Hillary" are probably people from Clintonworld


I'm not talking about voters (though I don't know how large a group that is lol) I'm talking about DNC members

and people saying "we want to cut off Bernie's influence because we believe it's bad because he went negative against Hillary" are probably people from Clintonworld

I'm not talking about voters either.
I'm not talking about voters either.
Like okay the Clintons since they gained substantial power have been staffing the party with their people for literal decades. That's fine and normal, all of politics is gaining enough power to accomplish your goals. These are people who helped clear the field so Hillary would get the nomination, probably out of loyalty or hopes that they would get a better job in November. In spite of Ellison's early attempts to seem like a unity/consensus pick, they see him as an outside force trying to gain power for a wing of the party that is antagonistic to them especially in the wake of their loss.

Do you really think they weren't Clinton people objecting to Ellison? It's not some cold indictment of them, they're trying to keep what power they have, just like how the social democracy/Bernie wing are trying to seize more power.


So here's a question I've had for years about healthcare reform but don't think I've asked (or if I did, I forgot).

Ryan and his ilk want to turn medicare into basically a voucher program right? The idea being that people can get a certain amount of money and buy private insurance. But the youngest of people on such a thing, at least ideally, would be 55 (this is the cut off point for every one of these types of bills).

But isn't the whole reason for medicare existing the way it is, is because private insurance providers didn't want to cover people that old to begin with? Why would any insurance provider want to take on people who are more likely to get sick and cost the insurer way more money than they would get with Ryan's stupid voucher (which would remain static)?

Private health insurance for the elderly definitely wouldn't work, because eventually the chance that you're going to suffer an insanely costly illness approaches 100%, unless you die quickly of a sudden heart attack, stroke, or some lethal mishap. Otherwise you get cancer, you slide into physically crippling dementia, you *survive* that heart attack and cost the insurance company $Texas a year for the next two years you last.

Even voucherized medicare would have to have heavy government subsidies on top of the vouchers.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Stephen Fucking Miller just came into my restaurant 5 minutes before closing and I had to cook him fried chicken. So much irony. So much rage.

That sucks and you can't say shit. Local congressman came into my restaurant when he was the DA. Thankfully I don't think he comes in anymore because I would not be able to serve his table.


Quick sidebar, I cannot fucking believe that PDP thread on Gaming side. Some folks are cheering him on for "calling out the media" and going on about how it's all #FakeNews. Like, really? We're doing this now?

Then again, shame on me for reading any vaguely political thread on Gaming side, this shit shouldn't surprise me anymore.


Unconfirmed Member
Quick sidebar, I cannot fucking believe that PDP thread on Gaming side. Some folks are cheering him on for "calling out the media" and going on about how it's all #FakeNews. Like, really? We're doing this now?

Then again, shame on me for reading any vaguely political thread on Gaming side, this shit shouldn't surprise me anymore.
There's a gaming forum here too?

Stephen Fucking Miller just came into my restaurant 5 minutes before closing and I had to cook him fried chicken. So much irony. So much rage.
I would have had words and gotten fired. Your restraint is remarkable.
When would the gerrymandering case be expected to be taken up by SCOTUS? Could we get a ruling by the end of the year?

Hillary showing up the Women's Marches would've completely stolen the spotlight from a major focal point of the marches: cultivating the next generation of Democratic leaders. Same reason why Obama and Biden should also be limiting their appearances (or not attending at all) with massive public events like that.

And Sanders for that matter. He attended one but in his home state.
That sucks and you can't say shit. Local congressman came into my restaurant when he was the DA. Thankfully I don't think he comes in anymore because I would not be able to serve his table.

Everyone was just referring to him as "the nazi at the bar" in the kitchen. It's like on top of all his nazi bullshit he comes in 5 minutes before closing and orders a 12 minute dish.

Almost went to the bar after the kitchen closed to see if I could fuck with him in some way but my sense of self preservation steered me away. I was just gonna sit next to him and loudly order a White Russian with emphasis on the white but still. Not worth it

I did try to get the server to tell him the only white cook on the line made it for him because he'd like that but they obviously wouldn't go for it.
Quick sidebar, I cannot fucking believe that PDP thread on Gaming side. Some folks are cheering him on for "calling out the media" and going on about how it's all #FakeNews. Like, really? We're doing this now?

Then again, shame on me for reading any vaguely political thread on Gaming side, this shit shouldn't surprise me anymore.

The WSJ is full of SJWs, obviously.

*drinks magma*


Like okay the Clintons since they gained substantial power have been staffing the party with their people for literal decades. That's fine and normal, all of politics is gaining enough power to accomplish your goals. These are people who helped clear the field so Hillary would get the nomination, probably out of loyalty or hopes that they would get a better job in November. In spite of Ellison's early attempts to seem like a unity/consensus pick, they see him as an outside force trying to gain power for a wing of the party that is antagonistic to them especially in the wake of their loss.

Do you really think they weren't Clinton people objecting to Ellison? It's not some cold indictment of them, they're trying to keep what power they have, just like how the social democracy/Bernie wing are trying to seize more power.

More important question: do you really think that the only people within the Democratic Party who could possibly have any objection to Bernie Sanders or Ellison were installed by the Clintons?

Because that's a conspiracy theory that is just not worth engaging with. Sorry.
Your media commentator-in-chief is back with more truthbombs #MMGA

FAKE NEWS media knowingly doesn't tell the truth. A great danger to our country. The failing @nytimes has become a joke. Likewise @CNN. Sad!

Meanwhile, 69% of his reviewed statements as of today rate as mostly false or worse.


And yes, I tweeted that at him (as if it would mean anything).
She has way more empathy than I do. After years of this shit, I'd have just taken my fundraising and bought lottery tickets with it.

And the sad thing is the perception from many folks of why she doesn't just say fuck it and get out if dodge isn't that she genuinely cares oh no it's that she's self serving and power hungry or some shit.
Why would it be remotely surprising that Barack Obama and people "in his orbit" in the Democratic Party would be opposed to "handing the party over" to an independent and his fairweather followers, who has helped to stoke animosity towards the Democratic Party and who is ideologically and practically more dissimilar... over his former Labor Secretary.

Like duh.

If Barack Obama were the only one deciding, then it would be Perez without a doubt.
More important question: do you really think that the only people within the Democratic Party who could possibly have any objection to Bernie Sanders or Ellison were installed by the Clintons?

Because that's a conspiracy theory that is just not worth engaging with. Sorry.
I'm not making a conspiracy or saying there's a big plot against him from the nefarious Clintons. I'm saying that after thirty years of Clinton leadership a large part of the party members are going to be Clinton people. These people probably are probably the most loyal to the Clintons and would have the most to lose from Sanders sticking his guy in an important role. They probably don't want that.

I didn't say everyone opposing Ellison is a Clintonite or that every Clintonite is opposing Ellison, but when most Perez supporters are hostile to Ellison and Perez's support surged after it looked like Ellison was consolidating support, I don't think it's a wild conspiracy to go "hey, these people mad about Bernie campaigning negatively against Hillary are also opposing his guy for DNC chair."


Colbert has Stewart on Monday and is doing a live show to respond to Trumps joint congress speech Tuesday, should be interesting.


Why would it be remotely surprising that Barack Obama and people "in his orbit" in the Democratic Party would be opposed to "handing the party over" to an independent and his fairweather followers, who has helped to stoke animosity towards the Democratic Party and who is ideologically and practically more dissimilar... over his former Labor Secretary.

Like duh.

If Barack Obama were the only one deciding, then it would be Perez without a doubt.


All of this.
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