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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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first part of her five (now four because she deleted that one) part tweet:
Brianna Wu
‏Verified account @Spacekatgal

1/ This is being covered as a fun hijink for rich people, but the idea of a private corporation having access to moon should give you pause.
WIREDVerified account @WIRED
BREAKING: SpaceX says it plans to launch a privately crewed mission to the moon next year. Story forthcoming.
Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 1h1 hour ago
3/ Whoever controls the moon can also interfere with satellites used in earth's communication system. GPS, targeting systems are vunerable.
Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 31m31 minutes ago

Yup. I'm obviously talking about dropping it into our gravity well. But, that's the danger of being a woman on the internet!
Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 20m20 minutes ago
Is it absolutely true that a large rock fired into Earth from the moon using propellants would be more powerful than 100s of nuclear weapons

Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 19m19 minutes ago
2/ Like, you all can make fun of that statement, but it will still be true. This is why the militarization of space is so dangerous.


Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 14h14 hours ago
In "Understanding Power," MIT's Noam Chomsky says you MUST expect institutions of power to ALWAYS protect themselves to detriment of others.

Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 14h14 hours ago
2/ So, when an MA Democratic insider discounts my campaign - that doesn't surprise me. I expect it. We are shaking up the status quo.

Brianna Wu‏Verified account @Spacekatgal 14h14 hours ago
3/ Many of @BernieSanders's frustrations about the Democratic Party make a LOT more sense to me today than they did last year.
maybe they discount it because the guy you're running against got 99% of the vote in 2014 i dunno
What would be the tactical advantage of having something that imitates the impact of a nuclear arsenal by at 10 billion times the cost for maintenance.

I mean, MAD would still apply and now you just have more basically nukes and you are throwing away billions and billions of dollars more than you have to.

And it would take a lot longer for your nukes to hit America then it would be for our nukes to hit you.

Since every country is a lot closer to America than America is to the moon.

I had to do a lot of searching to find this, I hope it is appreciated
first part of her five (now four because she deleted that one) part tweet:

Pfft. As others have said all of this could be accomplished and at least theoretically has been already from right here on Earth.

Besides if any private company actually tried to militarize space the government would just buy them out/stop them, take their plans, and finish that shit.


will gain confidence one day
Benji, I think you missed the part where she said the solution is to fund NASA so the US can get there first.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Jack Remington (username) used to. He wasn't cool with a lot of the FOIA requests that led to scandal for Obama.

edit: And surely we've said FOIA often enough to summon Metaphoreous, thought maybe you need a mirror for that.

Technically you also have to drink the blood of a virgin from a crystal chalice while repeating, "It's nothing but trash." But I'm not really a stickler for technicalities.
Rania Khalek, I want you shut up and never speak again you worthless fucking human pile of excrement.

After years of Khalek claiming that Hezbollah wasn't a terror group and that Assad's pogroms never happened, Khalek is claiming that BDS is committing terrorism against her by cancelling her talk on a college campus.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
So, I attended Cotton's town hall last week and was eager to see Boozman get the same treatment on Friday during his town hall... but then he went chickenshit by cancelling it and holding a "telephone town hall" this evening instead. I listened to it... biggest waste of one and a half hours I've had in awhile. Didn't even get to ask a question.

Anyway, I had a couple thoughts during the town hall that I feel like are obvious, but I don't hear them brought up often. I was wondering if any of you know if these are common arguments, and if not, if there's an obvious reason or counterargument the GOP uses.

1) Republicans talk a lot about tax cuts aimed at "job creators"... but if this was their genuine goal, why aren't these cuts instead distributed as tax credits for actually creating jobs? As in, you don't get the tax credit unless you create a job, and the amount you receive scales with the number or significance of jobs created.

In addition to what others have already said, one of the biggest problems with the idea of tax cuts leading to job creation is that it presumes that businesses hire people just based on the fact that they now got some extra cash lying around. As the great venture capitalist billionaire Nick Hanauer said (I'm paraphrasing here): businesses don't hire people because they want to, they hire people because they have to.

This is especially true in a recession where if you don't have any customers, paying zero dollars in taxes isn't going to hire anyone else because there's absolutely no need for you to hire anyone else!
Rania Khalek explained for people who don't know.

Rania Khalek is an Antisemitic, anti-Sunni Shia Muslim who wrote in the past about Palestinian issues while pushing anti-Israel conspiracies (eg, Israel was training the entire U.S. police force and this is why cops kill black people). When the Syrian Civil War developed, Khalek sided with Assad (in a very "moderate" Trump supporter way of "both sides are bad but have you seen the bad things anti-Assad people are accused of!") seemingly because she worried about Assad's Shia leadership falling to Sunni forces. Eventually, Rania Khalek signed up to give a speech attacking American actions against Assad in an event in Syria attended by Assad aligned war criminals. This last action lead to her firing from the Electronic Intifada (a site run and staffed largely by Muslims) and has lead to pro-Palestinians groups refusing to give her a platform. She has devolved into anti-Sunni conspiracies common on the far left since then while continuing to claim that groups of volunteers who ran into collapsing buildings to save children from Assad's bombs were actually an Al-Qaeda spin off and thus should be exterminated also.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Obama is not behind the protests because the neoliberal conspiracy working class pro-union democratic socialism medicare for all drone strike
Bernie Speech at J-Street, transcript and video inside.


Pretty fiery speech.

The function of a president, a serious president, conservative/progressive whaterever. The function of a president is to bring people together and not divide us up.
This country has struggled too long against racism, sexism, xenophobia, and homophobia. We will not go back. We are going to go forward and fight discrimination of all forms.
That agreement demonstrated that real American leadership, real American power, is not shown by our ability to blow things up, but by our ability to bring parties together, to forge international consensus around shared problems, and then to mobilize that consensus to address those problems.
The war in Iraq led to, conservatively speaking, the deaths of over 100,000 Iraqi civilians and the wounding and displacement of many more. It created a cascade of instability around the region that we are still dealing with today in Syria and elsewhere, and will be for many years to come. And, by the way, that war in Iraq cost trillions of dollars—money that should have been spent on health care, education, infrastructure, and environmental protection.


So, with Ellison announcing Perez as his guest at the address...

I really can't think of anything that would make he happier than watching these two form an Obama-Biden tier bromance. As much animosity as the base had about that race, it was really obvious the that the two are both just great guys.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Asked about the matter during an interview with Fox News’ “Fox ‘n’ Friends,” Trump repeatedly said “they” were responsible for the outcome of the mission, in reference to the military.

“This was a mission that was started before I got here. This was something they wanted to do,” he said. “They came to me, they explained what they wanted to do ― the generals ― who are very respected, my generals are the most respected that we’ve had in many decades, I believe. And they lost Ryan.

I'm pretty sure the military isn't going to be happy about this.
the Weeds podcast would be infinitely more enjoyable if matthew ygelisiasasas was not a part of it.
I think he is insightful but the pitch of his voice is definitely grating. And Ezra's spitty mouth sounds are gross and distracting as well. Once I heard Ezra say "liberry" and I nearly crashed my car with rage. But I still think they have interesting things to say, what are you gonna do.
Saw a billboard today that said "Choose life, your mom did"

And it kind of confused me because it looked like an anti-abortion ad, but... why would it use the team "choose" which implies they're fine with the ability to choose, but want to encourage you to choose their way.

Dumb billboard
Saw a billboard today that said "Choose life, your mom did"

And it kind of confused me because it looked like an anti-abortion ad, but... why would it use the team "choose" which implies they're fine with the ability to choose, but want to encourage you to choose their way.

Dumb billboard

Not all people who are against abortion fight against it by trying to criminalize it. Some people would rather see the rate of abortions go down regardless.

Of course a lot of them don't 'agree' with contraception to reduce pregnancies.


the Weeds podcast would be infinitely more enjoyable if matthew ygelisiasasas was not a part of it.
Honestly none of them are the best, but afaik they're the only game in town with a domestic-policy focused podcast.

It's kind of shocking how sparse the field is, considering how many options exist in politics, international policy, tech, culture, etc. The closest competitor I can think of is Planet Money.

Crooked Media could eat their lunch if they found the right hosts.
Not all people who are against abortion fight against it by trying to criminalize it. Some people would rather see the rate of abortions go down regardless.

Of course a lot of them don't 'agree' with contraception to reduce pregnancies.

This billboard is 100% anti-choice. The one it replaced previously said that abortion was the single biggest hurdle against peace (I guess war doesn't exist?). Which turns out is a Mother Teresa quote she said to Hillary Clinton.

I know it's an anti-choice ad. They just think they're being clever or whatever by using the term "choice"



Tbh the Not Sure portion for both Trump and Clinton bothers me more than Stein voters being crazy. Like, alright you don't believe the earth is flat, you're a rational person. Or, you do believe the Earth is flat, and you're crazy, but you're buying in to conspiracy theories so there's nothing to be done. But how can you be "not sure" if it's flat? It seems like you either believe in science, or you go all the way into conspiracy mode. I don't get how there's a spectrum of believability on something like that


FGC Waterboy
Tbh the Not Sure portion for both Trump and Clinton bothers me more than Stein voters being crazy. Like, alright you don't believe the earth is flat, you're a rational person. Or, you do believe the Earth is flat, and you're crazy, but you're buying in to conspiracy theories so there's nothing to be done. But how can you be "not sure" if it's flat? It seems like you either believe in science, or you go all the way into conspiracy mode. I don't get how there's a spectrum of believability on something like that

5-10% is usually the "screwing with the poll" number - aka, people answering the poll in a silly way to mess with results.
Rania Khalek explained for people who don't know.

Rania Khalek is an Antisemitic, anti-Sunni Shia Muslim who wrote in the past about Palestinian issues while pushing anti-Israel conspiracies (eg, Israel was training the entire U.S. police force and this is why cops kill black people). When the Syrian Civil War developed, Khalek sided with Assad (in a very "moderate" Trump supporter way of "both sides are bad but have you seen the bad things anti-Assad people are accused of!") seemingly because she worried about Assad's Shia leadership falling to Sunni forces. Eventually, Rania Khalek signed up to give a speech attacking American actions against Assad in an event in Syria attended by Assad aligned war criminals. This last action lead to her firing from the Electronic Intifada (a site run and staffed largely by Muslims) and has lead to pro-Palestinians groups refusing to give her a platform. She has devolved into anti-Sunni conspiracies common on the far left since then while continuing to claim that groups of volunteers who ran into collapsing buildings to save children from Assad's bombs were actually an Al-Qaeda spin off and thus should be exterminated also.

I didn't know BDS and pro-palestinian people were attacking her. I figured it might have been neocons.

But I mean I read that article and, yes, technically its "violence" if you discribe the word he does but. More simply put, people won't help you and try to hurt you if they view you as a threat. I don't see capitalism as special in regards to that. No person is an island.

IDK what he's advocating, people being forced to interact with her and support her livelyhood, isn't that violence against them? *takes off benji mask*
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