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PoliGAF 2017 |OT1| From Russia with Love

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But democrats have focused entirely on guns that have been used in school shootings of (white) kids and adults; the national democrat message on this issue doesn't talk to black people at all. You're never going to hear a major democrat call for handguns to be banned. The vast majority of inner city gun violence is from handguns. Hell, the vast majority of gun violence outside of inner cities is from handguns too.

Going after gun traffickers and straw purchases would help inner cities. Especially Chicago, where most of the guns are pumped in from surrounding states with lax gun laws.

Isn't banning handguns unconstitutional under Heller? Seems like a pretty good reason for no democrat to bring that specific part up at least
Perhaps not, but the inference is that LGBT candidates are strictly limited to mayoralties and perhaps a urban district in a blue state. I reject this. After the election of Obama, and now Trump, we should throw realism and electoral truisms out the window.
As nice as it would be for Mayor Pete to win a statewide race in Indiana it's just not likely.

I don't think LGBT candidates are limited to mayoralties or just blue districts in blue states. But I haven't thrown out realism, so I don't see a gay man winning the state that gave the world VP Pence.
As nice as it would be for Mayor Pete to win a statewide race in Indiana it's just not likely.

I don't think LGBT candidates are limited to mayoralties or just blue districts in blue states. But I haven't thrown out realism, so I don't see a gay man winning the state that gave the world VP Pence.

In fairness to the state of Indiana, Pence received an immense amount of backlash for his legalized discrimination bill and the bill was amended later on (though still not perfect).

There's also a question of whether or not Pence would have even won reelection in Indiana had Trump not picked him as VP. He wasn't exactly the most popular governor in the country.

Mayor Pete winning a statewide race in Indiana is a longshot, of course, but in a wave election I don't see how it's out of the question. A lot of things have to go right, though, but that's true for any Democrat to win in Indiana (gay or otherwise).
Looks like Sessions isn't wasting anytime being a racist prick. They are dropping the the objection to the Texas voter if law that was done so under the Obama justice department.
They're gonna start with the more basic shit like this first then delve into overtly racist shit like stop and frisk later.
It's not anxiety, it's about the violence they are used for in cities.

Which is why all the assault rifle ban stuff is annoying. If it were up to me, anyone could have any long gun, and concealable guns would be the ones to outlaw.

You can defend your home or hunt with a long gun, people generally do not need pistols for much of anything.

By anxiety, I meant that the only people I know who are staunch gun control supporters (staunch meaning full ban) are people who didn't see a gun until they were in their twenties and get visibly uncomfortable at the sight of them.

And yes, stuff against handguns would be great, but it'll never fly in Court. Get me a bench that'll back your play, and I'll be cool with it.

Cybit, that last part is why I agree with you on paper but not in action. Yes, most gun control legislation is feel-good in nature, but that makes it easier to pass and the more we pass, the more comfortable people get with passing more. If we can't get a ban against military rifles going to people suspected of terrorism, we're damn sure not getting a handgun bill.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This flawless drag. Damn, King.

I am hopefully about Tom trying to include Keith as much as he is intending to. With the Clinton ways gone, unity can be better achieved between the Obama and Bernie camp.

I doubt Clinton´s people will remain quiet, though.

Go drag yaself! You are still smarting over Bernie getting annihilated last year because he was a terrible candidate, which is why you brought up Clinton and ha people when everyone who didn't have their wig snatched knew she had nothing to do with the chair "fight." She even released her people to vote for Ellison, who undoubtedly has the ugliest first name in the language. Take several seats.
He doesn't. But there's some shit even he can't push back on. Hence why Trump was backpedaling on some decisions that were affecting veterans a while back.

He never backtracked a thing, he just has a veteran who also happens to support him come up on stage with him and use him as a human shield from criticism.


Green tea party shit already showing up on my wall.

Guy claims he is independent and would never be a DEM, and you need to run progressives against moderate democrats.

Smh these fucking people
Green tea party shit already showing up on my wall.

Guy claims he is independent and would never be a DEM, and you need to run progressives against moderate democrats.

Smh these fucking people

Just argue with them. Worst case they block you (boo hoo) best case you win over them or some of their friends.

I do that shit for fun even above politics lol.


Go drag yaself! You are still smarting over Bernie getting annihilated last year because he was a terrible candidate, which is why you brought up Clinton and ha people when everyone who didn't have their wig snatched knew she had nothing to do with the chair "fight." She even released her people to vote for Ellison, who undoubtedly has the ugliest first name in the language. Take several seats.
Scalp my sister


No Scrubs

Not sure what to make of this.
Maybe a new scene on Blacked

Someone needs to shop the Brazzers logo onto this picture.

Go drag yaself! You are still smarting over Bernie getting annihilated last year because he was a terrible candidate, which is why you brought up Clinton and ha people when everyone who didn't have their wig snatched knew she had nothing to do with the chair "fight." She even released her people to vote for Ellison, who undoubtedly has the ugliest first name in the language. Take several seats.

Liberal Icon
Go drag yaself! You are still smarting over Bernie getting annihilated last year because he was a terrible candidate, which is why you brought up Clinton and ha people when everyone who didn't have their wig snatched knew she had nothing to do with the chair "fight." She even released her people to vote for Ellison, who undoubtedly has the ugliest first name in the language. Take several seats.



Got my ACLU membership card in the mail today - feels good.
disgusting, they smeared Hillary with facts and announced they would sue her you know, along with pre-emptively opposing her Supreme Court nominees

also this came up in my search results and it is not in any way the main reason i'm actually making this post:
On this day that the pro-life community is honoring the late Rep. Henry Hyde—the Hyde Amendment was passed 40 years ago today—it is worth recalling how the ACLU adopted Nazi-like tactics trying to destroy this great Catholic statesman.

In the 1970s, after it became clear that Rep. Hyde was the champion of unborn children, the ACLU stated publicly that his amendment amounted to the enactment of Roman Catholic "dogma and doctrine."

To gather evidence, it dispatched a lawyer to spy on him. The agent found that Hyde went to Mass on Sundays, where, as the report said, "pregnant women and children" bore "gifts of life." It also noted that Hyde actually prayed and went to Communion! This was part of a 301-page brief (it was thrown out by a judge).

When Hyde was asked about the ACLU's strategy, he said, "I suppose the Nazis did that—observed Jews going to the synagogues in Hitler's Germany—but I had hoped that we had gotten past that kind of fascist tactic."

The signature goal of the fascist Left is power, and its preferred means include lying, manipulation, libel, and violence. Rep. Henry Hyde got a taste of some of it, courtesy of the ACLU.

No one, including the ACLU, could stop Hyde. It is up to us to see to it that the Hyde Amendment remains law. Both Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine have pledged to repeal it, so deeply committed are they to killing the unborn.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Kellyanne doesn't know what to do in that room so she's pretending to have things to do on her phone. Avoid eye contact and conversation.


Funny enough, H. W. Bush never directly invoked Willie Horton only the Massachusetts furlow program, it was a "SuperPAC" (equivalent) that did the more obvious race baiting.

Oh, and Al Gore. In the Democratic primaries. (Shades* of twenty years later with birthers...) And the debate moderator, Bush's team had been going after the Pledge of Allegiance as the core of their attack.

IIRC, it was Dukakis' death penalty position that was shown to have hurt him more than anything, even the tank. Not because he was against it but because of the way he reasoned it out publicly in the debate.



Also, Wallace in 1968 essentially ran what was Trump's campaign. Including spending most of it attacking the media and keeping his policy positions undetailed.

When Nixon deployed a bunch of people to figure out how to hijack it they came back stumped because so much of it was tied into Wallace as a figure/character and not really anything to do with the message. They found that different audiences were hearing different things from Wallace saying the same things. So Nixon went vague too. It kept his conservative base on his side even as he went against it on everything. And won over Democrats who disliked its McGovern turn.

Wallace's stance as a segregationist was as cynical and opportunistic as could be. He even openly refuted it and it didn't matter with that base because of how he honed his message into complete vagueness in the intervening years. Again, like Trump.
When Nixon deployed a bunch of people to figure out how to hijack it they came back stumped because so much of it was tied into Wallace as a figure/character and not really anything to do with the message. They found that different audiences were hearing different things from Wallace saying the same things. So Nixon went vague too. It kept his conservative base on his side even as he went against it on everything. And won over Democrats who disliked its McGovern turn.
Wait was "I have a secret plan to end Vietnam" in '72, not '68?


Nixon never actually said that either, but that was in 1968 too, Nixon had essentially zero competition for the nomination so most of his campaign time was spent trying to find ways to nullify Wallace rather than anything related to the Democrats.

Wallace, like Perot in 1992, essentially dominated that election in terms of setting the agenda, even as he ultimately faded. (Nixon refused debates after 1960 so there was never that as the "last stage" of the campaigns.)


regarding Hitler/fascist comparisons...they were really popular with people who actually fought Hitler/fascists:

In 1952, a pro-Eisenhower delegate said of the Taft delegates taking control of the Texas delegation to the Republican Convention through rules manipulation that "Hitler never did anything rottener."

Four years earlier Truman himself compared the Republican Congress to supporters of Hitler and also regularly pointed out that Thomas Dewey had a mustache just like Hitler did. (No idea if this was more effective than Rubio's hand comparisons.)

Governor Pat Brown of California said, “Goldwater's acceptance speech had the stench of fascism. All we needed to hear was Heil Hitler.” Mayor Jack Shelley of San Francisco claimed that Goldwater strategists got all their ideas from Mein Kampf.

Even though Goldwater had been an early NAACP member, NAACP leader Roy Wilkins warned, "Those who say that the doctrine of ultra-conservatism offers no menace should remember that a man come out of the beer halls of Munich and rallied the forces of rightism in Germany. All the same elements are there in San Francisco now."

The NAACP accused Goldwater of appealing to “fear and bigotry”. Martin Luther King said, “We see danger signs of Hitlerism in the candidacy of Mr. Goldwater.”

Union leaders launched a national campaign to denounce Goldwater as Hitler II. "I have drawn a parallel between Goldwater and Hitler and I make no apology for drawing that parallel," George Meany of the AFL-CIO declared.

we've also already had one Presidential candidate considered dangerous to the nation by all elites argue that the press criticizing him only made him stronger with THE PEOPLE:
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