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PoliGAF 2017 |OT2| Well, maybe McMaster isn't a traitor.

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"The laziest, most ignorant, most incompetent and now the most irrelevant president in history"

I said goddamn.
Yup, that was on point.

And it won't ever change because he'll be forever coddled by his own party.

They'll never hold him accountable for anything.
Roger Stone is a guest on George Stephanopoulos this morning. Should be dark crazy.
Personal lives are off limits but...
Stone served as a senior consultant to Bob Dole's 1996 campaign for President, but that assignment ended in a characteristic conflagration. The National Enquirer, in a story headlined ”Top Dole Aide Caught in Group-Sex Ring," reported that the Stones had apparently run personal ads in a magazine called Local Swing Fever and on a Web site that had been set up with Nydia's credit card. ”Hot, insatiable lady and her handsome body builder husband, experienced swingers, seek similar couples or exceptional muscular . . . single men," the ad on the Web site stated. The ads sought athletes and military men, while discouraging overweight candidates, and included photographs of the Stones. At the time, Stone claimed that he had been set up by a ”very sick individual," but he was forced to resign from Dole's campaign. Stone acknowledged to me that the ads were authentic. ”When that whole thing hit the fan in 1996, the reason I gave a blanket denial was that my grandparents were still alive," he said. ”I'm not guilty of hypocrisy. I'm a libertarian and a libertine."
I'm fine with Pence. At the very least he's qualified to be president and is not guilty of treason, neither of which can be said about Trump. We'll see a return to Bush era policy towards Russia, and likely new sanctions. Pence will have to essentially distance himself from Trump's presidency by being tougher on Russia than anyone.

We're discussing a hypothetical with no historical example to relate it to. This would be new territory: a president being removed from office and likely jailed for treason or criminal activity. One thing we can assume is that it'll do severe damage to the Republican Party. Will the party be killed? Of course not. Nixon didn't end the GOP either. But Nixon essentially went down by himself whereas Trump is apparently surrounded by republican officials who also sold out the country. There will be damage.

Pence will be a lame duck and won't have much of any time to get things done.

If Manafort really is a crooked as reports indicate, then Pence's credibility is compromised. Manafort personally pushed hard for Pence, possibly going as far as inventing a plane malfunction to force Trump's hand. Pence also has strong connections to Devos, who is caught up in the Trump Tower server stuff.

I think it's really hard to say definitively that Pence is clean with the information we have now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
He said "the gentleman from California is full of Schiff"

And is now saying he just meant "podesta will have his time in the barrel"

And his communication with gucifer was "benign"

Haha "Trump has the potential to be one of the greatest presidents of all time. Perhaps greater even than Reagan."

And claimed the entire Russian "meme" started as a Hillary press release. Didn't even exist before that...


I'll believe it when I see it, but I feel like you guys are drinking progressive dream Kool-Aid if you really believe Trump is going to be impeached in a matter of weeks. He's not a Democrat, and that's all the reason Republicans need to not do their job and get rid of him.
I'll believe it when I see it, but I feel like you guys are drinking progressive dream Kool-Aid if you really believe Trump is going to be impeached in a matter of weeks. He's not a Democrat, and that's all the reason Republicans need to not do their job and get rid of him.

I might have agreed with you before the AHCA failed. Trump was a useful idiot, but he's acting more as an albatross around the GOP's neck than a benefit.
I'll believe it when I see it, but I feel like you guys are drinking progressive dream Kool-Aid if you really believe Trump is going to be impeached in a matter of weeks. He's not a Democrat, and that's all the reason Republicans need to not do their job and get rid of him.

Nobody really thinks the GOP will impeach, but it's honestly better they don't. I want to be able to scream "corruption!" for the midterms.


I'll believe it when I see it, but I feel like you guys are drinking progressive dream Kool-Aid if you really believe Trump is going to be impeached in a matter of weeks. He's not a Democrat, and that's all the reason Republicans need to not do their job and get rid of him.

I don't think he will. But let's see how far down his approval ratings can drop before the midterms and then we'll see what happens.

The most important thing to watch is how his ratings change with GOP voters themselves.


I'll believe it when I see it, but I feel like you guys are drinking progressive dream Kool-Aid if you really believe Trump is going to be impeached in a matter of weeks. He's not a Democrat, and that's all the reason Republicans need to not do their job and get rid of him.
Yep, I think people continue to underestimate how radicalized even "moderate" republican voters have become over the last decade. Nothing is going to happen to Trump until he loses base support, and I just don't see that happening to any significant degree. I genuinely believe R voters would rather put Putin directly in the white house than help democrats. They really do see democrats as more of a threat than Russia.
Yep, I think people continue to underestimate how radicalized even "moderate" republican voters have become over the last decade. Nothing is going to happen to Trump until he loses base support, and I just don't see that happening to any significant degree. I genuinely believe R voters would rather put Putin directly in the white house than help democrats. They really do see democrats as more of a threat than Russia.
And yet they couldn't come together to repeal the ACA

I think that kind of hamstrings that image of them.

White House senior Aide: "Trump was a captive in Republican in fighting with the AHCA."

Trump still throwing his own party under the bus?


And yet they couldn't come together to repeal the ACA

I think that kind of hamstrings that image of them.

Trump still throwing his own party under the bus?
I didn't say they were effective at governance, only unified in their belief of democrats being the ultimate evil.

I don't think Trump will bear much of the blame for healthcare from the GOP base, but we'll see. Also, Trump throwing his own party under the bus is why the base loves him so much. It's like in the election, when people kept erroneously pointing to these establishment republicans' disapproval of Trump as evidence that the base would turn against him any minute now!


Neo Member
Wanted to have another look at that "flynn flipped" tweet by Jester, a hacker who came out with the Nunes fuckup before it blew up, but it seems to be deleted. What gives?
White House senior Aide: "Trump was a captive in Republican in fighting with the AHCA."


Trump will never take responsibility for any failure, even when the excuses offered up burn bridges with his own party and make him look weak. He needs a sign on his desk that says "The buck stops with that guy over there."


And yet they couldn't come together to repeal the ACA

I think that kind of hamstrings that image of them.

Eh, it can be both. Seems like the only thing Republicans unify on is beating Democrats. After that their national governance has been essentially nonexistent. Just makes the fact that progressives can't get out to vote more tragic. At this point it's not so much even debating between different political ideologies as it is functional government or not.


Republicans calling for bipartisanship even louder today.

No Democrat better be dumb enough to fall for this. #ItsATrap

Democrats have been surprisingly disciplined on letting Republicans hang themselves lately. I think Republicans are even caught off guard. They can't even pretend to shift blame here.
Republicans calling for bipartisanship even louder today.

No Democrat better be dumb enough to fall for this. #ItsATrap

Democrats have been surprisingly disciplined on letting Republicans hang themselves lately. I think Republicans are even caught off guard. They can't even pretend to shift blame here.

Dems were warned by the base not to bail out the republicans anymore like they have in the past and surprisingly the line held. This is 100% GOP on the driver seat headed to a cliff.
Republicans calling for bipartisanship even louder today.

No Democrat better be dumb enough to fall for this. #ItsATrap

Democrats have been surprisingly disciplined on letting Republicans hang themselves lately. I think Republicans are even caught off guard. They can't even pretend to shift blame here.

No Democrat is going to help the GOP get out of their self dug hole.


I don't get it?

They are trying to act like this rally had anything to do with them then they alter a banner in the image calling out capitalism and promoting socialism.

I don't have much problem with the tweet but they shouldn't have altered the image.


I don't get it?

The Democratic party is full of people who just want their nice seats and salaries back but act like they are actually organizing a resistance against Trump, doing so with the use of other people's rally's for their own propaganda. All they have going for them is not being elephants and it's time they face that reality and change. But they won't.


The Democratic party is full of people who just want their nice seats and salaries back but act like they are actually organizing a resistance against Trump, doing so with the use of other people's rally's for their own propaganda. All they have going for them is not being elephants and it's time they face that reality and change. But they won't.

You realize that a lot of Democrats are responsible a lot of the rallies you're seeing, right?

I mean, it was stupid of them to do this, but lets not use it as a rather poor excuse to push nonsense.
The Democratic party is full of people who just want their nice seats and salaries back but act like they are actually organizing a resistance against Trump, doing so with the use of other people's rally's for their own propaganda. All they have going for them is not being elephants and it's time they face that reality and change. But they won't.

I'm sorry, how is this not massively stupid and, frankly, evil? The only way that you could say that the Dems' only point of superiority to Republicans is "not being Republicans" is if you're so massively callous that you simply don't care about every degree of difference in policy around sex, race, and religion. Hell, even in terms of economics (which I'm going to go out on a wild and crazy limb and assume is your primary issue), the Dems are, factually, far to the left of the Republicans.
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